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The Mouse That Knew Second Edition Paul Choy


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For all the children who read this story. Don’t ever grow up.


Thank you for downloading this short story, part of my Modern Fables series.



Although I wrote the stories in the Modern Fables series for children, they offer a message that has meaning and resonance for all of us, young and old. After all, the simplest wisdom is often seen through the eyes of children.


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To ensure you have the most up to date version, or to download an alternative format, please

visit www.paulchoy.com


About the Author


For many years of my life, I had one single focus: achievement.


Whether that achievement was in business, running a busy International company; or in sport, winning four World Karate Championships, while coaching thousands of people


to fitness success.


But, in 2010, I decided to simplify my life and focus on the things that really matter. I moved from the UK to the beautiful island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.


Today, I lead a quiet life. I spend time with my family. I walk on the whitest sands and surf and dive in the bluest waters. And I enjoy creative pursuits like writing stories like this.


I actively encourage questions or feedback and would love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to get in touch at www.paulchoy.com.



This is the story of a little mouse who knew that friends can achieve more together than they can by themselves.


There was once a little mouse who lived in a little hole. The little hole was in a little tree, and the little tree was in a little wood.


Little Mouse was very happy in his little wood. It had everything he needed. His little tree had plenty of leafy branches to keep away the sun and the rain. His little hole was warm and snuggly – the perfect


place to sleep at night. And, best of all, his little wood had lots of delicious things to eat whenever Little Mouse was hungry.


There were nuts and berries and all sorts of fruits in the little wood. But what all the animals loved most were the juicy apples that grew on the great big apple trees. And the very juiciest of all the juicy apples grew on the high branches, safe from all the creatures below.



Most of the time the little wood was as quiet as quiet could be; so quiet you could easily hear the gentle breeze whispering through the trees. Which is why Little Mouse was so surprised when he was woken up one day by an enormous commotion just outside his little hole.


Peeking out, he saw the strangest of sights. There, right in front of his little tree, were a pig and a rabbit and a goat, arguing loudly and making a terrible noise. Little Mouse could hardly hear himself think.


And, while they were arguing, they were all staring into the branches of Little Mouse’s tree, at some of the juiciest apples in the whole wood. But the apples were on a branch just too high for any of them to reach.


“The best way to get those apples is to climb the tree


and pull them down, one by one,” said Pig.


“And, when I do, I’m going to enjoy a tasty treat.”


“Nonsense,” said Rabbit. “Clearly,

the best way is to jump as high as possible, and grab them straight off the branch. And, when I do, I’ll be the one enjoying


a tasty treat.”



“Ridiculous,” said Goat. “You are


both wrong. Obviously, the best way is to shake the tree as hard as possible, so the apples fall right to the ground. Looks like


I’ll be the only one enjoying a tasty treat today.”



“Well, there’s only one way to find out,” said Rabbit, with a twitch of his nose. “We’ll each have a go, and see which of us gets the apples.”


And so, Little Mouse sat in the entrance of his little hole and watched, as each one took their turn.



First, he watched as Pig began to climb the tree. Bit by bit, Pig hauled herself upwards, inching her way up by her trotters, making breathless oinky noises with all the effort. She climbed higher and higher, until suddenly, not actually very far from where she started, Pig got stuck.


Pig couldn’t move without falling, because of course everybody knows that pigs can’t climb trees. All she could do was to cling on by her trotters and stare at the juicy apples, out of reach above her head.



Next, Little Mouse watched as Rabbit, his big rabbity ears shaking with laughter at Pig’s silliness, began to jump. Boing, boing, boing went Rabbit, as he jumped with all his might. Little hops at first, slowly getting bigger and bigger and bigger until suddenly, after a jump that wasn’t actually very high at all, he fell to the ground, huffing and puffing.


Rabbit was exhausted, because of course everybody knows that rabbits can’t jump


as high as trees. All he could do was lie back in the grass and try to catch his breath, as he stared at the juicy apples, out of reach above his head.


Finally, Little Mouse watched as Goat, laughing at both her friends for their ridiculous efforts, made her way to the tree and took a firm grip with her two front hooves. Shake, shake, shake went Goat, as


she shook the tree with all her might. But the tree was old and sturdy and, not actually very long after she had started, Goat gave up and wobbled away.


Goat was feeling dizzy, because of course everybody knows that goats can’t shake apples out of trees. All she could do was stumble around in the grass, as she stared at the juicy apples, out of reach above her head.


Little Mouse watched as giddy Goat tripped over exhausted Rabbit, who was still lying in the grass catching his breath. And, to top it all, Pig’s trotters finally lost their grip and she fell out of the tree and landed on top of both of them. All three were just a messy bundle of legs and hooves and trotters and paws and ears, staring at the juicy apples, out of


reach above their heads.



“It’s no good,” said Pig finally. “We’ll never get those apples.”


“You’re right,” said Rabbit in agreement. “They’re just too high.”


“I told you,” said Goat, who was still a bit dizzy and forgetful. “It’s impossible.”


So far none of them had noticed Little Mouse, who had been watching quietly from his little hole.


So it came as quite a surprise when they heard a tiny voice say, “Excuse me, but I know how to reach those apples.”


“Who said that?” said Pig, jumping up in surprise. “Show yourself,” said Rabbit, sniffing around for the mystery voice. “I’m still dizzy,” said Goat, who fell over again.



Excuse me...


“Over here,” said Little Mouse, in a tiny squeak. The three other animals followed the sound of his tiny voice until they finally spotted him, watching them intently from his little hole in the little tree.


Pig oinked suspiciously. “What could a little mouse like YOU know about reaching apples so high?” she asked.


Little Mouse thought for a moment, sizing up each of the animals in turn, before he answered. Finally he said, “If you promise to share them with me, I will tell you how to reach those juicy apples.”



over here!


Pig, Rabbit and Goat huddled together and whispered to each other. They decided that, since they had no apples, they had nothing to lose. They readily agreed, so Little Mouse told them his plan.


“Pig, you go first. You are big and strong, and can easily support the weight of the others on your back. Come and stand by the tree, beneath the apples.”


And so Pig took up her position, directly under the juicy apples.



“Goat, I would like you to jump on Pig’s back. You are sturdy and tall, so you will help us reach those high branches.”


Although Goat was far from convinced this plan would work (and still felt a bit dizzy), she climbed up onto Pig’s back.


“And now Rabbit, you need to hop onto Goat’s shoulders. You are small and agile, so you will be able to reach the apples and pass them down.”


Little Mouse watched as Rabbit hopped onto Pig’s back, then scrambled up Goat’s legs and onto her shoulders. Each animal played their part in the plan. Pig held firm, forming a strong base. Goat stood tall, keeping perfectly still. And Rabbit reached high, just high enough to knock the apples off the tree. And, sure enough, one by one the apples fell to the ground.



Soon there was a neat pile of juicy apples on the ground, right next to the little hole in the little tree where Little Mouse sat quietly, smiling to himself.


And, true to their word, Pig, Goat and Rabbit shared the apples with Little Mouse, and they all enjoyed a tasty treat, laughing together as only good friends can.

They had all learned an important lesson that day – by working together, each had achieved what none of them could manage alone. And so, from that day forward, they decided that they would always work together as a team, and be the very best team they could be.



the end.



I hope you enjoyed this short story.



Discover more stories featuring the adventures of Little Mouse at paulchoy.com

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