When you think of psychology, do you envision a therapist with a notepad jotting down ideas as a client recounts childhood experiences? While therapy is certainly a big part of psychology, it is not the only thing that psychologists do. In fact, some psychologists don't work in the field of mental health at all. Psychology encompasses other areas including teaching, research and consulting. Psychologists work in a wide variety of settings, including:
· Colleges and universities
· Private corporations
· K-12 Schools
· Hospitals
· Government offices
6. Psychology Is All Around You
Psychology is not just an academic subject that exists only in classrooms, research labs and mental health offices. The principles of psychology can be seen all around you in everyday situations. The television commercials and print ads you see everyday rely on psychology to develop marketing messages that influence and persuade people to purchase the advertised products. The websites you visit on a regular basis utilize psychology to understand how people read, use and interpret online information.
· 10 Ways to Use Psychology in Everyday Life
7. Psychology Explores Both Real-World and Theoretical Issues
As you begin your study of psychology, it might seem like some of the theories and research you learn about do not really apply to real-life problems. It is important to remember, however, that psychology is both and applied and theoretical subject. Some researchers focus on adding information to our overall body of knowledge about the human mind and behavior (known as basic research), while other concentrate directly on solving problems and applying psychological problems to real-world situations (known as applied research).
8. Psychology Offers a Wide Range of Career Options
If you are thinking about majoring in psychology, then you should be pleased to discover that there are many different career paths to choose from. Different career options depend largely on your educational level and work experience, so it is important to research the required training and licensing requirements of your chosen specialty area. Just a few of the possible career options include clinical psychology, forensic psychology, health psychology and industrial-organizational psychology.
· 10 Hot Psychology Careers
· Career Options With a Bachelor's Degree
· Career Options With a Graduate Degree
Sponsored Links
Study PsychologyGroundbreaking Psychology Program. Taught in English. Intake: October.www.MarbellaUniversity.com
Psychology Software ToolsSoftware and Hardware Solutions for Behavioral and fMRI Researchwww.pstnet.com
9. Psychology Studies Both Normal and Abnormal Behavior
When many people think about psychology, they immediately think about the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal behavior. However, it is important to remember that psychology studies normal behavior as well.
10. Psychology Seeks to Describe, Explain, Predict, Modify and Improve Behaviors
There are four major goals of psychology:
· To describe human thought and behavior
· To explain why these behaviors occur
· To predict how, why and when these behaviors will occur again in the future
· To modify and improve behaviors to better the lives of individuals and society as a whole