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9 public without her written consent.

Unauthorized Legal Action. SECT. 9. A

member of this Church shall not employ an at-

12 torney, nor take legal action on a case not pro-
vided for in its By-Laws — if said case relates
to the person or to the property of Mary Baker

15 Eddy — without having personally conferred
with her on said subject.

Duty to God. SECT. 10. Members of this

18 Church who turn their attention from the divine
Principle of being to personality, sending gifts,
congratulatory despatches or letters to the Pastor

21 Emeritus on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year,
or Easter, break a rule of this Church and are
amenable therefor.


24 Opportunity for Serving the Leader. SECT.
11. At the written request of the Pastor Emeri-
tus, Mrs. Eddy, the Board of Directors shall


Page 68


1 immediately notify a person who has been a
member of this Church at least three years to

3 go in ten days to her, and it shall be the duty
of the member thus notified to remain with Mrs.
Eddy three years consecutively. A member who

6 leaves her in less time without the Directors'
consent or who declines to obey this call to
duty, upon Mrs. Eddy's complaint thereof shall

9 be excommunicated from The Mother Church.
Members thus serving the Leader shall be paid
semi-annually at the rate of one thousand dol-

12 lars yearly in addition to rent and board. Those
members whom she teaches the course in Divin-
ity, and who remain with her three consecutive

15 years, receive the degree of the Massachusetts
Metaphysical College.


Location. SECT. 12. Rev. Mary Baker Eddy

18 calls to her home or allows to visit or to locate
therein only those individuals whom she engages
through the Christian Science Board of Direc-

21 tors of the Mother Church. This By-Law takes
effect on Dec. 15, 1908.


Agreement Required. SECT. l3. When the

24 Christian Science Board of Directors calls a stu-
dent in accordance with Article XXII, Sect. 11,
of our Church Manual to the home of their


Page 69


1 Leader, Mrs. Eddy, said student shall come under
a signed agreement to remain with Mrs. Eddy

3 if she so desires, during the time specified in the
Church Manual.

Incomplete Term of Service. SECT. 14. If a

6 student who has been called to serve our Leader
in accordance with Article XXII, Sect. 11, of
the Church Manual leaves her before the expira-

9 tion of the time therein mentioned such student
shall pay to Mrs. Eddy whatsoever she may
charge for what she has taught him or her dur-

12 ing the time of such service.


Help. SECT. 15. If the author of the Chris-
tian Science textbook call on this Board for

15 household help or a handmaid, the Board shall
immediately appoint a proper member of this
Church therefor, and the appointee shall go im-

18 mediately in obedience to the call. "He that lov-
eth father or mother more than me is not worthy
of me.'' (Matt. 10:37.)


21 Students with Mrs. Eddy. SECT. 16. Stu-
dents employed by Mrs. Eddy at her home shall
not take care of their churches or attend to other

24 affairs outside of her house.


Mrs. Eddy's Room. SECT. l7. The room in
The Mother Church formerly known as "Mother's

27 Room" shall hereafter be closed to visitors.


Page 70


1 Pastor Emeritus to be Consulted. SECT. 18.
The Mother Church shall not make a church By-

3 law, nor enter into a business transaction with a
Christian Scientist in the employ of Rev. Mary
Baker Eddy, without first consulting her on said

6 subject and adhering strictly to her advice thereon.




Article XXI I I

Local Self-government. SECTION 1. The
Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, shall assume

12 no general official control of other churches, and
it shall be controlled by none other.

Each Church of Christ, Scientist, shall have its

15 own form of government. No conference of
churches shall be held, unless it be when our
churches, located in the same State, convene to

18 confer on a statute of said State, or to confer
harmoniously on individual unity and action of
the churches in said State.


21 Titles. SECT. 2. "The First Church of
Christ, Scientist," is the legal title of The Mother


Page 71


1 Church. Branch churches of The Mother Church
may take the title of First Church of Christ,

3 Scientist; Second Church of Christ, Scientist;
and so on, where more than one church is es-
tablished in the same place; but the article

6 "The" must not be used before titles of branch
churches, nor written on applications for mem-
bership in naming such churches.


