The Deciduous Forest
· Define and explain the terms associated with the deciduous forest ecosystem
· The deciduous forest it is forest which has tree with deciduous and shrubs .
· Say where the Deciduous forest is found and name some countries that share it
· The deciduous forest found in Russia , England , America and other countries . And usually next to with Europe .
· Describe the climate
· Climate in the deciduous forest usally be 20°-25° C° .
· Name and show plants , tree and animals
· Tree : birch, oak and aspen Plants : mushrooms and berries Animals : wolf , rabbite and squirrel .

· Show ways that humans use / enjoy the deciduous forest
· Humans can use The Deciduous Forest like place for grow vagetables , because on the deciduous forest good soil . Humans can enjoy with good climates in this is forest .
· Explain how the ecosystem is balanced E.G. how the living things live , die and kill together
· Explaing any problems facing the Deciduous forest
· Felling of trees and forest fires .
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1735