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An Invitation To The Supernatural

The first time we ever saw Diana Radabaugh was at a Healing Explosion. The minute we met her we saw the anointing of God and we saw the potential in her We tried to help her develop but she was a very bashful housewife and we had difficulty ever getting her to the front of an auditorium! Every time we would spot her coming in we would call her up because we knew that here was a woman called and anointed by God for a very special ministry.

As you read her story, you might discover that you think you are exactly the same as she was, an “ordinary “person read on and discover how God can use such a person in an extraordinary way!

I tell you this with the greatest of confidence; if you will but launch out into the depth of your life with the Lord, He will show you that you, your life, can count greatly for His glory, honor and holy praise.

God’s Word says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. “I want to include this with my story because it is important to some who, while reading this testimony, are in the middle of a great trial. Thinking God has forgotten you, or believing the enemy’s lies that you’re incapable of being anything but defeated in your life.

In the middle of the greatest travesty of my life I received a little white post card, inviting me to a luncheon in Indianapolis given by Charles and Frances Hunter. This was over three hours by car from our home. I was despondent and depressed from a savage attack by the enemy on our family. Though I didn’t understand why at the time, I decided that I would accept the Hunters’ invitation.

Sometimes when we are totally surrendered to the Lord at the most unusual times, He brings into our lives, the greatest adventures we could ever imagine. That was exactly what He was about to do in mine.

As I walked up the stairs, a man seeing me, said, “Now there is an evangelist, if I’ve ever seen one.” Those words were prophetic, and to be honest I didn’t even know what prophetic meant at the time. I was an honest Baptist gal saved sixteen years, sharing Jesus with whomever I could. I was just Jerry’s wife, and the mother of Tina, Jerry, Jr. and Tim; just a housewife from Elkhart, Indiana. God was about to introduce me to a dynamic whirlwind escapade, via Charles and Frances Hunter.

As one of the Hunters’ staff put the promotional tape on the big screen, I watched in absolute awe, as they showed people being prayed for by Charles and Frances. The people were falling out in the Spirit. I watched in utter amazement as legs appeared to grow out. People were giving testimony of their backs being healed. Over the past several years, I had back problems. I couldn’t help wondering if God would do that healing for me.

The complete excitement I felt coming off that tape electrified the entire room. I fell totally and madly in love with that outrageously precious couple on the tape. Until this moment, I had only heard their names through my friend Beverly, who had shared some of their books with me. The energy and explosive faith they showed really excited me. Tears flowed as I watched the humble testimonies of people who had been held captive in physical torment by the enemy and yet one touch of Jesus through Charles or Frances, and they were set absolutely free.

Each time I heard Frances say, “If Charles and Frances can do it, you can do it too,” it somehow seemed to echo deep into my heart. When I heard Charles say, “What do you have to lose?” I wondered. ..what DID I have to lose?

It was then I heard the captain of my soul whisper my name, and tell me that He wanted me to accept the challenge that was being offered; He wanted me to teach the course, “How To Heal The Sick.” After all, if Charles and Frances can do it, I could do it too!...Frances promised...!!

As I left that life-inspiring meeting, my mind was spinning during the drive home. I prayed, “Oh God, I will do this because You have told me to, but how? Who will I get to come to these meetings? I’ve never taught anyone but four-year-olds in Sunday School.” I had a million questions for Him; He had a million and one answers for me.

The first meeting was in my home, eight weeks after my encounter with the Hunters via video in Indianapolis. Twelve people came. I’ll never forget the first time people came up to me for prayer. Untrained, tin- skilled, just a housewife, dependent only on Jesus Christ to make good His Word, and that He did. Each week was more exciting than the last; people were being healed!

The tape would be shown with Charles and Frances, “How To Heal The Sick.” Then I would instruct the students where to place their thumbs as they put them on the ankle bones; how to do the neck thing, and all the other wonderful things taught.

