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English for legal professionals has been designed to provide anyone who needs to speak about the law in business environment with the language they need to be able to operate with confidence. This course is also for students of law who wish to develop their knowledge of legal English vocabulary to assist their legal studies. Students who want to succeed in the international business arena will need to demonstrate that they have proficient English language skills and ability to communicate with legal professionals throughout the international business community.


Significant role in preparing these professionals belongs to higher education institutions of Kazakhstan and Almaty Management University is one of the leaders among them.


This course is designed as an optional one for the 3rd - year students of Russian and Kazakh departments of law specialty at Almaty Management University. The course contains theoretical material on the basic areas of law and covers the most up-to-date legal vocabulary. It has been worked out on the basis the course book Professional English in Use - Law.



Major skills (Speaking, Reading, Listening, Writing) in Business English (level –Intermediate and above)



Acquired skills are necessary for gaining further knowledge in professional English and working in English-speaking environment with foreign colleagues or clients, describing or explaining aspects of their own legal system, and finding out about other systems.


In the process of learning students are supposed to get acquainted with and learn:

· essential language and terminology of legal English

· main concepts of law


In the process of learning, students must/are supposed to be able to do in:

· reading: finding out and understanding special information needed; reading and understanding articles on different legal matters in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet.

· listening: listening effectively to business conversations and documentaries, reproducing details orally or in written form, taking and sending messages on the phone.

· speaking: dealing with clients and colleagues, exchanging information and problem-solving on the phone, e-mailing, leading and influencing the outcome of cross-cultural meetings, team- presenting and giving effective individual presentations, negotiating, expressing informed views on professional topics, communicating as self-reliant speakers in both professional and social situations.


The following competencies within the general intercultural competence are to be acquired by the students of “Law” specialty:

- linguistic-cultural competence which forms the initial “conceptual picture of the world” on the basis of students’ own culture as linguistic and cultural reflection of the national linguistic consciousness and mentality;

- socio-cultural competence forming “secondary cognitive consciousnessas a concept and image of a different society;

- cognitive competence providing language formation as an integral part of learning process and thinking formation as well;

- communicative competence as an ability and readiness of a student to realize his/her communicative objectives;

- profession oriented competence interpreted as knowledge of basic legal concepts, key words and essential expressions, so that they can communicate effectively and confidently in their future work and studies.


Date: 2015-01-29; view: 856

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