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Have something done

A Introduction

Compare these situations.



Claire decorated the room. (She did the work herself.)

Claire had the room decorated. (A decorator did the work.)

We can use have in a passive structure. Claire had the room decorated means that she arranged for a decorator to do it for her as a professional service.


B Form        
Look at these examples        
You should have your car serviced regularly.
Mark usually has his suits cleaned at Superclean
We had the television repaired only last year,
You've had your hair cut.  
Our neighbours are having a new garage built.  
Is Melanie having a new cooker installed?  

Note that we can use the perfect or the continuous (have had, are having).

In negatives and questions in simple tenses, we use a form of do. Mark doesn't have his suits cleaned at Fastclean. We didn't have new windows put in because it was too expensive. Do you have your car serviced regularly? Where did you have your hair cut?

C Get something done

We can also use get something done.

We must have another key made. OR We must get another key made. The sentences have the same meaning, but get is more informal than have.

Here are some more examples with get.

Laura got her shoes repaired. We're getting the carpet cleaned.

Where did you get your hair cut? Do you get your heating checked every year?

D Have meaning 'experience'

We can use have in this structure with the meaning 'experience something', often something unpleasant. We had all our money stolen. The car had its mirror pulled off.


58 Exercises

1 Have something done (A-B) Look at the pictures and say what people are doing or what they did. Use these phrases: her photo, his windows, his car, her eyes, his hair Use these verbs: dean, cut, repair, take, test

► At the moment Trevor is having his hair cut.

1 Last week Mike.....................................................................................................................

2 At the moment Melissa .........................................................................................................

3 Yesterday David....................................................................................................................

4 At the moment Rachel ........................................................................................................

2 Have something done (A-B)

Read about each situation and write sentences with have something done.

► Melanie is paying the man who has repaired her bicycle.
Melanie has had her bicycle repaired.

1 David went to the hospital. A nurse bandaged his arm.

2 Daniel is going to the dentist. She's going to fill his tooth.

3 Laura is walking around town while her photos are being developed.

3 Get something done (C)

Look again at Exercise 2. The jobs are all done now. Complete the questions using get.

► Mike: Where did you get your bicycle repaired, Melanie ?

1 Harriet: Why .........................................................................................................

2 Emma: Where .........................................................................................................

3 Sarah: Where .......................................................................................................

4 Have meaning 'experience' (D)

Say what happened to these people.

► Claire (whose luggage was searched in customs)
Claire had her luggage searched in customs.

1 Tom (whose car was stolen from outside his house)

2 Rita (whose rent was increased by ten per cent)

3 David (whose electricity has been cut off)

59 To be done and being done

Compare the active and passive.


to-infinitive: / ought to meet Sarah at the airport. I hope to be met at the airport.
ing-form: / insist on meeting you at the airport. I love being met at the airport.
(I meet people.) (People meet me.)

Here are some more examples.

/ want to play volleyball. I hope to be chosen for the team.

The minister agreed to answer questions. He agreed to be interviewed on television.

Why did Tom keep making jokes about me? I don't enjoy being laughed at.

You say you remember telling me the news. But I certainly can't remember being told.

An ing-form sometimes comes after a preposition.

The postman complained about being attacked by Nick's dog. Famous people get tired of being recognized everywhere they go.

B Active forms with a passive meaning

The active ing-form after need has a passive meaning.

The bicycle needs oiling. (= The bicycle needs to be oiled.)

The windows need cleaning. (= The windows need to be cleaned.) We cannot use the passive ing-form here.

NOT The-bicycle needs being oiled.

We sometimes use an active to-infinitive when we talk about a job to be done.

I've got some letters to write today. We've got this bill to pay.

Here we use the active (to write) because the subject of the sentence (I) is the person who has to do the job. But if the subject is not a person, then we use the passive infinitive.

The letters are to be written today. The bill is to be paid without delay.

All this mess has to be cleared away. The goods have to be shipped.

We can use the structure be + to-infinitive to give an order.

The matter is to be given top priority. You're not to drive too fast.

After the subject there, we can use either an active or a passive to-infinitive.

There are some letters to write/to be written today. There's a bill to pay/to be paid.

62 Verb + active to-infinitive or ing-form 73 Preposition + active ing-form

59 Exercises


i Passive forms (A)

/ am asking the government

to allow me into Britain. I am worried about them refusing me

entry. I am afraid of your officials sending me away. I don't want you to misunderstand me. I hope someone in Britain will offer me a job. I don't mind them paying me low wages at first. I am willing for my employer to re-train me. I would like Britain to

give me a chance.

