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Quotes By and About Jews 3 page

"When we come to the Babylonian Gemara, we are dealing with what most people understand when they speak or write of the Talmud. Its birthplace, Babylonia, was an autonomous Jewish centre for a longer period than any other land; namely, from soon after 586 before the Christian era to the year 1040 after the Christian era - 1626 years." (Rabbi Hertz, English Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, the Soncino Talmud (1935), p. XXI, Rabbi Hertz).

"The Greeks had had vast experience in this world, their imagination had been fertile and they had created much...that, in these circumstances, they should fall in with a people imbued with a calm and sometimes stolid and bucolic certainty where its spiritual possessions were concerned, barbarians with no sculpture or breeding, necessarily tinged their contempt with impotent wrath. The inevitably logical result of this attitude on the part of the Greeks was the growth of anti-Semitism, of hatred of the Jews." (Josef Kastein, History of the Jews, p. 92).

"The customs of the Jews are base and abominable and owe their persistence to their depravity. Jews are extremely loyal to one another, always ready to show compassion, but towards every other people they feel only hate and enimity. As a race (the Jews are not a race, because they have mingled with the other races to the point that they are only a people, not a race), they are prone to lust; among themselves nothing is unlawful." (Roman Historian Tacitus).

"To the Jews, Rome constituted the quintessence of all that was odious and should be swept away from off the face of the earth. They hated Rome and her device, arma et leges, with an inhuman hatred. True, Rome had leges, laws, like the Jews. But in their very resemblance lay their difference; for the Roman laws were merely the practical application of the arma, the arms...but without the arms, the leges were empty formulae." (Josef Kastein, History of the Jews, p. 192).

"We come now to the libel involving the gold, the Jewish gold. This is obviously why the present case is being tried close to the Aurelian Steps. It is because of this particular charge that you have sought out this location, Laelius (the prosecutor), and that mob (referring to the noisy crowd of Jews whom Laelius had assembled to create a commotion at the trial). You know how large a group they (the Jews) are, and how influential they are in politics. I will lower my voice and speak just loudly enough for the jury to hear me; for there are plenty of individuals to stir up those Jews against me and against every good Roman, and I don't intend to make it any easier for them to do this. Since gold was regularly exported each year in the name of the Jews from Italy and all our provinces to Jerusalem, Flaccus issued an edict forbidding its exportation from Asia. Who is there, gentlemen of the jury, who cannot sincerely commend this action? The exportation of gold had been forbidden by the Seanate on many previous occasions, and most strictly of all during my consulship. Further, that Flaccus was opposed to this barbarous Jewish superstition was proof of his strong character that he defended the Republci by frequently denying the aggressiveness of the Jewish mobs at political gatherings was an evidence of his high sense of responsibility." (Speech of Cicero, which is one of the few revelations of Jewish subversion which survived the burning of libraries. The great consul of Rome, Cicero, had to lower his voice to avoid stirring up the Jews. A Roman aristocrat, Flaccus, was removed from office and dragged back to Rome to face a false charge. Why? Because he had tried to enforce the Roman law banning the Jewish traffic in gold. The outcome of this trial was that Flaccus ban on the shipping of gold was removed. Thus the Jews won their objective, and Flaccus was lucky to escape with his life after he had opposed them. Harry J. Leon of the University of Texas, p. 3, Jews of Ancient Rome).

"National Governments must go in the interest of World Government, World Police and World Currency." (Lord Cecil, At a formal luncheon given in his honor at the Hotel Astor, New York City, November 19, 1937).

"...it is self-evident that the higher aspirations of Pan-Slavists would meet with decided opposition on the part of our Empire.The famous expression, Constantinople c'est l'empire du monde, appears to us practical Germans of course as a Napoleonic phrase, but all the same the Bosphorus remains a highly important strategic position. To subjugate that natural heritage of the Greeks to the Russian Empire would be tantamount to substituting a new foreign domination for the Turkish; it would be tantamount to transferring the center of gravity of Moscovite power from territories where it has healthy natural roots, thus creating morbid conditions which wold be no less pernicious to Russian than to us." (Heinrich von Treitschke, "Germany, France, Russia and Islam," English Ed., G.P. Putnam's Sons, p. 88, New York, 1915. The same views were expressed in the notorious book of Dr. Karl Jentsch, "Neither Communism nor Capitalism," published at Leipsic in 1893, which became the real gospel of the Pan-German League. Therein the fact was admitted that "In the East, quite naturally, lies the war danger, not because Russia wants the Golden Horn, but because Germany wants Russia's land." Also in a later Pan-German volume, "Problems of Germany as a Great and World Power," by Otto Delffs (1900), it is specifically stated that the "high mission" of "Germanizing the terrestrial globe" must have the Meciterranean for its starting point and that this mission must bd accomplished "before Russia becomes stronger."

