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Chapter Eight

“Are you going to sleep all day?” Daphne prodded her shoulder.

Audrey rolled over in bed and pulled the pillow over her face, snuggling down into the blankets. “Yes,” she murmured sleepily. “Go away.”

“Get up,” Daphne told her again. “I need breakfast.”

“Cook your own damn breakfast,” Audrey retorted, hiding her face in the pillows.

“Nope,” Daphne said, a bit too cheerful. “You’re supposed to be taking care of me, remember?”

Audrey groaned and rolled over, staring at her twin. She frowned up at her, a smile cracking her face when Daphne wiggled her eyebrows. For a moment, she seemed just like Audrey’s old twin again—mischievous and demanding—and her heart melted. “Fine, I’m getting up. But just for you.”

“Perfect,” Daphne said with a grin.

Audrey rolled out of bed and was unable to resist a groan as her muscles protested. She felt sore on several levels, her breasts sensitive, her inner thighs sensitive . . . among other things. Stretching to shake out some of the kinks, she yawned and glanced back at Daphne.

Her twin hadn’t moved from the bed. Her head was tilted to one side, and she watched Audrey with narrow, suspicious eyes.

“What?” Audrey asked defensively.

“Why are you walking so stiff?” Daphne’s eyes widened. “Did you nail hot tub Romeo?”

“Oh, my God, shut up, Daphne.” She rushed back to her twin’s side and clamped a hand over her mouth. “Do you have to be so loud?”

Daphne wrestled out from behind Audrey’s hand and shook out her messy hair. “I’m serious,” she hissed. “Did you nail him? Last night? You little slut you!”

Audrey felt her face turning bright red. “Just be quiet, Daph. And don’t say a word to anyone.”

“Who would I tell? Cade?” She snorted. “What happened to your crush on him?”

Audrey shrugged, feeling a little guilty—but not a lot. She felt too good at the moment. “You told me that I could use a man, remember? Use him for my own needs and then not worry about it? Reese is the perfect no-strings attached playmate. We both know it’s not going anywhere, so why not have a little fun while we’re together?”

Daphne shook her head. “Well, yeah, but why do you listen to me? I’m the twin with bad judgment, remember? Why would anyone take my advice? You can’t sleep with one man and be crushing on the other while under the same roof. That’s not cool.”

Audrey’s jaw dropped. “You told me yesterday that I should go for it. What’s with the turnabout?”

Daphne shrugged. “I just don’t want Cade to get hurt in this, that’s all.”

“Yeah, well, what about your twin? Don’t my feelings count more than his?”

Daphne just gave her an exasperated look.

Audrey said nothing. If she wanted to be honest, she could have told her twin that she hadn’t given much thought to Cade lately at all. She’d been too distracted with constant thoughts of Reese. Reese and his playful smiles, his playboy attitude, the way he loved to get under her skin and make her explode . . . and then the way he’d make her get all fired up just so he could reap the benefits. Her lips twitched with amusement at that. He seemed to be the only person who liked seeing her naughty half come to the surface. Most everyone would rather have competent, ultra-composed Audrey.

It was nice to not have to be so perfect sometimes.

“Let’s just go eat breakfast, all right?” Audrey slid back off the bed and headed to the closet to get dressed.

The sisters dressed and headed down the stairs. Audrey had expected to see Reese in the kitchen, or hovering in the area, but he was nowhere to be found. There was a note on the fridge and Daphne grabbed it, reading it. “Gone to town to find a fax machine. Back soon. Cade.” She shrugged and glanced at the empty stove top. “No oatmeal today, huh? Guess he got tired of cooking for us. Or maybe you wore him out.” She gave Audrey a sly look.

Audrey ignored it and headed for the cabinet, pulling out a box of cereal. “Here. Breakfast is served.”

“Wow, nice to see the gourmet is in the house,” Daphne said sarcastically, but she took the box and headed to the table while Audrey got bowls.

They ate in companionable silence, Daphne smoking her first cigarette of the day and Audrey stifling yawns behind her hand. Despite her tiredness, she felt good. Really good. Incredibly good. So good that she was pretty sure it’d be obvious to anyone who saw her.

