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Without sound mission statement business cannot survive because it’s a blind forces of late shape the purpose of an organization. Excellence itself can survive only in organization committed to a strong purpose.

Good mission statements can be:


  1. Purpose of statement
  2. Communication
  3. Decision-making
  4. Marketing
  5. Resource allocation


A vision statement is a description of desired outcomes that inspires energizers and helps to create a mental picture of a target.

Vision statement is the true picture of the organization's aims and objectives and how organization would chase these objectives. Difference between Mission and Vision is that mission give a brief description but vision statement tells that where do we want to go in future that show the long term view of the organization.


Vision and mission statements are very important for successful leaders to clear show the directions of the organization. Mission statement is too recognized as a leading brand for fresh foods and products offered to customer's at the most reasonable and affordable prizes and healthier and totally satisfying item. A vision statement is a description of desired outcomes that inspires energizers



From my opinion, Strategic management used to play a different role in more predictable times after the Second World War. Strategic plans of the past usually range 3 to 5 years. Some companies could even have plans for 10 good years. That's not possible today given rapid evolution of our society.

What still matters in strategic management lies in the value of planning ahead. There's an old saying that if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. By acting on this, strategic management actually gives the organization direction, a sense of identity and unity towards what the business goal. Therein lies the continued importance of strategic management towards business success.

Every business has a vision and a mission. Strategic management takes into consideration both of these. Strategic management helps in achieving the organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner.

I think improved strategic management processes may also facilitate the development of the more complex management structural that are needed as firms grow. It also helps firms to articulate communicate and monitor the implementation of strategy using a system interlinked with the long-term vision of the corporations.

Date: 2015-02-16; view: 1023

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