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On the sixth of the following month the king, in compliance with the

promise he had made the cardinal to return to La Rochelle, left his

capital still in amazement at the news which began to spread itself of

Buckingham`s assassination.


Although warned that the man she had loved so much was in great danger,

the queen, when his death was announced to her, would not believe the

fact, and even imprudently exclaimed, "it is false; he has just written

to me!"


But the next day she was obliged to believe this fatal intelligence;

Laporte, detained in England, as everyone else had been, by the orders

of Charles I, arrived, and was the bearer of the duke`s dying gift to

the queen.


The joy of the king was lively. He did not even give himself the

trouble to dissemble, and displayed it with affectation before the

queen. Louis XIII, like very weak mind, was wanting in generosity.


But the king soon again became dull and indisposed; his brow was not one

of those that long remain clear. He felt that in returning to camp he

should re-enter slavery; nevertheless, he did return.


The cardinal was for him the fascinating serpent, and himself the bird

which flies from branch to branch without power to escape.


The return to La Rochelle, therefore, was profoundly dull. Our four

friends, in particular, astonished their comrades; they traveled

together, side by side, with sad eyes and heads lowered. Athos alone

from time to time raised his expansive brow; a flash kindled in his

eyes, and a bitter smile passed over his lips, then, like his comrades,

he sank again into reverie.


As soon as the escort arrived in a city, when they had conducted the

king to his quarters the four friends either retired to their own or to

some secluded cabaret, where they neither drank nor played; they only

conversed in a low voice, looking around attentively to see that no one

overheard them.


One day, when the king had halted to fly the magpie, and the four

friends, according to their custom, instead of following the sport had

stopped at a cabaret on the high road, a man coming from la Rochelle on

horseback pulled up at the door to drink a glass of wine, and darted a

searching glance into the room where the four Musketeers were sitting.


"Holloa, Monsieur d`Artagnan!" said he, "is not that you whom I see



D`Artagnan raised his head and uttered a cry of joy. It was the man he

called his phantom; it was his stranger of Meung, of the Rue des

Fossoyeurs and of Arras.


D`Artagnan drew his sword, and sprang toward the door.


But this time, instead of avoiding him the stranger jumped from his

horse, and advanced to meet D`Artagnan.


"Ah, monsieur!" said the young man, "I meet you, then, at last! This

time you shall not escape me!"


"Neither is it my intention, monsieur, for this time I was seeking you;

in the name of the king, I arrest you."


"How! what do you say?" cried D`Artagnan.


"I say that you must surrender your sword to me, monsieur, and that

without resistance. This concerns your head, I warn you."


"Who are you, then?" demanded D`Artagnan, lowering the point of his

sword, but without yet surrendering it.


"I am the Chevalier de Rochefort," answered the other, "the equerry of

Monsieur le Cardinal Richelieu, and I have orders to conduct you to his



"We are returning to his Eminence, monsieur the Chevalier," said Athos,

advancing; "and you will please to accept the word of Monsieur

d`Artagnan that he will go straight to La Rochelle."


"I must place him in the hands of guards who will take him into camp."


"We will be his guards, monsieur, upon our word as gentlemen; but

likewise, upon our word as gentlemen," added Athos, knitting his brow,

"Monsieur d`Artagnan shall not leave us."


The Chevalier de Rochefort cast a glance backward, and saw that Porthos

and Aramis had placed themselves between him and the gate; he understood

that he was completely at the mercy of these four men.


"Gentlemen," said he, "if Monsieur d`Artagnan will surrender his sword

to me and join his word to yours, I shall be satisfied with your promise

to convey Monsieur d`Artagnan to the quarters of Monseigneur the



"You have my word, monsieur, and here is my sword."


"This suits me the better," said Rochefort, "as I wish to continue my



"If it is for the purpose of rejoining Milady," said Athos, coolly, "it

is useless; you will not find her."


"What has become of her, then?" asked Rochefort, eagerly.


"Return to camp and you shall know."


Rochefort remained for a moment in thought; then, as they were only a

day`s journey from Surgeres, whither the cardinal was to come to meet

the king, he resolved to follow the advice of Athos and go with them.

Besides, this return offered him the advantage of watching his prisoner.


They resumed their route.


