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Quotes By and About Jews 9 page

This imbecility, however, follows from the principles of idealism. If the spirit is the basis of everything, how was it before any men existed? Either we must assume the existence of a superhuman and divine spirit, such as is described in the old Hebrew fairy tales of the Bible, or we must say that the distant past is also merely a creation of our imagination. The first way leads to the so-called objective idealism, which recognizes the existence of an external world independent of our consciousness, but nevertheless sees the nature of this world in a spiritual principle, in a God, a high reason, a world-will, or some similar spook, which, in this case, takes the place of God. The second way leads direct to solipsism, through subjective idealism, for which there are only spiritual feelings individual thinking subjects. It is easy to see the solipsism is the most consistent form of idealism. Idealism takes the spiritual principle as original and fundamental, because it believes that only our perceptions are given to us directly. But if that is so, then the existence of a block of wood is as doubtful as the existence of any man, even that of our own parents. Here solipsism destroys itself and at the same time kills the whole of idealism in philosophy, since when consistently thought out to the end, it leads to complete absurdity and absolute nonsense, which at every turn contradicts all human experience." (Bukharin, Quoted by Rene Fueloep Miller, The Mind and Face of Bolshevism, pp. 53-54).

"...is so important that it is not possible to pass it over in silence. Is it not sufficient to recall the names of the great revolutionaries of the nineteenth century and twentieth, the Karl Marxes, Lassalles, Kurt Eiseners, Bella Kuhns, Trotsky, and LÇon Blumes, in order to find thus mentioned the names of all theorists of modern socialism?...Further, in Europe in the same years, the rìle played by the Jews in all revolutionary movements was considerable...'Revolutionarism' exacts, at least technically, a very strong dose of passionalism together with the 'esprit de masse' of the crowd. The different individuals, in principle autonomous, blend even to disappearing in the whole, and the 'magma' thus created takes on an aspect entirely different from the individual figures, however characteristic each may be, of which it was primarily composed." (Nomades, Kadmi Cohen, (1929)).

"The real chiefs of this immense association of Freemasonry (the few within the innermost circles of initiation), who must not be confounded with the nominal leaders or figure-heads, are mostly Jews, and live in close and intimate alliance with the militant members of Judaism, those, namely, who are the leaders of the Cabalistic section. This älite of the Masonic association, these real chiefs, who are known to so few even of the initiated, and whom even these few know only under assumed names (noms de guerre) carry on their activities in secret dependence (which they find very lucrative for themselves) upon the Cabalistic Jews." (Le Juif, la Judaisme, et la Judaisation des Peuples ChrÇtiens (Paris, 1869), p. 340).

"The influence of the Jews at the present time is more noticeable than ever. That they are at the head of European capitalism, we are all aware...In politics many of the Jews are in the front rank...That their excessive wealth, used as it has been, acts as a solvent influence in modern society cannot be questioned...But while on the one hand the Jews are thus beyond dispute the leaders of the plutocracy of Europe...another section of the same race (people) from the leaders of that revolutionary propaganda which is making way against that very capitalist class, representing their own fellow Jews. Jews, more than any other men...are acting as the leaders in the revolutionary movement which I have endeavored to trace." (Nineteenth Century, January, 1881, pp. 10-11, art. by H.M. Hyndman, entitled The Dawn of a Revolutionary Epoch).

"To national anti-Semitism, produced by the recent genius of peoples, is opposed the age-old genius of the race (nationalities and a race identical in itself)...To intellectual anti-Semitism, produced by the claims of reason, constructed on the solid basis of logic, is opposed a form of thought, troubled, incoherent, passionnel. To social anti-Semitism, produced by the exigencies of the most conservative principles - sustained by the force of order and hierarchism - opposed by a spirit of innate undiscipline, revolt and unitarism. To economic anti- Semitism produced by the existence and dominance of the right of property, a conception resists and attacks which refuses to that right all necessity and virtue..." (Nomades, Kadmi Cohen).

