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Unusual hobbies




1 Read the article. Seven sentences have been removed from it. Choose

from the sentences A-H the one which best fits each gap 1-6. There is one

sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning.


A I ended up with about 30 000 pounds, which is still a big windfall for me.

B Even Tony’s wildest dreams could not have prepared him for the truth, though.

C So, what kind of ‘treasure’ does Tony find on his expeditions to the local countryside?

D He spends every weekend searching for buried treasure, whatever the weather.

E Tony’s children used to wish that their dad would give up his strange hobby.

F I’d been searching all day, but the only things I’d managed to dig up were a few bits of rubbish.

G I just love finding things, no matter what their value might be.

H The experts who valued Tony’s find told him that it was a very precious 12th century statue that had great historical importance.




Tony McKenzie has a rather unusual hobby. Every Saturday and Sunday, he gets up at six o’clock in the morning, packs some sandwiches and a flask of tea into a backpack and heads out to the fields behind his house with his favourite toy – a metal detector.

‘We bought him a metal detector for his fortieth birthday,’ says his wife Carol. ‘He had always wanted one, but we never realized he would use it as much as he does!’

0 D

Many of us find it difficult to understand how wandering around in a muddy field for hours on end can possibly be enjoyable, but Tony says that there is nothing he would rather do. He doesn’t like football or fishing, but when he is out and about with his metal detector, he feels as though nothing else matters.

(1 _____) ‘He usually finds silly little things, like tin cans and pieces of machinery,’ laughs Carol. ‘Whatever he finds, he brings home, cleans, and keeps in a special box which he has in the garage. The children think he is crazy.’

However, Tony’s family may now have to admit that his pastime is not quite so silly after all. After years of uncovering worthless items, Tony has finally achieved every treasure seeker’s dream and found something rather special

buried in the ground. His great discovery was a little figure of a horse which may be worth thousands of pounds.

‘I’ll never forget the day I found my first piece of real treasure,’ smiles Tony. ‘I was in a field I‘d never been to before. (2 _____) Then, just as I was about to give up and go home, I picked up a signal.’

Tony immediately felt very excited and began digging in the damp earth. Suddenly, he saw a tiny metal shape, covered in mud. ‘When I scraped off the dirt, I could see that it was a tiny horse,’ says Tony. ‘It was beautifully made and looked very old. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but I felt sure it must be valuable.’

(3 _____) ‘When I took it to the museum to have it valued, I got a huge surprise,’ he laughs. ‘I would have been overjoyed if the figure had been worth a hundred pounds or so. I never imagined for a minute that it would be valued at over 60 000 pounds. That’s like a lottery win! It’s unbelievable!’

(4 _____) Nothing as old or as well-preserved has been found in Britain before, because most statues from around that time were destroyed back in the 16th century.

Tony took the statue to the British Museum in London, where historians were amazed to see such a rare artifact in such good condition. The British Museum decided to purchase the statue from Tony and display it to the public.

What does Tony plan to do with his new-found wealth? ‘Well, actually, I’m not as rich as you might think,’ he chuckles. ‘When a piece of treasure is dug up on someone else’s land, half of the value goes to the person who found it, and the other half goes to the landowner. (5 _____) I’m planning to buy Carol a new car and take the family on a wonderful holiday.’

Will Tony be taking the metal detector away with him? ‘No way!’ says Carol. ‘We won’t be teasing him as much about his hobby anymore, but I will insist that we have a holiday from it for a while and spend some time together as a family. Mind you, I think the children will be more keen to keep Tony’s company on his weekend treasure hunts now that they’ve seen that they can be fruitful!’

Tony doesn’t think that he will ever find anything as amazing as the little horse again, but this hasn’t stopped him from enjoying Saturdays and Sundays with his metal detector. ‘It’s not about money for me,’ he says. (6 _____) I’ll never give up my hobby because it gives me hours for pleasure. You can’t put a price on that!’



2 a We interviewed three people in the street. We asked them 'What is

your idea of a good evening's entertainment? Listen to Marc, Carol and

Sally. Who talks about:


1 films?___________

2 books?__________

3 music?__________

4 4 art galleries? ___________


b Listen again. Put a tick (ü ) next to the information you hear.


1 Marc is a musician. ü

2 Marc plays the guitar. __

3 Marc is in a group that plays rock and reggae music. __

4 Marc goes to the theatre twice a week. __

5 Marc earns a lot of money as a musician. __

6 Carol is a writer. __

7 Carol often goes out in the evening. __

8 Carol likes classical music. __

9 Carol enjoys staying at home and reading. __

10 Sally doesn't work. __

11 Sally likes art galleries. __

12 There aren't many free art galleries. __

13 Sally hasn't got much money. __

14 Sally doesn't have a video recorder. __



3 Put these words/phrases into the right column. The columns describe different types of leisure activities and hobbies. Some of the words/phrases can go into more than one column.