She and Reese had made love for hours in the woods last night. After that first mind-blowing round, he’d turned the tables on her and had licked and teased her until she seemed to be in a constant state of orgasm. She’d never experienced anything quite like that before, and by the end of it, she’d been totally wrung out. Reese, however, had quite a bit more stamina than her, and after a few rounds of cuddling, he’d rolled her onto her back and then made long, slow, languid love to her. And then he’d done so again a few hours later. And just before dawn, when they were about to head back to the lodge to crawl into bed, he’d pushed her back down on the blankets and given her a rough and dirty fucking that had left her breathless.

She’d been staggering with exhaustion by the time they made it back to the lodge, but sated. And she’d fallen into bed and slept for hours.

And she couldn’t stop thinking about it.

As if on cue, Reese descended down the stairs, scratching his bare chest. He yawned, wearing a pair of Cade’s sleep pants that were about three inches too short for him, and headed for the twins in the kitchen area, grinning. “Ladies. How are we this morning?” He snagged the box from between them and headed to one of the cabinets to get a bowl.

“Well,” Daphne said brightly, examining her cigarette. “One of us is fine, and one of us is walking bowlegged. I’ll let you determine which one is which.”

He paused, then glanced over at Audrey, who shot her sister a mortified look.

“I see someone’s feeling better,” Reese said.

“Yeah, she’s back in fighting form all right,” Audrey said, grateful for the distraction.

“Good thing. I like my women a little fiery,” Reese said, and when she glared at him, he winked. Oh, they were going to be like that this morning, were they?

“I thought you liked them breathing,” Audrey said in her best prim voice.

“Actually, I prefer it when they can hold their breath,” Reese said, returning to the table with a bowl. He dumped a ton of cereal into it and then reached for the milk when Daphne handed it his way. “Or humming. I like it when they hum. You know any good songs, Audrey?”

She nearly choked on her mouthful of cereal and gave him a heated look.

“No? Just a one note kind of girl?”

Damn it, now she was going to blush. She thought of the woodpile and the way she’d hummed a long, single note while she’d had him in her mouth. Clearly he was thinking of that, too.

“Okay, I’m officially out of this weird ass conversation,” Daphne said with a glance at Audrey. “You two carry on. I’m going to call Cade and tell him to bring some more cigarettes.”

“You do that,” Audrey said quietly. As soon as Daphne left the dining area, Audrey scooped a bit of cereal onto her spoon and launched it at Reese. “Oh, my God, could you be more obvious?”

“Me?” He laughed, batting away the bits of cereal with a grin, clearly enjoying himself. “You’re the one walking all bowlegged.”

“That’s because someone was a little too enthusiastic last night!”

His face sobered. “Seriously. Are you okay? You’re not hurting, are you?”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Will you be quiet? I’m fine. My muscles are just . . . sore.”

Reese gave her an interested look. “You sure do blush easily, too. You know when you blush, it goes all the way to your nipples?”

Oh, God, she could feel that blushing even now. “You’re going to kill me before this day is out, aren’t you?”

“I might. Does this mean if you get angry enough, we might have to meet by the woodpile again?” His voice took on a husky note.

That butterfly fluttered low in her belly again, warmth flooding through her body, and Audrey found herself imagining meeting him there again, tearing at each other with abandon. “Maybe,” she hedged. Though who was she kidding? All he had to do was crook his finger and she’d practically jump on him, eager for a second round.

Of course, she was pretty sure it was mutual, given the looks he was shooting her way. A peculiar sense of pleasure slid through her. To think that she, Audrey Petty, the boring twin, had one of the world’s most famous playboys ready to jump her at the mere sign that she was interested.

She had to admit, it was good for the ego.

There was a knock at the front door.

“Someone want to get that?” Daphne called from the living room. “I’m kind of hiding out here, remember?”

Audrey and Reese exchanged glances, and Audrey got up from the table, curious. Their cabin was in a remote location in the midst of nothing but the woods. This was private property. Who could possibly be coming out to visit?

She glanced at her twin, who was retreating to the kitchen, and then opened the door.

Camilla strolled in, tossing her long blonde hair over one shoulder. She wore an adorable fur-lined white winter coat, matched with a miniskirt and stockings over a pair of sky-high designer leather boots. Her makeup was perfect and her outfit sexy, and she looked right past Audrey as if she wasn’t there. Her eyes scanned the room for Reese, her face lighting up at the sight of him in his pajamas. “Darling! You’re still here after all.”

