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Chapter One

YOU can do it, Too! By Charles and Frances Hunter


Table Of Contents

If Charles And Frances Can Do It YOU Can Do It, Too!
Healing: A Life-Style
An Invitation To The Supernatural
The Immune System
The Spine
The Neck Thing
The Pelvic Thing
Supernatural “Foote” Steps 53
Growing Out Arms And Legs Isn’t Really Growing Out Arms And Legs 59
Electrical Frequencies
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 76
A ”Stay-At-Home” Goes Out
Migraine Headaches and Tic Douloureux
    The ”Nucca”  
The Difference Between A Miracle & A Healing
Miracles Began To Happen – Immediately’
Spare Parts Department
The Endocrine System
You’d Never Believe It
It Works In Every Nation
Seven Steps To Ministering Healing
Michelle – High School Student
As You Are Going

Chapter One

If Charles and Frances Can Do It,
YOU Can Do It, Too!


The most awesome, thrilling, exciting, and humbling experience in the world is to lay hands on someone and see them recover instantly before your eyes! This should be an everyday experience for all Christian believers because Jesus said the believers would lay hands on the sick and they would recover. He even went so far as to say in John 14:12 that the believers would not only do the same things He did but they would do greater works than these “because I go to My Father!” What a glorious time to be a part of the fulfillment of this scripture.

Prior to returning to heaven, Jesus said “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18). In Luke 10:19 He said, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you!” Why did He do that? Because He was returning to heaven so that He could be supernaturally reproduced in those who would believe.

One of the most thrilling things in our ministry is to see how the believers are latching on to the idea that God actually does want all of us to lay hands on the sick and that Jesus sent back the Holy Spirit so we would all have the same power and authority that He had to heal the sick.

You and I are living in the most exciting days in which a Christian has ever had the opportunity to be alive. You and I are seeing demonstrations of the Holy Spirit which have not been seen even in the days of the disciples.

Recently we were ministering on “The Holy Ghost and Fire” when suddenly the pastor stood up and said, “I’m about to freak out!” I was so shocked when he said this because I wondered what I had said that caused his reaction. But he continued, “I hear the wind of the Spirit blowing! It’s so awesome, I’m scared!” 750 of the people who were at that meeting instantly stood up and screamed, “I hear the wind, too!”

There was a woman who had a word from the Lord but she wrote it on a piece of paper after this happened. I didn’t receive it until the next night but this is what it said:

Last night you heard the stirring of a mighty rushing wind, But that is not the ending, it just where I begin. Tonight expect the currents that will lf I you to the heights,

But it won’t be done by power it won’t be done by might. I’ll lift you by My Spirit to a place you you’ve yet to see, I’ll raise you to a level that unveils the mystery. You ‘ii view an inner kingdom where the supernatural reigns,

And I’ll reveal the blueprints to build a new domain. I’ll sweep you up to glory and let you view My plans, But you must stand believing and trusting that I can. Tonight’s the night l promised to many yielded hearts, So from your flesh get ready to humbly depart. Be fervent in your praises and come to higher realms, For all you ‘ye hoped and prayed for is up here where I am.”

We believe that word is for every person who reads this book. We all want to go up on a higher level where the Holy Ghost is concerned. God wants us to believe that He is who He is and that He can do anything and that absolutely nothing is impossible with God. We all say it with our mouths. We all say it with our heads, “Nothing is impossible with God.” But we need to get it way down deep into our hearts. When we say, “Nothing is impossible with God,” we need to believe it with all of our mind, our heart; our body and soul.

Head knowledge is no good. Lip service is no good. This belief has to be implanted so deep in your heart that you won’t ever limit God. We’re so foolish when we limit God because if God created the universe – He can do anything. He can do anything and everything! And He will do it for you!

Grace Airline Booking Agent

Grace has been with the airlines six years, spending every day meeting people, most of them on the phone; talking about their plans to travel to all sorts of places, and helping them with many of the questions for which they really need answers. It’s a job that really warms her heart because it makes her feel useful and needed.

In the short breaks between calls she has time to reflect on the events in her life during the last year or so.

It’s been several years now since she committed her life to Jesus Christ. What a change that made! It seemed to give everything else real meaning.

As a single parent, Grace and her daughter, Maureen, have grown closer and closer through the relationship they both have with the Lord.

Exciting things began to happen when she enrolled in the Hunter Healing School. The announcement had mentioned that we would be coming to San Antonio in December to hold a giant Healing Explosion. That sounded great, but the awesome thing was that the Healing School students were told that during the meeting, the people who would be praying for the sick would not be the Hunters, but just ordinary believers who were trained through the “How To Heal The Sick” video course. Grace wondered if it was possible that she could be one of those people?