"Constantinople must belong to Western European Christendom and not remain under the Turks or go to the Russians. May Austria act as supreme arbitrator between the Balkan States, for which position she is especially fitted. May it have the glory of planting again the Catholic Cross on St. Sophia! It truly deserves this glory after its centruy-old strife against Islamic culture. Good luck to you Austria! Don't let yourself be disturbed! England is afraid of us. Russia is rent by revolution. France has spoiled powder, and has not invented new powder, and Germany stands behind thee. Now or never Russia's game may be spoiled." (Das Katholische Deutschland, October 6, 1912; The Inside Story of Austro-German Intrigue, by Joseph Goricar and Lyman Beecher Stowe, p. 96, Double day, Page & Company, New York 1920).

"Now, just think, to accuse me of such a crime. Think of it! I, who have for twenty-five years single- handed struggled against the invasion of the Russian Government into American money markets, and to this day stave them off. Think of it! Who, as I, have been foremost in the past for agitation and insisted to the President of the United States; as some of you must know, that our treaty with Russia must be abrogated." (New York Times, June 5, 1916. Articles entitled, Jacob Schiff Quits Jewish Movements."

"Under the pressure of international finance the atmosphere in Europe became very congested. Instead of using the huge money resources for cultural purposes, the international banking houses urged unlimited armaments of European States, and sometime deliberately precipitated military adventures. In this connection it is of interest to recall a statement of Israel Zangwill, the well-known Zionist leader, to the effect that it was Mr. Jacob Schiff who financed 'the Japanese War against Russia,' (See Israel Zangwill's "The Problems of the Jewish Race," p. 14, The Judaic Publishing Company, New York). as well as another statement, that of Mr. George Kennan, revealing the fact that it was the same banker who financed the revolution among Russian war prisoners in Japan (Compare the report on a Socialist meeting held in Carnegie Hall on March 23, 1917, to celebrate the Russian Revolution, as recorded in the New York Times, March 24, 1917). Immense munition plants, such as Krupp and Szkoda, Poutiloff, and Manfred Weiss, Deutsch & Son, and Schneider, were all controlled directly or indirectly by high finance, forming part of the interlocking system. Nor should it be forgotten that the same group of cosmopolitan bankers invariably have given their support to varioius enterprises which helped the Central Powers to further their imperialistic plans. Thus, soon after the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, when the Dual Monarchy began her war preparations against Italy, it was this bankers' group which loaned 300 million kronen for the expansion of the Austrian navy, with the result that the new battleships were christened by one part of the European press as "Rothschild dreadnaughts." (The World at the Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, pp. 11- 12).

"Not a single one of the doctrines of Marx has ever been accepted by any economist or any philosopher. But what of it? It was necessary that Gaiseric should convince economists or philosophers that there were sound reasons why he should capture Rome. He and his followers wanted it, and they had the power to take it." (Professor Thomas Nixon Carver, Introduction to Socialism vs. Civilization, by Boris Brasol, p. 10, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1920).

"The class consciousness of the masses must be transformed into action and class power; and the arming of the masses is the form of expression of this transformation, the instrument for conquering the bourgeoisie and crushing counter-revolutionary manoeuvers...The proletariat alone is the revolutionary force, the proletariat alone msy wage the uncompromising struggle for the overthrow of Capitalism, the proletariat alone is the maker and the preserver of the Revolution; and it is necessary that this proletariat shall be armed, that it shall itself directly, consciously, energetically and dynamically, constitute the state, the army, the police and th ejudiciary, shall itself usurp and discharge the functions of the 'state.'" (Jewish Italian Communist Louis C. Fraina, thecounder of the American Communist Party, Boston, The Revolutionary Age Publishers, p. 49).

"The Jews were now free to indulge in their most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims. Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed. Some were actually sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were branded with hot irons, their eyes poked out to induce unbearable pain. Others were placed in boxes with only their heads, hands and legs sticking out. Then hungry rats were placed in the boxes to gnaw upon their bodies. Some were nailed to the ceiling by their fingers or by their feet, and left hanging until they died of exhaustion. Others were chained to the floor and left hanging until they died of exhaustion. Others were chained to the floor and hot lead poured into their mouths. Many were tied to horses and dragged through the streets of the city, while Jewish mobs attacked them with rocks and kicked them to death. Christian mothers were taken to the public square and their babies snatched from their arms. A red Jewish terrorist would take the baby, hold it by the feet, head downward and demand that the Christian mother deny Christ. If she would not, he would toss the baby into the air, and another member of the mob would rush forward and catch it on the tip of his bayonet.

Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and their babies cut out of their bodies. There were many places of public execution in Russia during the days of the revolution, one of which was described by the American Rohrbach Commission: 'The whole cement floor of the execution hall of the Jewish Cheka of Kiev was flooded with blood; it formed a level of several inches. It was a horrible mixture of blood, brains and pieces of skull. All the walls were bespattered with blood. Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them. A gutter of 25 centimeters wide by 25 centimeters deep and about 10 meters long was along its length full to the top with blood.

Some bodies were disemboweled, others had limbs chopped off, some were literally hacked to pieces. Some had their eyes put out, the head, face and neck and trunk were covered with deep wounds. Further on, we found a corpse with a wedge driven into its chest. Some had no tongues. In a corner we discovered a quantity of dismembered arms and legs belonging to no bodies that we could locate.'" (Defender Magazine, October 1933).

"The Red Terror became so wide-spread that it is impossible to give here all the details of the principal means employed by the [Jewish] Cheka(s) to master resistance; one of the most important is that of hostages, taken among all social classes. These are held responsible for any anti-Bolshevist movements (revolts, the White Army, strikes, refusal of a village to give its harvest etc.) and are immediately executed. Thus, for the assassination of the Jew Ouritzky, member of the Extraordinary Commission of Petrograd, several thousands of them were put to death, and many of these unfortunate men and women suffered before death various tortures inflicted by cold-blooded cruelty in the prisons of the Cheka.

I have in front of me photographs taken at Kharkoff, in the presence of the Allied Missions, immediately after the Reds had abandoned the town; they consist of a series of ghastly reproductions such as: Bodies of three workmen taken as hostages from a factory which went on strike. One had his eyes burnt, his lips and nose cut off; the other two had their hands cut off.

The bodies of hostages, S. Afaniasouk and P. Prokpovitch, small landed proprietors, who were scalped by their executioners; S. Afaniasouk shows numerous burns caused by a white hot sword blade. The body of M. Bobroff, a former officer, who had his tongue and one hand cut off and the skin torn off from his left leg.

Human skin torn from the hands of several victims by means of a metallic comb. This sinister find was the result of a careful inspection of the cellar of the Extraordinary Commission of Kharkoff. The retired general Pontiafa, a hostage who had the skin of his right hand torn off and the genital parts mutilated.

Mutilated bodies of women hostages: S. Ivanovna, owner of a drapery business, Mme. A.L. Carolshaja, wife of a colonel, Mmo. Khlopova, a property owner. They had their breasts slit and emptied and the genital parts burnt and having trace of coal.

Bodies of four peasant hostages, Bondarenko, Pookhikle, Sevenetry, and Sidorfehouk, with atrociously mutilated faces, the genital parts having been operated upon by Chinese torturers in a manner unknown to European doctors in whose opinion the agony caused to the victims must have been dreadful.

It is impossible to enumerate all the forms of savagery which the Red Terror took. A volume would not contain them. The Cheka of Kharkoff, for example, in which Saenko operated, had the specialty of scalping victims and taking off the skin of their hands as one takes off a glove...At Voronege the victims were shut up naked in a barrel studded with nails which was then rolled about. Their foreheads were branded with a red hot iron FIVE POINTED STAR. At Tsaritsin and at Kamishin their bones were sawed...At Keif the victim was shut up in a chest containing decomposing corpses; after firing shots above his head his torturers told him that he would be buried alive. The chest was buried and opened again half an hour later when the interrogation of the victim was proceeded with. The scene was repeated several times over. It is not surprising that many victims went mad." (S.P. Melgounov, p. 164-166; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 151-153).

"The overthrowing of imperialsic governments by armed uprisings and the organization of an International Soviet Republic is the way of the international dictatorship of the working class. The most forceful way to maintian the international revolution is by the organization of the armed forces of revolution...The workmen of all Europe will do, and in fact are already doing, the same...Sooner or later we will have the Internaitonal Republic of Soviets." (Memorandum on Certain Aspects of the Bolshevist Movement in Russia, p. 46, Issued by the Department of State, Washington, D.C., 1919).