Report what the man says. Use the passive to-infinitive or ing-form.

? He's asking to be allowed into Britain.

? He's worried about being refused entry.

2 Active and passive forms (A)

TV reporter Kitty Beamish is interviewing some workers who are protesting about not being paid enough. Complete the workers' statements. Put in an active or passive to-infinitive or ing-form. ► We want to be paid (pay) better wages.

1 We don't enjoy............................................. (use) as cheap labour.

2 We're tired of (work) for low wages.

3 We expect ............................................ (treat) like human beings.

4 Wedon'twant.............................................. (give) up all our rights.

5 We hope .................................... (invite) to a meeting with the management.

6 We insist on (take) seriously.

3 Active and passive forms (A-B)

Put in an active or passive to-infinitive or ing-form.

Jessica: Are you going to be busy today?

Andrew: Well, I've got a few things (►) to do (do).

I've got an essay (1)………………………………..(write). And this room ought

(2)……………………………… (tidy) up a bit.

This carpet needs (3)............. ……………….(hoover).

Jessica: I've got some jobs (4).................................... (do), too.

Most of my clothes need (5)........................................... (iron).

And I've got my project (6) ............................................. (finish) off.

I'm worried about (7) .............................................. (miss) the deadline.

It has (8) ......................................... (hand) in tomorrow.

I don't want (9)……………………………… (be) late with it.

Andrew: I don't remember (10)…………………………… (tell) when the project was due in.

Jessica: Why? Haven't you done it yet? Andrew: Oh, yes. I handed it in ages ago.

The passive (Units 54-59)

Test 11A

Rewrite these sentences beginning with the underlined words.

► Thieves robbed a woman.
A woman was robbed.

1 They may ban the film.

2 They offered Nancy a pay increase.

3 We need to correct the mistakes.

4 Someone reported that the situation was under control.

5 They are testing the new drug.

6 We haven't used the machine for ages.

Test 11B

Read the story and write the missing words. Use one word only in each space.

During periods of terrorist activity by the IRA, people in Britain are always (>)being warned to look out
for bombs. Any bag or parcel without an owner (1)…………….. seen as a risk to the public. Some time ago j

a cardboard box was found at the entrance to Bristol Zoo one day. It was noticed (2)……………… a visitor

and reported to the director. Clearly, if it was a bomb and it went off, people might (3)…………… killed.

So army bomb experts (4)……………. called in, and the box was safely blown up in a controlled

explosion. Soon afterwards (5)…………….. was reported that the box had (6) ................. left there by a

boy wanting to find a new home for his pet rat. He was tired of the rat, he explained, but he was unwilling
to (7) ………………..it put to sleep by a vet, so he left it in a box outside the zoo. The director of the zoo is
thought (8)……………… be unenthusiastic about looking after people's unwanted pets. No one knows what I
the rat thought about (9)....................... blown up.

Test 11C

Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets.

► We have to test these products, (be)
These products have to be tested.

1 Pavarotti sang the song, (by)

2 Nigel's passport was stolen, (had)

3 They pay doctors a lot of money, (are)

4 I hope they'll interview me for the job. (to)

5 Someone was cleaning the floor, (being)

6 A mechanic is repairing Judy's car. (having)

7 Tessa lost her way. (got)

8 Everyone agreed that the plan should go ahead, (it)

9 When did they decorate your kitchen? (get)

10 They say exercise is good for you. (be)

Test 11D

Which of the two sentences follows on best?

► There's going to be a big art exhibition.

a) A lot of visitors will be attracted to it. b) It will attract a lot of visitors.

1 Our neighbours have got a cat and a dog.

a)A lot of mice are caught by the cat. b) The cat catches a lot of mice.

2 Last night Martin dreamt he saw his dead grandmother.

a) A white dress was being worn by the ghost, b) The ghost was wearing a white dress.

3 We've bought a new computer.

a) It can do the job much more quickly, b) The job can be done much more quickly.

4 My grandfather is very ill.

a) He's being looked after in the local hospital, b) The local hospital is looking after him.

5 We've completed the experiment.

a) The newspapers will publish the results, b) The results will be published in the newspapers.

Test 11E

Each of these sentences is incorrect. Write the correct sentence.