9 Mother Church Unique. SECT. 3. In its
relation to other Christian Science churches, in
its By-Laws and self-government, The Mother

12 Church stands alone; it occupies a position that
no other church can fill. Then for a branch
church to assume such position would be disas-

15 trous to Christian Science. Therefore, no Church
of Christ, Scientist, shall be considered loyal
that has branch churches or adopts The Mother

18 Church's form of government, except in such cases
as are specially allowed and named in this Manual.

Tenets Copyrighted. SECT. 4. Branch

21 churches shall not write the Tenets of The
Mother Church in their church books, except
they give the name of their author and her

24 permission to publish them as Tenets of The
Mother Church, copyrighted in SCIENCE AND


Page 72


1 Manual. SECT. 5. Branch churches shall
not adopt, print, nor publish the Manual of The

3 Mother Church. See Article XXXV, Sect. 1.

Organizing Churches. SECT. 6. A member
of this Church who obeys its By-Laws and is a

6 loyal exemplary Christian Scientist working in
the Field, is eligible to form a church in con-
formity with Sect. 7 of this Article, and to

9 have church services conducted by reading the
SCRIPTURES and the Christian Science textbook.
This church shall be acknowledged publicly as a

12 Church of Christ, Scientist. Upon proper appli-
cation, made in accordance with the rules of The
Christian Science Publishing Society, the serv-

15 ices of such a church may be advertised in The
Christian Science Journal
. The branch churches
shall be individual, and not more than two small

18 churches shall consolidate under one church gov-
ernment. If the Pastor Emeritus, Mrs. Eddy,
should relinquish her place as the head or Leader

21 of The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, each
branch church shall continue its present form of
government in consonance with The Mother

24 Church Manual.


Requirements for Organizing Branch
Churches. SECT. 7. A branch church of The

27 First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass.,


Page 73


1 shall not be organized with less than sixteen loyal
Christian Scientists, four of whom are members

3 of The Mother Church. This membership shall
include at least one active practitioner whose card
is published in the list of practitioners in The

6 Christian Science Journal.


Privilege of Members. SECT. 8. Members
in good standing with The Mother Church, who

9 are members of the faculty, instructors, or stu-
dents in any university or college, can form and
conduct a Christian Science organization at such

12 university or college, provided its rules so permit.
Also members in good standing with The Mother
Church, who are graduates of said university

15 or college, may become members of the organ-
ization by application to, and by the unanimous
vote of, the active members present, if the rules

18 of the university or college so permit. When
called for, a member of the Board of Lecture-
ship may lecture for said university or college

21 organization.


No Close Communion. SECT. 9. The
Mother Church and the branch churches shall

24 not confine their membership to the pupils of
one teacher.


No Interference. SECT. 10. A member of The

27 Mother Church may be a member of one branch


Page 74


1 Church of Christ, Scientist, or of one Christian
Science society holding public services, but he

3 shall not be a member of both a branch church
and a society; neither shall he exercise super-
vision or control over any other church. In

6 Christian Science each branch church shall be
distinctly democratic in its government, and no
individual, and no other church shall interfere

9 with its affairs.

Teachers' and Practitioners' Offices. SECT. 11.
Teachers and practitioners of Christian Science

12 shall not have their offices or rooms in the branch
churches, in the reading rooms, nor in rooms
connected therewith.


15 Recognition. SECT. 12. In order to be eli-
gible to a card in The Christian Science Journal,
churches and societies are required to acknowl-

18 edge as such all other Christian Science churches
and societies advertised in said Journal, and to
maintain toward them an attitude of Christian

21 fellowship.


Page 75




Article XXIV


3 Church Edifice a Testimonial. SECTION 1.
Whereas, on March 20, 1895, the Christian Sci-
ence Board of Directors, in behalf of The

6 First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass.,
presented to Rev. Mary Baker Eddy their
church edifice as a Testimonial of this Church's

9 love and gratitude, and she, with grateful ac-
knowledgments thereof, declined to receive this
munificent gift, she now understands the finan-

12 cial situation between the Christian Science
Board of Directors and said Church to be as
follows: —


15 Financial Situation. SECT. 2. The Christian
Science Board of Directors owns the church edi-
fices, with the land whereon they stand, legally;

18 and the Church members own the aforesaid
premises and buildings, beneficially. After the
first church was built, the balance of the build-

21 ing funds, which remained in the hands of the
Directors, belonged to the Church, and not solely
to the Directors. The balance of the church


Page 76


1 building funds, which can be spared after the
debts are paid, should remain on safe deposit,

3 to be hereafter used for the benefit of this
Church, as the right occasion may call for it.
The following indicates the proper management

6 of the Church funds: —


Report of Directors. SECT. 3. It shall be
the duty of the Christian Science Board of Di-

9 rectors to have the books of the Church Treas-
urer audited semi-annually, and to report at the
annual Church meeting the amount of funds

12 which the Church has on hand, the amount of
its indebtedness and of its expenditures for the
last year.


