The Jungle Book 10 page once a trunk came up and touched him on the knee.
Then an elephant trumpeted, and they all took it up for
five or ten terrible seconds. The dew from the trees above
spattered down like rain on the unseen backs, and a dull
booming noise began, not very loud at first, and Little
Toomai could not tell what it was. But it grew and grew,
and Kala Nag lifted up one forefoot and then the other, and
brought them down on the ground —one-two, one-two, as
steadily as trip-hammers. The elephants were stamping all
together now, and it sounded like a war drum beaten at the
mouth of a cave. The dew fell from the trees till there was no
more left to fall, and the booming went on, and the ground
rocked and shivered, and Little Toomai put his hands up to
his ears to shut out the sound. But it was all one gigantic jar
that ran through him—this stamp of hundreds of heavy feet
on the raw earth. Once or twice he could feel Kala Nag and
all the others surge forward a few strides, and the thumping
would change to the crushing sound of juicy green things
being bruised, but in a minute or two the boom of feet on
The Jungle Book
hard earth began again. A tree was creaking and groan-
ing somewhere near him. He put out his arm and felt the
bark, but Kala Nag moved forward, still tramping, and he
could not tell where he was in the clearing. There was no
sound from the elephants, except once, when two or three
little calves squeaked together. Then he heard a thump and
a shuffle, and the booming went on. It must have lasted fully
two hours, and Little Toomai ached in every nerve, but he
knew by the smell of the night air that the dawn was com-
ing.The morning broke in one sheet of pale yellow behind
the green hills, and the booming stopped with the first ray,
as though the light had been an order. Before Little Toomai
had got the ringing out of his head, before even he had shift-
ed his position, there was not an elephant in sight except
Kala Nag, Pudmini, and the elephant with the rope-galls,
and there was neither sign nor rustle nor whisper down the
hillsides to show where the others had gone.
Little Toomai stared again and again. The clearing, as he
remembered it, had grown in the night. More trees stood in
the middle of it, but the undergrowth and the jungle grass
at the sides had been rolled back. Little Toomai stared once
more. Now he understood the trampling. The elephants had
stamped out more room—had stamped the thick grass and
juicy cane to trash, the trash into slivers, the slivers into tiny
fibers, and the fibers into hard earth.
‘Wah!’ said Little Toomai, and his eyes were very heavy.
‘Kala Nag, my lord, let us keep by Pudmini and go to Peters-
en Sahib’s camp, or I shall drop from thy neck.’
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The third elephant watched the two go away, snorted,
wheeled round, and took his own path. He may have be-
longed to some little native king’s establishment, fifty or
sixty or a hundred miles away.
Two hours later, as Petersen Sahib was eating early
breakfast, his elephants, who had been double chained that
night, began to trumpet, and Pudmini, mired to the shoul-
ders, with Kala Nag, very footsore, shambled into the camp.
Little Toomai’s face was gray and pinched, and his hair was
full of leaves and drenched with dew, but he tried to salute
Petersen Sahib, and cried faintly: ‘The dance—the elephant
dance! I have seen it, and—I die!’ As Kala Nag sat down, he
slid off his neck in a dead faint.
But, since native children have no nerves worth speaking
of, in two hours he was lying very contentedly in Petersen
Sahib’s hammock with Petersen Sahib’s shooting-coat un-
der his head, and a glass of warm milk, a little brandy, with
a dash of quinine, inside of him, and while the old hairy,
scarred hunters of the jungles sat three deep before him,
looking at him as though he were a spirit, he told his tale in
short words, as a child will, and wound up with:
‘Now, if I lie in one word, send men to see, and they will
find that the elephant folk have trampled down more room
in their dance-room, and they will find ten and ten, and
many times ten, tracks leading to that dance-room. They
made more room with their feet. I have seen it. Kala Nag
took me, and I saw. Also Kala Nag is very leg-weary!’