On the morrow, at three o`clock in the afternoon, they arrived at

Surgeres. The cardinal there awaited Louis XIII. The minister and the

king exchanged numerous caresses, felicitating each other upon the

fortunate chance which had freed France from the inveterate enemy who

set all Europe against her. After which, the cardinal, who had been

informed that D`Artagnan was arrested and who was anxious to see him,

took leave of the king, inviting him to come the next day to view the

work already done upon the dyke.


On returning in the evening to his quarters at the bridge of La Pierre,

the cardinal found, standing before the house he occupied, D`Artagnan,

without his sword, and the three Musketeers armed.


This time, as he was well attended, he looked at them sternly, and made

a sign with his eye and hand for D`Artagnan to follow him.


D`Artagnan obeyed.


"We shall wait for you, D`Artagnan," said Athos, loud enough for the

cardinal to hear him.


His Eminence bent his brow, stopped for an instant, and then kept on his

way without uttering a single word.


D`Artagnan entered after the cardinal, and behind D`Artagnan the door

was guarded.


His Eminence entered the chamber which served him as a study, and made a

sign to Rochefort to bring in the young Musketeer.


Rochefort obeyed and retired.


D`Artagnan remained alone in front of the cardinal; this was his second

interview with Richelieu, and he afterward confessed that he felt well

assured it would be his last.


Richelieu remained standing, leaning against the mantelpiece; a table

was between him and D`Artagnan.


"Monsieur," said the cardinal, "you have been arrested by my orders."


"So they tell me, monseigneur."


"Do you know why?"


"No, monseigneur, for the only thing for which I could be arrested is

still unknown to your Eminence."


Richelieu looked steadfastly at the young man.


"Holloa!" said he, "what does that mean?"


"If Monseigneur will have the goodness to tell me, in the first place,

what crimes are imputed to me, I will then tell him the deeds I have

really done."


"Crimes are imputed to you which had brought down far loftier heads than

yours, monsieur," said the cardinal.


"What, monseigneur?" said D`Artagnan, with a calmness which astonished

the cardinal himself.


"You are charged with having corresponded with the enemies of the

kingdom; you are charged with having surprised state secrets; you are

charged with having tried to thwart the plans of your general."


"And who charges me with this, monseigneur?" said D`Artagnan, who had

no doubt the accusation came from Milady, "a woman branded by the

justice of the country; a woman who has espoused one man in France and

another in England; a woman who poisoned her second husband and who

attempted both to poison and assassinate me!"


"What do you say, monsieur?" cried the cardinal, astonished; "and of

what woman are you speaking thus?"


"Of Milady de Winter," replied D`Artagnan, "yes, of Milady de Winter, of

whose crimes your Eminence is doubtless ignorant, since you have honored

her with your confidence."


"Monsieur," said the cardinal, "if Milady de Winter has committed the

crimes you lay to her charge, she shall be punished."


"She has been punished, monseigneur."


"And who has punished her?"




"She is in prison?"


"She is dead."


"Dead!" repeated the cardinal, who could not believe what he heard,

"dead! Did you not say she was dead?"


"Three times she attempted to kill me, and I pardoned her; but she

murdered the woman I loved. Then my friends and I took her, tried her,

and condemned her."


D`Artagnan then related the poisoning of Mme. Bonacieux in the convent

of the Carmelites at Bethune, the trial in the isolated house, and the

execution on the banks of the Lys.


A shudder crept through the body of the cardinal, who did not shudder



But all at once, as if undergoing the influence of an unspoken thought,

the countenance of the cardinal, till then gloomy, cleared up by

degrees, and recovered perfect serenity.


"So," said the cardinal, in a tone that contrasted strongly with the

severity of his words, "you have constituted yourselves judges, without

remembering that they who punish without license to punish are



"Monseigneur, I swear to you that I never for an instant had the

intention of defending my head against you. I willingly submit to any

punishment your Eminence may please to inflict upon me. I do not hold

life dear enough to be afraid of death."


"Yes, I know you are a man of a stout heart, monsieur," said the

cardinal, with a voice almost affectionate; "I can therefore tell you

beforehand you shall be tried, and even condemned."


"Another might reply to your Eminence that he had his pardon in his

pocket. I content myself with saying: Command, monseigneur; I am



"Your pardon?" said Richelieu, surprised.


"Yes, monseigneur," said D`Artagnan.