The following is reported to be the program for the society of the future in a secret meeting of the conspirators: "Since it is absolutely necessary to fix the social order of the future now, at this very moment, since we are at last preparing to act, to avoid future uncertainty, I put forward my own system for a new world order...I must first point out that my system is not yet completed, not yet entirely worked out. For I have got entangled in my own arguments: my final conclusion is diametrically opposed to my original idea. Although I started from the notion of unrestricted freedom, I arrived in the end at absolute despotism. I may add, however, that there can be no possible solution but mine...

Mr. Shigalâv has devoted himself too conscientiously to his task, and is also much too modest. I know his book. In it he proposes to divide mankind into two unequal parts. Only the smaller part, about a tenth of the whole, will enjoy personal freedom and unrestricted power over the other nine-tenths. These nine-tenths must entirely renounce all personality and become, so to speak, a herd, in order, through absolute obedience, by a series of regeneration, to regain their original innocence, almost like the old Garden of Eden, although, as may be remarked in passing, they will have to work. The measures proposed by the author for depriving nine-tenths of humanity of their personal will and for turning them into a herd by means of a new education during whole generations, are uncommonly remarkable, and are in addition based on the facts of nature and are highly logical...

One thing in his book is good, the idea of espionage. In his idea, every member of the society spies on the others, and is bound to inform against them when necessary. All are slaves and equal in their slavery...First of all, the level of education, science, and innate natural talents falls. A high intellectual level is possible only to superior talents; but we have no need of superior talents. Superior talents have always seized power for themselves and led to despotism. Men of talent cannot help becoming despots, they have always done more harm than good; therefore they are driven out or put to death...

Slaves must be equal: without despotism there has never yet been freedom or equality; but in the herd all must be equal, that's Shigalâvism! Does that seem extraordinary to you? I am for Shigalâvism... Listen, Stavrogin, to level mountains is a fine idea, not a ridiculous one. Education is not necessary and we have enough science. Even without science, we have material enough to last for a thousand years, but first we must enforce obedience. The thirst for education is an aristocratic impulse; with family and love, you have at once the desire for property. We will destroy this desire; we will spread drunkenness, slander, espionage; we'll spread incredible demoralization: we'll murder every genius in infancy.

Everything will be reduced to a common denominator, complete equality will be enforced ...Only the indispensable is indispensable; henceforth that is to be the motto of the universe. But it needs shocks: we'll provide for them, we the directors. Slaves must have directors. Complete obedience, complete impersonality; occasionally, however, every thirty years or so, Shigalâv will let them have a shock, and then they will all suddenly begin to devour each other, of course only up to a certain point, for the sole purpose of preventing boredom. Boredom is an aristocratic feeling; there will be no desires under Shigalâvism. Desire and suffering for us, Shigalâvism for the slaves!...

Oh, we shall convince them that they cannot be free till they renounce their freedom in our favor and submit to us...Too well, all too well, will they know the value of submission once and for all! Men will be unhappy till they grasp this...However, the flock will collect again and submit once more, and then it will be ever, for ever. We will give them a quiet modest happiness, the happiness of feeble creatures such as they were created. Oh, we shall convince them at last that they have no right to be proud...

Yes, we will force them to work, but in their free time we will make their life like a game with songs, choruses, and innocent dances. Oh, we will even permit them to sin, for they are weak and feeble, and they will love us like children because we allow them to sin. We shall not permit or forbid them to live with wives or lovers, to have or not to have children, according to whether they have been obedient or disobedient, and they will submit to us gladly and joyfully...And they will all be happy, all the millions, except the hundred thousand who rule over them. For we alone, we who guard the mystery, we alone shall be unhappy. There will be thousands of millions of happy children and only a hundred thousand martyrs, who have taken on themselves the curse of the knowledge of good and evil." (The Possessed, Shigalâv, The Mind and Face of Bolshevism, Rene Fueloep Miller, pp. 285-287).