The Lord was my teacher and He knows I called on Him over and over again, never trusting myself; because I really knew very little. I would rely on the Holy Spirit for whatever was needed at this time and situation.

I’ll never forget a lady coming up to me with a migraine headache; she had been in pain many days, violently ill. When I laid my hands on her head to make the command for the pain to go, in Jesus name, the Lord showed me a vision of her heart. I could see the large artery was blocked and the blood was barely getting through. Immediately, I spoke to that condition in the name of Jesus. She started sobbing and fell out in the Spirit. I continued to pray for others. Soon I felt a tug on my sleeve. The lady that I had prayed for stood weeping, saying how did you know that I had a heart problem? I am scheduled for surgery on Monday morning. I know that I am healed; look, my circulation is working; my hands are warm. I can feel my feet! I just simply told her that I didn’t know about her heart, but that Jesus did and He wanted her healed. We hugged and rejoiced in the great mercy and tremendous healing power of Jesus.

After several weeks of class the final night came. We all had grown so much in the knowledge of the Word of God and His ways. It was hard thinking it was all over For some reason, I thought it would all end. . . .After all, I had taught the course like the Lord said. I felt like I’d found an answer to the fulfillment of life serving the Lord and His people.. .yet now it was over!

Then two days later, I received an invitation to come and teach at a home in South Bend. After that I was invited to teach a class at The Christian Center, under Dr. Lester Sumrall. After that, a school run by Catholic nuns in Fort Wayne. Then the Honeywell Center, and a class for the Full Gospel Businessmen in Wabash, Indiana. Another home and another church, in the northern corner of Indiana. At one time I had five classes going at the same time. Oh how exciting. ..Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. The signs; the wonders; the miracles... “Because He Lives.”

The Hunters had put out their tabloid telling of an upcoming Healing Explosion in Indianapolis, at the Hoosier Dome. This was a huge 10,000 people crusade. Life and hope, salvations, deliverances, healings. It was as if Heaven came down and Glory filled the stadium. Many of the students of the course, “How To Heal The Sick,” that I had instructed, had come to that great meeting.

Charles and Frances were even more dynamic and powerful in person. I wanted to just stand and watch the Lord work through them, but having been put on a healing team my self I had to get about my Father’s business.

I had promised Marty, (a lady I had taught at Calvary Temple in Fort Wayne), that if she would make the effort and come to the Healing Explosion, I would be her partner. Marty was so shy, even though she came, she kept quoting things the Hunters had said in the videos. Then she started quoting me in some of the encouragements that I had given to her, encouraging her faith. She started pleading with me NOT to let her pray for the people. “After all, you are the teacher, you pray for them, I’ll just stand beside the people and pray in the Spirit.” I reassured her Jesus wanted to use her also. Not just me. He needs us all.

The healing teams were lined up two by two. When someone said from the platform, “Teams, take your positions”.. .and “Oh, yes, we need a couple more over in the Wheel Chair Section,” Marty jumped to her feet, grabbed my arm, pulled me up and started squealing.

“Come on! Let’s go! That’s us!” ... “That’s us?” I said. “What’s us?” “Come on, we’re going over to the Wheel Chair Section.” Even though I had instructed many classes by now, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to be put loose in the wheel chair section.

The next thing I know, I’m standing, looking down on a lady who told us that she had every disease known to man, who had been in the wheel chair for twelve years. I looked over at Marty, confidently looking at me as if to say, “Well, come on, let’s get to praying.”

I had heard on that tape of “How To Heal The Sick” Frances telling the story of someone whose faith went right down through their toes; at this moment I knew exactly what that felt like. Marty and I laid hands on the lady. I was not feeling a thing at the moment but I was thinking. ..why did I ask Marty to be my partner? I concluded the command “In Jesus name.” The lady said, “Look, I can wiggle my right big toe; I haven’t done that in years.” Feeling excited for her excitement, I couldn’t help but think there was a whole lot left to do.

