Listening for any rings or vibrations from the lockers.Even though she had the phone to her ear, I could still hear my voicemail pick up. Every time it did, she hung up and redialed as we continued to walk.
“Let’s split up,” she finally suggested after the fifth call. “I’ll keep dialing. Just listen for a sound. I think it’s in a locker.”
“Why?” I asked, stopping to look at her. “Someone could have it on them, too.”
“With me calling every ten seconds? No.” She shook her head. “They would’ve turned off the phone, in which case it would’ve gone straight to voicemail. It’s on, and it’s in a locker.”
Split up?
I rubbed my jaw, not liking this idea one fucking bit. But we didn’t have long.
“Fine,” I bit out. “But if you find it, call my mom’s phone immediately. I don’t want you in the halls alone, not today.”
She stood there, studying me, like she wasn’t sure if any of this was worth her time. She was probably thinking that I did send the video, and I was just playing with her now.
Spinning around, she left and darted up the stairs to the next floor.
I continued searching the first floor, my fists clenching and unclenching inside of the front pocket of my hoodie as I listened for any sound of my phone.
I didn’t wear a watch, usually using my phone to tell the time, but I knew we were close. The bell was going to ring, and we needed to just give this up and get the hell out of here.
This morning I’d felt her kisses, her hands, and her happiness. But now I only felt her doubt. It sat between us like a ten ton elephant.
The phone in my hand buzzed, and I jerked it up so fast I almost dropped it.
2ndfloor, next to Kuhl’s room!! Tate texted.
I fucking bolted up the nearest flight of stairs to the next floor and nearly tripped on the steps when the final bell screamed.
Dread slammed my stomach down to my feet, and I only hesitated a moment before I charged ahead through the doors and onto the second floor.
Date: 2015-02-16; view: 884