Little Toomai lay back and slept all through the long af-
ternoon and into the twilight, and while he slept Petersen
The Jungle Book
Sahib and Machua Appa followed the track of the two el-
ephants for fifteen miles across the hills. Petersen Sahib had
spent eighteen years in catching elephants, and he had only
once before found such a dance-place. Machua Appa had
no need to look twice at the clearing to see what had been
done there, or to scratch with his toe in the packed, rammed
‘The child speaks truth,’ said he. ‘All this was done last
night, and I have counted seventy tracks crossing the river.
See, Sahib, where Pudmini’s leg-iron cut the bark of that
tree! Yes; she was there too.’
They looked at one another and up and down, and they
wondered. For the ways of elephants are beyond the wit of
any man, black or white, to fathom.
‘Forty years and five,’ said Machua Appa, ‘have I followed
my lord, the elephant, but never have I heard that any child
of man had seen what this child has seen. By all the Gods of
the Hills, it is—what can we say?’ and he shook his head.
When they got back to camp it was time for the evening
meal. Petersen Sahib ate alone in his tent, but he gave orders
that the camp should have two sheep and some fowls, as
well as a double ration of flour and rice and salt, for he knew
that there would be a feast.
Big Toomai had come up hotfoot from the camp in the
plains to search for his son and his elephant, and now that
he had found them he looked at them as though he were
afraid of them both. And there was a feast by the blazing
campfires in front of the lines of picketed elephants, and
Little Toomai was the hero of it all. And the big brown ele-
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phant catchers, the trackers and drivers and ropers, and the
men who know all the secrets of breaking the wildest ele-
phants, passed him from one to the other, and they marked
his forehead with blood from the breast of a newly killed
jungle-cock, to show that he was a forester, initiated and
free of all the jungles.
And at last, when the flames died down, and the red
light of the logs made the elephants look as though they had
been dipped in blood too, Machua Appa, the head of all the
drivers of all the Keddahs—Machua Appa, Petersen Sahib’s
other self, who had never seen a made road in forty years:
Machua Appa, who was so great that he had no other name
than Machua Appa,—leaped to his feet, with Little Toomai
held high in the air above his head, and shouted: ‘Listen, my
brothers. Listen, too, you my lords in the lines there, for I,
Machua Appa, am speaking! This little one shall no more
be called Little Toomai, but Toomai of the Elephants, as his
great-grandfather was called before him. What never man
has seen he has seen through the long night, and the favor of
the elephant-folk and of the Gods of the Jungles is with him.
He shall become a great tracker. He shall become greater
than I, even I, Machua Appa! He shall follow the new trail,
and the stale trail, and the mixed trail, with a clear eye! He
shall take no harm in the Keddah when he runs under their
bellies to rope the wild tuskers; and if he slips before the feet
of the charging bull elephant, the bull elephant shall know
who he is and shall not crush him. Aihai! my lords in the
chains,’—he whirled up the line of pickets—‘here is the little
one that has seen your dances in your hidden places,—the
The Jungle Book
sight that never man saw! Give him honor, my lords! Sa-
laam karo, my children. Make your salute to Toomai of the
Elephants! Gunga Pershad, ahaa! Hira Guj, Birchi Guj, Kut-
tar Guj, ahaa! Pudmini,—thou hast seen him at the dance,
and thou too, Kala Nag, my pearl among elephants!—ahaa!
Together! To Toomai of the Elephants. Barrao!’
And at that last wild yell the whole line flung up their
trunks till the tips touched their foreheads, and broke out
into the full salute—the crashing trumpet-peal that only
the Viceroy of India hears, the Salaamut of the Keddah.
But it was all for the sake of Little Toomai, who had seen
what never man had seen before—the dance of the elephants
at night and alone in the heart of the Garo hills!
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Shiv and the Grasshopper
(The song that Toomai’s mother sang to the baby)
Shiv, who poured the harvest and made the winds to blow,
Sitting at the doorways of a day of long ago,
Gave to each his portion, food and toil and fate,
From the King upon the guddee to the Beggar at the gate.
All things made he—Shiva the Preserver.
Mahadeo! Mahadeo! He made al ,—
Thorn for the camel, fodder for the kine,
And mother’s heart for sleepy head, O little son of mine!
