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The Register of the names of those

who fell in the Great War

and are buried or

commemorated in Russia

Compiled and Published by order of the Imperial War

Craves Commission, London. 1931.

The original register was published in 1931 and subsequent

changes have been incorporated in this amended version

Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Maidenhead, Berkshire


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THE War Graves and Memorials in the Soviet Republics of Eastern Europe are a result of the campaigns of 1918-1920 in several parts of European Russia. These campaigns, which were the outcome of the Russian Revolution of November, 1917, are closely connected both with events in Asia (particularly in Persia and in Siberia) and with the general course of the War in the West. The continued German and Turkish threats to India by way of Persia and Afghanistan, and the crisis of 1918 in France caused by the withdrawal of Russia from the Entente, form the background to the North Russian Expedition and the Allied intervention in South Russia, which are summarised in the following narrative.

In the spring of 1918 the main Russian Government, neutral towards Germany and Austria, was surrounded by various hostile regional Governments on the fringes of the former Russian Empire. Its Western front was open, and German troops had been transferred in very large numbers to France. Finland, independent since December, 1917, was torn by the struggle between “White” and “Red”, and strong German forces entered the country and secured, in May, 1918, the ascendency of the “White” Government. The North Russian ports, through which the Allies had assisted Russia with supplies and munitions, were now open to German occupation. The Black Sea, the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea were as yet beyond the reach of Allied forces, and the Russian half of the barrier between the Central Powers and India had failed. Lastly, there had emerged from the late Russian armies the two Czechoslovak Divisions, formed of ex-Austrian prisoners, which were known to be making for Archangel or Vladivostok in order to join the Allies. All these facts suggested intervention; it took the form of landings in the North and Military and Naval Missions, armaments and stores in the South and East. The Northern expedition lasted from 1918 to 1919, and was a separate military operation. The intervention in the South was linked with the advance of detachments from the Allied armies in Greece and Mesopotamia, and it lasted from 1919 to 1920.

In April, 1918, a force of 150 Royal Marines landed at Murmansk, off which a British battleship had for some time been stationed. By the end of May 500 British Marines and sailors, 300 French soldiers, 1,400 Serbian soldiers and 500 Finnish “Red Guards” (the Finnish Legion) were holding the Kola Peninsula and Kandalaksha. The danger at present lay in Finland, and the Murman force, gradually strengthened, occupied the line of the Murmansk railway as far South as Soroka by the end of June. These operations were begun with the consent of the main Russian Government.

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On the 1st-2nd August, 1918, another Allied force occupied Archangel. It advanced in August and September Westward to Onega and South and South-East, along the Vologda railway and the Dvina, to Yemsta and beyond Bereznik (Semenovka). Behind these two forces were the friendly local Soviets, but already both had become engaged in hostilities with the Russian Bolshevik troops. On the 18th September Admiral Kolchak announced the formation of an anti-Bolshevik Government and “assumed power” over all the Russias, basing himself on Siberia and the South.

By October, 1918, nearly 20,000 British, French, American, Italian, Polish and Russian troops were on the Archangel front, and nearly 15,000 British, French, Italian, Serbian and Russian on the Murmansk front. The danger from Finland disappeared in December, with the withdrawal of the German troops and the establishment of a friendly Coalition Government; the hope of junction with the Czechs was disappointed. The winter was spent in repelling determined Bolshevik attacks on the Archangel force and in advancing the for ward positions of the Murmansk force beyond Segeja. With the early spring of 1919 news arrived of considerable successes won by Admiral Kolchak in the East and by General Denikin, the “White Russian” commander in the South; but in March and April the Allied Governments decided on an early evacuation of North Russia. War against the Bolshevik Government had not been one of their objects. The two North Russian forces were to be strengthened, disengaged by local offensives, and withdrawn; the friendly Governments were to be helped to establish themselves, if possible, on a firm military basis; and the Siberian army of Admiral Kolchak might perhaps be linked, before the Allied soldiers left, with the troops of the Archangel Soviet. General Lord Rawlinson was sent to co-ordinate the operations.

Only the first of these aims could be realised. The Murmansk force reached Lake-Onega by the 18th May and fought small actions on or near the lake through the summer; it captured Lijma on the 14th-16th September, and within another month it had successfully evacuated Murmansk. The Archangel force, fighting on a wider front and more severely attacked, won the Battle of Troitsa on the 10th August, and evacuated Archangel without further difficulty on the 27th September. The friendly Governments held out for some months but the Bolsheviks entered Archangel on the 20th February, 1920. On the Finnish border fighting between Soviet forces and Finnish troops or Karelian insurgents continued at intervals until the end of 1921.

Kolchak’s Siberian forces were devisively defeated in the summer of 1919. Denikin, after a successful summer campaign which reached as far as Kiev in September, was driven back throughout the winter of 1919-20 until his last position, at Novorossisk, was lost in March. In November, 1920, General Wrangel, who still held the Crimea, was forced out of Sevastopol, and organised resistance to the Russian Soviet Government ended.

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ARCHANGEL ALLIED CEMETERY is on the North-West outskirts of the town, ad joining the Lutheran and Russian Cemeteries. It was begun by the Anglo-American-French “Allied Burial Board” formed immediately after the occupation of the town, in August, 1918, and it was used by No. 85 General Hospital, No. 53 Stationary Hospital, No. 82 Casualty Clearing Station, H.M. Hospital Ship “Kalyan,” and other Allied hospitals. Eightyseven British burials were carried out in it in 1918-19; six British merchant seamen’s graves of 1916-17 were brought in later from ARCHANGEL LUTHERAN CEMETERY; 140 special memorials are erected to British officers and men buried elsewhere in North Russia whose graves are known; an 210 British officers and men whose graves are not known are named on panels fixed to the East wall. There are also 20 French, six Polish and two Russian graves in the cemetery, but the American graves have been removed.

There are 233 British War Dead (including the 140 specially commemorated and ten whose exact positions in the cemetery are not known) from the 1914-1918 World War, buried or commemorated in this cemetery.

The Naval graves are largely those of the flotilla on the Dvina.

