The Republican theoretical and practical center of little-invasive and endovisual surgery in children, Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN
In 2005-2010 period, the republican theoretical and practical center of little-invasive and endovisual surgery analyzed the results of thoracoscopic operations of 27 children aged 8 to 15 years old. Our researches were based on the classification by A.V.Melnikov (1953). Among 27 the echinococcus lung disease patients, different complications were diagnosed in 10 patients, purulence without the chitin coat perforation was observed in 5 patients, and the pleural cavity breach was in 2 patients.
We made the chest echography in 35 children to diagnose echinococcus lung disease.
The preoperative preparation duration was different and depended on the general state of a child, the character and prescription of existing complications. The preoperative preparation of children with non-complicated echinococcus lung disease was performed in accordance with common surgical procedure for 3-4 days, including Videothoracoscopic echinococcectomy was executed by one lung ventilation along with intubation of the right or left main bronchus.
So, the complex examination of patients by using modern diagnosing methods – the lung CT, the lung and pleural cavity USI enabled to improve the OEL diagnostics to 20.4% as compared with traditional methods. The low traumacity of videoendoscopic interventions and, as a result – easier course of the recovery period, reducing the hospital stay and rehabilitation term of patients, fine cosmetic effect have become the determinal factors promoting wide application of endoscopic technique.
The comparative analysis of the nearest postoperative term has shown high efficiency of the suggested new surgical approaches as compared with other traditional methods of the lung echinococcectomy.
Date: 2014-12-28; view: 1172