Wheat he gave to rich folk, mil et to the poor,
Broken scraps for holy men that beg from door to door;
Battle to the tiger, carrion to the kite,
And rags and bones to wicked wolves without the wall at
Naught he found too lofty, none he saw too low—
Parbati beside him watched them come and go;
Thought to cheat her husband, turning Shiv to jest—
Stole the little grasshopper and hid it in her breast.
So she tricked him, Shiva the Preserver.
Mahadeo! Mahadeo! Turn and see.
Tall are the camels, heavy are the kine,
But this was Least of Little Things, O little son of mine!
The Jungle Book
When the dole was ended, laughingly she said,
Master, of a mil ion mouths, is not one unfed?’
Laughing, Shiv made answer, ‘All have had their part,
Even he, the little one, hidden ‘neath thy heart.’
From her breast she plucked it, Parbati the thief,
Saw the Least of Little Things gnawed a new-grown leaf!
Saw and feared and wondered, making prayer to Shiv,
Who hath surely given meat to all that live.
All things made he—Shiva the Preserver.
Mahadeo! Mahadeo! He made al ,—
Thorn for the camel, fodder for the kine,
And mother’s heart for sleepy head, O little son of mine!
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Her Majesty’s Servants
You can work it out by Fractions or by simple Rule of Three,
But the way of Tweedle-dum is not the way of Tweedle-dee.
You can twist it, you can turn it, you can plait it till you drop,
But the way of Pil y Winky’s not the way of Winkie Pop!
It had been raining heavily for one whole month—rain-
ing on a camp of thirty thousand men and thousands of
camels, elephants, horses, bullocks, and mules all gathered
together at a place called Rawal Pindi, to be reviewed by the
Viceroy of India. He was receiving a visit from the Amir
of Afghanistan—a wild king of a very wild country. The
Amir had brought with him for a bodyguard eight hundred
men and horses who had never seen a camp or a locomotive
before in their lives—savage men and savage horses from
somewhere at the back of Central Asia. Every night a mob
of these horses would be sure to break their heel ropes and
stampede up and down the camp through the mud in the
dark, or the camels would break loose and run about and
fall over the ropes of the tents, and you can imagine how
pleasant that was for men trying to go to sleep. My tent lay
far away from the camel lines, and I thought it was safe. But
one night a man popped his head in and shouted, ‘Get out,
quick! They’re coming! My tent’s gone!’
I knew who ‘they’ were, so I put on my boots and water-
The Jungle Book
proof and scuttled out into the slush. Little Vixen, my fox
terrier, went out through the other side; and then there was
a roaring and a grunting and bubbling, and I saw the tent
cave in, as the pole snapped, and begin to dance about like
a mad ghost. A camel had blundered into it, and wet and
angry as I was, I could not help laughing. Then I ran on,
because I did not know how many camels might have got
loose, and before long I was out of sight of the camp, plow-
ing my way through the mud.
At last I fell over the tail-end of a gun, and by that knew
I was somewhere near the artillery lines where the cannon
were stacked at night. As I did not want to plowter about
any more in the drizzle and the dark, I put my waterproof
over the muzzle of one gun, and made a sort of wigwam
with two or three rammers that I found, and lay along the
tail of another gun, wondering where Vixen had got to, and
where I might be.
Just as I was getting ready to go to sleep I heard a jingle of
harness and a grunt, and a mule passed me shaking his wet
ears. He belonged to a screw-gun battery, for I could hear the
rattle of the straps and rings and chains and things on his
saddle pad. The screw-guns are tiny little cannon made in
two pieces, that are screwed together when the time comes
to use them. They are taken up mountains, anywhere that a
mule can find a road, and they are very useful for fighting
in rocky country.