15 Finance Committee. SECT. 4. There shall
be a Committee on Finance, which shall consist of
three members of this Church in good standing.

18 Its members shall be appointed annually by the
Christian Science Board of Directors and with
the consent of the Pastor Emeritus. They shall

21 hold quarterly meetings and keep themselves
thoroughly informed as to the real estate owned
by this Church and the amount of funds received

24 by the Treasurer of The Mother Church, who is
individually responsible for said funds. They
shall have the books of the Christian Science


Page 77


1 Board of Directors and the books of the Church
Treasurer audited annually by an honest, com-

3 petent accountant. The books are to be audited
on May first.

Prior to paying bills against the Church, the

6 Treasurer of this Church shall submit them all
to said committee for examination. This com-
mittee shall decide thereupon by a unanimous

9 vote, and its endorsement of the bills shall render
them payable.

If it be found that the Church funds have not

12 been properly managed, it shall be the duty of
the Board of Directors and the Treasurer to be
individually responsible for the performance of

15 their several offices satisfactorily, and for the
proper distribution of the funds of which they
are the custodians.


18 God's Requirement. SECT. 5. God requires
wisdom, economy, and brotherly love to char-
acterize all the proceedings of the members of

21 The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ,

Provision for the Future. SECT. 6. In case

24 of any possible future deviation from duty, the
Committee on Finance shall visit the Board of
Directors, and, in a Christian spirit and manner,


Page 78


1 demand that each member thereof comply with
the By-Laws of the Church. If any Director

3 fails to heed this admonition, he may be dis-
missed from office and the vacancy supplied by
the Board.


6 Debt and Duty. SECT. 7. The Mother Church
shall not be made legally responsible for the debts
of individuals except such debts as are specified

9 in its By-Laws. Donations from this Church
shall not be made without the written consent
of the Pastor Emeritus. Also important move-

12 ments of the manager of the Committee on Pub-
lication shall be sanctioned by the Board of
Directors and be subject to the approval of Mary

15 Baker Eddy. (See Article I, Sect. 6.)

Emergencies. SECT. 8. The Treasurer, per-
sonally, or through the Clerk of the Church,

18 may pay from the funds of the Church bills of
immediate necessity not exceeding $200 for any
one transaction, and he may keep on deposit the

21 sum of $500 with the Clerk, as a petty cash
fund, to be used by him for the payment of
such bills. Such payments shall be reported, on

24 the first of the following month, to the Board
of Directors and the Committee on Finance, for
their approval.


Page 79


1 Committee on Business. SECT. 9. The Chris-
tian Science Board of Directors shall elect

3 annually a Committee on Business, which shall
consist of not less than three loyal members
of The Mother Church, who shall transact

6 promptly and efficiently such business as Mrs.
Eddy, the Directors, or the Committee on Pub-
lication shall commit to it. While the mem-

9 bers of this Committee are engaged in the
transaction of the business assigned to them
they shall be paid from the Church funds.

12 Before being eligible for office the names of the
persons nominated for said office shall be pre-
sented to Mrs. Eddy for her written approval.




Article XXV


18 Board of Trustees. SECTION 1. The Board
of Trustees, constituted by a Deed of Trust
given by Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, the Pastor

21 Emeritus of this Church, on January twenty-
fifth, 1898, shall hold and manage the property
therein conveyed, and conduct the business of


Page 80


1 "The Christian Science Publishing Society" on
a strictly Christian basis, for the promotion of

3 the interests of Christian Science.

Disposal of Funds. SECT. 2. The net profits
of the business shall be paid over semi-annually

6 to the Treasurer of The Mother Church. He
shall hold this money subject to the order of
the Christian Science Board of Directors, which

9 is authorized to order its disposition only in
accordance with the By-Laws contained in this


12 Vacancies in Trusteeship. SECT. 3. The
Christian Science Board of Directors shall have
the power to declare vacancies in said trusteeship,

15 for such reasons as to the Board may seem ex-

Whenever a vacancy shall occur, the Pastor

18 Emeritus reserves the right to fill the same by
appointment; but if she does not elect to exer-
cise this right, the remaining trustees shall fill

21 the vacancy, subject to her approval.

