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24 correct in its statement of the divine Principle
and rules and the demonstration of Christian
Science. Also the spirit in which the writer


Page 44


1 has written his literature shall be definitely con-
sidered. His writings must show strict adher-

3 ence to the Golden Rule, or his literature shall
not be adjudged Christian Science. A departure
from the spirit or letter of this By-Law involves

6 schisms in our Church and the possible loss, for
a time, of Christian Science.

Obnoxious Books. SECT. 12. A member of

9 this Church shall not patronize a publishing
house or bookstore that has for sale obnoxious


12 Per Capita Tax. SECT. 13. Every member
of The Mother Church shall pay annually a per
capita tax of not less than one dollar, which shall

15 be forwarded each year to the Church Treasurer.

Church Periodicals. SECT. 14. It shall be the
privilege and duty of every member, who can

18 afford it, to subscribe for the periodicals which
are the organs of this Church; and it shall be
the duty of the Directors to see that these period-

21 icals are ably edited and kept abreast of the

Church Organizations Ample. SECT. 15.

24 Members of this Church shall not unite with
organizations which impede their progress in
Christian Science. God requires our whole heart,


Page 45


1 and he supplies within the wide channels of The
Mother Church dutiful and sufficient occupation

3 for all its members.


Joining Another Society. SECT. 16. It shall
be the duty of the members of The Mother

6 Church and of its branches to promote peace on
earth and good will toward men; but members
of The Mother Church shall not hereafter be-

9 come members of other societies except those
specified in the Mother Church Manual, and
they shall strive to promote the welfare of all

12 mankind by demonstrating the rules of divine


Forbidden Membership. SECT. 17. A mem-

15 ber of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in
Boston, Mass., shall not be a member of any
church whose Readers are not Christian Scientists

18 and members of The Mother Church.


Officious Members. SECT. 18. A member of
The Mother Church is not entitled to hold office

21 or read in branch churches of this denomination

except by invitation.


Legal Titles. SECT. 19. Students of Chris-

24 tian Science must drop the titles of Reverend and
Doctor, except those who have received these
titles under the laws of the State.


Page 46


1 Illegal Adoption. SECT. 20. No person shall
be a member of this Church who claims a spirit-

3 ually adopted child or a spiritually adopted hus-
band or wife. There must be legal adoption and
legal marriage, which can be verified according

6 to the laws of our land.

Use of Initials "C.S." SECT. 21. A member
of The Mother Church shall not place the initials

9 "C.S." after his name on circulars, cards, or
leaflets, which advertise his business or profes-
sion, except as a Christian Science practitioner.


12 Practitioners and Patients. SECT. 22. Mem-
bers of this Church shall hold in sacred confi-
dence all private communications made to them

15 by their patients; also such information as may
come to them by reason of their relation of prac-
titioner to patient. A failure to do this shall sub-

18 ject the offender to Church discipline.


A member of The Mother Church shall not,
under pardonable circumstances, sue his patient

21 for recovery of payment for said member's
practice, on penalty of discipline and liability
to have his name removed from membership.

24 Also he shall reasonably reduce his price in
chronic cases of recovery, and in cases where
he has not effected a cure. A Christian Scientist


Page 47


1 is a humanitarian; he is benevolent, forgiving,
long-suffering, and seeks to overcome evil with

3 good.


Duty to Patients. SECT. 23. If a member of
this Church has a patient whom he does not heal,

6 and whose case he cannot fully diagnose, he
may consult with an M. D. on the anatomy in-
volved. And it shall be the privilege of a Chris-

9 tian Scientist to confer with an M. D. on Ontol-
ogy, or the Science of being.

Testimonials. SECT. 24. "Glorify God in

12 your body, and in your spirit, which are God's"
(St. Paul). Testimony in regard to the healing
of the sick is highly important. More than a mere

15 rehearsal of blessings, it scales the pinnacle of
praise and illustrates the demonstration of Christ,
"who healeth all thy diseases" (Psalm 103:3).

18 This testimony, however, shall not include a de-
scription of symptoms or of suffering, though the
generic name of the disease may be indicated.

21 This By-Law applies to testimonials which appear
in the periodicals and to those which are given
at the Wednesday evening meeting.


24 Charity to All. SECT. 25. While members
of this Church do not believe in the doctrines
of theosophy, hypnotism, or spiritualism, they


Page 48


1 cherish no enmity toward those who do believe
in such doctrines, and will not harm them. But

3 whenever God calls a member to bear testimony
to Truth and to defend the Cause of Christ, he
shall do it with love and without fear.