Behind the mule there was a camel, with his big soft feet
squelching and slipping in the mud, and his neck bobbing
to and fro like a strayed hen’s. Luckily, I knew enough of
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beast language—not wild-beast language, but camp-beast
language, of course—from the natives to know what he was
He must have been the one that flopped into my tent,
for he called to the mule, ‘What shall I do? Where shall I
go? I have fought with a white thing that waved, and it took
a stick and hit me on the neck.’ (That was my broken tent
pole, and I was very glad to know it.) ‘Shall we run on?’
‘Oh, it was you,’ said the mule, ‘you and your friends,
that have been disturbing the camp? All right. You’ll be
beaten for this in the morning. But I may as well give you
something on account now.’
I heard the harness jingle as the mule backed and caught
the camel two kicks in the ribs that rang like a drum. ‘An-
other time,’ he said, ‘you’ll know better than to run through
a mule battery at night, shouting ‘Thieves and fire!’ Sit
down, and keep your silly neck quiet.’
The camel doubled up camel-fashion, like a two-foot
rule, and sat down whimpering. There was a regular beat
of hoofs in the darkness, and a big troop-horse cantered up
as steadily as though he were on parade, jumped a gun tail,
and landed close to the mule.
‘It’s disgraceful,’ he said, blowing out his nostrils. ‘Those
camels have racketed through our lines again—the third
time this week. How’s a horse to keep his condition if he
isn’t allowed to sleep. Who’s here?’
‘I’m the breech-piece mule of number two gun of the
First Screw Battery,’ said the mule, ‘and the other’s one of
your friends. He’s waked me up too. Who are you?’
The Jungle Book
‘Number Fifteen, E troop, Ninth Lancers—Dick Cun-
liffe’s horse. Stand over a little, there.’
‘Oh, beg your pardon,’ said the mule. ‘It’s too dark to see
much. Aren’t these camels too sickening for anything? I
walked out of my lines to get a little peace and quiet here.’
‘My lords,’ said the camel humbly, ‘we dreamed bad
dreams in the night, and we were very much afraid. I am
only a baggage camel of the 39th Native Infantry, and I am
not as brave as you are, my lords.’
‘Then why didn’t you stay and carry baggage for the 39th
Native Infantry, instead of running all round the camp?’
said the mule.
‘They were such very bad dreams,’ said the camel. ‘I am
sorry. Listen! What is that? Shall we run on again?’
‘Sit down,’ said the mule, ‘or you’ll snap your long stick-
legs between the guns.’ He cocked one ear and listened.
‘Bullocks!’ he said. ‘Gun bullocks. On my word, you and
your friends have waked the camp very thoroughly. It takes
a good deal of prodding to put up a gun-bullock.’
I heard a chain dragging along the ground, and a yoke
of the great sulky white bullocks that drag the heavy siege
guns when the elephants won’t go any nearer to the firing,
came shouldering along together. And almost stepping on
the chain was another battery mule, calling wildly for ‘Bil-
ly.’ ‘That’s one of our recruits,’ said the old mule to the troop
horse. ‘He’s calling for me. Here, youngster, stop squealing.
The dark never hurt anybody yet.’
The gun-bullocks lay down together and began chewing
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the cud, but the young mule huddled close to Billy.
‘Things!’ he said. ‘Fearful and horrible, Billy! They came
into our lines while we were asleep. D’you think they’ll kill
us?’‘I’ve a very great mind to give you a number-one kick-
ing,’ said Billy. ‘The idea of a fourteen-hand mule with your
training disgracing the battery before this gentleman!’
‘Gently, gently!’ said the troop-horse. ‘Remember they
are always like this to begin with. The first time I ever saw a
man (it was in Australia when I was a three-year-old) I ran
for half a day, and if I’d seen a camel, I should have been
running still.’
Nearly all our horses for the English cavalry are brought
to India from Australia, and are broken in by the troopers
‘True enough,’ said Billy. ‘Stop shaking, youngster. The
first time they put the full harness with all its chains on my
back I stood on my forelegs and kicked every bit of it off. I
hadn’t learned the real science of kicking then, but the bat-
tery said they had never seen anything like it.’
