| CHANGES OF VISUAL ORGAN IN PATHOLOGY OF THE EAR, NOSE AND THROATChronic disorders of the nose and throat are often the reason of blepharitis, conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis.
Inflammatory diseases of paranasal sinuses can result in development of severe ophthalmic complications, such as uveitis, retinitis, optic neuritis, panophthalmitis. In severe cases it is possible the translocation of infection into the orbit with development of phlegmon, abscess or thrombophlebitis, which are dangerous for patient's life. The main symptoms of such injuries are exophthalmos, ophthalmoplegia, hemosis of conjunctiva, oedematous phenomena from the side of the optic nerve.
In tumours of paranasal sinuses it can be observed the exophthalmos of uninflammatory origin with translocation of the eye to the corresponding side, stagnant optic papilla and atrophy of the optic nerve.
Purulent processes in the ears give the same complications as inflammation of paranasal sinuses. There are observed also reflectory blepharospasm, when disorder of labyrinthus — pendular nystagmus. Under formation of otogenic cerebral abscess there are observed disfunction of pupillar responses, mydriasis, paralysis of oculomotor and abducent nerves, an oedematous optic disc, hemi-anopsy.
Diseases of the dental-jaw system cause periostites, orbital abscess, keratites, uveites, retinites, optic neurites.
In diseases of biliary tracts and intestines there are observed chronic blepharitis, hordeolum, chalazion.
Pneumoniae can be a reason of metastatic uveitis.
Thus, knowledge of early and following ophthalmological symptoms of general diseases stipulate timely diagnosis of the basic pathological process, evaluating its course severity, choosing an effective treatment, determination of clinical recovering and prognosis, and also prophylaxis and early revealing of eye's diseases, pathogenetic approach for their treatment.
Date: 2015-02-03; view: 1263