► Those nice glasses got break.
Those nice glasses got broken.

1 The-story was written Agatha Christie.

2 Baseball do play at this stadium.

3 This shirt needs iron.

4 I got cut my haif yesterday.

5 It believes that there is-going to be a war.

6 My parents divorce- themselves last year.

7 I've got a report to be written.

8 To the winner was given a prize.

9 This man on TV supposes to be the tallest person in the world.

60 Verb + to-infinitive

A Introduction


After some verbs we can use a to-infinitive, e.g. decided to have, arranged to play. Here are some more examples.

/ expect to get my money back.

Sarah agreed to work late at the office.

We cant afford to go to Australia.

Are you hoping to get a job in London?

Melanie has offered to help us when we move house. We can put not before the to-infinitive.

Some people just choose not to get married.

At least I managed not to lose my temper.

With some other verbs we use an ing-form, not a to-infinitive (see Units 61 and 62). Mark has finished playing golf.

B Seem and appear

We can use a to-infinitive after seem and appear.

Sarah seemed to be quite annoyed. The computer program appears to have a bug in it. The person I spoke to didn't seem to know anything about the company's products.

We can use a continuous or a perfect to-infinitive.

Continuous: Andrew seems to be studying even harder these days.

Perfect: David appeared to have hurt himself.

C Tend, manage and fail

We use tend to for things that usually happen.

We tend to get up later at weekends. (= We usually get up later at weekends.) We use manage to for being able to do something.

Luckily I managed to find my way here all right. (= I was able to find my way.) We use fail to for things that don't happen.

David failed to pay his electricity bill. (= David didn't pay his electricity bill.)

D He promised to go, his promise to go

Some nouns can come before a to-infinitive. Compare these sentences. Verb + to-infinitive: Mark promised to go shopping.

But then he arranged to play golf. Noun + to-infinitive: Mark forgot about his promise to go shopping.

Sarah found out about his arrangement to play golf.

Here are some nouns we can use: agreement, arrangement, decision, demand, desire, failure, offer, plan, promise, refusal, tendency, threat

61-62 Verb + ing-form 65 Verb + object + to-infinitive

60 Exercises

1 Verb + to-infinitive (A)

Say what each speaker did. Use these verbs before a to-infinitive: decide, demand, offer, promise, threaten ► Henry: I really must speak to the manager. Henry demanded to speak to the manager.

1 Trevor: I'll put the shelves up soon, I promise.

2 Claire: OK, I'll buy both the dresses.

3 Melanie: I'll cook the meal if you like.

4 Tom: If you don't control that dog, Nick, I'll shoot it.

2 Seem (B)

Complete the answers using seem and a to-infinitive. (Some of the to-infinitives may be continuous or perfect.)

? Vicky: Have Matthew and Emma got over their quarrel?
Daniel: I think so. They seem to have got over it.

? Rita: Is Claire in love with Henry?

Sarah: Probably not. She doesn't seem to be in love with him.

1 Tom: Do Mike and Harriet really believe there's life on Mars?

David: Well, yes....................................................................................... there is.

2 Victor: Has Ilona's English improved?

Emma: Yes, ............................................................................ quite a lot.

3 David: Does Rita like football?

Tom: I don't think so...................................................................................... it much.

4 Natasha: Is Daniel working hard, do you think?

Rachel: Yes, I think so..................................................................................... hard.

5 Sarah: Has Trevor made a good job of those shelves?

Laura: Not really. a very good job of them.

3 Verb + to-infinitive (A-D)

Put in the to-infinitive form. (Some may be continuous or perfect.) Use these verbs: come, find, hang, have, invite, leave, take Harriet: Hello, Nick. You managed (►) to find your way then? Nick: Yes, in the end. It's a bit complicated, isn't it?

Harriet: Well you're here now. Do you want (1) ........... ………………….your coat up?

Mick: Thank you.

Harriet: I'm glad you decided (2)........................................... to our party.

Everyone seems (3)............................................ a good time.

We tend (4) ............................................ lots of people to our parties.

Nick: Is Tom here?

Harriet: No, he couldn't come. He'd already made an arrangement

(5) ............................ somebody somewhere in his taxi.

Nick: And Rita?

Harriet: Er, she was here, but she appears (6)............. ………………….early. I don't know where she's

gone. She was with someone.

61 Verb + ing-form

After some verbs we can use an ing-form, for example, suggested going, enjoy putting.