The cemeteries now represented at Archangel included the following (the numbers of graves given cover only the British):

BAKHARITSA BURIAL GROUND (across the river from Archangel), made by the Allied Burial Board (7 graves);

BOLSHOI OZERKI BURIAL GROUND (a little West of the Archangel-Vologda railway line), made by the British (8 graves);

CHEKUEVO CEMETERY, on the river Onega (one grave);

KHOROBRITSOE CHURCHYARD, on the Dvina (one grave);

KLESHEVO CEMETERY, on the Onega (one grave);

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KOURGOMEN CEMETERY, on the Dvina (one grave);

MASELSKAYA BURIAL GROUND (on the Murmansk railway line), originally a cemetery for Austrian and German prisoners working on the railway in 1915 (5 graves);

OBOZERSKAYA BURIAL GROUND (on the Archangel-Vologda railway line), made by the British in October, 1918 - September, 1919 (19 graves);

ONEGA OLD CEMETERY, on the North side of the town, now disused (one grave);

PIANDA CHURCHYARD, near Shenkursk (2 graves);

SEEYA (or Siskoe) CHURCHYARD, on the Dvina (one grave);

SELETSKOE CEMETERY (on the Yemtsa), used by French, Americans and (in November, 1918 - April, 1919) British (13 graves);

SEMENOVKA (or BEREZNIK) CEMETERY EXTENSION (on the Dvina), made by H.M.S. “Glowworm” in September, 1918, and used by British troops until August, 1919 (43 graves);

SHENKURSK OLD (or Chapel) CEMETERY (on the Vaga), used by Americans and British (2 graves);

SOROKA OLD CEMETERY (on the Murmansk railway), disused since 1922 (one grave);

SOROKA ZAVODE (Sawmills) CEMETERY, now disused (4 graves);

SREDMEKHRENGA CHURCHYARD, on the Yemtsa (4 graves);

TOPSA CHURCHYARD, on the Dvina (3 graves);

TROITSA CHURCHYARD (on the Dvina), used by the British in June-September, 1919 (23 graves);

UST-PINEGA CEMETERY, on the Dvina (3 graves);

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UST-VAGA BURIAL GROUND (on the Vaga), made by the British in April-September, 1919 (13 graves);

YAKOVSLEVSKOE (now Zaostrovskaya) CHURCHYARD EXTENSION (on the Dvina), made by the British in August, 1919 (8 graves);

YEMETSKOE CHURCHYARD (at the confluence of the Yemtsa and the Dvina), used by British and Americans (3 graves).

There are also three burials from the 1939-1945 World War.

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1. AGGIO, Pte. A.G., 130870. 46th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 15th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B1 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

2. AITKEN, Pte. T., 377016. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. 16th September, 1918. Age 30. Son of Mrs. Catherine Aitken, of The Lodge, Colinsburgh, Fifeshire. Sp. Mem. B2 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

3. ALDWINCKLE, Lt. B. 421st Howitzer Bty. Royal Field Artillery. 3rd November, 1918. C. 8.

4. ALMOND, Cpl. George Henry, TR/51968. 1102nd H.T. Coy. Royal Army Service Corps. 1st September, 1919. Age 47. Son of the late Thomas Almond; husband of Elizabeth Almond, of 2, Berry Cottages, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot, Devon. Served in the South African War. Sp. Mem. B3 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

5. ANDREWS, Pte. T.A., 129315. 46th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 10th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B4 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

6. ASHER, Pte. H., 301392. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. 29th October, 1918. Age 24. Son of Abraham and Eva Asher, of 18, Exmouth St., Leeds. Sp. Mem. B5 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

7. AYRES, Off Std. 2nd Cl. Joseph[1], L/6251. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Age 22. Husband of Nellie Ayres, of 142, Wingfield St., Landport, Portsmouth. Sp. Mem. B6 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

8. BAILEY, Capt. Tom Edmond Geoffrey, M.C. 6th Bn. Yorkshire Regt. 2nd April, 1919. Age 35. Son of the late James Battersby Bailey and of Louisa F. Bailey, of 11, Herne Hill Mansions, Herne Hill, London. M 1.

9. BARR, Capt. David Buik, M.C. East Lancashire Regt. 13th July, 1919. Age 25. Son of Jeanie Barr, of Crescent Place, Dalmuir, Glasgow, and the late William Barr. L. 2.

10. BATTEN, Serjt. J., 6549. 2nd Bn. Hampshire Regt. 20th June, 1919. Age 33. Son of Sophia Dodd (formerly Batten), of Basingstoke and the late Charles Batten; husband of Cecilia H. Cowdery (formerly Batten, of “Sunnyside,” Sherborne St. John, Basingstoke, Hants. Sp. Mem. B7 (buried Topsa Chyd).

11. BEAK, Cpl. Alfred George, 65131. “B” Coy. 6th Bn. Yorkshire Regt. Died of sickness 3rd April, 1919. Age 29. Son of Alfred James Beak and Martha Jane Beak, of 166 Chamberlayne Rd., Kensal Rise, London. Sp. Mem. A10.

12. BEGLEY, Pte. Henry Frederick, 11027. 1st Bn. Connaught Rangers. 27th July, 1919. Age 27. Son of William and Agnes Begley, of 23, Upper Dorset St., Dublin. Sp. Mem. B8 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

13. BLAND, Lt. C.F.R., M.C. 3rd Bn. Royal Berkshire Regt. Croix de Guerre with Palms (France). 7th July, 1919. Age 21. Son of John and Adelaide Sophie Ramsden Bland. Born at Durban, Natal. Sp. Mem. B9 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension). XXVII.

14. BOAGEY, Master W.H. H.M.T. “Darnholme,” Mercantile Marine. 31st October, 1917. C. 10.

15. BOOTH, Ord. Smn. E.W., 998910. H.M.S. “Lobster,” Mercantile Marine Reserve. 26th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B10 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

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16. BOYLES, A.B. Charles, J/12947. R.N. H.M.S. “M.25.” 14th September, 1918. Age 22. Husband of Winifred Emma Boyles, of 32, Luther St., Hinckley Rd., Leicester. Sp. Mem. B11 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

17. BRIDCUTT, Gnr. Arthur Elijah, 40822. Royal Garrison Artillery, attd, Royal Field Artillery. 11th August, 1919. Age 23. Son of John and Esther Bridcutt, of Roke Benson, Oxon. Sp. Mem. B12 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

18. BROWN, Capt. Allan. 49th Bn. Australian Inf. Killed in action 20th July, 1919. Age 28. Son of Alfred and Margaret Charlotte Brown, of 474, Chester Rd., Old Trafford, Manchester, England. Sp. Mem. B13 (buried Kleshevo Cem.).

19. BROWN, Pte. George Henry, 114148. 17th Bn. The King’s Liverpool Regt. Died of pneumonia 6th November, 1918, Age 30. Son of Thomas and Maria Brown, of Cottage Farm, Osbaldwick, Yorks. B. 4.

