| Demonstrative pronounsThere were two demonstrative pronouns in OE, that could also act as determiners (similar to the modern definite article): se, which could function as both 'the' or 'that', and þes for 'this'.
Declension of the demonstrative pronoun Þēs
| Singular
| Plural
| Masculine
| Feminine
| Neuter
| Nominative
| Þes
| Þēos, Þīos
| Þis
| Þās
| Genitive
| Þisses
| Þisse
| Þisses
| Þissa
| Dative
| Þissum, Þeossum
| Þisse
| Þissum, Þeossum
| Þissum, Þeossum
| Accusative
| Þisne, Þysne
| Þās
| Þis
| Þās
| Instrumental
| Þys, Þis
| —
| Þys, Þis
| —
Declension of the demonstrative pronoun sē
| Singular
| Plural
| Masculine
| Feminine
| Neuter
| Nominative
| sē
| sēo
| Þæt
| Þā
| Genitive
| Þæs
| Þǣre
| Þæs
| Þāra, Þǣra
| Dative
| Þǣm
| Þǣre
| Þǣm
| Þǣm, Þām
| Accusative
| Þone
| Þā
| Þæt
| Þā
| Instrumental
| Þú, Þon
| —
| Þú, Þon
| —
Interrogative pronouns
The interrogative pronouns hwā? (who?) and hwæt? (what?) have only singular forms.
| hwā
| hwæt
| Accusative
| hwæs
| hwæs
| Genitive
| hwǣm
| hwǣm
| Dative
| hwone
| hwæt
| Instrumental
| —
| hwú, hwī
The interrogative pronoun hwilc? (which) is declined as a strong adjective.
Definite pronouns
gehwā (every) – declined as hwā;
gehwilc (each), ǣgÞer (either), ǣlc (each), swilc (such) – declined as strong adjectives;
sē ilca – declined as a weak adjective.
Indefinite pronouns
sum (some), ǣnig (any) – declined as strong adjectives.
nān, nǣning (no) – declined as strong adjectives.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1234