"The newly founded Society of Jesus...Saint Ignatius. His secretary Polanco, the only person present at his deathbed, was of Jewish descent. So was Lainez, one of his first and greatest converts, was of Jewish descent...In a short time, as the young Jesuit organization became a power for Catholic reform and propaganda, Jews were attracted to it, as they are always attracted to centers of influence, in such numbers that it was found difficult to keep out those who wished to destroy the order and the Church under pretext of working for them. Thus a nephew of the great and Catholic Jew Polanco followed him into the society, and caused such difficulties and dissensions that for years he nearly drove his superiors to despair." (Philip II, William Thomas Walsh, p. 95)

"History at all times, writes M. Ribot, abounds in physiological processes, employed to produce artificial ecstasy...so to say, having divinity within oneself. There are inferior forms, mechanical intoxication produced by the dance, rhythmic music of the primitives, which excites them and puts them into a condition ripe for inspiration; the soma, the wine, the Dionysia, the orgies of MÇnades, the shedding of blood so widespread in the cults of Asia Minor, the Goddess Atys, the Corybants, the Gauls, mutilating and cutting themselves with swords; in the Middle Ages the Flagellants, and in our day the fakirs and dervishes, etc." (The Russian Sect, the People of God, M.J.B. Severac; Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within, p. 77).

"I will explain a great mystery: if thou desirest to live, mortify, for the glory of God, not only thy body but thy soul, thy reason, and even thy conscience. Free thyself from all rules and all laws, all virtues of fasting, of abstinence, and of virginity. Free thyself from holiness. Descend into thyself as into a tomb. Then mysteriously dead thou shalt rise again, and in thee will dwell the Holy Spirit, and thou shalt never lose, it, no matter what thou mayest do. He believed he was flying without knowing where he was flying to, whether it was towards Heaven or towards the abyss, towards God or the Devil!" (Dmitry Merejkovsky, Pierre le Grand; Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within, pp. 77-78).

"A Mantra is composed of certain letters arranged in definite sequence of sounds, of which the letters are the representative signs. To produce the designed effect, Mantra must be intoned in the proper way, according to rhythm and sound...a Mantra is a potent compelling force, a word of power." (Arthur Avalon, Tantra of the Great Liberation, in a partial explanation of the Jewish Cabala or Kabbalah; Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within, p. 73)

"The purpose, the manner of attaining this happiness, of gaining this Liberation, is in your own hand. It does not lie in the hand of some unknown god, or in temples or in churches, but in your own self. For temples, churches, and religions bind, and you must be belong all dreams of God in order to attain this Liberation. There is no external God as such who urges us to live nobly, or to live basely; there is but the voice of our own intuition...When that voice is sufficiently strong, when that voice - the result of accumulated experience, is obeyed, and you yourself become that voice, then you are god...So the most important thing is to uncover this god within each one of you. That is the purpose of life; to awaken the dormant god (the unused sex-force, the Kundalini within you) to give life to the spark which exists in each one of us, so that we become a flame (illuminised), and join the eternal flame of the world (the universal life-force or ether, as above so below, of Hermes)...In the permanent is established, is seen, the only god in the world - yourself that has been purified." (The Creed of the Cabalistic Jews - the Deified Man - the origin of Humanism; Star Review Magazine, Paris September 27, 1927: Teachings given at Ommen, August 1927).

"Progress is the true Messiah, whose near advent she (Judaism) proclaims with all her hosannahs...The (French) Revolution was its introduction, our doctrine of human rights, its manifesto, and its signal was given to the world, when, at the approach of our Tricolor, the barriers of caste and the walls of the Ghetto fell to the ground...The emancipated Jew takes pride in working for its realization...assailing superannuated hierarchies, battling with prejudices...struggling to pave the way for future revolution." (Leroy-Beaulieu, Israel Among the Nations).

