Requirements Review and Approval[After composing an initial draft, the requirements document shall go through a series of reviews and iterations to refine the product prior to approval and finalization.
It is important that the analyst, working with the customer, identify the best means of communicating the requirements to all individuals who need to understand, review, accept, and use the Requirement document (e.g. FSR, SOW, or Requirements document).
With some audiences, such as customer management, this may require preparation of different representations but they should always be derived from the requirement document and not separately maintained.
Personnel with technical expertise must be an active part of the requirements team, providing input to the development of the draft document and also reviewing and approving the final requirements document. This involvement and approval helps ensure the requirements document meets the needs of the development staff in terms of clarity, detail, and adherence to all relevant standards.]
Requirements Baseline
IEEE Standard 610.12-1990 defines a baseline as “a specification or system that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, that thereafter serves as the basis for further development and can be changed only through formal change control procedures”.
[The Requirements baseline is established upon formal review and approval. This section should describe the review and approval process.
The project must determine and document in the Change Management Plan/Process what magnitude of change constitutes a formal rebaseline of the requirements (e.g. greater than 10% change in scope based on estimated costs in the FSR or last approved SPR or BCP…).]
Date: 2015-02-16; view: 805