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Electrical Frequencies

Your body is completely made up of cells; blood cells, skin cells, brain cells, etc. and around all of these cells there are electrical frequencies which flow and keep them operating.

We listen and learn all the time from other people; doctors have told us that when the electrical frequencies in a person’s body are in harmony and in balance, no disease can live in that body.

This really got our attention! Jesus healed all who came to Him. We personally don’t believe He healed all who attended His meetings, because the Sadducees and Pharisees and the ones who tried to kill Him were there. They came to Him physically to scoff but they did not come to Him with any belief but the Bible says that all who came to Him believing were healed (Matthew 4:24). He knew a lot of secrets that we don’t know and we have yet to discover.

The statement about disease not being able to live in a perfectly balanced body intrigued us. One of the things that we believe with our heart and soul is that if the doctors can do it with medicine and skills, we can do it with the power of God so we believers become “practicing” evangelists. Doctors are called “practicing” physicians because they constantly practice, so I guess we can do the same thing.

We were in a meeting and a lady came up who stated, “I have an environmental disease. I am in pain twenty- four hours a day and I have lost the sight in one eye. This pain is non-stop because it never ceases.” She said that she had formerly been an executive secretary but at this particular point, the function of her mind had so deteriorated from this environmental disease that she had difficulty addressing twelve Christmas cards that year.

We thought this was an excellent thing to try out on her because you cannot lose whenever you lay hands on somebody. We said, “In the name of Jesus we command the electrical frequencies in every cell in your body to be in harmony and in balance.” Doctors tell us that if your body is in harmony and in balance, the good cells digest the sick cells. When it is digested, it doesn’t exist anymore, so the good cells eliminate the bad cells and your human body recreates good cells. In chemotherapy which is often used on cancer patients, the chemotherapy destroys or digests the good cells as well as the bad cells but with the electrical frequencies, the good cells are not harmed whatsoever.

After we made this command on this lady, she fell out under the power of God and when she got up she almost screamed because she had no pain left. She was literally jumping with joy and went dancing back to her seat when about three or four minutes later she came screaming up because she said, “I can see, I can see, I can see!” God had instantly healed her eye and taken all the pain out. We asked her to really test this for us and to contact us in two or three weeks.

Where her mind had blanked out and she couldn’t even address twelve Christmas cards three weeks previously, she wrote us a four page letter on a computer, absolutely perfect;, sentence structure perfect;, every word spelled correctly and she told us what the effects of the healing were, that her mind was brought back to normal, her eyesight was normal and there has not been any pain in her body from that day to this!

This is the same command we made on a lady who had Parkinson’s disease and we have seen many similar cases healed by this very simple little command.

Recently a man around sixty years of age attended a service, suffering horribly from environmental disease which had plagued him for eighteen years. He said for all of the eighteen years he had had nothing but excruciating, continuous pain in his body. We laid hands on him and made the very simple electrical frequency command and he instantly fell out under the power of God. He was there for quite a long time. When he got up he said, “I have no pain, but I don’t want to give a testimony because I took pain medicine before I came.”

He came back twenty-four hours later with an awesome testimony of no pain medication of any kind and said he had had absolutely no pain whatsoever in his body for the first time in eighteen years!

We use this particular command on many different diseases. One with which we have been seeing some good results is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This is something apparently new which has cropped up in the medical field and yet it seemed like a tremendous number of people have the same comment, “I’m tired all the time. I’m exhausted. I can’t seem to get rested.” We make exactly the same command for that as we do the environmental disease or multiple sclerosis or muscular dystrophy. Remember that it is not a prayer because Jesus never prayed for the sick. It is a command, so firmly get it fixed in your mind to say, “In the name of Jesus, we command the electrical frequencies in every cell in your body to be in harmony and in balance. Thank you, Jesus.”

One of the most important things that we have learned in healing is for people to say, “Thank you,” as soon as the prayer or the command is completed. Many times people are so aware of the presence of God as they are being healed that they simply forget to say anything. But encourage people to constantly say, “Thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus.” When you say that, what you are really saying to God is, “I’ve got it, I’ve got it, I’ve got it!” No one can say those three words too often.

What goes wrong in Parkinson c disease?

The progressive death of nerve cells in the substantia nigra, deep within the brain, leaves the nerve fibers in the movement control centers with too little dopamine, a chemical messenger. Patients develop tremors and rigidity. Why the neurons die isn’t known.

There are many commands which we use over and over again on many people and the electrical frequencies is one of them. Two nights in a row men came up to us with Parkinson’s Disease who were shaking violently as this often makes you do. They said the doctors had been unable to do anything for it. Frances made the command in both instances and commanded all the electrical frequencies in every cell in the body to be in harmony and in balance and there is nothing more dramatic than to see somebody standing there with a body that is shaking all over and hands that are violently vibrating suddenly stop because the power of God has healed them but that’s exactly what happened.

A young man brought his mother to one of our services because she was suffering from severe headaches. The pain in her head was so severe that they shaved her head two and three times a week. Whether it was the growing or the weight of the hair we do not know, but Frances laid hands on her and not knowing what else to do, she said, “In the name of Jesus, I command all of the electrical frequencies in every cell in your body to be in harmony and in balance.” Frances laid hands on her and while she was going down under the power, she screamed, “I’m healed! No more pain!” It was an awesome and instant miracle. When she got up off of the floor, she could not believe what had happened to her in the twinkling of an eye and that’s all it takes with the power of God.

One of the most dramatic healings that we have ever seen occurred during a Saturday morning teaching session. Charles was ministering healing and Frances was sitting on the stage when the pastor came up and whispered, “There’s a girl here today who was accidentally hit on the head with a large block of wood three years ago which has destroyed her equilibrium and she has difficulty standing, walking or doing anything.” He said she had been in constant pain for three years and had been to every doctor, every chiropractor, and every clinic in the area but they all told her exactly the same thing, that there was absolutely nothing that could be done for her.

She suffered pain twenty-four hours a day and was actually unable to do anything. She was one of the dancers in the ballet group in the church but she had been unable to dance for three years.

There are times when you need to do more than one thing, so in her case the Holy Spirit spoke and told us to do two things. The first thing we did was to command the electrical frequencies in every cell in her body to be in harmony and in balance and then we did the “NUCCA” on her. She was instantly, totally healed by the power of God. She stood there in the most beautiful simple way and looked up and said, “I’m healed. I don’t have anymore pain.”

Frances said, “If you are healed, then you will be able to dance.” The musicians came up and this woman who had been unable to do anything or even walk straight for three years did the most beautiful ballet dance anyone could have ever seen. This was in her home church and the church knew what her condition was and the electricity of the Holy Spirit burst so upon the entire audience that they gave her an instant standing ovation and every person in the house burst into tears. Thank you, Jesus for that wonderful healing power.

Date: 2015-02-16; view: 808

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