20. BROWN, Cpl. William, 65048. 6th Bn. Yorkshire Regt. Killed in action 19th April, 1919. Age 21 Son of Margaret Brown, of 19, Kent St., Glasshouse St., Nottingham, and the late William Brown. Sp. Mem. B14 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

21. BROWN, Pte. William, 131804. “D” Coy. 46th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. Killed in action 10th August, 1919. Age 18. Son of Waiter James and Sarah Ann Brown, of 112, Anton Terrace, South St., Andover, Hants. Sp. Mem. B15 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

22. BUCHAN, Lce. Cpl. W.J., 66055. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. Killed in action 18th September, 1918. Age 19. Son of James and Mary Ann Buchan, of Station Rd., Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire. Sp. Mem. B16 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

23. BUCKINGHAM, A.B. E.A., J/27084. R.N. H.M.S. “Glory IV.” 14th September, 1918. Sp. Mem. B17 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cent. Extension).

24. BULMER, Gnr. John Joseph, 292934. 443rd Bty. Royal Field Artillery. Killed in action 1st August, 1919. Age 24. Husband of Eliza Bulmer, of 103, Ward St., Hendon, Sunderland. L. 4.

25. BURFORD A.B. F.W., 100302. H.M.S. “Walton Belle,” Mercantile Marine Reserve. 3rd August, 1919. Age 24. K. 3.

26. BURGESS, Pte. W.E., A/437681. Expeditionary Force Canteen. Army Service Corps. 5th November, 1918. B. 6.

27. BYGRAVE, A.B. W., J/22825. R.N. H.M.S “M.25.” 4th December, 1918. B. 9.

28. CAIRNS, Pte. John, 133378. 46th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 29th August, 1919. Age 33. Husband of Elizabeth Cairns, of 24, Kingston St., Belfast. Sp. Mem. B18 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

29. CARD, Capt. John Victor, M.C. 3rd Bn. East Surrey Regt. 25th March, 1919. Age 32. Son of William Gordon Card and Cornelie E.J. Card, of Eastdene, Hornchurch, Essex. Sp. Mem. B19 (buried Yemetskoe Chyd.).

30. CASEY, Yeo. Sigs. Patrick[2], 227466. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Age 33 Son of John Casey, of Summerland Square, Waterford, Ireland; husband of Doris Lilian Grace Casey, of St. George, Bristol. Sp. Mem. B20 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

31. CHALLONER, Pte. G., 59639. 2nd/7th Bn. Durham Light Inf. 26th October, 1918, D. 5.

32. CHANDLER, Pte. G., S/88393. 390th Depot Unit of Supply. Royal Army Service Corps. 7th April, 1919. J. 2.

33. CHARLOTTY, Pte. J., 75855. 2nd Bn. Highland Light Inf. 29th August, 1919. G. 8.

34. CHEESEBROUGH, Ord. Smn. T.M.[3], J/85493. R.N. H.M.S. “Fox.” 2nd July, 1919. Sp. Mem. B21 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

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35. CHILD, A.B. A.E., J/31371. R.N. H.M.S. “M24.” 2nd July. 1919. J. 4.

36. CHISMAN, A.B. S.[4], J/20791. R.N. H.M.S. “Fox.” 18th August. 1919. Sp. Mem. B22 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

37. CLARKE, Pte. W.J., PO/11179. R.M.L.I. H.M.S. “M.25.” 28th August, 1918. K. 7.

38. CLAXTON, Lce. Cpl. H.G., 277109. 2nd/7th Bn. Durham Light Inf. 25th March, 1919. F. 2.

39. CLEVELAND, Ldg. Smn. R.G., J/16266. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B27 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

40. CLODE, 3rd Mate F.B. S.S. “Bayropea,” Mercantile Marine. 26th January, 1917. C. 11.

41. COASE, A.B. E.H.[5], J/16309. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Age 22. Son of Caroline S. Coase, of 46, Francis St., Plymouth, and the late Samuel Coase. Sp. Mem. B23 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

42. COPE, Lce. Serjt. George, 64626. 6th Bn. Yorkshire Regt. Died of wounds 6th April, 1919. Age 40. Son of Thomas and Mary Cope; husband of Sarah Ann Cope, of 23, Newgate St., Lenton, Nottingham. L. 1.

43. CORK, Bosn. F.T., 998921. H.M.S. “Lobster,” Mercantile Marine Reserve. 26th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B24 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

44. CORLETT, Pte. C.E., 381327. 17th Bn. The King’s Liverpool Regt. 9th February, 1919. Age 30. Son of Henry and Margaret Corlett, of 3, Fort St., Douglas, Isle of Man. Sp. Mem. B25 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

45. CREE, Pte. W., 130197. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 10th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B26 (buried Yakovlevskoe Chyd. Extn.).

46. CROAL, 2nd Lt. Kenneth McFarlane. 6th Bn. Royal Fusiliers, and. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. 19th October, 1918. Age 21. Son of James Patrick Croal, of “Blanerne,” Dunbar, East Lothian. Sp. Mem. B28 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

47. CROSBY, Pte. E.L., 109922. 2nd/7th Bn. Durham Light Inf. 29th October, 1918. C. 6.

48. CROUCHER, Dvr. Nathaniel Frank, 311534. 238th Signal Coy. Royal Engineers. 14th July, 1919. Age 22. Son of William and Harriet Croucher, of Conford, Liphook, Hants. Sp. Mem. B29 (buried Ust-Pinega Cem.).

49. CURRALL, Pte. G., 55080. 201st Bn. Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). 10th July, 1919. Sp. Mem. B30 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

50. DALLAS, Lt. G.B., 8th Bn. Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). 1st September, 1919. Sp. Mem. B31 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

51. DALZIEL, 2nd Lt. J.M. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. 14th November, 1918. Sp. Mem. B32 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

52. DAMMS, A.M.II. J., 294631. Royal Air Force. 23rd July, 1919. Sp. Mem. B33 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

53. DANCY, Lt C., M.C., D.C.M. 1st Bn. Oxf. and Bucks Light Inf. 2nd June, 1919. B. 2.

54. DARLING, Asst. Laundryman H. H.M.H.S. “Garth Castle,” Mercantile Marine. 29th June, 1919. B. 7.

55. DAVIDSON, Dvr. Norman, L/7256. 421st Bty. Royal Field Artillery. Died of pneumonia 4th November, 1918. Age 18. Son of John and Catherine F. Davidson, of 60, Broomhill Rd., Aberdeen. B.3.

56. DAWES, Ldg. Stun. G.[6], J/12434. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Age 25. Son of Edward and Ellen Dawes, of Martin, Salisbury, Wilts. Born at Portsmouth. Sp. Mem. B34 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

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57. DEARDEN, Pte. J.W., 376877. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. 14th October, 1918. Age 20. Son of Mrs. Alice Dearden, of 227, Syke Rd., Rochdale, Lancs. E. 4.

58. DEARLOVE, Pte. R.A., Ply/17106. R.M.L.I. H.M.S. “Glory.” 12th November, 1918. Age 18. Son of William Alfred and Florence Dearlove, of 16, Fellowes Place, Millbridge, Devonport. Sp. Mem. B35 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

59. De MATTOS, Maj. Gerald Camber. 9th Bn. East Lancashire Regt. 11th August, 1919. Age 27. Son of Harold Augustus de Mattos, of Lagonda Lodge, Mersham, Kent. Sp. Mem. B36 (buried Yakovlevskoe Chyd. Extn.).