Activities at home Outdoor activities Things people collect Creative hobbies  


4 Match the verbs on the left with the hobbies on the right. Write in the third column one more thing that can go with the verb.


make a cards  
collect b classical music  
do c old movies  
go d furniture  
play e gardening  
watch f fishing  
read g coins  
listen to h comics  


  RELATIVE CLAUSE   Relative clauses are introduced with either a relative pronoun or a relative adverb. Relative pronouns. We use: 1 who(m)/that to refer to people 2 which/that to refer to things 3 whose with people, animals and objects to show possession - who, which and that can be omitted when they are the object of the relative clause. He’s the person (who) I am going to be working for. - whom can be used instead of who when it is the object of the relative clause. Whom is always used instead of who or that after a preposition. That’s the girl to whom Rob was speaking on the party last night. - who, which or that is not omitted when it is the subject of the relative clause. The woman who owns this restaurant is French. - whose is never omitted. That’s the woman whose son had the accident. Relative adverb. We use: 1 when/that to refer to a time (can be omitted). That was the year (when/that) we finished school. 2 where to refer to a place. The hospital where I was born is closing down. 3 why to give a reason, usually after the word reason (can be omitted). The reason (why) he did this is still not clear.  


5 Complete these sentences with the correct relative.


1 There are 12 students ___________ are big sports fans.

2 They wear T-shirts __________ advertise their favourite teams.

3 Tennis is the only game ______________ Paul likes.

4 The ‘wizards’ are students __________ like surfing the Internet.

5 The Internet is the place __________ they get their information.

6 Henry has black hair _____________ is starting to turn grey.

7 The car ____________ is parked outside is John’s.

8 That’s the man ___________ fixed my car.

9 There’s a concert on tonight ____________ I’d like to see.

10 There’s the house ____________ I was talking about.


6 Fill in: when, where, why.


a This is the town __________ I grew up.

b Do you know the reason __________ she was crying yesterday?

c There are several reasons __________ I can’t go to the party.

d I’ll never forget the day ____________ I first met Joan.

e The Star Bar, ____________ I worked for a while, has closed down.


7 Choose the correct variant A, B, or C.


1 A team is a group of sportsmen ___ play together.

A who B that C which

2 The Spice Girls were unusual ___ they became famous in the 1990s.

A whom B which C when

3 Halloween is a festival ___ takes place on October.

A who B that C where

4 One of the London designers, Mary Quant, is famous for inventing the mini skirt ___ caused a scandal at that time.

A which B when C whose

5 A dressing room is a place ___ actors put on their costumes and make-up.

A where B who C when

6 ___ are people who surf the Internet.

A fans B wizards C look-alikes

7 ___ is a type of creative hobbies.

A football B hang-gliding C DIY

8 Some people prefer playing board games such as ___ .

A gardening B backgammon Ñ antiques

9 Collecting ___ may cost a lot of money (especially speaking about the Shakespeare’s one).

A autographs B books C stamps

10 My friend has a wonderful ___ of traditional music.

A bibliography B collection C library

11 When a person is ready to spend all his money for his hobby, it becomes a/an ___ .

A fitness B obsession C jealousy

12 He needs money to feed his ___ to gambling.

A addiction B inspiration C position

13 Today it is not very popular to ___ things such as stamps or coins.

A collect B take C make



8 Fill in the gaps with where, when or why.


1 This is the neighbourhood __________ I spent most of my childhood.

2 The reason ___________ Jill can’t come to your party is that she has to study for her exams.

3 I remember the day __________ Manchester United won the European Cup Final.

4 The little corner shop __________ I used to buy my groceries is now a huge supermarket.

5 What’s the reason __________ Joe didn’t come to school today?

6 Tracy didn’t realize that the restaurant __________ we ate last night was your father’s.

7 Rachel didn’t explain __________ she didn’t attend the meeting.

8 Do you remember the time __________ we got lost up in the mountains?


9 Fill in the gaps with where, when or why.


Dear Andrew,

How are you? The reason (1) __________ I’m writing is to tell you some great news.

Remember (2) __________ you were here last year and we went to that theatre (3) __________ I ran into Sally, an old school friend of mine? Well, guess what? We got married last month! We were in Paris on holiday (4) __________ we got married and that’s (5) __________ we didn’t invite anyone. We’ve decided to live in the town (6) __________ we both grew up and we’re looking forward to the day (7) __________ we can buy our own house. Anyway, we hope you can come and visit us (8) __________ you have time.

Write back soon and tell me your news.

Love, Peter.

10 Fill in who, which or whose. If you needn't fill in a word, type an x.

Example: Peter is the boy ____ rides the blue bike.
Answer: Peter is the boy who rides the blue bike.

