Part VI. Film Festivals
Examine the film festivals calendar below and draw the map of international film festivals. Make your suggestions which of the film you’ve recently seen may be shown at some of the festivals.
Belgium the Brussels International Festival January
Germany the Berlin Film Festival/Berlinale February
Belgium the Brussels International Festival of fantasy March
and science-fiction films and thrillers
USA Academy Awards March
Bulgaria the International Festival of Comedy in Gabrovo May
France the Cannes Film Festival May
Czech Republic the Czech International Film Festival at Karlovy Vary July
Russia the Moscow Film Festival July
Britain the Edinburgh International Film Festival (avant- August
garde cinema, theoretical discussions, special events
on history)
Denmark the Odense International Film Festival August, odd
Italy Venice Film Festival August,
Spain the San Sebastian Film Festival September
Sweden the Gothenburgh Film Festival (short films) October
Ukraine Molodist Kyiv International Film Festival October
Finland the International Children’s Festival in Oulu Late November
A. Read the following passage and try to guess what film award is described.
It is a gold-plated figure (25 cm high and weighing 3.2 kg) which is awarded annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the best film work in various categories, e.g. Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Original Screenplay, Special Visual Effects, Cinematography, Costume Design, etc. In addition, various special or honorary awards are often given for professional humanitarian achievement. In 1928 Frances Marion said about it: “The statuette is a perfect symbol of the movie business – a powerful athletic body clutching a gleaming sword, with half of his head, the part that holds his brain, completely sliced off.”
B. The following is a list of the winners of the 75th Annual Academy Awards, presented by Hollywood’s Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Look through the list of the 2003 Oscar winners. Do a research and compile the same list about the current year winners.
Date: 2015-02-03; view: 1008