A fee shall be charged for issuing of the license. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine shall establish the size and procedure of entering this fee into the state budget of Ukraine.
The license fee shall be paid after making decision to issue the license.
Ten per cent from the amount of funds, entering the state budget of Ukraine as a license fee, shall be included to a special fund of the state budget of Ukraine and shall be used for the compensation of expenditures, related to the introduction of a Single register of licenses and producing of license forms.
(part three of Article 15 is suspended for 2001 according to the Law of Ukraine N 2120-III of December 7, 2000, for 2002 – according to the Law of Ukraine N 2905-III of December 20, 2001 for 2003 – according to the Law of Ukraine N 380-IV of December 26, 2002)
Article 16. Reissuing of the License
The license may be reissued on the grounds of:
change of the name of a legal entity (provided this change is not connected with reorganization of the legal entity) or full name of a natural person – subject of entrepreneurial activity;
change of the place of location of a legal entity or place of residence of a physical person – subject of entrepreneurial activity;
changes related to the conducting a certain type of economic activity, stipulated in Article 9 of this Law.
Should the grounds for reissuing of the license occur, the licensee has within ten workdays to provide a licensing body with an application on reissuing of the license together with the license subject to reissuing and corresponding documents or their copies, certified at the notary’s office, which confirm the specified changes.
A licensing body within three workdays from the date of receipt of an application on reissuing of the license and documents attached thereto, shall reissue the license on a new form with consideration of changes, specified in the application on reissuing of the license.
In case of reissuing of the license due to the changes, related to the fulfillment of certain economic activity, determined in Article 9 of this Law, provided these changes are related to the licensee’s intention to extend his/her activity, the license shall be reissued within the terms, envisaged for issuing of the license.
Along with the license, reissued on a new form, a licensing body, on the grounds of the data of the register of licenses, shall provide the licensee free of charge with copies of such license, certified by this body.
In case of reissuing of the license a licensing body shall make a decision to recognize the previously issued license invalid not later than on the following workday with the introduction of the relevant changes to the register of licenses.
Validity term of the reissued license shall not exceed the term, specified in the previously issued license.
A fee in the amount of five minimal personal non-taxable incomes shall be charged for reissuing of the license. This fee shall be included into the state budget of Ukraine.
A licensee that submitted an application and the relevant documents on reissuing of the license may fulfill his/her activity on the basis of a certificate on reception of an application on reissuing of the license to conducting certain type of economic activity, issued by a licensing body in case of submission of an application on reissuing of the license.
The license, not reissued within the established terms, shall be deemed invalid.
Article 17. Changes in the Data, Indicated in Documents, Attached to the Application on Issuing of the License
The licensee has to notify the licensing body of all the changes in the data indicated in the documents, attached to the application on issuing of the license. Should such changes occur, the licensee within the period of ten workdays should submit to a licensing body a corresponding written notification, supplemented with documents or their notarized copies, confirming the specified changes.
On the grounds of the documents, submitted by the licensee to a licensing body, a licensing body may take a decision on cancellation of the license within the terms, envisaged by this Law.
A decision to cancel the license shall be taken on the grounds of the licensee’s inability to ensure execution of terms, established for the type of economic activity, to which the license has been issued, according to the submitted documents.