Scientific Centre of Surgery named after M.A. Topchubashev, Shirvan city central hospital,
2-4% of the world population suffer from hernia of abdominal wall. 10-15% of operations fell to the share of hernias. Hernias in men are encountered 12 times more often than in women. With age, occurence of hernias grows. After 75 years it is encountered in 45% of cases. 90% of them are men. Every year 700 000 operations are performed in the USA for inguinal hernia. In Russian Federation 500 000 and In the European Countries 1000 000 persons are performed operations for inguinal hernia.
At present there is much information on pathogenesis, ethyology of hernias and selection of surgical strategy. However, results of surgical treatment of inguinal hernias do not satisfy patients that were conducted surgical operation. Thus reccurences of common cases constitute ~10%, complex hernias - ~30%. Also in supressed hernias mortality is high. With age motality increases in supressed hernias. Thus, at the age of 50-59 mortality constitutes -4,4%, at the age of 60-69 – 16%, at the age of 70-79 -27%.
If at the beginning of the 20th century there were tens, 20 years ago – more than 100 methods of inguinal hernia plastyat present there are more than 300 hernioplasty methods.
In case of recurrences of traditional methods, scientist always used to think about the application of new alloplasty material.In 1984R.Stoppa,1987 I.L.Lichtenstein, in 1988 L.M.Nychus performed alloplasties.
However, in April 1992, in arlington city of the USA. During the presentation of Minimal invasive surgery there was predicted that 60-70% of hernioplasty will be performed laparascopicaal, it turned out to be impossible because of various reasons.
In 2006-2007 280 patients were performed surgical operation with the diagnosis of inguinal hernia at the SSC named after acad. M.A.Topchubashov v’ Shirvan CCH. Accoring to the method of individually performed plasty, patients were divide into the following groups: patients operated with Kimbarovski sutures by Gerard-Spasokukotski method, by Bassini method, by Postempski method and Sholdaysmethod -214(76,4%) persons traditional hernoplasty- I qrup; patients performed hernioplasty by Liechtenstein method -61 (21,8%)persons– II group and patients peformed intraabdominal hernioplasty by application of minimally invasive technologygroup -5(1,8%)persons- III group.
Date: 2014-12-28; view: 981