"(The Wandering Jew says) Aye, let the Nazarene (True Israelites) dogs lift their hands and eyes in ignorant wonder; the great Goldsmid was my very and mere instrument: I raised him because I deemed him worthy; I found him incompetent to the vast and sacred duty I designed him for, and I dashed him down even as we cast aside the gourd when we no longer require a drinking-cup. Who among the elder frequenters of the great Temple of Mammon, which is called the Exchange, does not remember the golden box with which the hand of Goldsmid was perpetually occupied in his busiest and most important moments! It was his talisman. The words of power had been pronounced above it; with it he could encounter a world and be triumphant...I had warned him again and again; I had menaced, I had entreated, but in vain; I found him incurable in his neglect of the cause of our people and our god; and even while he was wassailing at his luxurious villa in the neighborhood of Morden, the words of power went forth from my lips, and his talisman had departed from him for ever...He appeared upon the Exchange without his palladium; bargained, lost, and saw absolute ruin looking at him with steadfast and unpitying eyes. Two days he bore this, and then he blew his brains out! None can be false to our cause and prosper." (Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements)

"The Jewish question exists wherever the Jews live, however small their number. Where it does not exist it is imported by Jew immigrants. We naturally go where we are not persecuted, and, still persecution is the result of our appearance...By persecution we cannot be exterminated...the strong Jews turn proudly to their race when persecution bursts out. Entire branches of Judaism may disappear, break away; the tree lives." (IsraÇl aux mystÇrieux destins, A. Cavalier and P. d'Halterive; The Jewish State, Theodore Herzl)

"I believe I understand anti-Semitism which is a very complex movement. I see it as a Jew, but without hatred or fear. I recognize what is anti-Semitism is rude jesting, vulgar jealousy of mÇtier, hereditary prejudice; but also what can be considered as in fact legitimate defence." (IsraÇl aux mystÇrieux destins, A. Cavalier and P. d'Halterive; The Jewish State, Theodore Herzl)

"The Universal Israelite Alliance...addresses itself to every type of worship. It wishes to penetrate all religions, as it has found access to all countries...Let all men of enlightenment, without distinction of sec, find a means of union in the Universal Israelite Association, whose aims are so noble, so broad, and so highly civilizing...To reach out a friendly hand to all who, although born in a different worship from ours, offer us the hand of fellowship, acknowledging that all religions which are based on morality and acknowledge God ought to be friendly towards one another: thus to destroy the barriers separating what is destined one day to be united, that is the grand supreme object of our Alliance...I summon to our Association our brethren of every form of worship. Let them come to us...Our grand mission is to put the Jewish population in touch with the authorities in every country...to make our voices heard in the cabinets of ministers and in the ears of princes, whatever be the religion that is despised, persecuted, or attacked." (Archives Israelites Universelle, tom. xxv, pp. 511-520 (1861). Quoted in Rev. S.J. Deschamps, Les SociÇtÇs SecrÇtes et la SociÇtÇ, p. 24).

"God (the Creative Principle) is bewitched in the world, and it is his own force that is needed to find Him. This force (sex-force) must be awakened within you. Such were the teachings which the Mystic received before initiation. And now began the great drama of the world, of which he made a living integral part. The aim of the drama was nothing less than the freeing of the hidden God; where is that God? God is not but Nature is. It is in Nature that he must be found. For he is enshrouded in her as in an enchanted tomb." (Dr. Rudolf Stiener, The Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 208).

"We incessantly produce average intelligences who remain without outlet, and who, because of that, constitute a social danger...The cultivated Jews without fortune naturally all tend today towards Socialism...Aiming the peoples anti-Semitism grows from day to day, from hour to hour, and must continue to grow, for the causes continue to exist and cannot be suppressed...At the bottom we become revolutionaries by proletarising ourselves, and we form the inferior officers of all subversive parties. At the top, at the same time, grows our formidable financial power." (IsraÇl aux mystÇrieux destins, A. Cavalier and P. d'Halterive; The Jewish State, Theodore Herzl)

"For fifty years I have been a resolute partisan of assimilation of the Jews, and have believed in it. Today I confess my error. The American melting-pot will never produce the fusion of one Jew. Fifty years ago we were near to assimilating ourselves to the Americans. But since then two millions of our brother (or three) have arrived from the East, keeping their ancient traditions, bringing with them their old ideal. This army has submerged us. It is the hand of God. The Jew must differentiate himself from his neighbor; he must know it; he must be conscious of it; he must be proud of it." (The Jewish Chronicle, April 28, 1911, M. Schindler, an American Rabbi).