6 Uncharitable Publications. SECT. 26. A
member of this Church shall not publish, nor
cause to be published, an article that is unchari-

9 table or impertinent towards religion, medicine,
the courts, or the laws of our land.

The Golden Rule. SECT. 27. A member of

12 The Mother Church shall not haunt Mrs. Eddy's
drive when she goes out, continually stroll by
her house, or make a summer resort near her

15 for such a purpose.

Numbering the People. SECT. 28. Christian
Scientists shall not report for publication the

18 number of the members of The Mother Church,
nor that of the branch churches. According to
the Scripture they shall turn away from person-

21 ality and numbering the people.

Our Church Edifices. SECT. 29. The period-
icals of our denomination do not publish de-

24 scriptions of our church edifices, but they may
quote from other periodicals or give incidental


Page 49


1 No Monopoly. SECT. 30. A Scientist shall
not endeavor to monopolize the healing work in

3 any church or locality, to the exclusion of others,
but all who understand the teachings of Christian
Science are privileged to enter into this holy work,

6 and "by their fruits ye shall know them."


Christian Science Nurse. SECT. 31. A mem-
ber of The Mother Church who represents him-

9 self or herself as a Christian Science nurse shall
be one who has a demonstrable knowledge of
Christian Science practice, who thoroughly under-

12 stands the practical wisdom necessary in a sick
room, and who can take proper care of the sick.

The cards of such persons may be inserted in

13 The Christian Science Journal under rules estab-
lished by the publishers.




A Legal Ceremony. SECTION 1. If a Chris-
tian Scientist is to be married, the ceremony

21 shall be performed by a clergyman who is legally

Sudden Decease. SECT. 2. If a member of

24 The Mother Church shall decease suddenly, with-
out previous injury or illness, and the cause


Page 50

thereof be unknown, an autopsy shall be made
by qualified experts. When it is possible the

3 body of a female shall be prepared for burial by
one of her own sex.



No Unauthorized Debating. SECTION 1. A
member of this Church shall not debate on Chris-

9 tian Science in public debating assemblies, with-
out the consent of the Board of Directors.



Departure from Tenets. SECTION 1. If a
member of this Church shall depart from the

15 Tenets and be found having the name without
the life of a Christian Scientist, and another
member in good standing shall from Christian

18 motives make this evident, a meeting of the Board
of Directors shall be called, and the offender's
case shall be tried and said member exonerated,

21 put on probation, or excommunicated.

Violation of By-Laws. SECT. 2. A member
who is found violating any of the By-Laws


Page 51


1 or Rules herein set forth, shall be admonished
in consonance with the Scriptural demand in

3 Matthew 18:15-17; and if he neglect to accept
such admonition, he shall be placed on probation,
or if he repeat the offense, his name shall be

6 dropped from the roll of Church membership.

Violation of Christian Fellowship. SECT. 3.
Any member who shall unjustly aggrieve or

9 vilify the Pastor Emeritus or another member,
or who does not live in Christian fellowship with
members who are in good and regular standing

12 with this Church, shall either withdraw from the
Church or be excommunicated.

Preliminary Requirement. SECT. 4. No

15 church discipline shall ensue until the require-
ments according to the Scriptures, in Matthew
18:15-17, have been strictly obeyed, unless a

18 By-Law governing the case provides for imme-
diate action.

Authority. SECT. 5. The Christian Science

21 Board of Directors has power to discipline, place
on probation, remove from membership, or to
excommunicate members of The Mother Church.

24 Only the members of this Board shall be pres-
ent at meetings for the examination of com-
plaints against church members; and they alone


Page 52


1 shall vote on cases involving The Mother Church


3 Members in Mother Church Only. SECT. 6.
A complaint against a member of The Mother
Church, if said member belongs to no branch

6 church and if this complaint is not for mental
, shall be laid before this Board, and
within ten days thereafter, the Clerk of the

9 Church shall address a letter of inquiry to the
member complained of as to the validity of
the charge. If a member is found guilty of that

12 whereof he is accused and his previous character
has been good, his confession of his error and
evidence of his compliance with our Church

15 Rules shall be deemed sufficient by the Board
for forgiveness for once, and the Clerk of the
Church shall immediately so inform him. But

18 a second offense shall dismiss a member from
the Church.