60. DIXON, Cpl. George Bell, 376825. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. 12th November, 1918. Age 19. Son of Thomas and Margaret J. Dixon, of School House, Dinnington Colliery, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Sp. Mem. B37 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

61. DOGGETT, Serjt. Alfred, 0/24085. Royal Army Ordnance Corps. 29th July, 1919. Age 31. Son of William and Mary Doggett; husband of Elizabeth M. Doggett, of Gambers Cottage, Great Bardfield, Braintree, Essex. Born at Saling. O. 3.

62. DOYLE, Pte. Alfred Richard, 129393. 46th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 1st August, 1919. Age 28. L. 3.

63. DRIVER, Capt. H., D.S.O., M.C. Bedfordshire Regt., attd. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 10th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B38 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

64. DYER, Capt. R.C., D.C.M., M.M. and Bar. 8th Bn. Canadian Inf. (Manitoba Regt.). Order of St. George 4th Class (Russia). 30th December, 1918. E. 6.

65. EVANS, Pte. D.G., Ply/1843(S). R.M.L.I. H.M.S. “Glory.” Died of pneumonia 18th October, 1918. Age 25. Son of Evan Evans and Margaret Evans, of Pentre Lludw, Llanbrynmair, Montgomeryshire. D. 4.

66. FARMER, Sign. Thomas William[7], J/33401. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Age 20. Son of Thomas Newman Farmer and Marian Farmer, of 62, Astonville St., Southfields, Wandsworth, London. Sp. Mem. B39 (buried Semenovka Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

67. FAWDEN, Offr. Std. 3rd Cl. William Herbert, L/0619. R.N. H.M.S. “Pegasus.” Died of pneumonia 1st August, 1919. Age 19. Son of Mr. W. and Mrs. B.A. Fawden, of 6, Franklin St., Larkbeare, Exeter. N. 1.

68. FINCH, Capt. Aubrey Malcolm Cecil. 4th Bn. Seaforth Highlanders. 7th July, 1919. Age 22. Son of William and Rona Finch, of Beckenham, Kent; husband of Mabel Dorothy Owen (formerly Finch), of 133, Kent House Rd., Beckenham, Kent. Sp. Mem. B40 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

69. FISHER, Pte. William Henry, 5176. 8th Bn. Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). Killed in action 1st September, 1919. Age 22. Son of Mrs. Clara Fisher, of 52, Leonard Rd., Chingford, Essex. Sp. Mem. B41 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

70. FITCH, Capt. M.C., M.C. 2nd Bn. Royal Scots. 9th December, 1918. Age 29. Son of James Fitch, of 5, Allan St., Bridgeton, Glasgow. Sp. Mem. B42 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

71. FLEMING, Pte. Samuel, 220213. See “TYAS,” the true family name.

72. FORSTER, A.M.I. Ernest Wilson, 142131. Royal Air Force. Drowned in River Dwina 28th May, 1919. Age 21. Son of Thomas and Sarah Elizabeth Forster, of 13, Lunt St., Stockton-on-Tees. Sp. Mem. B44 (buried Panda Chyd.).

73. FRASER, Act. Bmdr. D., 41064. 16th Bde. Canadian Field Artillery. 13th November, 1918. Sp. Mem. B45 (buried Shenkursk Old Cem.).

74. FRITH, Pte. C., 244009. 13th Bn. Yorkshire Regt. 17th April, 1919. O. 2.

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75. GALLON, Pte. W., 133332. 46th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 3rd August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B46 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

76. GARNHAM, C.S.M. G.T., 128930. M.M. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 10th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B47 (buried Yakovlevskoe Chyd. Extn.).

77. GARSTIN, Capt. Denis Norman, D.S.O., M.C. 10th Hussars. Order of St. Anne 3rd Class, with Swords and Bow (Russia), Order of St. Vladimir, 4th Class, with Swords and Ribbon (Russia). 15th August, 1918. Age 28. Son of Norman and Louisa Fanny Garstin, of 4, Wellington Terrace, Penzance, Cornwall. K. 6.

78. GIRDLER, Pte. W., 037473. Royal Army Ordnance Corps. 28th January, 1919. B. 13.

79. GLANVILLE, A.B. Leonard[8], 90427. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm,” 25th August, 1919. Age 19. Son of the late Joseph and Ema Glanville. Sp. Mem. B51 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

80. GORMAN, Capt. D.T., M.C. 2nd Bn. Hampshire Regt. Died of wounds 22nd June, 1919. Sp. Mem. B48 (buried Topsa Chyd.).

81. GOSLING, Lt. Gerald Noel, M.C. 1st Bn. Gloucestershire Regt. 7th July, 1919. Age 20. Son of Cecil William Gustaf Gosling of Schloss Walchen, Vocklamarkt, Upper Austria Sp. Mem. B49 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

82. GOULD, Pte. Cyril, CH/2100(S). R.M.L.I. H.M.S. “Glory.” 18th October, 1918. Age 19. Son of Alfred and Lizzie Gould, of The Cottage, Woodlands Rd., Gillingham, Kent. D. 4.

83. GRACIE, Gnr. Hamilton Cameron, 84381. 55th Bty. Royal Field Artillery. Killed in action 30th June, 1919. Age 25. Son of Lizzie H. Gracie, of Dunard, Cardross, Dumbartonshire, and the late James Gracie. Sp. Mem. B50 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

84. GRAY, Pte. E.H., CH/2547. R.M.L.I. H.M.S. “Glory.” 23rd November, 1918. Sp. Mem. A. 9.

85. GREEN, A.M.II. Albert Leonard, 249477. Royal Air Force. 4th September, 1919. Sp. Mem. B52 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

86. GREEN, Commander S.W.B.[9], D.S.O. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 26th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B53 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

87. GRIFFITH, Lt. Thomas Comber. Loyal North Lanes Regt. 8th July, 1919. Age 24. Son of The Rev. Charles E.O. Griffith, M.A., of East Barsham Vicarage, Walsingham Norfolk. Sp. Mem. B54 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

88. GRONHEIT, Serjt. Arthur Leslie, 30807.17th Bn. Royal Sussex Regt. Mentioned in Despatches. Died of wounds 7th July 1919. Age 23. Son of Laurence and Emma Elizabeth Gronheit, of 23, Alexandra Court, Maida Vale, London. Born at Walworth. Sp. Mem B55 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

89. HALE, Pte. H., 57801. 13th Bn. Yorkshire Regt. Died of wounds 4th April, 1919. Age 24. Son of Ben and Eliza Hale, of 16, Carr Lane, South Kirkby, Pontefract. Sp. Mem. B56 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

90. HAMILTON, Midn. Gordon. R.N.R. H.M.S. “M.25.” Killed in action 28th August, 1918. Age 19. Son of John and Mary Devon Hamilton, of 328, Woodlands Rd., Glasgow. K. 7.

