How Future Oriented Are You?
1- Do you think about the future? The next five years? The next twenty?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Never
2- Do you think of the Big Picture? Who are we? What is all this about? Where are we going?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Never
3- Do you actually design long-range plans (two to twenty years) for yourself and/or for your organization?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Never
4- Do you think that it is useless to plan ahead because we cannot make accurate forecasts?
_____Yes _____No
5- Do you think we should "live in the present"—the future will take care of itself?
_____Yes _____No
6- Where do you stand in relation to progressive changes? Are you generally behind the times? In flow with the pace of change? Generally ahead?
_____Behind _____In flow _____Ahead
7- How much emphasis do you place on people's past? Where were you born? Who were your parents? Where did you grow up? Where did you study? Where have you worked?
_____Much emphasis _____Mild emphasis _____No interest
8- Are there any "eternal values"— values that never change?
_____Yes _____No
9- Do you have a religious (or spiritual) orientation?
_____Yes _____No
A-Do you believe in fate or destiny?
_____Yes _____No
B-Is it all in the hands of a god?
_____Yes _____No
C-Is it all predicted in the Bible or Old Testament or Koran?
_____Yes _____No
D-Are religions declining or spreading?
_____Declining _____Spreading
10- Are you a secular humanist—an atheist—an evolutionist?
_____Yes _____No
A-For example: Do you believe that we are free agents in the universe and that our future is in our own hands?
_____Yes _____No
11- Are you actively involved with any future-oriented organizations? For example:
A-Alternative lifestyles: singles networks—mobilia—group parenting—etc.?
_____Yes _____No
B- Abundance projects: solar energy—nuclear fusion—hydroponics—etc.?
_____Yes _____No
C-Globalist organizations: Planetary Citizens—global travel (groups)—global language— etc.?
_____Yes _____No
D-Ultraintelligent systems: robots —androids—supercomputers— etc.? .
_____Yes _____No
E- Life extension organizations: Anti-aging—cryonic suspension—immortality—etc. ?
_____Yes _____No
F- Space-related organizations: Space program—Space colonies —exobiology?
_____Yes _____No
G-Normative movements: Up-Wingers—Futurist groups—etc.?
_____Yes _____No
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 821