Working Against the Cause. SECT. 7 . If a

21 member of this Church shall, mentally or other-
wise, persist in working against the interests of
another member, or the interests of our Pastor

24 Emeritus and the accomplishment of what she
understands is advantageous to this Church and
to the Cause of Christian Science, or shall influ-


Page 53


1 ence others thus to act, upon her complaint or
the complaint of a member for her or for himself,

3 it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors
immediately to call a meeting, and drop forever
the name of the member guilty of this offense

6 from the roll of Church membership.

No Unchristian Conduct. SECT. 8 . If a
member of this Church were to treat the author

9 of our textbook disrespectfully and cruelly, upon
her complaint that member should be excommu-
nicated. If a member, without her having re-

12 quested the information, shall trouble her on
subjects unnecessarily and without her consent,
it shall be considered an offense.


15 Not to Learn Hypnotism. SECT. 9. Mem-
bers of this Church shall not learn hypnotism
on penalty of being excommunicated from this

18 Church. No member shall enter a complaint of
mental malpractice for a sinister purpose. If
the author of SCIENCE AND HEALTH shall bear

21 witness to the offense of mental malpractice, it
shall be considered a sufficient evidence thereof.

Publications Unjust. SECT. 10. If a mem-

24 ber of the Mother Church publishes, or causes
to be published, an article that is false or unjust,
hence injurious, to Christian Science or to its


Page 54


1 Leader, and if, upon complaint by another mem-
ber, the Board of Directors finds that the offense

3 has been committed, the offender shall be sus-
pended for not less than three years from his
or her office in this Church and from Church

6 membership.

The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist,
Tenets. SECT. 11. If a member of The Mother

9 Church of Christ, Scientist, or a member of a
branch of this Church break the rules of its
Tenets as to unjust and unmerciful conduct —

12 on complaint of Mrs. Eddy our Pastor Emeritus
-- and this complaint being found valid, his or
her name shall be erased from The Mother

15 Church and the branch church's list of mem-
bership and the offender shall not be received
into The Mother Church or a branch church

18 for twelve years.

Special Offense. SECT. 12. If a member of
this Church, either by word or work, represents

21 falsely to or of the Leader and Pastor Emeritus,
said member shall immediately be disciplined, and
a second similar offense shall remove his or her

24 name from membership in The Mother Church.

Members of Branch Churches. SECT. 13. A
member of both The Mother Church and a branch


Page 55


1 Church of Christ, Scientist, or a Reader, shall not
report nor send notices to The Mother Church,

3 or to the Pastor Emeritus, of errors of the mem-
bers of their local church; but they shall strive
to overcome these errors. Each church shall

6 separately and independently discipline its own
members, — if this sad necessity occurs.




Probation. SECTION 1. For sufficient rea-
sons it may be decided that a teacher has so

12 strayed as not to be fit for the work of a Reader
in church or a teacher of Christian Science.
Although repentant and forgiven by the Church

15 and retaining his membership, this weak member
shall not be counted loyal till after three years
of exemplary character. Then the Board of

18 Directors may decide if his loyalty has been
proved by uniform maintenance of the life of
a consistent, consecrated Christian Scientist.


21 Misteaching. SECT. 2. If a member of this
Church is found trying to practise or to teach
Christian Science contrary to the statement

24 thereof in its textbook, SCIENCE AND HEALTH


Page 56


1 WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, it shall be the
duty of the Board of Directors to admonish

3 that member according to Article XI, Sect. 4.
Then, if said member persists in this offense,
his or her name shall be dropped from the roll

6 of this Church.






Annual Meetings. SECTION 1. The regular
meetings of The Mother Church shall be held

12 annually, on Monday following the first Sunday
in June. No other than its of officers are required
to be present. These assemblies shall be for

15 listening to the reports of Treasurer, Clerk, and
Committees, and general reports from the Field.

Meetings of Board of Directors. SECT. 2.

18 The annual meeting of the Christian Science
Board of Directors, for electing officers and
other business, shall be held on Monday preced-

21 ing the annual meeting of the Church. Regular
meetings for electing candidates to membership


Page 57


1 with The Mother Church, and for the transac-
tion of such other business as may properly come

3 before these meetings, shall be held on the Fri-
day preceding the first Sunday in June, and on
the first Friday in November of each year. Spe-

6 cial meetings may be held at any time upon the
call of the Clerk.

