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I. Write the numerals in words; open the parentheses and put the words in the necessary case. Translate the sentences into English.


Turning the other cheek



Discuss with your class:

1. Do you easily forgive people, or do you hold grudges?

2. Have you ever not forgiven a person for something that they did to you?

3. Do you know anyone who has forgiven a person who:

• cheated them out of some money?

• physically assaulted them?

• spread rumours about them?

• stole from them?

• was unfaithful to them? (had sex with someone else)

4. Would you forgive the person in the situations above?



Read through the first part of this article and answer the question below:



For no apparent reason, Reginald Denny, 33, was pulled from his truck and badly beaten by at least two men during the 1992 race riots in Los Angeles. The horrible and violent scene was caught on film by the many television cameras that were there at the time. Images of Denny being kicked and punched over and over again until his body lay lifeless on the ground were broadcast live into millions of living rooms all over the world. The cameras even captured the happy dance that one of the men did in celebration of his act of brutality, while his partner took the opportunity to reach down and take Denny's wallet. Luckily, Denny was rescued by some good Samaritans in the area and promptly taken to a hospital.


What do you think should happen to the attackers?


Continue reading and answer the questions below:

Denny was left with permanent physical deformities and handicaps but he did eventually recover, miraculously, from his injuries and was well enough to attend the trial of the men who nearly beat him to death. But what was even more amazing than his relatively quick recovery was his attitude towards his attackers. Denny's assailants showed absolutely no remorse during the entire trial and were sentenced to 10 years each in prison. The light sentences alone would have outraged most victims, and in fact did outrage many people in the United States at the time, but not Reginald Denny. Immediately after the sentences were read, Denny, present throughout the trial, walked over to the mothers of the attackers and hugged them both. He later said, "Forgiveness is there. It has to be." Denny still regularly suffers from severe seizures and headaches and can no longer drive a truck - his job at the time of the beating. His only income now is the $1 20 a week he receives from a disability allowance from the Government. Denny's attackers served only four years of their ten-year sentences and have since been arrested for rape, murder, and the illegal possession of drugs.


1. What proof was there of the beating?

2. What was Reginald Denny's job in 1992?

3. How long did the men who beat him go to jail for?

4. Were the sentences considered long enough?

5. Did the men feel bad about what they did to Denny?



1. Why do you think Denny forgave his attackers?

2. Do you think forgiving them did any good?

3. Do you admire his act of forgiveness?

4. Would you have forgiven the men if they had done the same thing to you?



Match the words on the left with those on the right to make whole expressions about forgiveness:

1. forgive and 2. water under the 3. turn the other 4. bury the 5. hold a 6. got a chip on his a. grudge b. cheek c. forget d. shoulder e. hatchet f. bridge

(A hatchet is a kind of axe.)


Now use the expressions in these sentences:

7. I always forgive people. I'm not the sort of person to … .

8. We used to be bitter enemies but that's all … now.

9. If possible, the best policy is … . If you can't forget, at least try to forgive.

10. I think I need to go and talk to Sally and … . We can't keep ignoring each other like this.

11. If someone hurts or insults you, your instinct is to get revenge. The harder option is to … .

12. Martin's a very difficult person to work with. He's … about not getting promoted last year and he's so cynical all the time.


Do you have similar expressions in your language?



In small groups, decide if you would forgive the people involved in the situations below:

1. Your father tells you, when you are 30, that you are adopted.

2. You find out that your partner of 15 years has been sleeping with your best friend.

3. You catch your mother reading jour diary.

4. You lend your car to a colleague at work who damages it beyond repair.

5. Your partner slaps you in the face»in the heat of a serious argument.

6. Your brother/sister forgets your birthday.

7. You're in hospital following a major operation and your best friend doesn't visit you.

8. You find out that a good friend of yours has been revealing your intimate secrets to others.

9. A stranger in a bar spills a cold beer on your new shirt and just laughs.

10. While making love, your partner calls you by someone else's name.


In America when a criminal is found guilty, the victim is allowed to make a speech in court addressing the criminal. Do you think this is a good thing? Why? If you were a victim, what sort of speech would you give?



