UNIT 121 On time/in time, At the end/in the end 6 page 6. We went --- a party --- Linda's house on Saturday.
7. Bombay is --- the west coast of India.
8. Look at the leaves --- that tree. They're a beautiful colour.
9. 'Have you ever been --- Tokyo?' 'No, I've never been --- Japan.'
10. Mozart died --- Vienna in 1791 --- the age of 35.
11. 'Are you --- this photograph?' 'Yes, that's me --- the left.'
12. We went --- the theatre last night. We had seats --- the front row.
13. 'Where's the light switch?' 'It's --- the wall . the door.'
14. What time did you arrive --- the party?
15. I couldn't decide what to eat. There was nothing --- the menu that I liked.
16. We live --- a tower block. Our flat is --- the fifteenth floor.
17. 'What did you think of the film?' 'Some parts were a bit stupid but --- the whole I enjoyed it.'
18. When you paid the hotel bill, did you pay --- cash or --- credit card?
19. 'How did you get here? --- the bus?' 'No --- car.'
20. A: I wonder what's --- television this evening. Have you got a newspaper?
B: Yes, the TV programmes are --- the back page.
Noun/adjective + preposition
Units 128-130
30. Put in the missing preposition.
1. The plan has been changed but nobody seems to know the reason --- this.
2. Don't ask me to decide. I'm not very good --- making decisions.
3. Some people say that Sue is unfriendly but she's always very nice --- me.
4. What do you think is the best solution --- the problem?
5. There has been a big increase --- the price of land recently.
6. He lives a rather lonely life. He doesn't have much contact --- other people.
7. Paula is a keen photographer. She likes taking pictures --- people.
8. Gordon got married --- a woman he met when he was studying at college.
9. He's very brave. He's not afraid --- anything.
10. I'm surprised --- the amount of traffic today. I didn't think it would be so busy.
11. Thank you for lending me the guide book. It was full --- useful information.
12. Please come in and sit down. I'm sorry --- the mess.
Verb + preposition
Units 131-135
31. Put in a preposition where necessary. If the sentence is already complete, leave an empty space (-).
1. She works quite hard. You can't accuse her --- being lazy.
2. Who's going to look --- your children while you're at work?
3. The problem is becoming serious. We have to discuss --- it.
4. The problem is becoming serious. We have to do something --- it.
5. I prefer this chair --- the other one. It's more comfortable.
6. I must phone --- the office to tell them I won't be at work today.
7. The river divides the city --- two parts.
8. 'What do you think --- the new manager?' 'She's all right, I suppose.'
9. Can somebody please explain --- me what I have to do?
10. 'Do you like staying at hotels?' 'It depends --- the hotel.'
11. 'Have you ever been to Borla?' 'No, I've never heard --- it. Where is it?'
12. You remind me --- somebody I knew a long time ago. You took just like her.
13. What's funny? What are you laughing ---.?
14. What have you done with all the money you had? What did you spend it ---.?
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