How Information Rich Are You?1.How many global newspapers do you read every day?
For example: New York Times— Washington Post—Los Angeles Times—Wall Street Journal—Le Monde—International Herald Tribune—etc.
_____2 or more _____1 ______None
2.How many general interest news magazines do you read every week?
For example: Time—Newsweek— U.S. News & World Report—The Nation—Atlantic—Harper's—etc.
_____2 or more _____1 ______None
3.How many general interest science magazines a month?
Scientific American—Science News —Popular Science—Discover— Omni—Science—Psychology Today—etc.
_____3 or more _____1 or 2 ______None
4.How many specialized publications do you read every week?
Journals of medicine—astronomy —computers—economics—etc.
_____2 or more _____1 ______None
5.How many books do you read every year?
_______Over 10 __________Under 10
6.How many hours in an average day do you watch television?
_______Over 1 hr __________Under 1 hr
7.How many films do you see every week?
_______2 or more _______Under 2
8.How often do you listen to radio news and interviews?
_______Over 1 hr daily _______Under 1 hr daily
9.How many audio/video cassettes or discs or telemagazines do you listen to every week?
_______Over 10 __________Under 10
10.How often do you use a computer to access information-retrieval services (data banks—teletext—electronic bulletin boards—etc.)?
_______Several times a week _______Rarely or never
11.How many seminars do you attend every year?
_______Over 5 __________Under 5
12.How many conferences (or conventions) do you attend every year?
_______Over 5 __________Under 5
13.How often do you travel out of your city every year?
_______Over 10 trips _______Under 10
A-How often out of the country every year?
_______Over 3 trips _______Under 3
14.How much of your knowledge base is specialized (for example within a specific profession or area of interest)?
A-When you read a magazine or newspaper do you only focus on your area of interest (politics or arts or sciences or sports or specific nation)?
________Always _______Sometimes ________Never
15.How well do you speak and understand and read English?
________Very well _______Quite well ________Not well
16.How well do you understand the dynamics of the new information age? For example:
A.Who controls information in our electronic age?
___Gov’t ____Media barons ___Powerful interests ___No one in particular
B.How costly is it to be well-informed?
______Costly ______Cheap
C.Do you ever suffer from information overload?
_______Often ________Sometimes ________Never
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 788