Now give a short description of every person.
Exercise 18
What do we say when:
a) a person has lost all his hair
b) a person greatly resembles one of his parents
c) a person is very short
d) a person’s hair is very short
e) a person is very fat
f) a person is very skinny
g) a person is extremely tall
h) a person has been in the sun too long
i) a person needs shaving
Describe the people in the pictures.
Exercise 19
Translate the following into Ukrainian:
1. His large head was pink, his brown hair thin and dry. His face was boyish in sleep, despite his wrinkles. He was not fat, but he was exceedingly well-fed, his cheeks were plump and the hand which lay helpless on the blanket was slightly puffy.
2. My father was of a dark complexion, with a very great forehead and dark hazel eyes, overhung by eyebrows which remained black long after his hair was white. His nose was aquiline, his smile extraordinary sweet. He was of a rather low stature, not been above five feet seven inches in height; but small as he was, he had a perfect grace and majesty of deportment.
3. This treasure possession of his life was of medium height and colour, with short, dark-chestnut hair; her wide-apart brown eyes were almost dreamy under very white black-lashed lids, held over them in a sort of suspense. She had a charming profile, and nothing of her father in her face save a decided chin.
4. She was slender and graceful, so that she seemed taller than she was; she had beautifully shaped arms and a brightness in her face. Her hair, very slightly reddish hair flowed back from her low broad forehead; the colour under her delicate skin was bright and quick, and her mouth always smiled faintly.
Date: 2015-02-03; view: 1117