How Fluid Are You?
1-Do you have a fixed or fluid identity? For example:
A-Do you identify with your parents' ethnic origins?
___Strongly ___Mildly ___Hardly
B-Do you identify with your parents' nationality?
___Strongly ___Mildly ___Hardly
C-Do you identify with your parents' religion?
___Strongly ___Mildly ___Hardly
2-Should people hold on to their names even if they no longer identify with those names?
___Yes ___No
A-Have you ever in your adult life formally changed your name or names (other than through marriage)?
___Yes ___No
3- How long have you lived your current lifestyle?
A-For example: married—exclusive coupling—single—etc.
___Over 5 yrs ___Under 5
B-Have you ever lived a fluid lifestyle: concurrent mix of single and couple and group living?
___Often ___Sometimes ___Never
C-Do you consider a marriage or romance that lasts a few months or a couple of years a failure?
___Yes ___No
4- How many jobs have you held in the last ten years?
___More than 10 ___2 to 10
5- How long have you been in your current profession?
___Over 10 yrs ___Under 10
A-How long in your previous profession?
___Over 10 yrs ___Under 10
6-How long have you been a member of your current political party?
___Over 10 yrs ___Under 10 yrs ___Independent
7- How many times have you changed residence (house—apartment—etc.) in the past ten years? (Include anything over a three-month stay.)
___Over 10 times ___3 to 10 times ___Under 3 times
8- How long have you lived in your present community (town—city— etc.)?
___Over 10 years ___Under 10 years
9- How many towns and/or cities have you lived in—over three months at a time?
___Over 10 ___5-9 ___Under 4
10- How many countries have you lived in—over three months at a time?
___Over 10 ___5-9 ___Under 4
11- How punctual are you?
___Very ___Moderate ___Chronically tardy
12- Do you feel impelled to wake up at the same time—eat at the same time—sleep at the same time?
___Yes ___No
13- How long do you hold on to grudges? For example:
A-Do you forgive and forget and move on?
___Often ___Sometimes ___Never
B-Do you have long-standing prejudices toward specific groups: Blacks—Jews—Catholics— Arabs—or others?
___Yes ___No
14- Do you think that the world is changing too fast?
___Too fast ___Too slow ___About right
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 1017