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The hour having come, they went with their four lackeys to a

spot behind the Luxembourg given up to the feeding of goats.

Athos threw a piece of money to the goalkeeper to withdraw.

The lackeys were ordered to act as sentinels.


A silent party soon drew near to the same enclosure,

entered, and joined the Musketeers. Then, according to

foreign custom, the presentations took place.


The Englishmen were all men of rank; consequently the odd

names of their adversaries were for them not only a matter

of surprise, but of annoyance.


"But after all," said Lord de Winter, when the three friends

had been named, "we do not know who you are. We cannot

fight with such names; they are names of shepherds."


"Therefore your lordship may suppose they are only assumed

names," said Athos.


"Which only gives us a greater desire to know the real

ones," replied the Englishman.


"You played very willingly with us without knowing our

names," said Athos, "by the same token that you won our



"That is true, but we then only risked our pistoles; this

time we risk our blood. One plays with anybody; but one

fights only with equals."


"And that is but just," said Athos, and he took aside the

one of the four Englishmen with whom he was to fight, and

communicated his name in a low voice.


Porthos and Aramis did the same.


"Does that satisfy you?" said Athos to his adversary. "Do

you find me of sufficient rank to do me the honor of

crossing swords with me?"


"Yes, monsieur," said the Englishman, bowing.


"Well! now tell I tell you something?" added Athos, coolly.


"What?" replied the Englishman.


"Why, that is that you would have acted much more wisely if

you had not required me to make myself known."


"Why so?"


"Because I am believed to be dead, and have reasons for

wishing nobody to know I am living; so that I shall be

obliged to kill you to prevent my secret from roaming over

the fields."


The Englishman looked at Athos, believing that he jested,

but Athos did not jest the least in the world.


"Gentlemen," said Athos, addressing at the same time his

companions and their adversaries, "are we ready?"


"Yes!" answered the Englishmen and the Frenchmen, as with

one voice.


"On guard, then!" cried Athos.


Immediately eight swords glittered in the rays of the

setting sun, and the combat began with an animosity very

natural between men twice enemies.


Athos fenced with as much calmness and method as if he had

been practicing in a fencing school.


Porthos, abated, no doubt, of his too-great confidence by

his adventure of Chantilly, played with skill and prudence.

Aramis, who had the third canto of his poem to finish,

behaved like a man in haste.


Athos killed his adversary first. He hit him but once, but

as he had foretold, that hit was a mortal one; the sword

pierced his heart.


Second, Porthos stretched his upon the grass with a wound

through his thigh, As the Englishman, without making any

further resistance, then surrendered his sword, Porthos took

him up in his arms and bore him to his carriage.


Aramis pushed his so vigorously that after going back fifty

paces, the man ended by fairly taking to his heels, and

disappeared amid the hooting of the lackeys.


As to D`Artagnan, he fought purely and simply on the

defensive; and when he saw his adversary pretty well

fatigued, with a vigorous side thrust sent his sword flying.

The baron, finding himself disarmed, took two or three steps

back, but in this movement his foot slipped and he fell



D`Artagnan was over him at a bound, and said to the

Englishman, pointing his sword to his throat, "I could kill

you, my Lord, you are completely in my hands; but I spare

your life for the sake of your sister."


D`Artagnan was at the height of joy; he had realized the

plan he had imagined beforehand, whose picturing had

produced the smiles we noted upon his face.


The Englishman, delighted at having to do with a gentleman

of such a kind disposition, pressed D`Artagnan in his arms,

and paid a thousand compliments to the three Musketeers, and

as Porthos`s adversary was already installed in the

carriage, and as Aramis`s had taken to his heels, they had

nothing to think about but the dead.


As Porthos and Aramis were undressing him, in the hope of

finding his wound not mortal, a large purse dropped from his

clothes. D`Artagnan picked it up and offered it to Lord de



"What the devil would you have me do with that?" said the



"You can restore it to his family," said D`Artagnan.


"His family will care much about such a trifle as that! His

family will inherit fifteen thousand louis a year from him.

Keep the purse for your lackeys."


D`Artagnan put the purse into his pocket.


"And now, my young friend, for you will permit me, I hope,

to give you that name," said Lord de Winter, "on this very

evening, if agreeable to you, I will present you to my

sister, Milady Clarik, for I am desirous that she should

take you into her good graces; and as she is not in bad odor

at court, she may perhaps on some future day speak a word

that will not prove useless to you.