Editors and Manager. SECT. 4. The term
of office for the editors and the manager of The

24 Christian Science Publishing Society is one year
each, dating from the time of election to the
office. Incumbents who have served one year or


Page 81


1 more can be re-elected, or new officers elected,
by a unanimous vote of the Christian Science

3 Board of Directors, and the consent of the Pastor
Emeritus given in her own handwriting.

Suitable Employees. SECT. 5. A person

6 who is not accepted by the Pastor Emeritus and
the Christian Science Board of Directors as
suitable, shall in no manner be connected with

9 publishing her books, nor with editing or pub-
lishing The Christian Science Journal, Christian
Science Sentinel, Der Herold der Christian Sci-

12 ence, nor with The Christian Science Publishing

Periodicals. SECT. 6. Periodicals which

15 shall at any time be published by The Christian
Science Publishing Society, shall be copyrighted
and conducted according to the provisions in the

18 Deed of Trust relating to The Christian Science

Rule of Conduct. SECT. 7. No objectionable

21 pictures shall be exhibited in the rooms where the
Christian Science textbook is published or sold.
No idle gossip, no slander, no mischief-making,

24 no evil speaking shall be allowed.


Books to be Published. SECT. 8. Only the
Publishing Society of The Mother Church selects,


Page 82


1 approves, and publishes the books and litera-
ture it sends forth. If Mary Baker Eddy disap-

3 proves of certain books or literature, the Society
will not publish them. The Committees on Publi-
cation are in no manner connected with these

6 functions. A book or an article of which Mrs.
Eddy is the author shall not be published nor
republished by this Society without her knowl-

9 edge or written consent.

Removal of Cards. SECT. 9. No cards shall
be removed from our periodicals without the re-

12 quest of the advertiser, except by a majority vote
of the Christian Science Board of Directors at
a meeting held for this purpose or for the exam-

15 ination of complaints.


Members of this Church who practise other
professions or pursue other vocations, shall not

18 advertise as healers, excepting those members
who are officially engaged in the work of Chris-
tian Science, and they must devote ample time

21 for faithful practice.


Page 83






Motive in Teaching. SECTION 1. Teaching
Christian Science shall not be a question of

6 money, but of morals and religion, healing and
uplifting the race.


Care of Pupils. SECT. 2. Christian Scientists

9 who are teachers shall carefully select for pupils
such only as have good past records and promis-
ing proclivities toward Christian Science. A

12 teacher shall not assume personal control of, or
attempt to dominate his pupils, but he shall hold
himself morally obligated to promote their prog-

15 ress in the understanding of divine Principle, not
only during the class term but after it, and to
watch well that they prove sound in sentiment

18 and practical in Christian Science. He shall per-
sistently and patiently counsel his pupils in con-
formity with the unerring laws of God, and shall

21 enjoin them habitually to study the Scriptures
SCRIPTURES as a help thereto.


Page 84


1 Defense against Malpractice. SECT. 3.
Teachers shall instruct their pupils how to de-

3 fend themselves against mental malpractice,
never to return evil for evil, but to know the
truth that makes free, and thus to be a law, not

6 unto others, but to themselves.

Number of Pupils. SECT. 4. The teachers of
Christian Science shall teach but one class yearly,

9 which class shall consist of not more than thirty
pupils. After 1907, the Board of Education shall
have one class triennially, a Normal class not

12 exceeding thirty pupils.

Pupil's Tuition. SECT. 5. A student's price
for teaching Christian Science shall not exceed

15 $100.00 per pupil.

Associations. SECT. 6. The associations of the
pupils of loyal teachers shall convene annually.

18 The pupils shall be guided by the BIBLE, and
SCIENCE AND HEALTH, not by their teachers
personal views. Teachers shall not call their

21 pupils together, or assemble a selected number of
them, for more frequent meetings.

A Single Field of Labor. SECT. 7. A loyal

24 teacher of Christian Science shall not teach an-
other loyal teacher's pupil, except it be in the
Board of Education. Outside of this Board each


Page 85


1 student occupies only his own field of labor.
Pupils may visit each other's churches, and by

3 invitation attend each other's associations.

Caring for Pupils of Strayed Members.
SECT. 8. A loyal teacher of Christian Science

6 may teach and receive into his association the
pupils of another member of this Church who
has so strayed as justly to be deemed, under the

9 provisions of Article XII, Sect. 1, not ready to
lead his pupils.

Teachers must have Certificates. SECT. 9.