91. HARE, Pte. A.A.J., 131559. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 10th August, 1919. Age 19. Son of Andrew and Emily Hare, of 221, Katherine Rd., East Ham, London. Sp. Mem. B57 (buried Yakovlevskoe Chyd. Extn.).

92. HAWKER, Pte. Robert Harcourt, 155424. 201st Bn. Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). Drowned 19th June, 1919. Age 19. Son of Robert William Henry and Julia Alberta Sophia Hawker, of London. Sp. Mem. B58 (buried Yemetskoe Chyd.).

93. HEALY, Pte. W., 53290. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. 22nd March, 1919. Sp. Mem. A8.

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94. HEYWORTH, Pte. John Richard, 63899. 13th Bn. Yorkshire Regt. 4th April, 1919. Age 32. Son of Samuel and Ellen Heyworth, of 35, Netherby St., Burnley. Sp. Mem. B58 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

95. HILL, A.M. S.[10], SS/8798. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B60 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

96. HILLS, Serjt. W.H., S/20833. 404th Depot Unit of Supply, Royal Army Service Corps. 1st March, 1919. G. 2.

97. HORN, 2nd Hand A., 7503/DA. R.N.R. H.M. Trawler “William Spencer.” 10th October, 1918. D. 3.

98. HOURSTON, 1st Engr. Alfred Greig. S.S. “Bayropea,” Mercantile Marine. 26th January, 1917. Age 30. Son of George and Margaret Hourston, of Leith, Edinburgh. C. 11.

99. HUMM, Pte. D., 18530. 252nd Coy. Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). 1st February, 1919. Sp. Mem. B60 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

100. JACKSON, Pte. A., 57755. 13th Bn. Yorkshire Regt. 5th May, 1919. Sp. Mem. B62 (buried Sredmekhrenga Chyd.).

101. JACKSON, Serjt. H., 129780. 46th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 10th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B63 (buried Troitza Chyd.). IV.

102. JACOB, Lt. G., D.C.M., M.M. and Bar. East Yorkshire Regt., attd. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 1st August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B64 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

103. JARDINE, Sto. 1st Cl. J., SS/115744. R.N. H.M.S. “M.25.” 28th August, 1918. K. 7.

104. JOHNSON, A.M.I. J.E., 243197. Royal Air Force. 31st March, 1919. Age 18. Son of James and Emily Johnson, of 60, Lever St., Manchester. Sp. Mem. B65 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

105. JOHNSTON, Eng. William. H.M.S. “Lobster,” Mercantile Marine Reserve. 5th August, 1919. Age 37. Son of William and Marion Johnston, of Kirkcaldy, Fife. Sp. Mem. B66 (buried Ust-Pinega Cem.).

106. JONES, Ldg. Smn. Elias, Wales Z/250. R.N.V.R. S.S. “Corfe Castle.” 19th November, 1918. Age 29. Son of Elias and Phoebe Jones, of 51, Derlwyn St., New Tredegar, Mon. B. 11.

107. JONES, Lse. Cpl. J., 8656. 252nd Bn. Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). 25th September, 1918. H. 2.

108. KALTERSON, Pte. H.W., 128992. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 13th July, 1919. Sp. Mem. B76 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

109. KEITH, Ldg. Smn. A.[11], 195605. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B77 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

110. KENWORTHY, Pte. J., 114116. 17th Bn. The King’s Liverpool Regt. 9th February, 1919. Sp. Mem. B78 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

111. KNIGHT, Lt. C.R.W. Royal Air Force. 21st June, 1919. Age 21. Son of William Hugh Knight (Baris-ter-at-Law) and the late Lorina Evelyn Fairfax Knight. Sp. Mem. B79 (buried Topsa Chyd.). II.

112. LARARD, 2nd Offr. R. H.M.T. “Clan Macrae.” Mercantile Marine. 20th October, 1918. C. 2.

113. LARLHAM, Ldg. Ck’s. Mte. George, 365385. R.N. H.M.S. “M.25.” Killed in action 28th August, 1918. Age 28. Son of Henry and Elizabeth Larlham. Born in London. K. 7.

114. LAUDER, 5th Eng. T. H.M.T. “Clan Macrae.” Mercantile Marine. 20th October, 1918. C. 2.

115. LEADBETFER, A.B. W.G.[12], J/20444. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B80 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

116. LEGATE, 2nd Engr. George. H.M.T. “Seattle,” Mercantile Marine. 29th October, 1918. A. 2.

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117. LE MOINE, 2nd Lt. Claude Melvin. Royal Air Force. 20th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B81 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

118. LEWIS, Mechn. E.W., 287608. R.N. H.M.S. “Glory IV.” 6th October, 1918. Sp. Mem. A7.

119. LODGE, Sto. 1st Cl. H.W., K/37239. R.N. H.M.S. “Attentive.” 6th October, 1918. F. 4.

120. LOVE, Pte. J.T.T., 133180. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 29th June, 1919. Sp. Mem. A6.

121. McALPINE, Lieut. C.B. R.N.R. H.M.S. “Glory.” 4th November, 1918. A. 3.

122. McCARDLE, A.M.I. J. McE., 140811. Royal Air Force. 1st April, 1919. Age 19. Son of Margaret McEwan McCardle and James McCardle, of 117, Pollok Buildings, Corkerhill, Cardonald, Glasgow. Sp. Mem. B85 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

123. McCOY, A.B. J.R.[13], SS/7701. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 26th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B84 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

124. McCRAE, Sto. 1st Cl. John[14], K/22922. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” Killed in action 25th August, 1919. Age 24. Son of Mr. and Mrs. McCrae, of 15, Boyd St., Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. Sp. Mem. B86 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

125. McDONALD, Gnr. J.J., 41842. 16th Bde. Canadian Field Artillery. 7th May, 1919. Sp. Mem. B87 (buried Pianda Chyd.).

126. McDONOUGH, Pte. William, 29664. 17th Bn. The King’s Liverpool Regt. 9th February, 1919. Age 31. Husband of Mary Wood (formerly McDonough), of 14, Rickman St., Kirkdale, Liverpool. Sp. Mem. B88 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

127. MacDOUGALL, Capt. Dugald[15], D.F.C. Royal Air Force. Order of St. Stanislas, III Class (Russia). 25th August, 1919. Age 23. Son of John MacDougall, of Manitoba, Canada. Sp. Mem. B82 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

128. MACFARLANE, Lieut. T.L. R.N.V.R. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B83 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

129. McKENNA, Pte. P.J., 131257. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 14th September, 1919. E. 9.

130. McKENZIE, Pte. J.S., 141175. 8th Bn. Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). 1st September, 1919. Sp. Mem. B89 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

131. McLAGGAN, Pte. J.A., 30011. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 14th September, 1919. Age 24. Son of Mrs. H. Anderson, of 24 Springwell Place, Edinburgh. Also served in France and Palestine. D. 11.

