How Telespheral-age (Postindustrial) Are You?
1- How significant are distinctions between the industrial age and the postindustrial?
__________Profound __________Moderate __________Negligible
2- How high-tech is your home? For example do you deploy: (Yes/No)
A.Smart telephones (memory — automatic dial— teleconference — call forwarding)
B.Answering machine
C.Global radio (shortwave)
D.Audio recorder
E.Video recorder
G.Disc player
H.Modem (computer/telephone hookup)
I.Videotex and teletext access
K.Satellite dish
L.Interactive TV
M.Large-screen TV
3-How automated is your work environment? (Yes/No)
D.Local area networks (group of computers sharing work)
F.Computerized organizer
H.Audio/video recording
J.Expert systems
K.Ultraintelligent (AI) capabilities
L.Telemail (electronic mail)
4-Whĺăĺ do you do your work?
A.Office: daily commuting?
B.Telecommuting: no commuting. Work at plugged-in home?
C.Flex work environment: home and office and satellite office and car and resort?
5-How much of your personal business do you transact via telebanking (electronic home banking)? For example electronic bill payments.
__________Extensive __________Some __________None
6-How much of your information needs do you access via: television seminars —telelectures—telephone or computer links to data banks—teletext?
__________Extensive __________Some __________None
7-How much teleshopping do you do (electronic home shopping via cable TV or telecatalog)?
__________Extensive __________Some __________None
8- How plugged in are you to telemedicine: telemonitoring—telediagnosis— teletherapy—telemed info banks?
__________Extensive __________Some __________None
9-How teleconnected are you personally? Do you carry: (Yes/No)
A.Portable telephone
B.Wrist or pocket TV
C.Pocket recorder
D.Portable computer
E.Car telephone
F.Portable answering machine
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 867