"Being ill, Raskolinkoff dreamt that the whole world was doomed to a peculiar but dreadful, unknown plague, sweeping from the depths of Asis towards Europe. Everybody had to perish with the exception of several, very few chosen. There appeared some kine of new germs, microscopical creatures which penetrated into human bodies...

Men who were affected by them immediately became possessed with a devil, falling into madness. But never, indeed never, did men feel themselves more clever and more firm in their beliefs than those affected by the disease. Never did men consider their judgments, their scientific conclusions, their moral convictions and faith more steady and firm.

Entire communities and cities, whole peoples, became affected by this disease and acted as insane. Everybody was alarmed and nobody understood, each being convinced tht the truth was in him alone, and everybody suffered, looking at others, beating their chests and wringing their hands in despair. It was not known who would be persecuted, nor how, nor what should be considered as being evil or good. Neither was it known who should be accued, who should be defended. People slew each other in a state of irrational fury. Armies were raised against each other; but while on their march they suddenly began to tear themselves to pieces, their ranks became destroyed, and soldiers attacked each other, killing, biting and devouring one another. In the cities alarm bells were rung all day long. People were calling together but nobody knew who was making the appeal nor for what purpose and everybody was alarmed.

The usual trade was discontinued because everybody insisted upon his own thoughts, presenting his own amendments, and no agreement could possibly be rached. Agriculture was suspended. In some places men gathered in groups, agreed upon something and took oath not to part, but immediately after that they began to do something quite different from what they themselves had anticipated and then they began to accuse and to slay each other. Fires broke out and famine started." (Crime and Punishment, Epilogue, Translation from the Russian, Raskolinkoff Dostojevsky; The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, pp. 37-38).

"Indeed, what remains of the foundaitons of pre-war civilization? The national ideal has been discredited while nothing has been crated instead. The vague conception of internationalism is still alien to the minds of the vase majority. The habitual methods of diplomacy have been declared by diplomats, themselves, as being contrary to the contemporaneous aims of statesmanship; but new methods have not been discovered. The statesman of the old type has disappeared. The great crisis has failed to produce great characters. In the place of Napoleons, Bismarchs and Gladstones of former times, the world is being governned by Lloyd Georges, Wilsons and Trotzkys. Monarchs have been deposed, their crowns stamped in political mud, their Empires torn into piecs. But new States born out of their ashes are weaklings not because they are young, but because they are unhealthy and artificial in their make-up. Inded, the politican has replaced the statesman and the very conception of historical tradition has been obliterated." (The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, pp. 38-39).

"The Franco-Russian friendship was an historical fact, the influence of which was felt throughout Europe for a quarter of a century. There was a feeling among the Russians, and the Frenchmen as well, that the Franco-Russian Alliance was not merely a commercial or financial scheme, but that it was the supreme guaranty of the unhampered development of the two nations, and an indispensable condition of European equilibrium. The French Party of the Revanche which in spite of the dreeyfussade and a series of radical ministirs, kept Fench public opinion under firm contro, was the fist to realize that without Russia's help, 'the wrong done to France by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine' could never be repaired. The Russians, on the other hand, had but little sympathy for Great Gritain, both because of her pro-German policy and on account of her traditional fear of Russia's expansion. 'England's pro-Germanism dats as far back as the middle of the nineteenth century. Lord Palmerston laid the foundation for the British policy of building up a stron German Empire to keep in check 'the giant of the North.' In 1849 the European press revelaed a political cheme known as 'Lord Palmerston's Plan for the Reconstruction of Europe.' Therein it was specifically stated: 'The plan...pertain to a new configurationof Europe, the erection of a strong German Empire which may act as a wall separating France from Russia as well as the establishment of a Polish-Magyar Kingdom designed to complete the scheme directed against the giant of the North...'(See N. Deschamps, SociÇtÇ, Vol. II, pp. 312-313, third ed., Paris, 1880. It will also be recalled that the Berlin Treaty of 1878 was a clever Disraeli-Bismarck conspiracy against Russia. Russia, whose armies were at the gates of Constantinople, had won the war but lost the peace. Finally, the pro-German and anti-Russian policy of Great Britain during the Russo-Japanese War is a generally known fact) (The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, p. 46).

"By sending Lenin to Russia our (German) Government had, moreover, assumed a great responsibility. From a miliaty point of view his journey was justified, for Russia had to be laid low. But our Government should have seen to it that we also were not involved in her fall. The events in Russia gave me no cause for complete satisfaction. They considerably eased the military situation, but elements of the greatest danger still remained." (Luden dorff's Own Story, Vol. II, pp. 126-127, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1919; The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, p. 67).

