| REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT PROCESSThe Requirements Management process consists of the following six elements: Initiation, Planning, Development, Baseline, Traceability, and Verification/Validation.
Successful implementation of the Requirement Management Plan (RMP) requires coordination of all the organizations working on the <Project Name> Project. Participating organizations include the Department of XXXX (project owner/sponsor), the Department of XXXX (managing department), user community representatives, and the Prime Vendor for system development and integration. Several contractors are tasked with performing major portions of <Project Name> Project development, implementation, maintenance and operation. Each of these organizations is involved in the requirements process, and the PMO will work with staff from all these organizations to coordinate requirements-related activities.
The RMP presupposes the <Project Name> Project has a designated manager or lead analyst to manage its Requirements and Impact Analysis requests.
During the design, build, and implement phase of the project, the business, system and software Requirements will be maintained by___________. The Requirements Management Plan defines and specifies how these requirements will be identified and maintained.
Figure Two below illustrates the Requirement Management Process. The process is triggered by a request for a new program, system or services or a change to the same. Requirements are initiated, planned, developed, verified and validated, baselined, and tracked. After the requirements are approved and baselined, the Requirement Management Process becomes an iterative process controlled via the project’s Change Management process and interacting with other project management processes.
Date: 2015-02-16; view: 910