132. McLAUGHLIN, Lieut. C.E.[16], D.S.O. R.N. H.M.S. “Humber.” 11th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B90 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

133. McMILLAN, Pte. M., 48141. 8th Bn Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). Killed in action 26th June, 1919. Age 26. Son of Andrew and Mazy McMillan, of 30, Greenville St., Connswater, Belfast. Born at Bloomfield, Belfast. Sp. Mem. B91 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

134. McWHIRTER, Pte. Samuel, 52403. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. 22nd February, 1919. Age 22. Son of Mr. and Mrs. William McWhirter, of Cannel Burn, New Cummock, Ayrshire. Sp. Mem. B92 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

135. MAHER, Pte. C., 18619. 17th Bn. The King’s Liverpool Regt. Killed in action 9th February, 1919. Age 24. Son of Richard and Mane Maher, of Garston; husband of Kathleen Roberts (formerly Maher), of 32, Basing St, Garston, Liverpool. Sp. Mem. B93 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

136. MAHONEY, Pte. Michael, 220057. Royal Army Medical Corps. Died of sickness 26th August, 1919. Age 40. Son of Patrick and Mary Mahoney, of Cork; husband of Annie Mahoney, of 45, Upper Wellington St., Dublin. Sp. Mem. B94 (buried Ust-Pinega Cem.).

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137. MALONE, Pte. J., 66313. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. 27th March, 1919. Sp. Mem. B.95 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cemetery Extension).

138. MANN, Lt. Stephen William, M.M. General List, attd. 2nd Bn. London Regt. (R. Fus.). Killed in action 27th March, 1919. Son of the late Henry and Charlotte Mann. C. 1.

139. MARTIN, Pte. C., 129617. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 10th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B96 (buried Yakovlevskoe Chyd. Extn.).

140. MARTINDALE, S/Serjt. William, T/1096. Royal Army Ordnance Corps. 24th May, 1919. Age 37. Son of Isaac Martindale and the late Sarah Martindale; husband of Annie Mabel Martindale, of Nursery Drive, Brown Edge Rd., Buxton, Derbyshire. Born at Troutbeck, Windermere. F. 8.

141. MAYER, Serjt. Constantine Anton, 342085. 381st Works Coy. Royal Engineers. 1st June, 1919. Age 30. Son of Anton and Diana Manning Mayer, of Oesel, Gulf of Riga, Russia; husband of Gladys Evelyn Keene Mayer, of 15, Links Place, Musselburgh, Midlothian. B. 1.

142. MEACHEM, Pte. A.J., P.O./15568. R.M.L.I. Portsmouth Div. 30th October, 1918. Age 25. Son of Mrs. M. Meachem, of Swingbridge Rd., Foxton, Market Harborough, Leicestershire. C. 4.

143. MEAD, Pte. E.M.L., CH/2569(S). R.M.L.I. H.M.S. “Glory.” 13th February, 1919. A. 10.

144. MELTON, Pte. A.J., 161231. 252nd Coy. Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). 5th May, 1919. Sp. Mem. B97 (buried Sredmekhrenga Chyd. Cent.).

145. MERCY, Serjt. Francis Joseph, 66436. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots, formerly 4th Bn. South Lancashire Regt. Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. Died of pneumonia 15th March, 1919. Age 49. Son of John Honor Mercy and Mary Ann Mercy; husband of Hanah Mercy, of 29, Forshaw St., Warring- ton. Served in the South African War. G. 1.

146. MESTON-REID, Capt. J. Royal Engineers. 6th November, 1918. B. 5.

147. METTHAM, Capt. J.A. Royal Engineers. 12th November, 1918. A. 4.

148. MICHIE, Lt. J.B. Royal Army Medical Corps. 31st December, 1918. Sp. Mem. A5.

149. MILNER, Chaplain Dermod Ross. R.N. H.M.H.S. “Garth Castle.” 17th September, 1919. Age 29. Son of the Rev. J, Milner, M.A., of Chilton Rectory, Sudbury, Suffolk. B. 14.

150. MILTON, Lce. Cpl. Charles Lewis, 50785. 17th Bn. The King’s Liverpool Regt. Killed in action 9th February, 1919. Age 20. Son of Charles Lewis Milton and Mary Milton, of 13, Comeragh Village, Whittingham, Preston, Lancs. Born at North Camp, Aldershot. Sp. Mem. B98 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

151. MOODY, Lce. Cpl. H.H., 8637. 2nd Bn. Devonshire Regt. 15th September, 1919. D. 10.

152. MULHALL, Cpl. J.P., 133306. 46th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 23rd July, 1919. Sp. Mem. B99 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

153. MURPHY, Pte. J., 108666. 17th Bn. The King’s Liverpool Regt. 5th May, 1919. Sp. Mem. B100 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

154. MURRAY, Pte. B., 114100. 17th Bn. The King’s Liverpool Regt. 28th June, 1919. B. 8.

155. NASH, Cpl. E.R., 128960. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers, 16th September, 1919. Sp. Mem. B101 (buried Khorobritzoe Cem.).

156. NELSON, Pte. John, 22738. 3rd Bn. King’s Own Scottish Borderers. 1st September, 1919. Age 27. Son of Hugh and Marion Bell Nelson of 106, Hopehill Rd., Glasgow. Sp. Mem. B102 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

157. NEWTON, Serjt. A., 65046. 6th Bn. Yorkshire Regt. 27th March, 1919. D. 1.

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158. O’DRISCOLL, Pte. W., 133199. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 30th June, 1919. Sp. Mem. B103 (buried Kourgomen Cem.).

159. OMBLER, Serjt. W., 403292. Royal Army Medical Corps. 7th February, 1919. Sp. Mem. B104 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

160. PARKER, Lce. Cpl. W., 36479. 280th Coy. Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). 4th May, 1919. Sp. Mem. B105 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

161. PEARMAN, Pte. E., 130866. 46th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 10th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B108 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

162. PEARSE, Lt. Alister Cullen, M.C. and Bar. Middlesex Regt., attd. Royal Fusiliers. 16th September, 1919. Age 21. Son of the Rev. Alex. J. Pearce, M.A., and Mrs. Pearse, of Intwood, Hertford. Sp. Mem. B106 (buried Seeya Churchyard).