"There was not a politcal organization in the vase Empire which was not influenced by the Jews or directed by them; the Social-Democrats, the Revolutionary Socialist Parties, the Polish Socialit Party, all counted Jews among their directors; Plehve was perhaps right whe he said that the combat for political emancipation in Russia and the Jewish question were practically identical." (The Pioneers of the Russian Revolution, Dr. Angelo Rapport).

"Among them" narrates Princess Radziwill, "was a man named Kameneff, whose name was found later on among the signatures at the bottom of the treaty of Brest-Litovsk and who introduced himself as a confidential friend of both Lenin and Trotzky. This Kameneff was another repulsive Jew, but undoubtedly an intelligent creature whose only principle was to enrich himself at any price and in the shortest of time. He was eager for action, because he realized that it was only through some upheaval or other that he wouod be enabled to lay his greedy hands on the Russian public exchequer. Captain Russtenberg heard afterwards that when it came to the partition of the millions which Germany paid for the betrayal of Russia to the Bolsheviks (Jews), Kameneff was the man who got the lion's share." (Princess Catherine Radziwill, The Firebrand of Bolshevism, pp. 203-204, Small, Maynard & Company, Boston, Mass., 1919. Kameneff, whose real name was Rosenfeld, was one of the most notorious Soviet officials. He replaced Krassin as Chairman of the Bolshevist delegation to Great Britain, which was dispatched to conduct negotiations for the resumption of trade relations between England and Soviet Russia. Rosenfeld-Kameneff is said to be a brother-in-law of Trotzky (Bronstein); The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, p. 68).

"During the summer of 1916 a secret report was received by the Russian General Headquarters from one of its agents in New York. This report, dated February 15, 1916, reads in part as follows: 'The Russian Revolutionary Party of America has evidently resumed its activities. As a consequence of it, momentous developments are expected to follow. The first confidential meeting which marked the beginning of a new era of violence took place on Monday evening, February 14, 1916, in the East Side of New York City. It was attended by sixty-two delegates, fifty of whom were 'veterans' of the revolution of 1905; the rest being newly admitted members. Among the delegates were a large percentage of Jews, most of them belonging to the intellectual class, as doctors, publicists, etc., but also some professional revolutionists...The proceedings of this first meeting were almost entirely devoted to the discussion of finding ways and means to start a great revolution in Russia as the 'most favorable moment for it is close at hand.' It was revealed that secret reports had just reached the party from Russia, describing the situation as very favorable, when all arrangements for an immediate outbreak were completed. The only serious problem was the financial quesiton but whenever this was raised the assembly was immediately assured by some fo the members that this question did not need to cause any embarrassment as ample funds, if necessary, would be furnished by persons in sympathy with the movement of liberating the people of Russia. In this connecton the name of Jacob Schiff was repeatedly mentioned.' It was further added in the report that: 'The soul of this new revolutionary movement is the German Ambassador in Washington, Count Bernstorff. Dr. Albert, the financial agent attached to the German Embassy in Washington, is manager of this revolution which took place in Mexico. He is aided in his task by the first Secretary of the German Embassy.'" (The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, pp. 69-70).

"Indeed, this was more than a German plot; it was a world-conspiracy, first against Russia and next against Christian civilization at large. The following two documents throw a peculiar sidelight upon the nature of this sinister enterprise.

1. Copenhagen, June 18, 1917. Mr. Ruffner, Helsingfors. Dear Sir: please be advised that from the Disconto-Gesellschaft account 315,000 marks have been transferred to Mr. Lenin's account in Kronstadt, as per order of the Syndicate. Kindly acknowledge receipt: Nilandeway 98, Copenhagen, W. Hansen & Co. - Svensen.

2. Stockholm, September 21, 1917. Mr. Raphael Scholan Haparanda. Dear Comrade: The office of the banking house M. Warburg has opened in accordance with telegram from president of Rheinish-Westphalian Syndicate an account for the undertaking of Comrade Trotzky. The attorney (agent) purchased arms and has organized their transportation and delivery up to Luleo and Varde. Name to the office of Essen & Son in Luleo, receivers, and a person authorized to recieve the money demaned by Comrade Trotzky. - J. Furstenberg. (The German-Bolshevik Conspiracy, issued by The Committee on Public Information, Washington, D.C., p. 27, October, 1918. The documents as above quoted were never repudiated by the Disconto-Gesellschaft or the Rheinish-Westphalian Syndicate).