12 A member of this Church shall not teach pupils
Christian Science unless he has a certificate to
show that he has been taught by Mrs. Eddy or

15 has taken a Normal Course at the Massachu-
setts Metaphysical College or in the Board of


18 Such members who have not been continu-
ously active and loyal Christian Scientists since
receiving instruction as above, shall not teach

21 Christian Science without the approval of The
Christian Science Board of Directors.


Page 86




3 Authorized to Teach. SECTION 1. After a
student's pupil has been duly authorized to be
a teacher of Christian Science, or has been under

6 the personal instruction of Mrs. Eddy, he is no
longer under the jurisdiction of his former


9 Without Teachers. SECT. 2. Those be-
loved brethren whose teacher has left them,
can elect an experienced Christian Scientist,

12 who is not in charge of an association of
students and who is ready for this high call-
ing, to conduct the meetings of their asso-

15 ciation.


Basis for Teaching. SECT. 3. The teachers
of the Normal class shall teach from the chapter

18 Recapitulation in SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH
KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, and from the Chris-
tian Science Platform, beginning on page 330 of

21 the revised editions since 1902, and they shall
teach nothing contrary thereto. The teachers
of the Primary class shall instruct their pupils

24 from the said chapter on "Recapitulation" only.


Page 87


1 Church Membership. SECT. 4. Neither the
Pastor Emeritus nor a member of this Church

3 shall teach Roman Catholics Christian Science,
except it be with the written consent of the
authority of their Church. Choice of patients is

6 left to the wisdom of the practitioner, and Mrs.
Eddy is not to be consulted on this subject.

Class Teaching. SECT. 5. Members of The

9 Mother Church who are authorized by its By-
Laws to teach Christian Science, shall not solicit,
or cause or permit others to solicit, pupils for their

12 classes. No member of this Church shall advise
against class instruction.


Teachers of Christian Science must have the

15 necessary moral and spiritual qualifications to
elucidate the Principle and rule of Christian Sci-
ence, through the higher meaning of the Scrip-

18 tures. "The less the teacher personally controls
other minds, and the more he trusts them to the
divine Truth and Love, the better it will be for

21 both teacher and student." (Retrospection and
Introspection, page 84.)


Page 88





Officers. SECTION 1. There shall be a Board
of Education, under the auspices of Mary Baker

6 Eddy, President of the Massachusetts Metaphysi-
cal College, consisting of three members, a presi-
dent, vice-president, and teacher of Christian

9 Science. Obstetrics will not be taught.

Election. SECT. 2. The vice-president shall
be elected annually by the Christian Science

12 Board of Directors. Beginning with 1907, the
teacher shall be elected every third year by said
Board, and the candidate shall be subject to the

15 approval of the Pastor Emeritus.


President not to be Consulted. SECT. 3. The
President is not to be consulted by students

18 on the question of applying for admission to this
Board nor on their course or conduct. The stu-
dents can confer with their teachers on subjects

21 essential to their progress.


Page 89


1 Presidency of College. SECT. 4. Should the
President resign over her own signature or va-

3 cate her office of President of the Massachusetts
Metaphysical College, a meeting of the Christian
Science Board of Directors shall immediately be

6 called, and the vice-president of the Board of
Education being found worthy, on receiving her
approval shall be elected to fill the vacancy.



Normal Teachers. SECTION 1. Loyal stu-

12 dents who have been taught in a Primary class
by Mrs. Eddy and have practised Christian Sci-
ence healing acceptably three years, and who pre-

15 sent such credentials as are required to verify
this fact, are eligible to receive the degree of


18 Qualifications. SECT. 2. Loyal Christian
Scientists' pupils who so desire may apply to the
Board of Education for instruction; and if they

21 have practised Christian Science healing success-
fully three years and will furnish evidence of
their eligibility therefor, they are eligible to enter


Page 90


1 the Normal class. All members of this class must
be thorough English scholars.


3 Certificates. SECT. 3. Students are examined
and given certificates by this Board if found
qualified to receive them.



Sessions. SECTION 1 . The term of the

9 Massachusetts Metaphysical College will open
with the Board of Education on the first
Wednesday of December. The sessions will

12 continue not over one week. None but the
teacher and members of the College class shall
be present at the sessions, and no Primary

15 classes shall be taught under the auspices of
this Board.


Special Instruction. SECT. 2. Not less than

18 two thorough lessons by a well qualified teacher
shall be given to each Normal class on the
subject of mental practice and malpractice. One

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