| Are English words really English?As you already know, some words in the English language were borrowed during foreign invasions. Try your hand at tracing their etymology.
1. What is the origin of these groups of words?
a) sky, skin, ski, skirt, call, take, cast, die, ill, loose
b) government, court, science, autumn, saucer, justice
c) bald, down, bard, druid, cradle, river-names: Avon, Exe, Esk, Usk, Ux
d) plum, pea, beet, mill, wine, candle, school
2. What language do these words come from and how do they sound in English?
cerasum, būtyrum, cāseus, pirum, beta, piper, planta, cuppa, portus, vinum, strata via, vallum;
3. Here are some hints of word meanings. Guess the English for them and their origin.
a) hūs + bōndi (inhabitant of the house), vindauga (the eye of the wind)
b) Llyn (river) + dun (fortified hill)
Traditional British festivals
Highland games. What are they?

Highland games are festivals held throughout the year in Scotland and many other countries of the world as a way of celebrating Scottish and Celtic culture and heritage, especially that of the Scottish Highlands. Almost all of the Games feature certain elements, such as the bagpipes, the kilt, and the heavy events, especially the caber toss, which are virtually emblematic of Scotland. While centered around competitions in piping and drumming, dancing, and Scottish heavy athletics, the games also include entertainment and exhibits related to other aspects of Scottish and Gaelic culture.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1584