CASE HISTORY 5 page 9 got/come 2IF
10 been 21G
5C 1 It's/It has been raining for ten hours. 2ID
2 I think it's the right thing to do. 21 B
3 We've moved our/the sofa. 21C
4 I was having/eating (some/my) breakfast when Susan rang. 21E
5 They always play badminton on Tuesday. 21B
5D 1 I was looking 21E 4 I'd spent 21F
2 I'm going 21B 5 They opened 21C
3 I've been trying 21D
5E 1 V 21B 5 have 21C
2 been21G 6 V 2lG
3 was21E 7 been 2ID
4 are21B 8 V 21F
5F 1 failed 21C
2 lives 21B
3 left 21C
4 had made 21G
5 were walking 21E
6 saw21E
7 has seen 21D
8 hadn't arrived 21F
9 had been waiting 21G/were waiting 2IE
10 have been trying/have tried 2ID
11 have had 21D
12 are taking 21B
13 believe 2IB
14 want21B
Test 6
6A 1 going 24A
2 will 23B (Also possible: won't)
3 see 27A
4 not 23C
5 to 26C
6 Shall 23D
7 is 24B
8 getting 26A
9 has 27C
10 about (Also possible: going/ready)
6B 1 What time does it get to London? 26B
2 I'll tell her when T see her this evening. 27A
3 He's about to fall asleep. 26C
4 We're/We are meeting in town later, or We're/We are going to meet in town later. 26A
5 I'll send you a postcard. 23B
6 I can read a book while I'm waiting. 27C
7 I'm/I am going to lie down. 24A
8 All your friends will be there. 23D
9 No one can go into the building until the police have searched it. 27C
6C 1 will 25A 6 have 27C
2 is 27A 7 will 25A
3 will 25A 8 having/holding 26A
4 going 24A 9 starts/begins 26B
5 to 24B 10 will25A
6D 1 leaves 26B
2 I'm going to apply 25A
3 I'll help 25B
4 it's about to open 26C
5 I go 27A
6 Are you doing 26A
6E 1 I'm/I am going to have a rest. 24A
2 (The) term starts on 6 September. 26B
3 There will be a world war in five years' time. 23B
4 Judy and I are/We're playing tennis tomorrow. 26A
5 Prices will probably fall. 25C
(Also possible: Prices are probably going to fall.)
6 The car is/We're going to crash! 24C
Test 7
7a 1 going 24C 5 was 29B
2 be 28C 6 are 26A
3 will 23A 7 to 24B
4 don't 26B 8 about 26C
7B 1 is26B 5 V 28c
2 V26C 6 V29b
3 be 23C 7 will 27B
4 for 26C 8 to 29A
7C 1 '11/will be having 28B
2 was going to drive 29B
3 '11/will be working 28B
4 '11/will have done 29A
5 were going to buy 29B
6 '11/will have had 29A
7D 1 I'm/I am going 26A or I'm/I am going to go 24A
2 I'm/I am leaving 26A OR I leave 26B OR I'm going to leave 24A
3 I'm/I am visiting 26A or I'm/I am going to visit 24A
4 That'll/That will be 25A
5 starts 26B/is starting 26A
6 you get 27B
7 I'll/I will send 23B
7E 1 We'll wait for you. 23B
2 This train stops at Bath. 26B
3 My friend was going to meet us. 29B
4 Adrian is having a job interview on 17 October. 26A
5 We'll/We will have finished our meal by eight o'clock. 29A
6 I might go on the trip. 30C
7 The fire is about to go out. 26C
7F 1 I'm going to move 24A
2 I'll take 23B
3 we're going 26A
4 He's going to jump 24C
5 I'll be using 28C
Test 8
8A 1 Where have you been? 36B
2 Do you sell postcards? 34B
3 Who does this calculator belong to? 39A
4 How long are you staying here? 36C
5 What is your new office like? 38B
6 Which of the flights are full? 39B
7 What time does the carnival start? 36C
8 What holiday has Nancy decided on? 38A