/ usually avoid driving in the rush hour. We'll have to practise throwing the ball into the basket.

Have you finished typing that letter? Nick says he's given up smoking. We can sometimes put not before an ing-form.

Imagine not having anywhere to live.

With some other verbs we use a to-infinitive, not an ing-form (see Units 60 and 62). I don't want to put up a tent in the rain.

B Mind

We use mind + an ing-form mostly in negative statements and in questions. Andrew doesn't mind having lots of work. He quite likes it. (= He doesn't dislike having lots of work.) Do you mind waiting a moment? ~ No, that's OK. I wouldn't mind travelling around the world some time.

C Verbs with can't

Note can't or couldn't with help, resist, face and stand. We can put an ing-form after these verbs. / think Tom is very amusing. I can't help laughing at his funny stories. The dress was so beautiful that Claire couldn't resist buying it. Let's eat out, shall we? 1 can't face cooking a meal today. I never go in the bank if it's busy. I can't stand waiting in a queue.

D Keep (on) and carry on

We use keep or keep on + an ing-form to talk about something continuing, or when it happens again and again.

Just keep stirring the mixture until it boils. Nick keeps ringing Rita and asking her out.

The runners didn't mind the rain. They just kept on running. For continue see Unit 63C.

Carry on means something continuing.

Just carry on stirring the mixture until it boils.

65D Verb + object + ing-form

61 Exercises

1 Verb + ing-form (A)

Answer the questions using the notes in brackets. ► Mike: Is your car working now? (they / not / finish / repair / it) You: No, they haven't finished repairing it yet.

1 Laura: Have you done the crossword? (I / give up / try)
You: No,………………………………………………………

2 Daniel: There's a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man. (1 / can / not / imagine / be)

You: Good Lord. .......................................................................................................... so old.

3 Tom: Do you like football? (I / enjoy / watch / it / on TV)
You: Well,...................................................................

4 Rachel: Whose idea was it to invite all these people? (suggest / have / a party)
You: I'm not sure. Someone...................................................................................

2 Verbs with can't (C)

Use three words from the table to complete each sentence.


can't couldn't face help resist stand doing feeling having lying noticing

► Rita said she was OK, but I couldn't help noticing how upset she looked.

1 I hate holidays by the sea. I……………………………………… on a beach all day.

2 [feel really full. I'm afraid I ........................................................ a pudding with my lunch.

3 1 was so tired yesterday I just……………………………………… any housework.

4 Tom's car was stolen, but, as he left it unlocked, I............................... …………………. it's his own fault.

3 Verb + ing-form (A-D)

Some friends have had a meal together in a restaurant. Put in the ing-forms.

Use these verbs: change, discuss, eat, get, miss, ring, try, wait, walk

Vicky: Shall we go then?

Rachel: Daniel hasn't finished (►) eating yet.

Daniel: It's OK. It's just a piece of chocolate.

Matthew: Chocolate? After that enormous meal?

Daniel: I know. I've eaten too much. When I find something new on the menu,

I just can't resist (1)............................... it.

Rachel: How are we getting home?

Vicky: I don't mind (2) ........................... I feel like some fresh air.

Rachel: You're crazy. It's miles. And we've just eaten.

Matthew: I suggest (3)…………………. for a taxi. It'll save (4)……………………..around for a bus.

Emma: Good idea. I couldn't face (5)…………………. cold again after being in the warm all evening.

Rachel: Yes, the bus journey is too complicated. It involves (6)…………………. buses in the centre.

We don't want to risk (7).......................... a bus and having to wait half an hour.

Daniel: Or we could take a taxi to the bus station and then get a bus from there.
Matthew: Well, you can carry on (8)…………………… the problem, but I'm going to ring for a taxi.

62 Verb + to-infinitive or verb + ing-form?


Some verbs are followed by a to-infinitive, and some by an ing-form.


Harriet decided to have a party. Harriet suggested having a party.

Suggest takes an ing-form.

Decide takes a to-infinitive.

A few verbs take either a to-infinitive or an ing-form (see Units 63-64). Laura started to paint/started painting a picture.

B To-infinitive or ing-form?