It certainly seemed worth looking into.

Grace thought the first session of the video school was good, hearing about the vision we reported that confirmed what God had spoken to us several years previously. The Body of Christ had been seen rising up and standing tall on the earth. Demons were seen scattering from this new wave of power and authority And the ones doing all this were the everyday, ordinary believers – just like Grace and thousands of others going forth and laying hands on the sick.

It was after several sessions that Grace really began to see the impact of what was being said. The effect was so great on her that she became unsure of her salvation.

She had never before laid hands on anyone and seen them healed!

She had never cast out even one demon! Yet there it was! Right in God’s Word! “These signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out devils.., they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover”

She questioned if she was even a believer! Slowly she began to realize that, yes, she was born again, but she had never been told that she was supposed to be out doing these things.

If she had only known! How could she be doing these things if she had never been told? But now she had been told! And never again would she be satisfied with anything less. If this is what Jesus had commanded her to do, then by His grace that is exactly what she would do. It did not seem possible that God could use her that way, but if He would, then He most certainly could! So she made herself available to the Holy Spirit to be used in just whatever way He desired.

Her first opportunity had come just a short while after that commitment.

The day had been routine; a day like so many others. Grace had been pretty busy that morning, taking calls from people wanting to go just about every place Southwest Airlines went, and some places she had never even heard of. Soon a break was well in order. A cool refreshing drink and a few minutes to relax would surely help.

She went into the ladies’ lounge and at first she didn’t notice a lady co-worker standing at the sink. She was leaning on the sink, one hand on either side of it, holding on. Suddenly Grace was prompted by the Holy Spirit to approach her. She asked the woman what the problem was. In obvious pain, she told Grace that she was having tremendous pain in her kidneys. She’d had some kidney problems and now the pain was really getting to her.

Quickly Grace “checked” in the spirit. It was sort of a “am I on the right track” check. Knowing that she was, she proceeded. She told the woman that she was going to place her hands on her back in the area of her kidneys, and ask Jesus to heal her. Then she commanded that all the pain leave in the name of Jesus, and that all the parts connected with the kidneys be healed.

Grace then picked up her purse and walked out of the ladies’ room.

She did not see the woman for three days. The reason was simple! Grace took a three day break and just relaxed.

When she returned, she was met by a very excited woman. The lady from the “ladies’ lounge encounter” exclaimed that within fifteen minutes all the pain was gone and that there had been no further problem!

Word of this miraculous event spread, and others began coming to Grace for healing. She began to see that when people experienced the real power of God, not just religion, they talk about it; they tell others. In turn, many of those who hear want that same touch.

Yolanda was that way. Her little son had developed a very high fever and a lump on the side of his neck. Her first thought had been to get him to a doctor – quickly. The doctor had told her that unless the fever and the infection were both gone by later in the day he would have to put the child into the hospital. As Yolanda left the doctor’s office, she remembered the stories being told about the lady at work who was supposed to be able to heal sick people in the name of Jesus. What if it were all true? It surely would beat a stay in the hospital! It surely would be worth a try.

She got to the office just as Grace was arriving at work. She explained the problem and Grace responded by placing her hand on the lump and simply commanding the fever and the infection to leave “In Jesus’ name.”

A miracle happened! The fever broke at once! Shortly afterwards the lump was gone.

Grace has been used many times since then, both at work and at church, to minister healing.

One of the most interesting and exciting things happened as she, her daughter and her mother sat down to enjoy a good meal in a local restaurant.

As Grace was ordering her meal, suddenly that gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit for which she had learned to listen became evident.

Her attention was called to a group of people sitting at a nearby table. The restaurant was crowded since it was during the noon rush, but the Lord singled out just the people at that one table. Grace was then divinely impressed with a word of knowledge that one of the people at that particular table was experiencing pain as a result of a bad back problem.

She knew God wanted to heal that person immediately, right in the restaurant.

With a sense of awe and trembling, Grace approached the table. She introduced herself to the people and explained why she was there. At first she received some looks of shock and almost disbelief, but then they all pointed to one gentleman seated with them.

This man had been injured at work and had back trouble! His back was hurting at that very moment so he was quick to respond. He wanted to be rid of the pain!

He asked Grace what she wanted him to do and she had him stand up right there in that crowded restaurant.

Fear and apprehension gone now, faith was rising. She did the “total” thing on him and he was instantly healed. The pain left!

She instructed him to try to do what he could not do before. He bent over and touched the floor – he had been touched by the power of God! Nobody objected. Nobody said a word. But they did watch, and they did see!