Audrey’s stomach clenched and she stood in the doorway like a statue as the beautiful heiress moved to Reese’s side. She was tall and slender and her appearance was perfect in contrast to Audrey, who wore a pair of ratty pajamas, had her hair twisted into a messy bun, and not a shred of makeup. Oh, and she was walking bowlegged, unlike Camilla’s perfect glide across the cabin floor.

And she watched through narrowed eyes as Camilla moved to Reese and wrapped her arm around his neck, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the mouth. She half-expected him to push her away, or maybe look over at Audrey and give her an apologetic look.

But he didn’t. He simply accepted Camilla’s peck.

Anger flared through Audrey. Well, wasn’t this lovely. No sooner did she sleep with the man than he forgot that she ever existed. She’d guessed as much, but it still stung her ego, just a bit.



Ah, fuck. Camilla had the shittiest timing ever. Reese wanted to put his hands around that slender throat and wring her pretty neck. Of course, Camilla had no idea why he was irritated, seeing as how she’d traipsed back to the cabin after abandoning him for days without a second thought.

Audrey, on the other hand, had stiffened up, her back going plank-straight and her entire body rigid. Gone was that soft teasing playfulness from this morning and the bright blushes. Instead, she was staring at him with something akin to loathing. That bothered him.

“Did you miss me?” Camilla asked, draping her lithe form all over him and kissing him repeatedly, as if they didn’t have an audience. “I wasn’t sure if you’d still be here, but when I heard you weren’t at work, I decided to come out and see for myself.” She gave him a pretty pout. “I figured it was either that or you were avoiding me.”

He detangled her clinging arms from his shoulders, finding himself a bit annoyed at her coy actions. “How can I be avoiding you, sweetheart, when I’m right where you left me? Without clothes, I might add?”

She gave a lighthearted giggle and clung to his arm. “But you look so sexy without clothes, Reese baby.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Audrey roll her eyes and make a disgusted face, heading into the kitchen.

“That’s nice,” he told Camilla in a dismissive voice, pulling her clinging hands away from him. “I probably need to head back into the city at some point anyhow.” Especially since the main reason why he’d stayed here had disappeared into the kitchen, no doubt to stick pins in a Reese-shaped voodoo doll of some kind.

“Don’t bother,” Camilla said, unzipping her coat. “I talked to Daddy for you about the cruise line. He says we can do whatever I want, as long as it makes me happy.” She gave him a flirty smile. “I’m in charge of whether or not things fly.”

That was exactly what Reese had been hoping for when he’d begun to court Camilla’s attention. He knew her father was looking for a project to put the young heiress on to keep her busy and to test her business acumen. He also knew that Camilla liked nothing more than going on vacation and spending money. This was perfect for his plans.

But for some reason, he found himself annoyed with her and her timing. He wanted to go to Audrey and explain why he couldn’t push Camilla away, and why he had to keep her focused attention on himself when all he really wanted to do was drag Audrey against him and kiss her again.

But his company needed the cash influx that Camilla’s business could bring in, along with the prestige. Camilla herself was a media figure, and if she started to push the cruise line to all her celebrity friends, word would get around and their luxury cruises would soon be the premier vacation for the rich and famous, and those wanting to vacation with the rich and famous.

She just had shit timing was all.

So he clasped her hands and forced himself to put on his best flirty smile. “I’m staying here with friends this week, Camilla. Cade’s here and he’s the owner of the cabin, so we’re going to have to share space. And I’m afraid all the rooms are taken.”

“Oh, that’s okay.” She looked unconcerned. “I’ll just stay in yours. You want to go get my suitcase out of the car?”

Daphne’s eyebrows went to her forehead and she gave Reese a disgusted look that reminded him so much of Audrey that he did a double take. Of course it did; they were twins despite Daphne’s wasted appearance.

Camilla noticed at that moment the new person who now stood in the doorway of the kitchen. Her jaw dropped. “Daphne Petty?”

Daphne gave a wan smile. “Hi.”

“Oh, my God!” Camilla’s hands flailed with excitement and she did a little hop, which was not an easy feat in her stiletto boots. “I am your biggest fan, for real! I love you!”

“Thank you,” Daphne said, giving her sister a ‘Help Me’ look.

