Bretton Woods systemIn 1944, representatives of 44 countries met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Idea: devise a NEW international monetary system.
Defence against: - Collapse of the gold standard; - Repeat of Great Depression from 1930’s. - Worldwide financial collapse; - Competitive devaluations; - Trade wars; - High unemployment; - Hyperinflation; - General economic disintegration.
Plan: build an enduring economic system that would facilitate post-war economic growth.
Result: 1. Two new institutions created: - IMF; - World Bank; 2. A fixed exchange rate system: - IMF polices it; - All countries set their exchange to gold; - NO ONE [except US dollar] has to ACTUALLY exchange into gold. - All participating countries agreed to keep within 1% of the par value by buying or selling currencies or gold.
Avoid the chaos that occurred between the wars, through a combination of discipline and flexibility.
Read the Articles of Agreement and study the IMF members' quotas and voting powers.
Fixed exchange rate imposes discipline via: - Avoidance of competitive devaluations; - Imposing of financial discipline on countries [thus curtailing price inflation];
Flexibility. Was built into the system to avoid: - Breakdown [like the gold standard]; - High unemployment in countries;
IMF would lend countries short-term to HELP ride through the tribulations [balance-of-payments deficits]. IMF loans would: - Give countries time to reduce inflation and BoP; - Reduce pressures for devaluation; - Allow for a more orderly and less painful adjustment;
Increasing amounts of money drawn from IMF = acceptance of increasingly stringent IMF supervision of macroeconomic policy and agreeing to IMF conditions concerning monetary and fiscal growth: - Targets on domestic money supply; - Exchange rate policy; - Tax policy; - Government spending;
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 943