"During the second revolutionary period which began in 1830 they showed even more fervor than during the first. They were moreover directly concerned, for, in the majority of European states, they did not enjoy full civic rights. Even those among them who were not revolutionaries by reason or by temperament were such by self-interest; in working for the triumph of liberalism they were working for themselves. There is no doubt that by their gold, their energy, their ability, they supported and assisted the European revolution...During those years their bankers, their industrial magnates, their poets, their writers, their demagogues, prompted by very different ideas moreover, strive for the same end...we find them taking part in the movement of Young Germany: they were numerous in the secret societies which formed the ranks of the militant revolution, in the Masonic lodges, in the groups of Carbonaria, in the Roman Haute-Vente, everywhere, in France, in Germany, in Switzerland, in Austria, in Italy." (L'AntisÇmitisme, (1894) Bernard Lazare; LÇon de Poncins, The Secret Powers behind Revolution, (1929)).

"We are hostile to strangers, guests in all countries, and at the same time we find ourselves at home in all countries when we are masters there." (Isaac Blumchen, Le Droit de la Race SupÇrieure).

"I do not intend," declares Herzl, "to provoke a softening of opinion in our favor. It would be idle, and would lack dignity. I am content to ask the Jews if, in the countries where we are numerous, it is true that the position of advocates, doctors, engineers, professors, and employees of all kinds, belonging to our race (people), is becoming more and more intolerable." (Le Droit de la Race SupÇrieure, Isaac Blumehen).

"The Jew looks upon himself as the Sun of humanity, the male, opposed to which the other peoples are but female, manifesting and assuring the coming of the Messianic era. In order to realize this sociological manifestation, the Jew organically extends his influence by means of secret societies created by him in order to spread everywhere his initiating force...[hoping to realize] the 'Universal Republic,' controlled by the God of Humanity, the Jew of the Cabala." (M. Henri de Guillebert, The Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 220).

"[The Jews] fill in proportion, thanks to their insistence, more posts than the other communities, Catholic and Protestant. Their disastrous influence makes itself felt above all in affairs which have most weight in the fortune of the country; there is no enterprise in which the Jews have not their large share, no public loan which they do not monopolize, no disaster which they have not prepared and by which they do not profit. It is therefore, ill-considered to complain, as they always do, they who have all the favors and who make all the profits!" (Les Juifs (1847), Cerfberr de Medelsheim; also quoted by Gougenot des Mousseaux in Le Juif, (1869).

"Freemasonry, Judaism, and Occultism, whose alliance and reciprocal interpretation no longer require demonstration." (LÇon de Poncins, The Secret Powers behind Revolution, (1929)).

"Behind every revolutionary movement throughout the world there is always some secret organization. These revolutionary movements in all countries, whatever the bodies which actually organize them, have always three primary aims: (a) the abolition of existing constitutions, whether Monarchist or Republican; (b) the abolition of private ownership of property; (c) the abolition of established religion. Sometimes the chief aim is camouflaged under a pattern of nationalism or of internationalism; but the attack is always directed ultimately against these foundations of civilization...The same people often preach nationalism in Ireland, India, Egypt, or South Africa, when the effect is to disintegrate the British Empire...Mr. Geroge Lansbury, the most prominent figure connected with the Herold newspaper, and founder of the Herald League, is not only a member of the Theosophical Society, and, it is said, of the Co-Masons also, but claims to be of the line of the prophets of revolt.

In an article in the Daily Herald (November 24, 1921), on the death of Mr. Hyndman, he describes himself as a disciple of that gentleman, who in turn was the disciple of Mazzini. So that here, on his own admission, we can trace once more the political pedigree of a leading revolutionary to the Carbonari of the mid-nineteenth century." (G.G., The Anatomy of Revolution; The Trail of the Serpent, Miss Stoddard, p. 180).