“What are you doing here in the woods?” Camilla’s eyes widened. “Oh, my gosh, are you writing your next album? I could totally help you with that! I’m really great with lyrics.”

“Super,” Daphne said, keeping that cheerful smile on her face through great effort. She looked over at the others in the room for help. “Reese?”

“Just a minute,” he told her. “I need to check on something. Why don’t you wait here in the kitchen with Daphne, Camilla?” He turned and gave Daphne his most brilliant smile.

Like a charm, Camilla turned and squealed with delight, clapping her hands. “I am just your biggest fan,” she gushed, sounding like a schoolgirl. “You have no idea. I had front-row tickets when you were in Prague for the White Lightning concert tour, and—”

While Daphne shot him dirty looks, he slipped into the kitchen.

Audrey was still in the living room, straightening magazines and books on the coffee table and dusting with a small, checkered rag. The place was spotless, but she continued to go over the furniture as if cleaning would somehow ease the turmoil in her mind.

“Audrey, we need to talk,” Reese began.

She gave him a scathing look. “What’s there to talk about?”

“You and me. Camilla.”

“You and me and Camilla are not an issue,” she told him in a stiff voice. “You and I had no sort of agreement together, remember? It was just flirtation, nothing more. I just happened to forget that you flirt with everything that has tits.”

He sighed. “Look. I don’t want Camilla here, either, but I can’t send her away. She’s a big part of a crucial deal that I need for a potential business venture to succeed.”

The look on her face turned even more wintry. “So you mean to tell me that you don’t like the fact that a beautiful, wealthy socialite is draping herself all over you? Because I saw your face and it didn’t exactly seem like much of a hardship, if you ask me.”


“No, that’s fine, Reese, honestly. My feelings are not hurt.” She gave him a wide-eyed look that seemed calm despite the heated flush rising on her cheeks. “You and I had a bit of a fling in the woods. It’s not a big deal. No one suggested any sort of commitment, least of all me. Remember, I’m in love with Cade. Seeing Camilla here just made me realize that I’ve been pursuing the wrong sort of thing with you here, but I’m glad that my head’s on straight now.” She gave him a little smile. “Last night was fun, though. I suppose I should say thank you.”

Jesus. She made it sound like they’d had a tea party instead of blisteringly hot sex. “So is that all you’re going to say to me?”

“What would you like for me to say, Reese? That I’m hurt and furious at you? The only reason we got involved was because you blackmailed me over my crush on Cade. I’ll just focus on him now.”

For some reason, the fact that she kept throwing Cade’s name into the conversation grated on his nerves. “Is that so?”

She glanced up at him, leaning against the sofa. “What do you care? You have your heiress and you need to fuck her for your business deal, right? Go right ahead. I won’t stop you.” She gestured at the doorway of the kitchen. “I’ll even cheer you on. It’ll make it easier for me to focus on Cade.”

“So you think your path is clear because another woman showed up?” Reese moved a little closer to her, until they were practically nose-to-nose. And she was vibrating with angry energy, which just made him even more aroused and drawn to her. “Is that why you keep bringing Cade’s name up? Because you want to lash out at me?”

She stared up at him, the look on her face challenging. “Maybe I do. Or maybe I am thinking I should invite Cade to go skinny-dipping and see what I get out of this.”

He scowled.

She scowled back.

And then she reached for him, and he reached for her, and suddenly their mouths were on each other, furiously kissing. He felt her teeth sink into his lower lip, heard his own groan of pleasure as her body pressed against his, and the kiss turned wilder and even more strangely erotic. Fuck, but the woman could do the best angry kiss in the world, and his body was practically jumping out of his skin at her touch. Audrey gave a soft whimper that was at odds with the furious kisses she was pressing on him, her tongue gliding into his mouth.

He sucked on it, determined to gentle her.

She melted against him, her breasts pressing against his chest. Her mouth fitted to his and their tongues met, slicking back and forth in a way that made the melding of their mouths seem somehow perfect together.

She just fit him. She fit him perfectly.

And he had to pull away. Reese took a step backward, gently detangling from Audrey, disappointed that he had to do so. “I’m sorry. It’s not fair to you for us to do this. As much as I want to drag you up over this sofa and fuck you right here, it’s not fair to you—or Camilla—if I do it.”

Audrey considered him for a moment, a wry smile twisting her mouth. “That sounds stunningly admirable for a guy who’s juggling two women.”

