ExercisesI . Transcribe the following words and practice them for pronunciation:
scientific, appreciable, reliable, efficient, environment, conscious_
ness, previously, eventually
II. Form nouns with -ist and adjectives with -ical from the nouns:
psychology, physiology, microbiology, biology, hystology, cardiol_
ogy, neurology
according to the pattern:
sociology — sociologist — sociological
III. Translate the following words into Russian and give similar Russian words:
behaviour, structure, individual, function, selection, identify, system_
atic, collection, test, universal, application, objective, subjective,
reaction, principle, concept, special, characteristic, basis, extremely,
speculation, accumulation, status, doctrine, discipline.
IV. Translate the following sentences and word combinations into Russian
(The exercise is to be done orally):
He behavedbadly at the lesson; Bill, behave yourself!; people
behave differently in this situation; to study the behaviourof man;
what can you say about his behaviour?
to deal withanimals; to deal with man’s behaviour; to deal with the
selection of animals for the experiment;
to applythe results of the experiment to practice; to apply a new
method; an applicationof new methods; the application of natural
selection; the application of a law;
good conditions;under difficult conditions; to study their life
natural environment;artificial environment; to study the environ_
mental conditions;
the subjective approachto the problem; the objective approach; an
artificial approach;
the results will dependon our approach to the problems; we are
dependenton our environment; to study the dependenceof one’s
behaviour on the environmental conditions;
to study one’s past experience; our behaviour depends on our
to contributeto the investigation of a problem; to contribute to the
development of psychology; to make important contributionsto the
field of animal psychology;
randombehaviour; a random search for food; non randomselection;
class consciousness;to be consciousof the environment; to lose
to surviveunder unfavourable conditions; he was the only survivor
after the terrible storm; only the strongest among animals survive;
to adjustto the environmental conditions; his adjustmentto new
work conditions was very slow.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1345