‘But this wasn’t harness or anything that jingled,’ said
the young mule. ‘You know I don’t mind that now, Billy. It
was Things like trees, and they fell up and down the lines
and bubbled; and my head-rope broke, and I couldn’t find
my driver, and I couldn’t find you, Billy, so I ran off with—
with these gentlemen.’
‘H’m!’ said Billy. ‘As soon as I heard the camels were
loose I came away on my own account. When a battery—a
screw-gun mule calls gun-bullocks gentlemen, he must be
The Jungle Book
very badly shaken up. Who are you fellows on the ground
The gun bullocks rolled their cuds, and answered both
together: ‘The seventh yoke of the first gun of the Big Gun
Battery. We were asleep when the camels came, but when
we were trampled on we got up and walked away. It is better
to lie quiet in the mud than to be disturbed on good bed-
ding. We told your friend here that there was nothing to be
afraid of, but he knew so much that he thought otherwise.
They went on chewing.
‘That comes of being afraid,’ said Billy. ‘You get laughed
at by gun-bullocks. I hope you like it, young un.’
The young mule’s teeth snapped, and I heard him say
something about not being afraid of any beefy old bullock
in the world. But the bullocks only clicked their horns to-
gether and went on chewing.
‘Now, don’t be angry after you’ve been afraid. That’s the
worst kind of cowardice,’ said the troop-horse. ‘Anybody
can be forgiven for being scared in the night, I think, if they
see things they don’t understand. We’ve broken out of our
pickets, again and again, four hundred and fifty of us, just
because a new recruit got to telling tales of whip snakes at
home in Australia till we were scared to death of the loose
ends of our head-ropes.’
‘That’s all very well in camp,’ said Billy. ‘I’m not above
stampeding myself, for the fun of the thing, when I haven’t
been out for a day or two. But what do you do on active ser-
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‘Oh, that’s quite another set of new shoes,’ said the troop
horse. ‘Dick Cunliffe’s on my back then, and drives his
knees into me, and all I have to do is to watch where I am
putting my feet, and to keep my hind legs well under me,
and be bridle-wise.’
‘What’s bridle-wise?’ said the young mule.
‘By the Blue Gums of the Back Blocks,’ snorted the
troop-horse, ‘do you mean to say that you aren’t taught to
be bridle-wise in your business? How can you do anything,
unless you can spin round at once when the rein is pressed
on your neck? It means life or death to your man, and of
course that’s life and death to you. Get round with your hind
legs under you the instant you feel the rein on your neck. If
you haven’t room to swing round, rear up a little and come
round on your hind legs. That’s being bridle-wise.’
‘We aren’t taught that way,’ said Billy the mule stiffly.
‘We’re taught to obey the man at our head: step off when he
says so, and step in when he says so. I suppose it comes to
the same thing. Now, with all this fine fancy business and
rearing, which must be very bad for your hocks, what do
you do?’
‘That depends,’ said the troop-horse. ‘Generally I have to
go in among a lot of yelling, hairy men with knives—long
shiny knives, worse than the farrier’s knives—and I have to
take care that Dick’s boot is just touching the next man’s
boot without crushing it. I can see Dick’s lance to the right
of my right eye, and I know I’m safe. I shouldn’t care to be
the man or horse that stood up to Dick and me when we’re
in a hurry.’
The Jungle Book
‘Don’t the knives hurt?’ said the young mule.
‘Well, I got one cut across the chest once, but that wasn’t
Dick’s fault—‘
‘A lot I should have cared whose fault it was, if it hurt!’
said the young mule.
‘You must,’ said the troop horse. ‘If you don’t trust your
man, you may as well run away at once. That’s what some of
our horses do, and I don’t blame them. As I was saying, it
wasn’t Dick’s fault. The man was lying on the ground, and
I stretched myself not to tread on him, and he slashed up at
me. Next time I have to go over a man lying down I shall
step on him—hard.’
‘H’m!’ said Billy. ‘It sounds very foolish. Knives are dirty
things at any time. The proper thing to do is to climb up a
mountain with a well-balanced saddle, hang on by all four
feet and your ears too, and creep and crawl and wriggle
along, till you come out hundreds of feet above anyone else
on a ledge where there’s just room enough for your hoofs.