8B 1 How old 36C 7 Who 39B
2 What colour 36C 8 How 38B
3 Whose 37B 9 How far 36C
4 How much 36C 10 How often 36C
5 Which 39A 11 What 39A
6 What kind 36C
8C 1 Are you a student here? 34B
2 How many cakes have you eaten? 37B
3 Did you enjoy your walk? 34B
4 Where have your friends gone? 36B
5 What kind of music do you like? 36C
6 Does Peter play tennis? 34B
7 What are you talking about? 38A
8 What has happened? 37A
8D 1 Where did you buy your coat? 36B
2 Can Amy swim? 34B
3 Which band do you like best? 37B
4 Who am I speaking to? 38A
5 How much do video recorders cost? 36C
6 May/Can I come in (, please)? 34A
7 How long does the journey take? 36B
8 What did you lock the door for? 38B
9 What happens next? 37A
10 Shall we (all) go out together? 34A
8E 1 How many cars have the Smiths got/do the Smiths have? 36C
2 Where does Janet work? 36B
3 Why is Andrea learning English? 36A
4 What was the film like? 38B
5 When will the meeting take place? 36B
6 Who switched off the computer? 37A
7 Whose burglar alarm was ringing? 37B
8 Who did Anna go to the dance with? 38A
Test 9
9A 1 Who's 37A 7 they 42B
2 don't 42B 8 Which 39B
3 not40B 9 don't 40B
4 has 35B 10 neither 42A
5 Haven't 41B 11 doesn't 41B
6 so43B 12 Let's 42C
9B 1 Where do you live? 36B
2 What are you thinking about? 38A
3 Would you like to come to my room? 34A
4 Didn't you watch the football match on television? 41C
5 May I take a photo (, please)? 34A
6 Have you seen Polly? 34B
7 How many letters have you written? 37B
8 Who is/Who's coming to your party? 37A
9 How often does Martin cook? 36C
10 What will the weather be (like) tomorrow? 38B
9C 1 No, it hasn't. 35B
2 No, 1 hate it/Yes, 1 love it. 41D
3 Yes, I expect so. 43B
4 It isn't very nice, is it? 42B
5 Yes, please. 35C
6 So am I./I am too. 43A
7 I hope not. 43B
8 Neither did the second. 43A
9D 1 How old are you? 36C
2 Did you go to college? 34B
3 What are your interests? 39A
4 Which company do you work for? 38A
5 What don't you like about your job? 41E
9E 1 doesn't 40B 4 No 41D
2 course 35C 5 for 38B
3 neither/nor 43A 6 did 42B
7 won't 35B 12 don't 41E
8 not 43B 13 Which 39A
9 will 42C 14 so 43A
10 far36C 15 hasn't 41E
11 so43B 16 Which 40B
Test 10
10A 1 mustn't 48A 5 needn't 48A
2 Would 51C 6 Shall 51B
3 might 46B 7 had 49C
4 would 52A 8 wouldn't 52C
10BI V5IC 6 V52A
2 V 47A 7 been 53B
3 to 44C 8 V 49D
4 for50A 9 V 48B
5 be46A 10 be 45C
10C 1 We ought to be careful. 49B
2 I was able to finish all my work. 44C
3 It must have been a terrible experience for you. 53D
4 Players aren't allowed/are not allowed to have a drink. 45C
5 You'd/You had better sit down. 49C
6 The report has to be on my desk tomorrow morning. 47A
7 Joanne mightn't have/might not have received my message. 53C
8 Martin can't be jogging in this weather. 46C
9 Tessa would like a cup of coffee. 52B
10 Nancy didn't need to clean the flat. 48C
10D 1 asking permission 45A
2 giving an order 50B
3 asking for advice 49B
4 inviting 51C
5 offering to help 5IB
6 making a suggestion 51A
7 refusing permission 45B
8 making a request 50A
9 expressing a wish 47B
10E 1 have/need 48B
2 may/might (Also possible: could) 46A
3 has 47A
4 can 44A
