On the last night of his first term, Mr. Margotson, the senior master,
sent word to study hall that Amory was to come to his room at nine.
Amory suspected that advice was forthcoming, but he determined to be
courteous, because this Mr. Margotson had been kindly disposed toward
His summoner received him gravely, and motioned him to a chair. He
hemmed several times and looked consciously kind, as a man will when he
knows he's on delicate ground.
"Amory," he began. "I've sent for you on a personal matter."
"Yes, sir."
"I've noticed you this year and I--I like you. I think you have in you
the makings of a--a very good man."
"Yes, sir," Amory managed to articulate. He hated having people talk as
if he were an admitted failure.
"But I've noticed," continued the older man blindly, "that you're not
very popular with the boys."
"No, sir." Amory licked his lips.
"Ah--I thought you might not understand exactly what it
was they--ah--objected to. I'm going to tell you, because I
believe--ah--that when a boy knows his difficulties he's better able to
cope with them--to conform to what others expect of him." He a-hemmed
again with delicate reticence, and continued: "They seem to think that
you're--ah--rather too fresh--"
Amory could stand no more. He rose from his chair, scarcely controlling
his voice when he spoke.
"I know--oh, _don't_ you s'pose I know." His voice rose. "I know what
they think; do you s'pose you have to _tell_ me!" He paused. "I'm--I've
got to go back now--hope I'm not rude--"
He left the room hurriedly. In the cool air outside, as he walked to his
house, he exulted in his refusal to be helped.
"That _damn_ old fool!" he cried wildly. "As if I didn't _know!_"
He decided, however, that this was a good excuse not to go back to study
hall that night, so, comfortably couched up in his room, he munched
Nabiscos and finished "The White Company."
Date: 2015-02-16; view: 679