The English noun doesn't have the category of gender.
The category of number
The meaning of singular shows that one object is meant and the plural shows that more than one object is meant. The difference between two numbers may increase to such a degree that the plural form develops a completely new meaning.
The problem of case
One of the most complex problems in the English grammar the views on this problem differ greatly. English noun has two cases (common and possessive case). According to another view there are more than two cases. According to the third point of view there are no cases at all. We would not recognize any cases expressed by non-morphological means.
The genitive case
Denote certain classes of English nouns, for ex : living beings, units of time and some substantivized adverbs. e.g. "Today's lecture".
The essential meaning of the case : Is that of the possessivity in a wide sense of a word. The relation between the notions expressed by the two nouns may depend on the lexical meaning of these nouns. And the form in 's denotes the possessive relations. The English language of today can no longer be described as a system of elements without many reservations. This subject has been treated and interpreted by a number of scholars. The first group of scholars think that the ending –belongs to a noun and is the genitive ending. The second group of scholars think when the ending –s belongs to a phrase, it becomes a syntactical element and it is no longer a case inflection. We can use parallel of the preposition of. The s form can also sometimes be used in a sense which may be termed as qualitative. It can be interpreted in two different ways : 1) Possessive meaning belongs to a person 2) In this case we have not the possessive but the qualitative meaning. Another view on the case system in English nouns is that we 'd distinguish between the nominative and the objective case. But some scholars think there is no difference between these two cases in English nouns. This differentiation is based on effect that e.g. personal pronouns have different forms for these cases. The system of cases is found to be the same in pronouns and nouns. We should recognize the two cases
The Article
The A. presents one of the most difficult problems of language structure. Many linguists have treated the article both in E. Even most essential points of the theory of article remain doubtful. There are some languages which have no article at all.Other Slavonic languages. Greek has no article, Swedish, German, Italian, Spanish – have two article. The article is … which may be divided from the noun by other words, mainly adjectives. But in some languages the article may be a morpheme, attached to the noun. The kind of suffix. In Bulgarian seloto. And selolyata. But there are many nouns which can be used without any article at all. According to one point of view, there is a zero article, the absence is considered a special kind of article. The zero article can be applied to certain forms in inflective languages. And can be applied to forms having no ending. They differ from other forms by the absence of the article. The two. The article is a word as a separate part of speech. According to the second point of view the article is a form in the system of a noun, is a kind of morpheme or auxiliary verb, of the same kind. We endorse that the definite article has two distinct meanings. It denotes an object which singles out of the single class. And secondly it means the whole class of object is meant. If we endorse the 2nd view we say that the definite article has 1 meaning only, something which was singled out from other object.