Called only by the Clerk. SECT. 3. Before

9 calling a meeting of the members of this Church
(excepting its regular sessions) it shall be the
duty of the Clerk to inform the Board of Di-

12 rectors and the Pastor Emeritus of his intention,
and to state definitely the purpose for which the
members are to convene. The Clerk must have

15 the consent of this Board and the Pastor Emer-
itus, before he can call said meeting.


Page 58






Ordination. SECTION 1. I, Mary Baker
Eddy, ordain the BIBLE, and SCIENCE AND

over The Mother Church, — The First Church
of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., — and

9 they will continue to preach for this Church
and the world.


The Lesson-Sermon. SECT. 2. The subject

12 of the Lesson-Sermon in the morning service of
The Mother Church, and of the branch Churches
of Christ, Scientist, shall be repeated at the other

15 services on Sunday. The correlative Biblical
texts in the Lesson-Sermon shall extend from
Genesis to Revelation.




Announcing Author's Name. SECTION 1.

21 To pour into the ears of listeners the sacred


Page 59


1 revelations of Christian Science indiscriminately,
or without characterizing their origin and thus

3 distinguishing them from the writings of authors
who think at random on this subject, is to
lose some weight in the scale of right think-

6 ing. Therefore it is the duty of every member
of this Church, when publicly reading or quot-
ing from the books or poems of our Pastor

9 Emeritus, first to announce the name of the
author. Members shall also instruct their pupils
to adopt the aforenamed method for the benefit

12 of our Cause.




15 The Leader's Welcome. SECTION 1. Mrs.
Eddy welcomes to her seats in the church,
persons of all sects and denominations who

18 come to listen to the Sunday sermon and are
not otherwise provided with seats.

The Local Members' Welcome. SECT. 2. It

21 shall be the duty and privilege of the local mem-
bers of The Mother Church to give their seats, if
necessary, to strangers who may come to attend

24 the morning services.


Page 60




3 Continued Throughout the Year. SECTION 1.
The services of The Mother Church shall be
continued twelve months each year. One meet-

6 ing on Sunday during the months of July and
August is sufficient. A Christian Scientist is
not fatigued by prayer, by reading the Scriptures

9 or the Christian Science textbook. Amusement
or idleness is weariness. Truth and Love rest
the weary and heavy laden.


12 Easter Observances. SECT. 2. In the United
States there shall be no special observances,
festivities, nor gifts at the Easter season by

15 members of The Mother Church. Gratitude
and love should abide in every heart each day
of all the years. Those sacred words of our

18 beloved Master, "Let the dead bury their dead,"
and "Follow thou me," appeal to daily Christian
endeavors for the living whereby to exemplify

21 our risen Lord.

Laying a Corner Stone. SECT. 3. No large
gathering of people nor display shall be allowed

24 when laying the Corner Stone of a Church of
Christ, Scientist. Let the ceremony be devout.


Page 61


1 No special trowel should be used. (See SCIENCE
AND HEALTH, page 140.)


3 Overflow Meetings. SECT. 4. A Church of
Christ, Scientist, shall not hold two or more
Sunday services at the same hour.



No more Communion. SECTION 1. The

9 Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, shall observe
no more Communion seasons.

Communion of Branch Churches. SECT. 2.

12 The Communion shall be observed in the branch
churches on the second Sunday in January and
July of each year, and at this service the Tenets

15 of The Mother Church are to be read.




18 Soloist and Organist. SECTION 1. The music
in The Mother Church shall not be operatic, but
of an appropriate religious character and of a

21 recognized standard of musical excellence; it
shall be played in a dignified and suitable man-
ner. Music from the organ alone should con-

24 tinue about eight or nine minutes for the


Page 62


1 voluntary and six or seven minutes for the post-
lude, the offertory conforming to the time re-

3 quired to take the collection. The solo singer
shall not neglect to sing any special hymn selected
by the Board of Directors.



The Sunday School. SECTION 1. Pupils may

9 be received in the Sunday School classes of any
Church of Christ, Scientist, up to the age of
twenty years, and by transfer from another

12 Church of Christ, Scientist, up to that age, but
no pupil shall remain in the Sunday School of
any Church of Christ, Scientist, after reaching

15 the age of twenty. None except the officers,
teachers, and pupils should attend the Sunday
School exercises.


18 Teaching the Children. SECT. 2. The
Sabbath School children shall be taught the
Scriptures, and they shall be instructed ac-

21 cording to their understanding or ability to grasp
the simpler meanings of the divine Principle that
they are taught.