"It will be recalled that Furstenberg, who also assumed the name of Ganetzky, together with his Jewish friend Rdek, alias Sobelsohn, became later prominent members of the Soviet Government. In March, 1917, Furstenberg took an active part in the 'defeatist' propaganda in Russia, and it was through his medium that part of the money contributed by the German-Jewish bankers to the leaders of the destruction of civilization was forwarded to Russia. The documents above quoted reveal the active participation of international banking organizations in the 'undertaking of Comrade Trotzky.' The Disconto-Gesellschaft, the Rheinish-Westphalian Syndicate, the international banking firm of Warburgs, the various subsidiary banking institutions in Scandinavia, such as the Nya Banken, all of them were working in harmonious accord with the red generals of the world-revolution. This was the 'one big union' the aim of which was the complete destruction, if possible the annihilation , of 'holy Russia'' the corner-stone of European Christianity." (The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, pp. 71-73).

"Only now, after the terrible events...it has become possible to appreciate fully the accuracy of the information presented in the secret report of Count Lamsdorf, former Russian Foreign Minister, to Emperor Nicholas II, dated January 3, 1906, on the international aspect of the first revolutionary outbreak in Russia in 1905. Some of the passages in this report are so striking that we feel it necessary to quote them in extenso: 'The events which took place in Russia during 1905, and which assumed especially acute forms at the beginning of October last, when after a series of strikes, they brought about an armed revolt in Moscow, and many other towns and localities of the Empire, plainly indicate that the Russian revolutionary movement; apart from its deeper, internal, social-economic and political causes, has also quite a definite international character...The most decisive indications which warrant this conclusion are given by the circumstances that the Russian revolutionaries are in possession of great quantities of arms which are imported from abroad, and of very considerable financial means, because there can be no doubt that the leaders of the revolution have already spent on our anti-government movement, the organization of all sorts of strikes included, large amounts of money. Since, however, it must be acknowledged that such support given to the revolutionary movement by sending arms and money from abroak can hardly be ascribed to foreign governments (with very special exceptions, as, for instance, that of Sweden supporting the revolutionary movement in Finland, and of Austria which helped the Poles) one is bound to come to the conclusion that there are foreign capitalists' organizations which are interested in supporting our revultionary movement. With this conclusion the fact must be confronted that the Russian revolutionary movement has the outspoken character of a movement of the heterogeneous nationalities of Russia which one after another, Armenians and Georgians, Letts and Esths, Finns, Poles and others, arose agaisnt the Imperial Government...If we add to the above, that, as has been proved beyond any doubt, a very coniserable part among these hererogeneous nationalities is played by Jews, who, individually, as ringleaders in tthe other organizations, as well as through their own (the Jewish Bund in the Western Provinces), have always come forward as the most bellicose element of the revolution, we may feel entitled to assume that the above-mentioned foreign support of the Russian revolutionary movement comes from Jewish capitalist circles. In this respect one must not ignore the following concurrences of facts which lead to further conclusions, namely, that the revolutionary movement is not only supported but also to a certain degree directed from abroad. On one hand, the strike borke out with special violence and spread all over Russia not before and not after October, that is, just at the time when our government tried to realize a considerable foreign loan without the participation of the Rothschilds and just in time for preventing the carrying out of this financial operation; the panic provoked among the buyers and holders of Russian loans could not fail to give additional advantages to the Jewish bankes and capitalists who openly and knowingly speculated upon the fall of the Russian rates...Moeover, certain very significant facts, which were also mentioned in the press, quite confirm the obvious connection of the Russian revolutionary movement with the foreign Jewish organizations. Thus, for instance, the above-mentioned importation of arms, which according to our agents' information was carried on from the European Continent through England can be duly appreciated if we take into consideratikon that already in June, 1905, a special Antlo-Jewish committee of capitalists was openly established in England for the purpose of collecitn money for arming fighting groups of Russian Jews, and that the well-known anti-Russian publicist, Lucien Wolf, was the leading member of this committee. On the other hand, in view of the fact that the sad consequences of the revolutionary propaganda affected the Jews themselves, another committee of Jewish capitalists was formed in England, under the ldeadership of Lord Rothschild, which collected considrable amounts of contributions in England, France and Germany for the officially alleged purpose of helping Russian Jews who suffered from pogroms. And lastly, the Jews in America, without thinking it necessary formally to distinguish between the two purposes, collect money for helping the pogrom sufferers and for arming the Jewish youth.'" (The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, pp. 73-76).

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