• In our world of rapid progress personal growth is more important than ever.
• Growth in all areas of life can be a continuous process. There is nothing final or fixed about personal growth. If you fall behind you can catch up.
• Growth in each of us is uneven. (This explains the erratic nature of world progress.) We move forward in some areas but fall behind in others. Too many people flatter themselves that they are "progressive"—conveniently ignoring the fact that they lag in major areas of life. We grow best when we grow in all major areas. These disparities can be aligned.
Go through the monitors and assess your growth rates in each of the twenty-five tracks.
Focus on those areas where you may be falling behind. See what needs to be done to improve your rate of progress. The stretching exercises in the next section are intended to help you accelerate your growth rate.
Go through the monitors again in three months. Then again every three months. See what improvements you make in a year—in two years—in three years. . . .
The following stretching exercises are intended to help in several ways: —Encourage perspective. We forget exactly where we were and therefore lose track of where we are and where we may be heading. —Stimulate you to think ahead. Looking ahead does not come easily to people. We are not programed to think ahead. We do not have a reference base for the future. Ask people to tell you about the future and they begin right away to tell you about the past. —Stimulate new and creative ways of looking at yourself and the world.
These questions are derived from exercises I have offered at workshops and seminars in Future Studies. Have fun with them.
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 904