24 Subject for Lessons. SECT. 3. The first
lessons of the children should be the Ten Com-


Page 63


1 mandments (Exodus 20: 3-17), the Lord's
Prayer (Matt. 6: 9-13), and its Spiritual In-

3 terpretation by Mary Baker Eddy, Sermon on
the Mount (Matt. 5: 3-12). The next les-
sons consist of such questions and answers as

6 are adapted to a juvenile class, and may be
found in the Christian Science Quarterly Lessons,
read in Church services. The instruction given

9 by the children's teachers must not deviate from
the absolute Christian Science contained in their




Article XXI

Establishment. SECTION 1. Each church of

15 the Christian Science denomination shall have
a Reading Room, though two or more churches
may unite in having Reading Rooms, provided

18 these rooms are well located.

Librarian. SECT. 2. The individuals who
take charge of the Reading Rooms of The

21 Mother Church shall be elected by the Christian
Science Board of Directors, subject to the ap-
proval of Mary Baker Eddy. He or she shall

24 have no bad habits, shall have had experience in


Page 64


1 the Field, shall be well educated, and a devout
Christian Scientist.(1)


3 Literature in Reading Rooms. SECT. 3. The
literature sold or exhibited in the reading rooms
of Christian Science Churches shall consist only

6 of Science and Health with Key to the Scrip-
, by Mary Baker Eddy, and other writings
by this author; also the literature published or

9 sold by The Christian Science Publishing Society.




Article XXII

The Title of Mother Changed. SECTION 1.
In the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five,

15 loyal Christian Scientists had given to the author
of their textbook, the Founder of Christian Sci-
ence, the individual, endearing term of Mother.

18 At first Mrs. Eddy objected to being called thus,
but afterward consented on the ground that this
appellative in the Church meant nothing more

21 than a tender term such as sister or brother. In
the year nineteen hundred and three and after,
owing to the public misunderstanding of this

24 name, it is the duty of Christian Scientists to


(1)See also Article XXV, Sect. 7.


Page 65


1 drop the word mother and to substitute Leader,
already used in our periodicals.


3 A Member not a Leader. SECT. 2. A
member of The First Church of Christ, Sci-
entist, in Boston, Mass., shall not be called

6 Leader by members of this Church, when this
term is used in connection with Christian
Science .


9 Obedience Required. SECT. 3. It shall be
the duty of the officers of this Church, of the
editors of the Christian Science Journal, Sen-

12 tinel, and Der Herold, of the members of the
Committees on Publication, of the Trustees of
The Christian Science Publishing Society, and

15 of the Board of Education promptly to comply
with any written order, signed by Mary Baker
Eddy, which applies to their official functions.

18 Disobedience to this By-Law shall be sufficient
cause for the removal of the offending member
from office.


21 The vacancy shall be supplied by a majority
vote of the Christian Science Board of Direc-
tors, and the candidate shall be subject to the

24 approval of Mary Baker Eddy.


Understanding Communications. SECT. 4.
If the Clerk of this Church shall receive a com-


Page 66


1 munication from the Pastor Emeritus which he
does not fully understand, he shall inform her

3 of this fact before presenting it to the Church
and obtain a clear understanding of the matter,
— then act in accordance therewith.


6 Interpreting Communications. SECT. 5. If
at a meeting of this Church a doubt or dis-
agreement shall arise among the members as to

9 the signification of the communications of the
Pastor Emeritus to them, before action is taken
it shall be the duty of the Clerk to report to her

12 the vexed question and to await her explanation

Reading and Attesting Letters. SECT. 6.

15 When a letter or a message from the Pastor
Emeritus is brought before a meeting of this
Church, or she is referred to as authority for

18 business, it shall be the duty of the Church to
inquire if all of the letter has been read, and to
require all of it to be read; also to have any

21 authority supposed to come from her satisfac-
torily attested.

Unauthorized Reports. SECT. 7. Members

24 of this Church shall not report on authority an
order from Mrs. Eddy that she has not sent,
either to the Boards or to the executive bodies


Page 67


1 of this Church. The Pastor Emeritus is not to
be consulted on cases of discipline, on the cases

3 of candidates for admission to this Church, or
on the cases of those on trial for dismissal from
the Church.


6 Private Communications. SECT. 8. A strictly
private communication from the Pastor Emeritus
to a member of her Church shall not be made

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