He ran a hand down his face, exhausted at the thought. “It’s not like that. I figured when Camilla ran out, we were done. How was I supposed to know she’d waltz back in here a few days later, pretending like I’m late for our next date?” God, the girl was exhausting him and she’d just shown up. He hadn’t realized how glad he’d been that she was gone until she’d returned.

“So what’s she mean to you?” Audrey’s voice was quiet, serious. “Be honest with me, Reese. I can handle it.”

“You want honesty?” He gave her a rueful look. “She’s arm candy and a business deal that I want pretty badly. If I could get the business deal without Camilla I’d take it in a heartbeat. But because she’s the strings attached to it, we were just playing around. I was flirting with her, showing her a bit of attention.”

“Like a gigolo.” Her voice was flat.

“Jesus, not like that.”

“Really? Gigolos have sex for money. Isn’t that what you’re doing?”

“You think that girl out there wants a serious relationship?” He gestured to the doorway. “Hell no. She wants a fling with a sexy guy. Nothing more, nothing less. Something to gossip about to her friends. She doesn’t give a shit about me or how I feel. Her expectations aren’t the same as yours.”

“I have no expectations,” she said coolly. Then she ruined it by blurting, “So did you sleep with her?”

“Not yet.” And he was suddenly fucking thankful for that. “You interrupted us in the hot tub, remember?”

“Oh.” She considered him, then said, “Well, it’s your fault we’re in this situation.”

“Me? Are you kidding?”

“No, I’m serious.” She crossed her arms over her chest, drawing his gaze there. Damn, but she had a magnificent chest. It was hidden by the shapeless pajamas, but now that he knew what was underneath there? He couldn’t stop thinking about those large, perfect globes bouncing as he stroked into her.

Ah, hell. Now he was thinking about her breasts again. He forced himself to focus.

“It’s your fault that we slept together, because you dared me.”

“I didn’t dare you to sleep with me.”

“No, but you dared me to kiss you, and then you dared me to go skinny-dipping with you.” She gave a delicate shrug. “It was a natural event in the chain of things, but my point is that if you hadn’t dared me, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”

“It takes two to tango, you know. You’re not blameless in this.”

“I never dared you once!”

“You’re right,” he said, throwing his hands up. “Let’s just blame it all on me. It’s all my fault.”

“You want me to take a share of the blame, then?”

She was getting riled up, which just made him want her even more. Damn. He hadn’t been kidding about tossing her over the couch and fucking her. He shifted his weight, determined not to reach into his pants and adjust himself. “It’d be nice.”

“Fine then. How about a dare for you?” She gave him a challenging look, then flicked her fingers at him. “Seal the deal with your heiress. That’s the dare.”

That’s the dare? Are you kidding? You want me to sleep with someone else?”

“That’s the dare,” she agreed. “You sleep with her, you win. I’ll let you choose what you win. I—”

“Anal sex,” he said immediately, waiting for her to freak out. Most women did as soon as anal was mentioned.

Her cheeks pinkened, but she continued. “Like I was saying, if you win, you choose. If I win, I get to choose something.”

“And what do you choose?” He leaned close to her, so close that he was seconds away from kissing her soft mouth.

“I think you have to stay here and be my slave for a day.”

It was his turn to smirk. What a childish sort of request. She wasn’t very good at this game. “That’s all you’re going to ask for? You do realize that if I win, I get to fuck the heiress and you again? Don’t you want to ask for something bigger than that?”

She gave him a sad look. “Reese, does it matter what I ask for? Honestly? We both know you’re not going to lose.” Audrey reached up, caressed his cheek, brushed her lips against his, and then left the room.

And he was left dumbfounded for a long moment, because he had no idea what to think. Audrey didn’t expect to win their bet. She’d agreed to have sex with him—anal sex—if she lost, and she didn’t expect to win. But he had a feeling that if he slept with Camilla, that bet would be the last time he’d see Audrey ever again.

It’d be a bittersweet victory. He’d have his business merger. He’d have Camilla.

And he’d lose Audrey. She’d go through with the bet—his firecracker didn’t back down from a challenge—but after that? She’d be long gone.

And for some reason, that bothered him a hell of a lot more than the thought of losing the cruise line deal.


Date: 2015-02-03; view: 653

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