How Intelligent Are You?
How quickly do you learn?
How often do you repeat a mistake—after you've been corrected?
How intelligently do you manage your emotions?
How quickly do you adapt to new and better ways? Examples:
1- How often do you get caught in the same kind of painful romance?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Rarely
2- How often do you make appointments you cannot keep or do not want to keep?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Rarely
3- How often do you overload and end up angry at yourself for taking on too much?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Rarely
4- How often do you take on jobs or assignments or studies that you end up not liking?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Rarely
5- How often do you dead-end in projects you cannot complete because of inadequate capital or
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Rarely
6- How often do you interrupt people —after you have been asked to wait your turn?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Rarely
7-How often do you take extra things (clothes—reading material—etc.) on trips that you end up not using at all?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Rarely
8-How quickly do you jettison a romance—an association—a job that is obviously unworkable for you?
_____Quickly _____Slowly
9-How long do you go on supporting government policies that have been proven outdated and useless—simply because they satisfy (anachronistic) emotions? Examples:
A-Do you support antipornography and antinudity measures?
_____Yes _____No
B-Do you support U.S. interventions in Central America (a la Vietnam)?
_____Yes _____No
C-Do you support the death penalty?
_____Yes _____No
10- How long does it take you to cut out foods and drinks (and cigarettes) after you have been told that they are bad for you?
_____Years _____Months _____Days or weeks
11- Do you go on year after year saying that you have to get married (and have children)—though it is obvious that marriage is no longer what you really want or what would work for you in this new environment?
_____Yes _____No
12- How often do you fight over the same issue with the same person?
_____Often _____Rarely
13- How often do you fight over different issues with the same person?
_____Often _____Rarely
14- How often do you fight over the same issues with different people?
_____Often _____Rarely
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 862