163. PEARSE, Serjt. Samuel George, 133002, V.C., M.M. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 29th August, 1919. Husband of Mrs. Pearse, of Koorlong. Mildura, Victoria, Australia. An extract from The London Gazette, dated 23 October 1919, records the following: “For most conspicuous bravery, devotion to duty and self sacrifice during the operation against the enemy battery position north of Emtsa (North Russia) on the 29th August, 1919. Serjeant Pearse cut his way through the enemy barbed wire under very heavy machine-gun and rifle fire and cleared a way for the troops to enter the battery position. Seeing that a blockhouse was harassing our advance and causing us casualties, he charged the blockhouse single-handed, killing the occupants with bombs. This gallant non-commissioned officer met his death a minute later, and it was due to him that the position was carried with so few casualties. His magnificent bravery and utter disregard for personal danger won for him the admiration of all troops.” Sp. Mem. B107 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

164. PHILLIPS, Pte. H., 60197. 9th Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regt., attd. 1st Bn. Oxf. and Bucks Light Inf. Killed in action 1st September, 1919. Age 19. Son of William and Ann Phillips, of Hill Wootton, Warwick. Sp. Mem. B109 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

165. PHILLIPSON, Lce. Cpl. A.J., 10087.1st Bn. Cheshire Regt., attd. 1st Bn. Oxf. and Bucks Light Inf. 11th June, 1919. Sp. Mem. B110 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

166. PICKFORD, Std. J.C., 129539. S.S. “Ontegal.” Mercantile Marine. 11th November, 1916. C. 9.

167. PICKLES, Lce. Cpl. Arthur, 377006. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. 9th April, 1919. Age 21. Son of Herbert Pickles, of 26, North View Rd., Bradford. Sp. Mem. B111 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

168. PIMM, Pte. N., 18536. 1st Bn. Oxf. and Bucks Light Inf. 1st September, 1919. Sp. Mem. B112 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

169. POLLARD, Pte. A., 109571. 2nd/7th Bn. Durham Light Inf. 26th October, 1918. C. 6.

170. PONTING, Pte. Dennis Lawrence, 60227. 3rd Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regt., attd. 1st Bn. Oxf. and Bucks Light Inf. 1st September, 1919. Age 19. Son of Arthur and Kate Ponting, of 108, Larches St., Sparkbrook, Birmingham. Sp. Mem. B113 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

171. PORTER, Dvr. J., 280719. Details, Royal Field Artillery. 16th September, 1919. Sp. Mem. B114 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

172. RANKIN, 2nd Mate D.A. S.S. “Cape Ortegal,” Mercantile Marine. 8th November, 1916. C. 9.

173. READ, Pte. F., 19546. Wiltshire Regt., attd. 2nd Bn. Hampshire Regt. 1st September, 1919. Sp. Mem. B115 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

174. RHODES, Pte. Jack Richard, 104385. 2nd/7th Bn. Durham Light Inf. 15th February, 1919. Age 19. Son of Richard and Phoebe Rhodes, of 13, Willow Walk, Spalding, Lincs. K. 9.

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175. RICHARDSON, Pte. Peter W., 129843. 46th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 10th August, 1919. Age 19. Son of Mrs. Jane Richardson, of 24, William St., Blairgowrie, Perthshire. Sp. Mem. B116 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

176. ROBERTS, Pte. J.W., 114144. 17th Bn. The King’s Liverpool Regt. 9th February, 1919. Sp. Mem. B117 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

177. ROBINSON, Pte. A.H., L/9906. 2nd Bn. Royal West Kent Regt. 27th June, 1919. Sp. Mem. B118 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

178. ROSS, Ord. Smn. John Hamilton, J/51016. R.N. S.S. “Daybreak.” Killed by an internal explosion of the vessel 8th November, 1916. Age 21. Son of Mr. O.B. and Mrs. M.H. Ross, of Canton, Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire. C. 9.

179. RUDDELL, Dvr. R., 40845. 443rd Bty. Royal Field Artillery. 26th July, 1919. Age 31. Son of Henry and Sarah Ruddell, of Islington, London; husband of Elsie Ruddell, of 1, Commercial Rd., Dawlish, Devon. Sp. Mem. B119 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

180. RUSSELL, Gnr. F.H., 87238. 16th Bde. Canadian Field Artillery. 13th November, 1918. Sp. Mem. B120 (buried Shenkursk Old Cemetery).

181. SELBY, Pte. Thomas, 302718. 2nd/7th Bn. Durham Light Inf. Died of sickness 31st October, 1918. Age 34. C. 3.

182. SEMENKO, M/M. J. H.M. Yacht “Josephine,” Mercantile Marine Reserve. 12th October, 1918. Age 25. Son of Felix Semenko; husband of M.E. Semenko, of 328, Jubile Straat, Calmpthout, Antwerp, Belgium. Sp. Mem. A4.

183. SETTRINGTON, Lt. Charles Henry, Lord. Irish Guards, attd. Royal Fusiliers. Died of wounds 24th August, 1919. Age 20. Son of the Earl and Countess of March, of Molecomb, Chichester, and 67, Cadogan Square, Chelsea, London. Sp. Mem. A3.

184. SHAW, A.M.II. F.C., 194903. Royal Air Force. 4th September, 1919. Age 18. Son of Frederick James and Emma Elizabeth Shaw, of 2, The Circle, Harborne, Birmingham. Sp. Mem. B121 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

185. SHEPPERD, Maj. S. Le F., M.C. and Bar. 6th Bn. Northamptonshire Regt., attd. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 10th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B122 (buried Yakovlevskoe Chyd. Extn.).

186. SIMPSON, Pte. A.C., 159317. 8th Bn. Machine Gun Corps (Inf.). Accidentally killed 13th July, 1919. Age 21. Son of John Henry Simpson and Alice Simpson, of 35, Blantyre St., Kings Rd., Chelsea, London. K. 1.

187. SIMPSON, Ord. Sam. W.E., J/56335. R.N. H.M.S. “Glory IV.” 18th September, 1918. G. 5.

188. SLATER, Pte. H.H., PO/2609(S). R.M.L.I. H.M.S. “Glory.” Died of pneumonia 11th November, 1918. Age 19. Son of Daniel Slater, of 142, Victoria St., Blackburn. Sp. Mem. B123 (buried Yemetskoe Chyd.).

189. SLINEY, Pte. J., 129303. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 8th September, 1919. Sp. Mem. B124 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

190. SMART, Pte. W., 301636. 82nd Casualty Clearing Station, Royal Army Medical Corps. 3rd October, 1918. G. 6.

191. SMITH, A.B. L.W.H.[17], J/14515. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Age 23. Husband of Sarah Ann Smith, of 3, Newland Terrace, Mar- gate Rd., Ramsgate. Sp. Mem. B125 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

192. SNELLGROVE, A.B. E.[18], J/43244. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B126 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

193. SPEIGHT, Serjt. Albert Thomas, S/359064. Supply Details, Royal Army Service Corps. 5th May, 1919. Age 24. Sp. Mem. A. 2.