We pressed through and Agnus kept receiving miracles, one by one. First her migraine left, then her paralyzed hand and arm started to move after we cast out the spirit of death. Then she felt the burning of her ulcer leave. Before it was all over she really did receive a “complete overhaul.”

Jesus Christ, true to His Word, healed her every where. She was the only one we worked with at that Crusade. It was worth it because she came as a living dead person and the last we saw her, she was pushing her wheel chair with her two grandsons at her side. We were waving good-bye to each other. I could not think of when I loved my Jesus more, making Agnus whole and healthy to have quality life to share with her grandbabies. I’ve kept in contact with her through the years and she is still walking in victory.

When the Louisville Kentucky Healing Explosion happened, being in the presence of the great anointing Charles and Frances carried, you could not help but know God was tremendously using these dedicated people. They kept telling you with all confidence that the Lord wanted to use ALL of us.

As their testimony goes, the Lord told them one day, after asking Him why He chose them, His reply was, “Because you’re dumb enough to do what I tell you to do!” I too felt that was me. If the Lord said it would happen, who am I to tell the God of the universe it wouldn’t. So I felt really, really excited when the Lord dropped into my spirit to have my own hometown Healing Explosion. After all, what did I have to lose?...

Oh my, it was so much work with no one in the beginning catching the vision. I asked my beloved husband Jerry; who at this point was still very “Baptist,” in his belief; if I could have this healing explosion in his forty x sixty foot truck garage. He almost hysterically said “Sure.” This garage had seven inches of grease on the floor, tools and truck parts all over. What could you do? What could come out of this ugliness?

Jerry let me start with one bay of the three bay garage. I cleaned and scrubbed and prayed. God sent one older man who got the vision and he and I went to work getting so much done it was incredible because the Lord was on our side. Before all was done, someone donated a huge piece of carpet to hang as a back drop. Someone else borrowed a platform and chairs from their church. Jerry seeing the transformation and the determination started moving the big equipment around helping wherever he could. Others caught the vision. We had the most anointed praise and worship team and prayer intercessors come on board to bring this vision to pass. Our first Healing Explosion brought one hundred people out. It was a glorious success, all to our Lord God’s glory Several received Jesus as Savior, there were awesome healings and God even sent us some angels whom a couple of people had seen, even my mother.

So many wonderful stories of so many beautiful people. And of course, the overwhelming miracles that I have been a part of is (Charles says it best), “What good will it do if you get someone healed and they die and go to hell, healed?” Healing is a tool Jesus himself uses to draw people.

As I now have the great privilege and honor to travel internationally with Charles and Frances, and get to be a part of their 40,000 to 60,000 people crusades, I get to see the greatest miracle of all as Charles and Frances throw out the lifeline to thousands of people in the U.S. as well as over all the world. I see people receive and accept the Lord Jesus Christ. I have worked with them and have been used in the vision the Lord gave Charles on taking a census of the world.

As I and a few other Americans went with them to Honduras we joined with a great number of the nationals and saw in a couple of weeks, one million people say “YES” to the call of salvation as we presented the gospel door to door. In America I was able to coordinate the state of Indiana for the National Evangelistic Census.

God has blessed me with the great privilege of producing my own television program called “Miracles.” This is a weekly one-hour program and we’ve been on the air for five years. We opened the “Because He Lives Ministry Center” to accommodate the “How To Heal The Sick” classes and to host our version of Healing Explosions, which we call “A Night Of Miracles.” My husband and I have worked in this labor of love for two years. Now God has given us the vision of building a beautiful anointed ministry center in Elkhart, Indiana.

In this period of time I have been ordained with and by Dr. Lester Sumrall 1990.. .because I said “YES, Lord, here I am.. .Send me even in the middle of a disaster.” God can and will make a way for you if you will only reach out and give Him your all, for His glory!!

He might even send to you a couple of earthly angels to tell you, “If they can do it, YOU can do it too. What do you have to lose?”
Diana Radabaugh

Date: 2015-02-16; view: 638

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