5 allowed 45C
6 supposed 49D
7 shouldn't 49B (Also possible: mustn't 48A)
8 able 44B
Test 11
11A 1 The film may be banned. 54C
2 Nancy was offered a pay increase. 57A
3 The mistakes need correcting/need to be corrected. 59B
4 The situation was reported to be under control. 57C
5 The new drug is being tested. 54B
6 The machine hasn't been used for ages. 55B
11B 1 is 54B 6 been 54B
2 by 55B 7 have 58B
3 be 54C/get 54D 8 to 57C
4 were 54B 9 being 59A
5 it 57B
llC 1 The song was sung by Pavarotti. 55B
2 Nigel had his passport stolen. 58D
3 Doctors are paid a lot of money. 57A
4 1 hope to be interviewed for the job. 59A
5 The floor was being cleaned. 54B
6 Judy is having her car repaired. 58B
7 Tessa got lost. 54D
8 It was agreed that the plan should go ahead. 57B
9 When did you get your kitchen decorated? 58C
10 Exercise is said to be good for you. 57C
llD 1 b) 55A 4 a) 55A
2 b) 55A 5 b) 55A
3 a) 55A
llE 1 The story was written by Agatha Christie. 55B
2 Baseball is played at this stadium. 54B
3 This shirt needs ironing/needs to be ironed. 59 B
4 I got my hair cut yesterday. 58C
5 It is believed that there is going to be a war. 57B
6 My parents got divorced last year. 54D
7 I've got a report to write. 59B
8 The winner was given a prize. 57A
9 This man on TV is supposed to be the tallest person in the world. 57C
Test 12
12A 1 to organize 62B 6 to be 62B
2 wearing 62B 7 working 62B
3 to approve 62B 8 to buy 62B
4 to be 62B 9 waiting 62B
5 reminding 62B
12B 1 We must avoid wasting so much time. 61A
2 Sometimes a country refuses to take part in the Olympics. 62B
3 I'd/I would like to see the Rocky Mountains some day. 63B
4 I meant to give Judy a nice welcome yesterday. 64E
5 I always like to see my doctor once a year. 63A
6 The buses usually stop running before midnight. 64D
7 I can't face getting up at five tomorrow. 61C
8 Last year we made an agreement to work together. 60D
9 Yesterday you promised to carry on shooting the film. 62B
10 My father seems to be getting better now. 60B
12C 1 wait 62C
2 to 60A
3 seeing/meeting 61A
4 would 63B
5 need 64G (Also possible: have/ought)
6 not61A
7 help 61C (Also possible: stop 64D)
8 to 62D
9 on61D
12D 1 We've finished decorating the flat. 61A
2 I regret saying what I did. 63B
3 Tessa decided not to go to work. 60A
4 Do you mind helping me? 61B
5 I'm beginning to get worried. 63C
6 I can't afford to buy a new car. 60A
7 I hope to avoid making things worse. 62E
8 Peter seems to have gone away already. 60B
12 E 1 The children couldn't wait to see their presents. 62C
2 I can't stand getting up in the dark. 61C
3 I happened to see your brother yesterday. 62D
4 The shop tends to open ten minutes late. 60C
5 Do you fancy going for a walk? 62C
6 The police carried on watching the house. 61D
7 I'll/I will never forget seeing Nelson Mandela. 64A
Test 13
13A 1 for67B 6 to 69B(3)
2 in 75A 7 enough 68C
3 V 70C 8 for 74C
4 V 66C 9 them 67C
5 V 65D 10 V 73B
13B 1 to get 71B 8 to follow 68B
2 making 70B 9 to be 67D
3 reaching 70B 10 to do 65B
4 running 65D 11 respect 69B(3)
5 dreaming 73A 12 to do 65B
6 to happen 65C 13 buying 65E
7 ordering 73B 14 order 69B(2)
