Innovations in organizations.Talk about intrapreneurship (when a person can use a company’s premises and materials to develop something new and become a millionaire).
Types: Vision and strategy for innovation; Culture supporting innovation; Processes, practices and systems supporting innovation; Top management team leading innovation; Cross-functional teams mapping innovation road; Empowered employees driving innovation.
Talk about forms of remuneration (planned or based on incentives), different types of economies (command or market), different organization structures (matrix is better), freedoms, preparatory courses, trainings to develop world outlook, sustainability and motivation of making the world a better place.
11. Classical, contemporary, and new forms of organizing
Organizational structure: the way tasks are divided, how the work flow, how is it coordinated.
Six dimensions of organizational structure: specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, formalization, span of control, centralization.
Classical structure (Max Webber) - bureaucracy, power, control, achieve the economies of scale, hierarchy, high formalization, standardization. Disadvantages: no flexibility, creativity, motivation.
Contemporary organizational structure - hierarchy, segmentation, focus on the efficiency of specific areas (marketing, R&D). Disadvantages: lack of communication, slow response.
Divisional structure: certain division for a certain region (accountability)
Matrix structure: different departments, responsible for particular features for all products at once (role conflict, increased costs);
Project structure - complete the project and don't return.
Future structures: Team structure (self-managed employees, work together to achieve common goals), no chain of command.
Date: 2015-02-03; view: 877