D`Artagnan blushed with pleasure, and bowed a sign of



At this time Athos came up to D`Artagnan.


"What do you mean to do with that purse?" whispered he.


"Why, I meant to pass it over to you, my dear Athos."


"Me! why to me?"


"Why, you killed him! They are the spoils of victory."


"I, the heir of an enemy!" said Athos; "for whom, then, do

you take me?"


"It is the custom in war," said D`Artagnan, "why should it

not be the custom in a duel?"


"Even on the field of battle, I have never done that."


Porthos shrugged his shoulders; Aramis by a movement of his

lips endorsed Athos.


"Then," said D`Artagnan, "let us give the money to the

lackeys, as Lord de Winter desired us to do."


"Yes," said Athos; "let us give the money to the lackeys--not

to our lackeys, but to the lackeys of the Englishmen."


Athos took the purse, and threw it into the hand of the

coachman. "For you and your comrades."


This greatness of spirit in a man who was quite destitute

struck even Porthos; and this French generosity, repeated by

Lord de Winter and his friend, was highly applauded, except

by MM. Grimaud, Bazin, Mousqueton and Planchet.


Lord de Winter, on quitting D`Artagnan, gave him his

sister`s address. She lived in the Place Royale--then the

fashionable quarter--at Number 6, and he undertook to call

and take D`Artagnan with him in order to introduce him.

D`Artagnan appointed eight o`clock at Athos`s residence.


This introduction to Milady Clarik occupied the head of our

Gascon greatly. He remembered in what a strange manner this

woman had hitherto been mixed up in his destiny. According

to his conviction, she was some creature of the cardinal,

and yet he felt himself invincibly drawn toward her by one

of those sentiments for which we cannot account. His only

fear was that Milady would recognize in him the man of Meung

and of Dover. Then she knew that he was one of the friends

of M. de Treville, and consequently, that he belonged body

and soul to the king; which would make him lose a part of

his advantage, since when known to Milady as he knew her, he

played only an equal game with her. As to the commencement

of an intrigue between her and M. de Wardes, our

presumptuous hero gave but little heed to that, although the

marquis was young, handsome, rich, and high in the

cardinal`s favor. It is not for nothing we are but twenty years old, above all if we were born at Tarbes.


D`Artagnan began by making his most splendid toilet, then

returned to Athos`s, and according to custom, related

everything to him. Athos listened to his projects, then

shook his head, and recommended prudence to him with a shade

of bitterness.


"What!" said he, "you have just lost one woman, whom you

call good, charming, perfect; and here you are, running

headlong after another."


D`Artagnan felt the truth of this reproach.


"I loved Madame Bonacieux with my heart, while I only love

Milady with my head," said he. "In getting introduced to

her, my principal object is to ascertain what part she plays

at court."


"The part she plays, PARDIEU! It is not difficult to divine

that, after all you have told me. She is some emissary of

the cardinal; a woman who will draw you into a snare in

which you will leave your head."


"The devil! my dear Athos, you view things on the dark side,



"My dear fellow, I mistrust women. Can it be otherwise? I

bought my experience dearly--particularly fair women. Milady

is fair, you say?"


"She has the most beautiful light hair imaginable!"


"Ah, my poor D`Artagnan!" said Athos.


"Listen to me! I want to be enlightened on a subject; then,

when I shall have learned what I desire to know, I will



"Be enlightened!" said Athos, phlegmatically.


Lord de Winter arrived at the appointed time; but Athos,

being warned of his coming, went into the other chamber. He

therefore found D`Artagnan alone, and as it was nearly eight

o`clock he took the young man with him.


An elegant carriage waited below, and as it was drawn by two

excellent horses, they were soon at the Place Royale.


Milady Clarik received D`Artagnan ceremoniously. Her hotel

was remarkably sumptuous, and while the most part of the

English had quit, or were about to quit, France on account

of the war, Milady had just been laying out much money upon

her residence; which proved that the general measure which

drove the English from France did not affect her.


"You see," said Lord de Winter, presenting D`Artagnan to his

sister, "a young gentleman who has held my life in his

hands, and who has not abused his advantage, although we

have been twice enemies, although it was I who insulted him,

and although I am an Englishman. Thank him, then, madame,

if you have any affection for me."


Milady frowned slightly; a scarcely visible cloud passed

over her brow, and so peculiar a smile appeared upon her

lips that the young man, who saw and observed this triple

shade, almost shuddered at it.