13C 1 We saw Rupert looking in a shop window. 74A
2 I remember the clown falling over. 65D
3 Tessa wasn't sure which way to go. 66C
4 The porter just stood there expecting a tip. 75A
5 How about going to the barbecue? 73B
6 Susan is used to (always) living in the country. 72B
7 I'm afraid of hurting myself. 71A
8 Christopher apologized for forgetting to pay. 70B
9 The food was too cold for Michelle to eat. 68C
10 It was silly of Polly to give away the secret. 67E (Also possible: Polly was silly to give away the secret.)
13 D 1 after 73C 8 to 72B
2 to 65B 9 how 66B
3 used72A 10 of71A
4 to71B 11 for68A
5 having/eating 70B 12 by 73B
6 of67E 13 Having 75B
7 to 68D 14 put 74D
13E I breaking 70C, knock 74D
2 to see 69A(8), to forget 68D
3 doing 73C, to write 69A(2)
4 to bother 71C, to ask 66B
5 to play 72A, watch 69B(2)
Test 14
14A 1 a 77B 5 V 77B
2 V76A 6 some 77A
3 V 77B 7 an 78C
4 a 76A 8 an 78C
14B 1 much 76C 6 saving 80A
2 clothes 80A 7 doesn't 79C
3 pairs 81A 8 was 79A
4 fun 76A 9 was 79A
5 is/was 79E 10 piece/slice 78A
14C 1 Every window was broken. 79B
2 My earnings aren't enough to live on. 80A
3 There was litter everywhere. 77B
4 We went to the hotel to get some food. 76A
5 Judy bought a pair of binoculars. 81A
6 1 need a new cheque book. 82B
7 I'll have a glass of orange juice, please. 78C
8 The reporter needed two pieces/bits/items of information. 77B
14D 1 We can't sit here because the grass is wet. 79A
2 Do you want (some) butter on your bread? 76A
3 All my belongings were stolen. 80A
4 Do you have any information about hotels? 77B
5 The police are questioning two men. 81C
6 Can we have two coffees/two cups of coffee, please? 78D
7 The news isn't very good, I'm afraid. 80B
8 I just want to go into this shoe shop. 82B
9 It's only a short journey by train. 79B
14E 1 wears 79B 10 any 77B
2 a piece of advice 11 meat 76A 77B 12 were 80A
3 the football match 13 A noise 78 B 82A 14 were81C
4 customs 80A 15 is 79C
5 are 8IB 16 light 78C
6 many76C 17 sports club 82B
7 is 79E 18 means 80C
8 these glasses 81A 19 woods 78D
9 steelworks 80C 20 has 79B
Test 15
15A 1 a 83B 9 the 84B
2 the84C 10 the 83B
3 the88B 11 a 89B
4 The 83B 12 a 83B
5 the90E 13 one 85B
6 a 85C 14 the 83B
7 The83B 15 The 83B
8 the 83B
15B 1 work 87B
2 quite a difficult 89B
3 Golf 86B
4 School 87A
5 a really nice 89B
6 some photos 85D
7 the violin 86C
8 breakfast 84F
9 an X-ray 84D
10 the radio 86C
1 1 the environment 84B 12 such terrible 89C
15C 1 X 86B
2 a89B
3 X 88B
4 an 84D
5 a 83B
6 the 90C
7 X90F
8 a83B
9 X 88D
10 some 85D/the 83B (Also possible: X)
11 a 83B
12 a84C
13 one85B
14 a 83B (Also possible: one)
15 the83B
16 What 89D (Also possible: Such)
17 so 89C
18 the 84C
15D 1 V 87B 7 V 87A
2 V 88F 8 A 85B
3 The 86B 9 V 89C
4 the89D 10 V 90 J
5 V 85D 11 V 86C
6 the 88E
15E 1 a beautiful city 84C
2 The weather 84B
3 Easter 88C
4 Princes Street 90G
5 the Royal Scottish Museum 901
6 the Highlands 90D
7 mountains 86B
8 a thing 89C
9 the sea 87B
10 Corfu 90B
11 some sunshine 85D (Also possible: sunshine)
12 beach holidays 88B
Test 16
16A 1 b) 97B 4 a) 95C
2 b) 93A 5 b) 97C
3 a) 92D 6 c) 94A
16B I either 97C 5 Some 96A
2 Someone 94B 6 People's 93A
3 these 91A 7 that 9IB
4 a few 95C 8 Polly's 92E