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194. SPINK, Pte. D.M., 66196. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. 16th September, 1918. Sp. Mem. B127 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

195. STODDART, Pte. J., 133354. 46th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 29th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B128 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

196. STRICKLAND, Cpl. A.E., 109711. 2nd/7th Bn. Durham Light Inf. 1st June, 1919. A. 1.

197. STUART, Deck Hand W.S., 11261/DA. R.N.R. H.M. Trawler “William Spencer.” 14th October, 1918. D. 3.

198. SUMMERFIELD, Pte. John, 277263. 5th Coy. 2nd/7th Bn. Durham Light Inf. 23rd January, 1919. Age 33. Son of William and Isabella Summerfield; husband of Sarah Summerfield, of 18, Eden St., West Hartlepool. B. 12.

199. SUGDEN, Pte. Ben Roy. 114187. 17th Bn. The King’s Liverpool Regt. 30th December, 1918. Age 21. Son of Herbert E. and Ada Sugden, of 10, Claremoot, Bradford. Sp. Mem. B129 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

200. SWAIN. Farr. Serjt. F., 910188.421st Bty. Royal Field Artillery. 1st December, 1918. B. 10.

201. SYKES, Armr. Cr. Harold[19], J/55280. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Age 19. Son of Arthur and Amy H. Sykes, of 1, Stoneyford, Ironvile, Notts. Sp. Mem. B130 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

202. SYKES, Cpl. J.B., 109835. 2nd/7th Bn. Durham Light Inf. 25th October, 1918. D. 5.

203. TASKER, Pte. A.J., 109712. 2nd/7th Bn. Durham Light Inf. 23rd October, 1918. D. 5.

204. TAYLER, Lt. William Ulric Chevallier. 1st Bn. Royal West Kent Regt., attd. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 10th August, 1919. Age 21. Son of Elizabeth Christiana Tayler and the late Albert. Chevallier Tayler. Sp. Mem. B131 (buried Troitza Chyd. Cem.).

205. TENSON, Cook W., 37360. R.F.A. “Belgol,” Mercantile Marine Reserve. 4th May, 1919. O. 1.

206. TEVENDALE, Lce. Cpl. William, 6116. “B” Coy. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. Died of sickness 16th January, 1919. Age 40. Son of James and Sarah Tevendale, of Edinburgh; husband of Annie Tevendale, of 5A, Apperly St., North Fitzroy, Melbourne, Australia. F. 5.

207. THOMAS, Trimmer Leonard Alexander, 1937/ST. D.S.M. R.N.R. H.M.S. “Glory.” 18th October, 1918. Age 20. Son of Jonas William and Agnes Thomas, of 25, Oaks Rd., Woking, Surrey. Sp. Mem. A. 1.

208. THURSFIELD, Surg. Lieut. R.M.R. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Age 33. Son of Dr. William Thursfield and Leila Thursfield, of Bridgnorth, Salop. Sp. Men B132 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

209. TILLEY, Pte. W., 131286; Royal Army Medical Corps. 17th July, 1919. K. 2.

210. TROTTER, Pte. J.S., 131476. 45th Bn. Royal Fusiliers. 10th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B133 (buried Yakovlevskoe Chyd. Extn.).

211. TYAS (served as FLEMING) Pte. Samuel, 220213. 139th Sanitary Sect. Royal Army Medical Corps. Drowned 28th August, 1919. Thomas and Margaret Tyas (nee Fleming). Sp. Mem. B43 (buried Troitza Chyd.).

212. WAGANOFF, Lieut. W.G. R.N. H.M.S. “Fox.” 25th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B134 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

213. WARWICK, Pte. Walter, 66381. 2nd/10th Bn. Royal Scots. 10th October, 1918. Age 25. Son of Alfred William and Maria Ann Warwick; husband of Helen Warwick, of 50, Ballantine St., Wandsworth, London. G. 7.

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214. WATSON, 2nd Lt. John Allan. Royal Field Artillery, attd. Mountain Bty. Royal Garrison Artillery. 31st January, 1919. Age 31. Son of Robert Wilson Watson and Helen Macdougall Watson, of “Ferenze,” Dollerie Terrace, Crieff, Perthshire. Sp. Mem. B135 (buried Obozerskaya Burial Ground).

215. WEDDELL, Pte. William John, S/389685. 390th Depot Unit of Supply. Royal Army Service Corps. 29th May, 1919. Age 19. Son of Robert William and Emily Elizabeth Weddell, of 44, Fenton Place, Kennington Park Rd., London. Born in Newington. D. 9.

216. WILKES, Serjt. Charles, 11716. 9th Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regt., attd. 1st Bn. Oxf. and Bucks Light Inf. 1st September, 1919. Age 22. Husband of A. Butler (formerly Wilkes), of 28, Hatchett St., Newtown Row, Birmingham. Born at Birmingham. Sp. Mem. B136 (buried Ust-Vaga Burial Ground).

217. WINTON, 2nd Engr. A. H.M.T. “Kyleakin,” Mercantile Marine. 31st October, 1918. A. 2.

218. WOOD, Serjt. C., 07058. Details, Royal Army Ordnance Corps. 31st October, 1918. Age 41. Husband of Janet Buckham Wood, of 157, Manor Farm Rd., Bitterne Park, Southampton. C. 7.

219. WOODRIFFE, E.R.A. 3rd Cl. H.H., M/520. R.N. H.M.S. “Glory IV.” 15th September, 1918. H. 1.

220. WRIGHT, Cpl. A.H., 114191. 17th Bn. The King’s Liverpool Regt. 9th Feb., 1919. Sp. Mem. B137 (buried Seletskoe Cem.).

221. WRIGHT, A.B. H.[20], J/35323. R.N. H.M.S. “Glowworm.” 25th August, 1919. Sp. Mem. B138 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

222. WRIGHT, Ord. Smn. Stanley, J/22771. R.N. H.M.S. “Glory IV.” 14th September, 1918. Age 20. Sp. Mem. B139 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).

223. ZIGOMALA, Lt. John Copeland, M.B.E. Irish Guards, attd. Royal Engineers. 25th August, 1919. Age 21. Son of Maj. P.J. Zigomala (Ret.). 19th Hussars, of 44, Egerton Gardens, Chelsea, London. Sp. Mem. B140 (buried Semenovka (Bereznik) Cem. Extension).


THERE ARE TWO UNIDENTIFIED seamen of the Royal Navy buried in this Cemetery.

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