The brother did not perceive this; he had turned round to

play with Milady`s favorite monkey, which had pulled him by

the doublet.


"You are welcome, monsieur," said Milady, in a voice whose

singular sweetness contrasted with the symptoms of ill-humor

which D`Artagnan had just remarked; "you have today acquired

eternal rights to my gratitude."


The Englishman then turned round and described the combat

without omitting a single detail. Milady listened with the

greatest attention, and yet it was easily to be perceived,

whatever effort she made to conceal her impressions, that

this recital was not agreeable to her. The blood rose to

her head, and her little foot worked with impatience beneath

her robe.


Lord de Winter perceived nothing of this. When he had

finished, he went to a table upon which was a salver with

Spanish wine and glasses. He filled two glasses, and by a

sign invited D`Artagnan to drink.


D`Artagnan knew it was considered disobliging by an

Englishman to refuse to pledge him. He therefore drew near

to the table and took the second glass. He did not,

however, lose sight of Milady, and in a mirror he perceived

the change that came over her face. Now that she believed

herself to be no longer observed, a sentiment resembling

ferocity animated her countenance. She bit her handkerchief

with her beautiful teeth.


That pretty little SOUBRETTE whom D`Artagnan had already

observed then came in. She spoke some words to Lord de

Winter in English, who thereupon requested D`Artagnan`s

permission to retire, excusing himself on account of the

urgency of the business that had called him away, and

charging his sister to obtain his pardon.


D`Artagnan exchanged a shake of the hand with Lord de

Winter, and then returned to Milady. Her countenance, with

surprising mobility, had recovered its gracious expression;

but some little red spots on her handkerchief indicated that

she had bitten her lips till the blood came. Those lips

were magnificent; they might be said to be of coral.


The conversation took a cheerful turn. Milady appeared to

have entirely recovered. She told D`Artagnan that Lord de

Winter was her brother-in-law, and not her brother. She had

married a younger brother of the family, who had left her a

widow with one child. This child was the only heir to Lord

de Winter, if Lord de Winter did not marry. All this showed

D`Artagnan that there was a veil which concealed something;

but he could not yet see under this veil.


In addition to this, after a half hour`s conversation

D`Artagnan was convinced that Milady was his compatriot; she

spoke French with an elegance and a purity that left no

doubt on that head.


D`Artagnan was profuse in gallant speeches and protestations

of devotion. To all the simple things which escaped our

Gascon, Milady replied with a smile of kindness. The hour

came for him to retire. D`Artagnan took leave of Milady,

and left the saloon the happiest of men.


On the staircase he met the pretty SOUBRETTE, who brushed

gently against him as she passed, and then, blushing to the

eyes, asked his pardon for having touched him in a voice so

sweet that the pardon was granted instantly.


D`Artagnan came again on the morrow, and was still better

received than on the evening before. Lord de Winter was not

at home; and it was Milady who this time did all the honors

of the evening. She appeared to take a great interest in

him, asked him whence he came, who were his friends, and

whether he had not sometimes thought of attaching himself to

the cardinal.


D`Artagnan, who, as we have said, was exceedingly prudent

for a young man of twenty, then remembered his suspicions

regarding Milady. He launched into a eulogy of his

Eminence, and said that he should not have failed to enter

into the Guards of the cardinal instead of the king`s Guards

if he had happened to know M. de Cavois instead of M. de



Milady changed the conversation without any appearance of

affectation, and asked D`Artagnan in the most careless

manner possible if he had ever been in England.


D`Artagnan replied that he had been sent thither by M. de

Treville to treat for a supply of horses, and that he had

brought back four as specimens.


Milady in the course of the conversation twice or thrice bit

her lips; she had to deal with a Gascon who played close.


At the same hour as on the preceding evening, D`Artagnan

retired. In the corridor he again met the pretty Kitty; that

was the name of the SOUBRETTE. She looked at him with an

expression of kindness which it was impossible to mistake;

but D`Artagnan was so preoccupied by the mistress that he

noticed absolutely nothing but her.


D`Artagnan came again on the morrow and the day after that,

and each day Milady gave him a more gracious reception.


Every evening, either in the antechamber, the corridor, or

on the stairs, he met the pretty SOUBRETTE. But, as we have

said, D`Artagnan paid no attention to this persistence of

poor Kitty.


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