l6C 1 a 95C 6 None 96D
2 mine92A 7 all 96B
3 of92E 8 lot95A
4 many95B 9 whole 97B
5 anyone 94B
l6D 1 That was a very good idea of yours. 92E
2 You've got a lot of books, haven't you? 95A
3 I don't know the time of the meeting. 93B
4 Nigel has hurt his leg. 92C
5 All (of) the rooms in the house were cold. 96B
6 Wear anything - it doesn't matter what. 94C
7 Each of the four doors was locked. 97A
8 I live my life, and my sister lives hers. 92A
9 Both socks/Both the socks/Both of the socks have got holes in them. 97C
10 Here's a copy of this week's magazine. 93C
11 This sweater is losing its colour. 92B
12 I want some paper, but there's none in here. 96D
l6E 1 I've lived here most of my life. 96B
2 Every hotel was full. 97A
3 The house on the corner is bigger than ours. 92A
4 I've forgotten the name of my doctor. 93A
5 We have had/We've had little warning of the changes. 95C
6 So many people have applied for the job. 95B
7 I met an old boyfriend of yours at a party. 92E
8 Neither of the chairs is/are comfortable. 97C
9 My holiday starts in ten days' time. 93C
Test 17
17A 1 himself 100C 7 It 99B
2 They98B 8 They 98C
3 We 98B 9 ourselves 98D
4 them98B 10 her 98B
5 us98B 11 me98B
6 themselves 100D
17B 1 yourself 100C 6 ones 102B
2 it 99B 7 there 99A
3 some 102C 8 each other's 101B
4 us 100C 9 else 103D
5 Me 98B
17C 1 one 102C 5 It 99B
2 everyone/everybody 6 something 103A 103A 7 one 102C
3 herself 100C 8 You 98C
4 one 102B 9 ourselves 101A
17D 1 one 102C 4 it 99B
2 himself 100D 5 her 98B
3 something 103A 6 There 99A
7 everyone/ 10 each 10 IB everybody 103C 11 them 98B
8 it 99B 12 him 98B
9 there 99A
17E 1 There's/There is a train leaving in ten minutes. 99C
2 I think someone is/someone's coming up the stairs. 103C
3 Let's meet at eight o'clock, shall we? 100E
4 We haven't got a camcorder, but we'd like one. 102C
5 Let's do something different/something else today. 103D
6 They are/They're going to build a new motorway through here. 98C
7 I'm afraid I haven't done anything all day. 103B
8 Everyone enjoyed themselves at the barbecue. 100B, 100D
9 If you're buying'a loaf, get a nice fresh one. 102B
10 I've looked everywhere for my credit card. 103A
11 The two friends still see each other/see one another occasionally. 101B
Test 18
18A 1 freely 109C
2 The young man 106C
3 hungry 104B
4 thoughtfully 108C
5 right 109B
6 fascinating 107B
7 similar 104C
8 well 109D
9 the disabled 106B
10 confused 107B
11 scientifically 108B
12 frightened 104C
18 B 1 This is a nice place. 104B
2 I can't find the large biscuit tin. 105B
3 Tessa behaved in a silly way. 109A
4 Your coffee is getting cold. 104B
5 They live in a lovely old stone house. 105C
6 This hospital is for the mentally ill. 106B
18C 1 expensive 104B 5 amusing 107B
2 nice 104B 6 elderly 109A
3 surprised 107B 7 friendly 109A
4 carefully 108A 8 free 109C
18 D 1 The drink tasted strange. 108C
2 Obviously, the sick need to be looked after. 106A
3 The dog was asleep. 104C
4 The young woman spoke politely. 108A
5 The train arrived late. 109C
6 The film ends dramatically. 108B
7 Polly shouted angrily. 108B
8 Billiards is an indoor game. 104C
9 The clown was amusing. 107B
(Also possible: People found the clown amusing.)