We must keep uppermost in our minds the purpose of healing. Jesus did miracles so people would believe in Him and be saved. It is always a great thrill when people accept Jesus and we have the pleasure of taking them to church and seeing them mature in Him!

Grace knows now that no matter how long she may stay on this earth, she has found what the Holy Spirit wants her to spend her life doing. She has come to know something else; something that she can tell all her saved friends! If you have been born again and received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, what Grace is doing is also what Jesus wants you to do too!

Al – A Christian Cop

It was during the time of year when most folks in the United States have what they call winter. They call it winter in San Antonio too, but it’s certainly not like what takes place up north. In Texas a winter day may get down to forty-five degrees and we consider that a cold day. It was that kind of day when Al, a police officer, was patrolling one of the many parks in San Antonio.

Not much was taking place: a few persistent joggers were there, wearing their long sweats, and a few even wearing ski masks. For the most part, it was a really quiet day.

As Al drove around in the patrol car, winding through the narrow streets that carried picnickers and general park goers to the various tabled areas, he allowed his mind to carry him back to those events which marked what was to be the beginning of the most exciting time of his life.

Al’s wife, Linda had enthusiastically attended the first meeting of the “How To Heal The Sick” video class at their church. He didn’t know a whole lot about us or what we did. He had only been saved about two years and he knew there were a lot of things going on he didn’t understand. Al didn’t attend the class, though, since he had to work on the night the class was being held.

He remembered those times when he got home from patrolling his shift and Linda would have been to the Healing School. She would be almost ecstatic about what she had heard and seen: “growing out legs and arms” and all sorts of things that sounded pretty far out to Al.

Suddenly, as Al was driving around the park thinking over these things, his mind was yanked back to the present as he heard a commotion in some trees and underbrush. He pulled to the edge of the grass and shut off the engine. At that moment, four kids came running out of the brush and almost crashed headlong into the side of the car. Their eyes went wide when they had to pull up short, almost eyeball to eyeball with the light flasher bar on top of Al’s patrol car He told them to be careful and stay out of the brush and on the paths that zigzagged all through the park. They trotted off sheepishly laughing and waving back at him. Al then resumed his casual patrol of the area and his mind resumed its recounting happenings of the previous few months.

Linda had told Al just about everything she had learned during the video class. For fifteen hours she had watched us give instructions on healing. There had been plenty of testimonies to verify that “if Charles and Frances can do it, YOU can do it, too!” This concept had stirred something deep down inside Al and he thought it was awesome to think that he could lay his hands on a sick person and see God’s power heal them.

Linda had told him how she had been taught that healing the sick was not just a matter of praying, but it involved speaking to the illness in the name of Jesus Christ and commanding healing to come. Al had never heard that before.

He pulled out onto one of the main streets that bordered the park and headed for the closest convenience store for a quick cup of coffee. Once again Al began to recall certain life-changing events that had occurred recently. His mind zeroed in on the one event which so impacted his entire life that he could recall each detail as though it had happened only minutes ago.

The sun had already set over San Antonio and Al was on patrol at Woodlawn Lake. With the setting of the sun, the gentle breeze which had been brushing the lake into little ripples had died away. Now the only noise was the sound of the stubborn picnickers who just refused to allow the day to draw to a close.

The lake was peacefully calm – and quickly disappearing to the eye as dusk passed and night was drawing its dark curtain over the trees on the far bank. Slowly it moved over the lake until it began to black out even the brush and trees close to the gate where Al and his partner had parked their patrol car. As they sat there, each deep in his own thoughts, they were suddenly jolted back to reality by the frantic sounds of someone telling them that a man had fallen into the lake and drowned!

The two patrolmen were quickly informed that the man had been seen going under the water some fifteen to twenty minutes before. The witness pointed to the general area where the victim was last seen.

Racing to the spot, Al tried to peer through the darkness to catch a glimpse of something – anything that might look like someone in the water – but he could see nothing! It was just too dark! He turned on his flashlight and shined it over the top of the water.

Everything was deathly still! There was no movement to indicate the man was still above the water. Nothing! Only silence.

Suddenly someone standing next to Al shouted that he saw something.

“Where?” Al shouted!

“There!” was the reply.

Al pointed the light where the man had indicated. His heart sank! He saw nothing!

The man then took the flashlight from Al and splashed a beam of light to the spot where he was sure he had caught just a glimmer of something. Something was there under the water, just beneath the dark surface.

Al quickly discarded his gun belt and dove into the water. Within a matter of seconds he had reached the spot where he was sure he had seen something. As he grabbed out toward that spot, his hand closed on a shirt. Beneath the shirt he could feel only cold flesh.