"And signed by whom--by the king?" And the cardinal pronounced these

words with a singular expression of contempt.


"No, by your Eminence."


"By me? You are insane, monsieur."


"Monseigneur will doubtless recognize his own handwriting."


And D`Artagnan presented to the cardinal the precious piece of paper

which Athos had forced from Milady, and which he had given to D`Artagnan

to serve him as a safeguard.


His Eminence took the paper, and read in a slow voice, dwelling upon

every syllable:



"Dec. 3, 1627

"It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has done what he has done.





The cardinal, after having read these two lines, sank into a profound

reverie; but he did not return the paper to D`Artagnan.


"He is meditating by what sort of punishment he shall cause me to die,"

said the Gascon to himself. "Well, my faith! he shall see how a

gentleman can die."


The young Musketeer was in excellent disposition to die heroically.


Richelieu still continued thinking, rolling and unrolling the paper in

his hands.


At length he raised his head, fixed his eagle look upon that loyal,

open, and intelligent countenance, read upon that face, furrowed with

tears, all the sufferings its possessor had endured in the course of a

month, and reflected for the third or fourth time how much there was in

that youth of twenty-one years before him, and what resources his

activity, his courage, and his shrewdness might offer to a good master.

On the other side, the crimes, the power, and the infernal genius of

Milady had more than once terrified him. He felt something like a

secret joy at being forever relieved of this dangerous accomplice.


Richelieu slowly tore the paper which D`Artagnan had generously



"I am lost!" said D`Artagnan to himself. And he bowed profoundly

before the cardinal, like a man who says, "Lord, Thy will be done!"


The cardinal approached the table, and without sitting down, wrote a few

lines upon a parchment of which two-thirds were already filled, and

affixed his seal.


"That is my condemnation," thought D`Artagnan; "he will spare me the

ENNUI of the Bastille, or the tediousness of a trial. That`s very kind

of him."


"Here, monsieur," said the cardinal to the young man. "I have taken

from you one CARTE BLANCHE to give you another. The name is wanting in

this commission; you can write it yourself."


D`Artagnan took the paper hesitatingly and cast his eyes over it; it was

a lieutenant`s commission in the Musketeers.


D`Artagnan fell at the feet of the cardinal.


"Monseigneur," said he, "my life is yours; henceforth dispose of it.

But this favor which you bestow upon me I do not merit. I have three

friends who are more meritorious and more worthy--"


"You are a brave youth, D`Artagnan," interrupted the cardinal, tapping

him familiarly on the shoulder, charmed at having vanquished this

rebellious nature. "Do with this commission what you will; only

remember, though the name be blank, it is to you I give it."


"I shall never forget it," replied D`Artagnan. "Your Eminence may be

certain of that."


The cardinal turned and said in a loud voice, "Rochefort!" The

chevalier, who no doubt was near the door, entered immediately.


"Rochefort," said the cardinal, "you see Monsieur d`Artagnan. I receive

him among the number of my friends. Greet each other, then; and be wise

if you wish to preserve your heads."


Rochefort and D`Artagnan coolly greeted each other with their lips; but

the cardinal was there, observing them with his vigilant eye.


They left the chamber at the same time.


"We shall meet again, shall we not, monsieur?"


"When you please," said D`Artagnan.


"An opportunity will come," replied Rochefort.


"Hey?" said the cardinal, opening the door.


The two men smiled at each other, shook hands, and saluted his Eminence.


"We were beginning to grow impatient," said Athos.


"Here I am, my friends," replied D`Artagnan; "not only free, but in



"Tell us about it."


"This evening; but for the moment, let us separate."


Accordingly, that same evening D`Artagnan repaired to the quarters of

Athos, whom he found in a fair way to empty a bottle of Spanish wine--an

occupation which he religiously accomplished every night.


D`Artagnan related what had taken place between the cardinal and

himself, and drawing the commission from his pocket, said, "Here, my

dear Athos, this naturally belongs to you."


Athos smiled with one of his sweet and expressive smiles.


"Friend," said he, "for Athos this is too much; for the Comte de la Fere

it is too little. Keep the commission; it is yours. Alas! you have

purchased it dearly enough."


D`Artagnan left Athos`s chamber and went to that of Porthos. He found

him clothed in a magnificent dress covered with splendid embroidery,

admiring himself before a glass.