10 There was hardly any time left. 109C
18E I I tasted the soup carefully. 108C
2 V 105C
3 Are the children asleep? 104C
4 It's a school for the deaf/for deaf people. 106C
5 It's a nice new leather jacket. 105C
6 The rich are/Rich people are very lucky. 106A
7 V 109D
8 He used a thick green paper towel. 105C
9 V 106A
10 The course I started was boring./I was bored with the course I started. 107B
11 I often talk to the two old people/men/women next door. 106C
12 The smoke rose high into the air. 109C
13 V 104B
14 We felt disappointed when we lost. 107B
15 Everyone seemed very nervous. 108C
16 Tessa drives too fast. 109B
17 V 107B
Test 19
19A 1 more intelligent HOB
2 cleaner HOB
3 thinner HOC
4 more carefully 110D
5 worse 11OE
6 later HOC
7 longer 110D
8 more useful 11 OB
9 sooner HOD
10 busier HOC
11 more annoyed HOB
12 more nervous HOB
19B 1 funniest HOC 6 farthest/furthest 110E
2 most horrible HOB 7 most helpful 11 OB
3 most recent HOB 8 most modern HOB
4 largest HOC 9 earliest HOD
5 most boring 11 OB 10 saddest HOC
19C 1 V 111D 6 V 111B
2 the 11 IB 7 mostllOA
3 V lllC 8 V 111E
4 all2B 9 of 111C
5 soll2D 10 more 112C
19D 1 nicer 111B 5 in 111C
2 as 111D 6 bit 112B
3 least 112A 7 as 111D
4 than me 111E 8 the easier 112D
19E 1 is bigger than the living-room 11 IB
2 fitter than I am 11OC, 111B
3 is as big as 111D
4 just get higher and higher 112C
5 is more expensive than 110A, 111B
6 is the least difficult 112A
7 more and more excited 112C
8 most romantic story I've ever 111C
Test 20
20A 1 I quite like old cowboy films. 115C
2 Have you finished this magazine yet? 114B
3 This coat is too big. 117B
4 Have the children already had their tea?/Have the children had their tea already? 114C
5 You certainly don't look ill. 113G
6 We don't go out much. 115D
7 I think everyone works fairly hard. 115B
8 I still don't know the date of the meeting. 114C
9 The others are just getting ready. 113B
10 I have to go to work on Saturdays./On Saturdays I have to go to work. 113H
20B 1 This game is rather silly. 115B
2 I've already paid the bill./I've paid the bill already. 114C
3 The alarm isn't loud enough. 117B
4 Jonathan passed the test easily./Jonathan easily passed the test. 113C
5 The children play cards a lot. 115C
6 They didn't sell enough tickets. 117B
7 You ask too many questions. 117B
8 I'm not a member of the club any more. 114D
9 It's warm enough to sit outside. 117C
20C 1 yet 114B
2 still 114C
3 rather 116C
4 enough 117B
5 many 117B
6 toll7C
7 any 114D
8 noll4D
9 bit 115A
10 soon 113E
20DI I didn't sleep very well last night./Last night I didn't sleep very well. 113E
2 I think I need to rest a little. 115C
3 I don't work for the company any longer. 114D
4 The article is fairly interesting. 115A
5 Tessa locked the door carefully./Tessa carefully locked the door. 113C
6 You aren't tall enough to play basketball. 117B
7 We went to town yesterday./Yesterday we went to town. 113H
8 I like this music very much./I very much like this music. 115D
20E 1 We go to the cinema a lot. 115C
2 Adrian always wears jeans. 113F
3 These shoes aren't big enough. 117A
4 I no longer live in Birmingham. 114D
5 Polly spent too much money in the sales. 117B
Test 21
2lA 1 The doctor has been working for twelve hours. 121B
2 We had a great time at the disco. 119B
3 The woman was getting out of the car. 118A
4 The players had numbers on their shirts. 119A
5 The new manager takes over in two weeks' time. 120C
6 Anna drove to the garage to get some petrol. 118B
7 We were sitting at the back of the room. 119C
2lB 1 on 119C 6 on 119A
2 ago 121C 7 in 120C
3 on 120A 8 across 118 A
4 at 120A/by 122B 9 during 122A/in
5 atll9C 10 until/till 122B
2lC 1 the 120B 5 on 120A
2 V ll8A 6 V 119C
3 V 122C 7 V 122B
4 thell8A
2lD 1 on ll9C 10 between 124C
2 for 123A 11 like 122C
3 by 122B 12 with 125B
4 at 123B 13 ago 121C
5 since 121B 14 for 124D
6 with 124B 15 until 122B
7 above 118A 16 for 125A
8 ofl24C 17 in 120A
9 while 122A 18 to 125D
