kilo of sugar a piece/slice of bread a loaf of bread
Milk, soup, etc are uncountable nouns. We cannot use a or a number in front of them. We do not usually say a milk or two soups. But we can say a carton of milk or two tins of soup. Here are some more examples.
a carton of orange juice a kilo of cheese
five metres of cable twenty litres of petrol half a pound of butter a bar of chocolate a loaf of bread
a tin of paint
a piece of wooda piece/slice of breada piece/sheet of paper
a bottle of water
a box/packet of cereal
a jar of jam
a tube of toothpaste
a glass of water
a cup of coffee
We can also use this structure with a plural noun after of.
a packet of crisps a box of matches three kilos of potatoes a collection of pictures
B A piece of information
Advice, information and news are uncountable nouns. We cannot use them with a/an or in the plural. Can I give you some advice? not an-advice
We got some information from the tourist office, not some informations That's wonderful news! NOT a wonderful news
But we can use piece of, bit of and item of. Can I give you a piece of/a bit of advice?
There are two pieces/bits of information we need to complete the questionnaire. There's a bit of /an item of news that might interest you.
These nouns are uncountable in English, although they may be countable in other languages: accommodation, baggage, behaviour, equipment, fun, furniture, homework, housework, litter, luck, luggage, progress, rubbish, scenery, traffic, travel, weather, work
Some countable nouns have similar meanings to the uncountable nouns above.
There aren't any jobs.
It's a long journey.
There were sofas and chairs for sale.
We've booked a room.
I've got three suitcases.
There isn't any work.
Travel can be tiring.
There was furniture for sale.
We've booked some accommodation.
I've got three pieces of luggage.
77 Exercises
1 A carton of milk (A)
What did Tom buy at the supermarket? Use of.
Milk 0.35
Milk 0.35 ► two cartons of milk
1 kilo flour 0.85 ► a kilo of flour
Jam 0.95 1
Matches 0.39 2
Bread 0.65 3
Bread 0.65 4
Chocolate 0.95 5
5 kilos potatoes 1.59 6
Breakfast cereal 1.38 7
Mineral water 0.74 8
Mineral water 0.74
Toothpaste 0.89
Total £10.48
2 Countable and uncountable nouns (B)
Complete the sentences. Put in a/an or some.
I really ought to do some housework.
The people who camped in the field have left............ .
I've been working on the business plan. I've made . The visitors are here for two nights. They're looking for That shop has . nice sofa.
You'll have to pay extra for the taxi because you've got ... The flat is quite empty. I need ..... furniture.
I can't possibly fit this guitar into . suitcase.
You need . luck to win at this game.
.. accommodation.
3 Countable and uncountable nouns (B)
You are talking about the holiday you had with a friend. Use these words: accommodation, awful journey, beautiful scenery, chair, fun, good weather, meal. You have to decide whether you need to put a/an or not.
? (It was quite easy to book a place to stay.) Booking accommodation was quite easy.
? (There was nothing to sit on in your room.)
But my room wasn't very nice. It didn't even have a chair in it.
1 (You were in a beautiful part of the country.)
It was a lovely place, though. There was............................................ all around us.
2 (The weather was good.)
And we had ........................... while we were there.
3 (One evening you went to a restaurant with some other people.)
One evening we had......................................................... with some people we met.
4 (You enjoyed yourselves at the disco.)
We went to a disco. We had ........................ there.
5 (Travelling home was awful.)
We had ....................................................... home last Saturday.