These verbs are followed by a to-infinitive. agree, aim, appear (see 60B), arrange, ask, attempt, beg, can't afford, can't wait (see C), choose, claim, decide, demand, desire, expect, fail (see 60C), guarantee, happen (see D), help (see 69C), hope, manage (see 60C), offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, prove (see D), refuse, seem (see 60B), tend (see 60C), threaten, turn out (see D), undertake, want, wish


These verbs are followed by an ing-form.

admit, avoid, cant face (see 61C), can't help (see 61C), can't resist (see 61C), can't stand (see 61C), carry on (see 61U), consider, delay, deny, detest, dislike, enjoy, excuse, fancy (see C), finish, give up, imagine, involve, justify, keep {on), (see 61D), mention, mind (see 61B), postpone, practise, put off, resent, risk, save, suggest, tolerate

C Can't wait and fancy

If you can't wait to do something, you are eager to do it.

/ can't wait to see the photos you took. (= I am eager/impatient to see the photos.)

If you fancy doing something, you want to do it.

Do you fancy going out for a meal? (= Would you like to go out for a meal?) Fancy is informal.

D Happen, turn out and prove

We use prove to or turn out to when experience shows what something is like. In the end our forecast proved to be correct. Finding Harriet's house turned out to be more difficult than Nick had expected.

Note the meaning of happen to.

I happened to see Sarah in town. (= I saw Sarah by chance in town.)

E Two forms together

We can sometimes use more than one to-infinitive or ing-form together. The government decided to refuse to give in to the terrorists. I want to avoid hurting anyone's feelings. The man denied threatening to kill a policeman.

65 Verb + object + to-infinitive or ing-form 70 Verb + preposition + ing-form

62 Exercises

i To-infinitive or ing-form? (A-C)

Complete the conversation. Put in a to-infinitive or ing-form.

Matthew: Are we going to have a holiday this year?

Natasha: Didn't we all decide (►) to spend (spend) our holidays on a Greek island?

Matthew: Lovely. I enjoy (►)lying (lie) on the beach.

I might manage (1)...................................................... (get) a sun tan.

Daniel: I'd love a holiday. I can't wait (2)……………………………….(leave) this place behind.

Emma: I don't fancy (3)…………………………… . (stay) in one place all the time.

I really dislike (4) .................................................. (sit) on the beach all day.

Natasha: Well, I don't mind (5)......................................................... (tour) around somewhere.

Emma: Matthew, you promised (6).......................................................... (go) to Scotland with me.

We were planning (7)...................................................... (hire) a car.

Matthew: Scotland? Are you sure? But I couldn't face (8)……………………………… (drive) all the time.

Jessica: I'm afraid I can't afford (9)……………………………. . (spend) too much money.

Andrew: And I can't justify (10)........................................... ... (take) all that time off from my studies.

2 To-infinitive or ing-form? (A-D)

Complete this article from a magazine. Put in the to-infinitive or ing-form of these verbs: accept, argue, be, find, have, insist, lose, plug, repair, say, take, wait

If you buy something from a shop, a new stereo for example, you usually can't wait (►)fo plug it in and put some music on. And of course, you expect (►) to find the equipment in working order. But that doesn't always happen, unfortunately. If the thing doesn't work, you should take it straight back to the shop. If you

delay (1)…………………………. it back, you will risk (2).................. ………………. ... your rights as a customer.

And you should prepare (3) .......................................... on those rights. You may be one of those people who

always avoid (4)………………………….. with people, but in this case you should be ready for an argument.

The assistant may prove (5)…………………………. a true friend of the customer - it's not impossible - but

first he or she will probably offer (6)………………. ................. the stereo for you. That's all right if you don't

mind (7)……………………… a few weeks, but it isn't usually a good idea. What you should do is politely
demand (8) ……………………… your money back immediately. You may want to accept another stereo
in place of the old one, but you don't have to. You should refuse (9)………………………….. a credit note,

lust keep on (10) ......................................... that you want your money back.

3 Two forms together (E)

What might you say in these situations? Write a sentence with both a to-infinitive and an ing-form.

► Your decision to change your holiday arrangements might upset Vicky. You won't risk that. You don't

want to. What do you say to Rachel?

I don't want to risk upsetting Vicky.

1 You and Melanie want to complain about your meal in a restaurant. You need to see the manager.
Melanie won't ask, but you don't mind. What do you say to her?

2 Matthew doesn't like the idea of going to Scotland. But he promised. He admitted it. What do you tell

3 The band were playing. They finished just as you arrived. This was quite by chance. What do you tell

your friends?

Just as I arrived,..................................................................................................................................................................

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