2lE 1 Scott lives in Washington. 119A
2 I'm travelling to Italy on business. 120A
3 I'm busy on Friday morning. 120A
4 They've/They have been playing (for) an hour. 121A
5 Jonathan is very good at tennis. 125C
6 I'm rather busy at the moment. 120A
7 We went/travelled to Budapest by air. 123C
8 Nigel goes past the newsagent's every day. 118A
9 The company is planning (to make) a reduction in the workforce. 124C
10 We got to our guest house in time for a meal. 120B
Test 22
22A 1 I must pay for my ticket. 126B
2 I'm going to put on that expensive grey coat I bought. 128C
3 She's invited us to lunch. 127B
4 He's looking at them. 126A
5 The police prevented me from leaving. 127B
6 I'm going to turn it off. 128C
22B 1 about 126C 5 up 130B
2 out BOB 6 at 126B
3 on 128B 7 through 129C
4 offl28A 8 up for l31B
22C 1 You've left one out. 128B
2 I've never heard of it. 126C
3 They ran away from it. 131A
4 You must congratulate her on her success. 127B
5 She's going to set up her own company. 129B
6 He reminds me of an old schoool friend of mine. 127C
7 He wants to put it forward at the meeting. 129C
22DI as 127B
2 about/of 127C
3 look/watch 13 IB
4 in 126B
5 from 127A
6 on 127B
7 at 127B
8 out 129A (Also possible: over)
9 out 125A
10 forward 13IB
11 woke 129A
12 up 129A
22E 1 You're too young to give up working. 129B
2 This bag belongs to Janet. 126A
3 Everyone carried on working as usual. 130B
4 They discussed the plan. 126C
5 I've/1 have run out of money. 13 IB
6 I explained the problem to the police./I explained to the police what the problem was. 127C
7 I wouldn't put up with such terrible conditions. 131B
8 They'll have to put off the game/put the game off. 128B
Test 23
23A 1 me 135D 5 V 133B
2 did 135C 6 me 132C
3 V 136B 7 did 134B
4 that 135B 8 for 136A
23B 1 was 134B 5 told 132C
2 previous 133B 6 that 133B
3 whether 135B 7 could 134C
4 not to l36A 8 suggested 136B
23C 1 they 133B
2 that/if/whether 132B
3 she 133B
4 to 132A
5 didn't 134B
6 had 134B
7 wouldn't/didn't 134C
8 if/whether 135B
9 wanted/needed/had 135A
10 next/following/same 134B
23D I she said she felt quite excited. 133B, 134B
2 he said he couldn't remember the code word. 133B, 134C
3 he said he wouldn't be at the next meeting. 133B, 134C
4 they said they had/they'd got a problem. 133B, 134B
5 she said she'd been swimming/she had been swimming. 133B, 134B
6 they said they would like to be in the show. 133B, 134C
7 he said he didn't need any help. 133B, 134B
8 she said her sister was coming to see her. ] 33B, 134B
23E 1 A policeman told Christopher to stop shouting. 136A
2 Tessa admitted eating all the cake/having eaten all the cake the day before/the previous day. 133B, 136B
3 Adrian apologized for being rude/for having been rude. 136B
4 Simon invited Susan to join him for lunch. 133B, 136B
5 Martin asked Nancy if/whether someone rang her/someone had rung her an hour before. 133B, 135B
6 Peter insisted on leaving. 136B
Test 24
24A 1 for 139A
2 entering 143A
3 which 136B
4 only 143B
5 who 142A
6 whom 139C
7 that you took 138A
8 where 142C
9 which 142D
10 whose 140A
24B 1 This isn't the train on which I normally travel. 139C/
This isn't the train (that/which) I normally travel on. 139B
2 The letter that I opened wasn't for me. 137B
3 The reason (why/that) I didn't know was that no one had told me. 142C
4 What we should do is ring the police. HOB
5 I didn't know the name of the man who/that helped me. 138B
6 Rupert knows the family whose house is for sale. 140A
7 Einstein, who failed his university entrance exam, discovered relativity. 141B
8 The person we talked to was very friendly./138B The people we talked to were very friendly.
9 It's the President who makes the important decisions. 14OC
10 I can't find my diary, which is a real nuisance. 142D
11 Outside the door was a pair of boots covered in mud. 143A
12 Lake Superior, which lies on the US-Canadian border, is the largest lake in North America. 142A
Date: 2014-12-22; view: 1162