"...arrived at the Hellenic period I saw the Jewish people surging before me armed with its strange and powerful religion, which throws itself into the conquest of the world. I saw arising face to face with Hellenism in its splendor, but already declining, Judaism insinuating, tenacious, and mysterious, which grew and extended itself over the ancient world like a pernicious evil which spreads to the detriment of the body it invades. As the success and then the victory of the Judaic conceptions have marked the decline and then the ruin of the ancient world, we are fully justified in maintaining that the Jews brought absolutely nothing to ancient civilization except the most powerful ferment of dissolution." (Le Probläme Juif," 1921, Georges Batault)

"There is no people in history so narrowly and so ferociously conservative and traditionalist as the People of Israel, and its national traditions are all religious; we find ourselves in the presence of this unique, strange, and bizarre composition - a people religion and a religion-people, the two ideas are inseparable." (Le Probläme Juif," 1921, Georges Batault)

"The Talmud has been the banner which has served as a rallying sign to the Jews, dispersed in diverse countries; it has maintained the unity of Judaism." (Graetz, History of the Jews).

"Humanity changes, empires arise and fall, ideals spring up, become resplendent, and are extinguished, the Jew remains, Judaism remains clothed in its fierce exclusivism, hoping all from the future, indefatigable, superhuman, inhuman...A people without land, wandering nation, dispersed race, they preserve a country, their religion...ever pursuing the mirage of a golden age, a new era, a messianic time when the world would live in joy and peace, subject to Yahweh, serving his Law under the rule of the sacerdotal people, who had been prepared by trials for the attainment of this hour...[This] the most conservative among peoples is justly reputed as being possessed by a spirit of inextinguishable revolt...they are eternally unadaptable, and can only hope for subversion..." (Le Probläme Juif, 1921, Georges Batault)

"Thou knowest how numerous this tribe is, how united and how powerful in the assemblies. I will plead in a low voice so that only the judges may hear, for instigators are not lacking to stir up the crowd against me, and against all the best citizens. To scorn, in the interest of the Republic, this multitude of Jews so often turbulent in the assemblies shows a singular strength of mind. The money is in the Treasury; they do not accuse us of theft; they seek to stir up hatreds..." (Pro Flacco, Cicero).

"More than ever the study of the Jewish problem is a pressing reality, but...the Jewish question is also more than ever 'taboo'; one must not speak of it, still less study it. At most the right to deny its existence is recognized. Those even who should be most interested in finding a solution pretend to solve the problem by abstention or silence which is considered both a sane method and a high humanitarian idea...Judaism in its origins and expansions presents an ensemble of sentiments, notions, and ideas which are the source of veritable systems, religious, political and social; one has the right to discuss and contest these systems." (Le Probläme Juic, (1921), Georges Batault).

"We suddenly learn, not only that there were Jews in Rome in great numbers, but that they had political influence which they exercised to the profit of the popular party against that of Cicero and the Senate. Revolutionaries by doctrine, since all messianism declares that the destruction of all existing order...the Jews have drawn profit from all revolutionary movements in history since the fall of the Roman Empire. At the Renaissance, a time of perpetual uprisings, they lent money to Princes and merchants, and were well-considered; again at the Reformation they took advantage of religious schisms to further their own beliefs. From the Revolution of 1789 came the emancipation of the Jews in France, and their principal advocate was Mirabeau, largely under the influence of Moise Mendelssohn and Dohm; the revolutions of 1830 and 1848 brought further amelioration to them." (Le Probläme Juic, (1921), Georges Batault).

"The somber destiny of the Russian Empire was profoundly terrified souls and brought trouble into the world. The Bolshevik ideology by its nature and the will of its creatures, is in the first place international; so that it may have a chance to triumph, it is not enough to subjugate Russia, it must also disorganize and subjugate the rest of the world. For this end the Treasury of Russia, fallen into the hands of the Moscow tyrants, is placed at the service of an intense outside propaganda, and the funds are sent into all countries by clever propaganda agents; if three-quarters of the Bolshevik staff are Jews, its agents abroad with rare exceptions are all Jews...It appears, therefore, that Bolshevism is one of the most power and actual causes of the universal anti-Semite movement." (Le Probläme Judic, (1921), Georges Batault).

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