Frantically, Al pulled upward to try to get the man’s head out of the water. The water was not very deep, so he stood up and tried to locate any sign of life. Nothing! The man seemed to be cold and getting stiff.

Quickly Al’s mind began to calculate. According to the witness the man had been under the water for twenty minutes by now and maybe more! Al thought, “He couldn’t be alive! Human beings just don’t survive that long under water!”

Al began to pray silently, “He is dead! No, Lord! My heart cries out for his life! Please Lord, let him be alive!”

He reached the shore and his partner helped pull both of them out of the water. Again they checked for any sign of life – and found nothing.

Al thought the man could possibly be breathing and looked for some sign, any kind of sign! None. The man is dead! Al’s heart cried out, “NO!”

At that point, Al’s partner began CPR. The victim did not respond and Al’s partner began to tire.

Now it was Al’s turn! “Lord, let him live!”

Desperately Al pounded on the man’s chest trying to get his heart to beat Nothing! He went through all the steps of CPR as he had been taught. Still, nothing! Then, from the depth of Al’s being and up into his mind came a thought right from the Spirit of God. Al recalled something his wife had told him that we had said about this kind of situation. It was something about commanding life to enter – about “binding the power of death.” He remembered that we had even said to command the water to leave the lungs.

Al wondered, “Could it be? This man is dead! Could it work?”

There was no time to debate and no time to doubt!

Al stood with a boldness not of himself and commanded the spirit of death to go in the name of Jesus. He commanded life to re-enter this man. Boldness came into Al’s heart with his rising faith! Once again he commanded life to return and the man’s lungs to empty.

Suddenly, the man sat up and started coughing mud out of his lungs!

With its siren screaming, the ambulance arrived and the attendants jumped out. “Where’s the dead man?” they shouted.

“Over here,” was the reply.

They looked at the man who had come back to life and said, “No, we want the dead man.”

Much to their surprise, the “dead man” was sitting there, breathing normally!

Al went to the hospital the next week and led the “dead man” to Jesus. His name was Moses!

Al says that this was the most exciting time of his life! He remembers the holy awe he felt some weeks later as Moses stood before the crowd at the church and testified as to how God had brought him back to life and given him another chance.

It wasn’t long after that when Al received a call from the Chief’s office. It was the voice of his boss, the police sergeant.

“Are you the one who allegedly raised a man from the dead out at Woodlawn Lake?” The shock struck Al with fear, realizing that this was not a normal event for a policeman. He thought, “Oh., oh, I’m in trouble!”

The sergeant continued, “I want to see you in my office right away!”

“Yes, sir!” Al answered.

A few minutes later Al stood in front of the sergeant who asked him to tell the whole story. He did, all the time wondering what the sergeant’s reaction would be.

His reply stunned Al for a moment as he said, “I’m a Spirit-filled Christian, too. Let’s form a group of Spirit-filled policemen and train them to do what God wants us to do.”

As a result, a new police organization was born. It is called “Shields for Christ” and they are having a monthly meeting and it is growing. They even have hopes of seeing this become a national organization! The want all the members to take the video healing school training so they can know how to direct God’s Holy Spirit power for His glory Hallelujah! As Al pulled into the parking lot at “Stop and Go” he gratefully thought, “How great is our God. What a neat Savior we have!”

The “Stop and Go” was almost deserted as Al walked back to the coffee pot. He had been there plenty of times before, so he spoke to the girl behind the cash register, who nodded and smiled. As he poured the hot cup of coffee, Al’s mind was still gently being pulled to the recent thoughts. He basked in the afterglow and thought how exciting and wonderful life with Jesus Christ is.

At the counter he paid for the coffee and glanced at the girl, intending to make some positive comment that might lead into a statement about Jesus. Instead, he saw her wince at what seemed to be pain and asked her what the problem was. She looked at him through eyes filled with discomfort and pain and complained about the “migraine headache” that medicine didn’t seem to help.

Al asked her if she knew that Jesus could heal that headache – right now?

She was plainly caught off guard at the question and asked Al if the store manager had put him up to that just to trick her.

Al assured her that he was very serious about the question so she consented to allow him to pray for her. Very simply he reached across the counter and put his hand on her head and commanded the headache to leave “in the name of Jesus!”

And it did!

Not only did she get healed of the headache, but as Al looked on in amazement, she went down under the power of God, right there on the floor behind the cash register!

When she finally got up she was a very surprised lady. She was also a very overwhelmed lady because she knew she had been touched by God.

As Al walked out into the bright sunlight and crisp air he couldn’t help but exclaim out loud, “How great is our God” and “What a neat Savior we have!”

If Grace and Al can do it, YOU can do it, too!

Date: 2015-02-16; view: 646

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