Then you stand still and keep quiet—never ask a man to
hold your head, young un—keep quiet while the guns are
being put together, and then you watch the little poppy
shells drop down into the tree-tops ever so far below.’
‘Don’t you ever trip?’ said the troop-horse.
‘They say that when a mule trips you can split a hen’s ear,’
said Billy. ‘Now and again perhaps a badly packed saddle
will upset a mule, but it’s very seldom. I wish I could show
you our business. It’s beautiful. Why, it took me three years
to find out what the men were driving at. The science of the
thing is never to show up against the sky line, because, if
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you do, you may get fired at. Remember that, young un. Al-
ways keep hidden as much as possible, even if you have to
go a mile out of your way. I lead the battery when it comes
to that sort of climbing.’
‘Fired at without the chance of running into the peo-
ple who are firing!’ said the troop-horse, thinking hard. ‘I
couldn’t stand that. I should want to charge—with Dick.’
‘Oh, no, you wouldn’t. You know that as soon as the guns
are in position they’ll do all the charging. That’s scientific
and neat. But knives—pah!’
The baggage-camel had been bobbing his head to and fro
for some time past, anxious to get a word in edgewise. Then
I heard him say, as he cleared his throat, nervously:
‘I—I—I have fought a little, but not in that climbing way
or that running way.’
‘No. Now you mention it,’ said Billy, ‘you don’t look as
though you were made for climbing or running—much.
Well, how was it, old Hay-bales?’
‘The proper way,’ said the camel. ‘We all sat down—‘
‘Oh, my crupper and breastplate!’ said the troop-horse
under his breath. ‘Sat down!’
‘We sat down—a hundred of us,’ the camel went on, ‘in
a big square, and the men piled our packs and saddles, out-
side the square, and they fired over our backs, the men did,
on all sides of the square.’
‘What sort of men? Any men that came along?’ said the
troop-horse. ‘They teach us in riding school to lie down and
let our masters fire across us, but Dick Cunliffe is the only
man I’d trust to do that. It tickles my girths, and, besides, I
The Jungle Book
can’t see with my head on the ground.’
‘What does it matter who fires across you?’ said the cam-
el. ‘There are plenty of men and plenty of other camels close
by, and a great many clouds of smoke. I am not frightened
then. I sit still and wait.’
‘And yet,’ said Billy, ‘you dream bad dreams and upset
the camp at night. Well, well! Before I’d lie down, not to
speak of sitting down, and let a man fire across me, my heels
and his head would have something to say to each other.
Did you ever hear anything so awful as that?’
There was a long silence, and then one of the gun bull-
ocks lifted up his big head and said, ‘This is very foolish
indeed. There is only one way of fighting.’
‘Oh, go on,’ said Billy. ‘Please don’t mind me. I suppose
you fellows fight standing on your tails?’
‘Only one way,’ said the two together. (They must have
been twins.) ‘This is that way. To put all twenty yoke of us to
the big gun as soon as Two Tails trumpets.’ (“Two Tails’ is
camp slang for the elephant.)
‘What does Two Tails trumpet for?’ said the young
‘To show that he is not going any nearer to the smoke on
the other side. Two Tails is a great coward. Then we tug the
big gun all together—Heya—Hullah! Heeyah! Hullah! We
do not climb like cats nor run like calves. We go across the
level plain, twenty yoke of us, till we are unyoked again, and
we graze while the big guns talk across the plain to some
town with mud walls, and pieces of the wall fall out, and the
dust goes up as though many cattle were coming home.’
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‘Oh! And you choose that time for grazing?’ said the
young mule.
‘That time or any other. Eating is always good. We eat
till we are yoked up again and tug the gun back to where
Two Tails is waiting for it. Sometimes there are big guns in
the city that speak back, and some of us are killed, and then
there is all the more grazing for those that are left. This is
Fate. None the less, Two Tails is a great coward. That is the
Date: 2015-02-03; view: 884