How Emotional Are You?
How much emotion (feeling) do you invest in your interactions and beliefs? For example:
1- What part does "love" play in your life?
A-How much do you love your family?
_____Intensly _____Warmly
B- How much do you love your lover or spouse?
_____Intensly _____Warmly
C—How much do you love your country? (how patriotic)
_____Intensly _____Warmly
D-How much do you love your god? (how devout)
_____Intensly _____Warmly(If it all)
E- How much do you love your ethnic group or race?
_____Intensly _____Warmly
F-How loyal are you to your political organization or party?
_____Intensly _____Middly
2- How strong are your hatreds?
A-How many people do you actively hate in your personal life?
_____Many _____A few _____None
B- How strongly do you hate certain prominent people?
_____Intensly _____Middly _____Not at all
C—How strongly do you hate members of other ideological groups (right-wingers—communists— conservatives—liberals—etc.) ?
_____Intensly _____Middly _____Not at all
D-How strongly do you hate certain nationalities—races—ethnic groups (Blacks—Jews-—Arabs —Russians—Latins—Germans —etc.)?
_____Intensly _____Middly _____Not at all
3- What part does anger play in your life?
A-How often are you angry at people?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Rarely
B— How often do you fight with people?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Rarely
C-How often do you "dump" your anger (from elsewhere) on your lover—spouse—family—colleagues?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Rarely
D-How often do you have major explosions?
E- How strong is your need to punish or retaliate?
_____Strong _____Mild
F-How long do you harbor anger and feelings of vengeance?
_____Forever _____Long _____Brief
G—How quickly do you resolve conflicts?
_____Quickly _____Slowly
4- How often are you involved in suits—litigations—disputes ?
_____Often _____Rarely _____Never
5- How strong are your fears?
_____Very strong _____Strong _____Mild
A-Do you fear many people?
_____Yes _____No
B-Do you fear certain groups (men—women—minorities—etc.)?
_____Yes _____No
6- How often are you sad?
_____Often _____Sometimes
A-How often do you weep?
_____Often _____Sometimes _____Rarely
7- How often do you feel jealousy in your romances or marriage?
_____Often _____Sometimes
8- How competitive are you at home— school—work—sports—politics ?
_____Highly _____Mildly
9-How excited do you feel watching a contest in which a person or team you are close to is involved?
_____Highly _____Mildly
10-How quickly are your feelings hurt?
_____Very quickly _____Quickly _____Slowly
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 896