"Ah, ah! is that you, dear friend?" exclaimed Porthos. "How do you

think these garments fit me?"


"Wonderfully," said D`Artagnan; but I come to offer you a dress which

will become you still better."


"What?" asked Porthos.


"That of a lieutenant of Musketeers."


D`Artagnan related to Porthos the substance of his interview with the

cardinal, and said, taking the commission from his pocket, "Here, my

friend, write your name upon it and become my chief."


Porthos cast his eyes over the commission and returned it to D`Artagnan,

to the great astonishment of the young man.


"Yes," said he, "yes, that would flatter me very much; but I should not

have time enough to enjoy the distinction. During our expedition to

Bethune the husband of my duchess died; so, my dear, the coffer of the

defunct holding out its arms to me, I shall marry the widow. Look here!

I was trying on my wedding suit. Keep the lieutenancy, my dear, keep



The young man then entered the apartment of Aramis. He found him

kneeling before a PRIEDIEU with his head leaning on an open prayer book.


He described to him his interview with the cardinal, and said, for the

third time drawing his commission from his pocket, "You, our friend, our

intelligence, our invisible protector, accept this commission. You have

merited it more than any of us by your wisdom and your counsels, always

followed by such happy results."


"Alas, dear friend!" said Aramis, "our late adventures have disgusted

me with military life. This time my determination is irrevocably taken.

After the siege I shall enter the house of the Lazarists. Keep the

commission, D`Artagnan; the profession of arms suits you. You will be a

brave and adventurous captain."


D`Artagnan, his eye moist with gratitude though beaming with joy, went

back to Athos, whom he found still at table contemplating the charms of

his last glass of Malaga by the light of his lamp.


"Well," said he, "they likewise have refused me."


"That, dear friend, is because nobody is more worthy than yourself."


He took a quill, wrote the name of D`Artagnan in the commission, and

returned it to him.


"I shall then have no more friends," said the young man. "Alas!

nothing but bitter recollections."


And he let his head sink upon his hands, while two large tears rolled

down his cheeks.


"You are young," replied Athos; "and your bitter recollections have time

to change themselves into sweet remembrances."




La Rochelle, deprived of the assistance of the English fleet and of the

diversion promised by Buckingham, surrendered after a siege of a year.

On the twenty-eighth of October, 1628, the capitulation was signed.


The king made his entrance into Paris on the twenty-third of December of

the same year. He was received in triumph, as if he came from

conquering an enemy and not Frenchmen. He entered by the Faubourg St.

Jacques, under verdant arches.


D`Artagnan took possession of his command. Porthos left the service,

and in the course of the following year married Mme. Coquenard; the

coffer so much coveted contained eight hundred thousand livres.


Mousqueton had a magnificent livery, and enjoyed the satisfaction of

which he had been ambitious all his life--that of standing behind a

gilded carriage.


Aramis, after a journey into Lorraine, disappeared all at once, and

ceased to write to his friends; they learned at a later period through

Mme. de Chevreuse, who told it to two or three of her intimates, that,

yielding to his vocation, he had retired into a convent--only into

which, nobody knew.


Bazin became a lay brother.


Athos remained a Musketeer under the command of D`Artagnan till the year

1633, at which period, after a journey he made to Touraine, he also quit

the service, under the pretext of having inherited a small property in



Grimaud followed Athos.


D`Artagnan fought three times with Rochefort, and wounded him three



"I shall probably kill you the fourth," said he to him, holding out his

hand to assist him to rise.


"It is much better both for you and for me to stop where we are,"

answered the wounded man. "CORBLEU--I am more your friend than you

think--for after our very first encounter, I could by saying a word to

the cardinal have had your throat cut!"


They this time embraced heartily, and without retaining any malice.


Planchet obtained from Rochefort the rank of sergeant in the Piedmont



M. Bonacieux lived on very quietly, wholly ignorant of what had become of his

wife, and caring very little about it. One day he had the imprudence to

recall himself to the memory of the cardinal. The cardinal had him informed

that he would provide for him so that he should never want for anything in

future. In fact, M. Bonacieux, having left his house at seven o`clock in the

evening to go to the Louvre, never appeared again in the Rue des Fossoyeurs;

the opinion of those who seemed to be best informed was that he was fed and

lodged in some royal castle, at the expense of his generous Eminence.


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