Which of the following quotations is your favourite? Why?


Always forgive your enemies – nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

The Bible

"I can forgive, but I cannot forget" is only another way of saying "I cannot forgive".

H. W. Beecher, American clergyman

When a man says "I cannot forgive," he is lying. What he means is, "I will not forgive."


The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.

Thomas Szaz, American psychiatrist



I. Write the numerals in words; open the parentheses and put the words in the necessary case. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Наш город с 8760 жителями расположен на берегу Волги. 2. С (тысяча рублей) в кармане в этот элитный магазин заходить не стоит. 3. Мой родной город расположен по (оба) стороны реки. 4. Отряд противника насчитывал около 660 штыков и около (полтораста лошадей). 5. Свет с этой звезды идёт около (10 тысяч лет). 6. Из продуктов у нас осталось только 2 (яблоко), 5 (галета) и не более (полтора литра) воды. 7. (Два, двое) студентов получили именные стипендии в этом году. 8. (Четыре, четверо) суток мы пробирались по глухой тайге. 9. Если к 25367 прибавить 46838, то получится 72205. 10) В банк я вошёл с 45858 (рубль). 11. Ближайший телефон находился в деревне, то есть в (полтора километра) от станции. 12. 24 (клещи) заказал цех на складе. 13. (Три, трое) котят уже открыли глаза. 14. (Пять, пятеро) актрис нашего театра приняли участие в международном конкурсе балета. 15. В 1961 году человек впервые преодолел земное притяжение и вырвался в космическое пространство. 16. Вышел в свет новый анатомический атлас человека с 2647 (иллюстрация). 17. (Оба) дочерям удалось поступить в университет в этом году. 18. В (оба) государствах приняты законы по охране авторских прав. 19. У (оба) стран есть проблемы с выплатой долгов международным финансовым организациям. 20. На сборы в поход у нас ушло (полтора) суток. 21. Строительство завода должно завершиться к 2012 году.


II. Translate this text into Russian. Explain in English the meaning of the underlined words.

Climate extremes

How does the weather affect your day-to-day life? Does it influence what clothes you put on? Whether you put an umbrella in your bag or not? In certain parts of the world, people’s actual survival depends on the way that they adapt their lives to the extreme weather conditions of their environments.

Extreme heat. Temperature in the Australian outback – the central desert area of Australia – can often exceed 50°C for the summer months. New houses are sometimes specifically situated towards the east or west to avoid the summer sun. Their roofs are insulated to stop heat getting on, and their wood is specially treated to resist the heat. Due to the strength of the sun over this part of the world Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Since 1982 there has been an official campaign by the Australian government to encourage Australians to protect their skin from the sun. Forest fires are another result of consistently high temperatures. These have become more and more common in the past few years, even happening around the city of Sydney.

Snow and extreme cold. Valdez in Northern Alaska is used to battling against the elements. The town was relocated in 1964 after an earthquake and tidal wave completely destroyed it, and it currently has the record snowfall for the whole continent of North America – 7.7 metres per year. Snow and ice are part of daily life for Alaskans. Many towns, including the state capital Juneau, are accessible only by sea or by air as roads either don’t exist or are blocked for most of the year. Some houses are built without excavating any foundation, and most have special strong roofs to support the snow, and features such as windows that open only inwards so that they aren’t ripped off by the Arctic wind.

Hurricanes. Thanks to the coastal location and tropical climate Florida is the American state most regularly hit by hurricanes. On average a hurricane happens along the Florida coast every 3 years. Most cause some damage to buildings and vehicles but some, such as Hurricane Andrew in 1992, can cause devastation. Andrew was the worst hurricane in America’s history and caused 65 deaths and $26 billion worth of damage to property. Not surprisingly, Florida spends a lot of money protecting their homes from hurricane damage. They prefer concrete walls to wooden or metal constructions, and most windows and doors have hurricane shutters. Some new houses are also being built with special reinforced rooms for sheltering from hurricanes.

