How Cosmic Are You?1- Do you think the U.S. spends too much or too little on the Space program?
_____Too much _____Too little _____About right
2- Should we attend to pressing problems here on Earth before venturing into Space?
_____Yes _____No
3- What do you think of permanent colonies in Earth orbit—on the moon —on Mars—in deep Space?
_____Very supportive _____Supportive _____Opposed
4- Would you like to travel out of our planet one day soon?
_____No _____Can’t wait
5- How do you view our extension into Space?
_____Historic _____Evolutionary _____No big deal
6- What impact will our presence in Space have on our situation here on Earth in the coming years?
_____Mild impact _____Profound impact
7- What do you think of our current efforts to search for extraterrestrials?
_____Supportive _____Opposed
A-Would we suffer or benefit from such contacts?
_____Probably suffer _____Probably benefit
B-What do you think of UFOs (unidentified flying objects)?
_____Real _____Fiction _____Not sure
8- How often do you go to planetariums and observatories?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Never
9- Are you a member of any Space-related organization?
_____Yes _____No
10- Do you subscribe to a publication that focuses on astronomy—Space sciences—astrophysics—cosmology?
_____Yes _____No
A-Or a general science publication that regularly reports on these fields?
_____Yes _____No
11- How informed are you about our new extraterrestrial environment?
A-Where is Space?
B—Some scientists speak of "industrializing Space." Is this possible?
_____Yes _____No
C-When is the next time we will see Halley's Comet?
_____2018 _____2061 _____Depends
D-Has any spacecraft of ours ever left the solar system?
_____Yes _____No
E-What are Phobos and Deimos?
F- What is a supernova?
G-When you look out into Space (at night) what are you looking at?
_____Past _____Present _____Future
H-Roughly how far apart are stars in our part of the Milky Way?
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 951