1 This is the boy _______ had an accident.
2 Yesterday I saw a car _______ was really old.
3 Mandy is the girl _______ I met on Friday.
4 I haven't seen Peter, _______ brother is five, for a long time now.
5 The robber stole the car _______the lady parked in front of the supermarket.
6 This is the man _______ house is on fire.
7 Can I talk to the girl _______ is sitting on the bench?
8 The book _______ you gave me is great.


11 Complete these sentences with the correct relative.


1 Where is the bottle of Coke __________ I bought this morning?

2 I talked to the girl __________ car had broken down in front of the shop.

3 Mr. Jones, __________ is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.

4 There is the car __________ I'd like to buy.

5 He cleaned the car __________ had an accident.

6 This is the girl __________ comes from Spain.

7 That's Peter, the boy __________ has just arrived at the airport.

8 What did you do with the money __________ your mother lent you?


12 Complete the pairs of sentences, as in the example.


Example: Joey is talking to a woman. The woman is his aunt.

The woman whom/who/that/ Joey is talking to is his aunt.


1 They took me on a tour. It was very boring.


2 Emma had lunch with a woman. The woman was her client.


3 Jenny is looking for a book. The book belongs to her mother.


4 Todd is playing with his toy. The toy is very expensive.


5 Oliver has gone to a meeting. The meeting is very important.


6 Rachel went to the park with a girl. The girl is her best friend.


7 Lydia is looking at a painting. The painting is very famous.



13 Fill in the correct relative adverb.


1 I always remember the day _______ I graduated.

2 This is the house _______ I was born.

3 You lost my favourite jacket. That’s the reason _______ I am angry with you.

4 Kate often thinks of the time _______ she met her favourite actor.

5 Is this the shop _______ you bought your new dress?

6 The reason _______ he is happy is that he’s got a new job.

7 That is the place _______ Tim bought his new car.

8 Do you remember the weekend _______ we went camping in the woods?

9 The reason _____ the party was good was that there were lots of people




14 Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold.


1 The wall surrounding the castle is made of stone.


The wall __________________________ the castle is made of stone.

2 She comes from a small village located at the foot of the mountain.


She comes from a small village ______________at the foot of the mountain.

3 The people standing in the queue are all immigrants.


The people _______________________ in the queue are all immigrants.

4 The jewellery displayed in the exhibition belongs to the royal family.


The jewellery _____________ in the exhibition belongs to the royal family.




15 a Define how compatible you are with other people. Give the following information:


  • a kind of music that you like and a kind that you don’t like
  • your favourite food and something that you don’t eat
  • your favourite drink and something that you don’t drink
  • a game or sport that you play and one that you don’t play
  • a TV programme that you always watch and one that you dint watch
  • something that you always do in the morning and something that you don’t do
  • something that you often read and something that you don’t read


    You do   You do not  
1 a kind of music    
2 food    
3 drink    
4 TV programme    
5 something you do in the morning    
6 reading    



16 Look at the pictures of the activities you can do at an Adventure Centre. Imagine that you are spending a week at this Adventure Centre and you have chosen to learn/practice three of these sports. Now write a letter to your friend telling him/her about what you are doing and whether you are enjoying yourself. Remember to say something about the food and accommodation as well as the sports activities. Write about 100 words.


Begin like this:


Dear ______________________________,


I am spending a week at an Adventure Centre in __________________________









Action-packed story



Adventure film




Armchair person







Board games














Deep-sea diving

Detective film


Diving board




Essential activity


Extra precautions



Fishing rod




Good sense of balance

Good training in







Horror film

Horse riding




Indoor activity

It takes too much time

Jet ski



Leisure activities

Leisure center


Light clothes

Listening to CDs

Magnifying glass


Misuse of



Obsession / to become obsessed with

Outdoor activity

Oxygen tank





Parachute jumping


Passionate fan




Plenty of excitement





Rock climbing




Science fiction film





Sky - diving



Spectacular scenery



Stamp collecting




Swimming suit

The Paralympics

To adore

To be based on real life

To be desperate

To be good at

To be in danger

To be interested in

To cater for

To compete with / compatible with

To copy the idol

To distort

To distract attention

To do cooking

To do crosswords

To do gardening

To do window shopping


To drown

To duck

To feel confident

To give up

To go hiking

To go hunting

To go jogging

To go swimming/shopping

To join a club

To keep an eye

To keep fit /

To keep under control

To learn something

To look alike

To pay much attention to smth

To play cards

To play chess

To play computer games

To play in a band

To play tennis

To play the violin

To surf the Internet

To survive all the pressures

To take care of

To take part in / to participate in

To take photos

To take up

To touch someone deep inside

To waste time

To watch out

To worship


Unforgettable scene






Date: 2015-01-29; view: 4937

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AN ACTING LIFE by Emma Owczarski, from London | PART I. READING
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