Tornadoes. Tornadoes happen during storms when warm air and strong winds begin to spin upwards. These distinct funnel-shaped winds can cause great damage along their paths. Central states such as Kansas and Oklahoma see the majority of the USA’s tornadoes. In fact, there is a famous tornado ‘route’ through ten Midwestern states which is known as ‘Tornado Alley’. Homes in that area often have storm cellars where families can shelter from the weather.

Earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault is a break in the Earth crust that lies underneath California, causing several small earthquakes every year. Most of the earthquakes are not even noticeable, and last large one happened in 1994. However, catastrophic earthquake nearly destroy San Francisco in 1906. Scientists say that it is possible that another massive earthquake may happen in the future, but they predict that they will recognize the warning signs years before it happens. As a precaution against earthquakes some older buildings in Californian cities are being pulled down, and there is very little new buildings along the fault line itself.


II a. What is it? Find these words in the text.

  • A storm with severe winds, often in coastal areas –
  • A storm where winds turn around a central point –
  • Movement of the surface of the earth, caused by the activity below the surface –
  • A gigantic sea wave –


III. Paraphrase the following sentences using a key word printed in capitals so that a new sentence has the same meaning.

1. The chambermaid should tidy up your room.

NEEDS Your _____________________________ up by the chambermaid.

2. Hopefully, their financial situation will improve soon.

TURN Hopefully, their financial situation _______________________ soon.

3. They repaired his car for him in the garage.

GOT He ___________________________________________ at the garage.

4. The students regretted going on a hike last week.

THEY The students wished __________________________ on a hike last week.

5. My cousin’s character and looks are quite similar to the mother’s.

TAKE My cousin ______________________________her mother.

6. Only when the war was over did the world learn the truth about Nazi crimes.

UNTIL It _________________________________________the world learned the truth about Nazi crimes.

7. The teacher has finally succeeded in finding a solution to the problem.

MANAGE TO The teacher _______________________________________ solution to the problem.


IV. In the sentences given below the part of them is given in Russian. You should translate them into English to get lexically and grammatically correct sentences in English. You mustn’t change anything in the English part of the sentences.

1. (Не может быть, чтобы он бросил) _____________________________________ all papers on the mountain.

2. I wish (чтобы они лучше ладили) _____________________________________________________ .

3. (чем быстрее) ____________________________________ her opponent served, the harder she returned the ball.

4. The company (не должна была винить ее за) __________________________________________ their mistakes.

5. Hardly (мы прибыли) ____________________________________ when people came to welcome us.

6. (Нам бы лучше) ______________________________________ ring them once we’re on our way.

7. Only when we left (я наконец понял) _________________________ how much I have enjoyed my stay.

8. (Ему вручили) ___________________________________ a letter, requesting his attendance at court.


V. Fill in the gaps with a proper word. Translate the text.

Mom, you are under arrest

When Carley W. Brock’s teenage son was caught with a cigarette in his mouth, Carley was taken to court and found guilty _1_ being a bad parent.

In January, the town of Silverton (population 6 200) in the state of Oregon created one of America’s strictest parental responsibility laws, holding parents accountable for crimes _2_ by children under the age of eighteen. Guilty parents are _3_ up to $1 000 or sentenced to ‘parenting classes’.

Brock was one of the first Silverton residents _4_ under the law. She agreed _5_ parenting class as her punishment. Anita Beck _6_ not. When she was charged after her 15-year-old son _7_ shoplifting, she sued, saying that it was unconstitutional to be tried for someone else’s crime.

The Silverton law is being _8_ by hundreds of cities in America. It is _9_ as part of a movement that _10_ poor parental control for juvenile crime.

Does it work? Police claim that juvenile crime in Silverton fell in the first four months after the law was passed. Critics are more concerned about the problems that the new law has created.


1 a) for b) from c) of d) with

2 a) committed b) done c) made d) performed

3 a) penalized b) fined c) punished d) paid

4 a) to have been charged b) to have charged c) to be charged d) to charge

5 a) to go b) to come c) to attend d) to stay

6 a) did b) was c) had d) could

7 a) could be caught b) was caught c) caught d) had caught

8 a) talked b) reflected c) decided d) studied

9 a) claimed b) seen c) considered d) believed

10 a) accuses b) disapproves c) blames d) points


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