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Text test questions 4 page

A. Caraway

B. Lovage

C. Coriander

D. Fennel

E. * Water Hemlock

318. We can recognize the medicinal plant Dill (Anethum graveolens) according to such type of leaves...

A. palmate-compound

B. simple and narrow

C. simple deeply lobed

D. pinnate, with 4-7 lobes

E. * thread-like pinnate

319. We can recognize the medicinal plant Horse Chestnut according to such type of leaves...

A. * palmate-compound

B. simple and narrow

C. simple deeply lobed

D. pinnate, with 4-7 lobes

E. thread-like pinnate

320. What type of fruit characteristics of the Lemon?

A. Capsule

B. * Hesperidium

C. Siliques

D. Nut

E. Drupe

321. Which of the following plants has fleshy "drupe" fruit?

A. Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)

B. Garden Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

C. Common Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

D. Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)

E. * Olive (Olea europaea)

322. Which type of fleshy fruit of plant belongaing to Rosidae subclass is characterized as indehiscent coenocarpiem with several seeds composed of:

A. * hesperidium

B. silique

C. aggregation of drupes

D. berry

E. drupe

323. Which type of fruit characterizes the Carrot and Aneseed?

A. Capsule

B. Berry

C. * Cremocarp

D. Nut

E. Drupe

324. Which type of fruit characterizes the Dill and Fennel?

A. Capsule

B. Berry

C. * Cremocarp

D. Nut

E. Drupe

325. Yellow-white small flowers of the deciduous shrub with pinnate-compound leaves content essential oil, flavonoids, and uses in medicine for treating fevers, cold, cough. This is...

A. * Sambucus nigra

B. Cotinus coggygria

C. Rhamnus cathartica

D. Siberian Ginseng

E. Viburnum opulus

326. Active ingredients of this medicinal plants are deadly poisonous for human body...

A. Mentha piperita

B. Centaurium erythraea

C. Salvia officinalis

D. * Atropa belladonna

E. Plantago major

327. An essential oil plant under examination has a square stem, flowers with bilabiate corolla, coenobium fruit. These characteristics are typical for the following family:

A. * Lamiaceae

B. Scrophulariaceae

C. Polygonaceae

D. Papaveraceae

E. Solanaceae

328. Bacca (berry) fruit is typical for the following plant of Nightshade (Solanaceae) family...

A. * Atropa belladonna

B. Datura innoxia

C. Datura stramonium

D. Hyosciamus niger

E. Nicotiana tabacum

329. Biannual hairless grassy plant Centau?rium erythrae?a belongs to....

A. Carrot Family

B. Figwort Family

C. Periwinkle Family

D. * Gentian Family

E. Nightshade Family

330. Choose the medicinal plant belonging to Nightshade Family...

A. Common Centaury

B. Greater Plantain

C. * Henbane

D. Java tea

E. Common Lavender

331. Choose the representative of the Mint Family on the sample of herbarium:

A. Datura stramonium

B. Digitalis purpurea

C. * Salvia officinalis

D. Atropa belladonna

E. Plantago major

332. Choose the type of leaves that are formed in Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)...

A. Narrowly linear, entire

B. Lanceolate, wrinkled, entire

C. * Ovate, with deeply toothed margin

D. Pinnate-dissected

E. Deeply 3-5-lobed

333. Crop production includes cultivation of medicinal essential oil plants that don’t grow in Ukraine widely, namely Mentha piperita, Ortosiphon stamineus, and also:

A. * Salvia officinalis

B. Leonurus cardiaca

C. Origanum vulgare

D. Leonurus quinquelobatus

E. Thymus serpyllum

334. Dangerous for human body are active ingredients of this medicinal plant...

A. Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)

B. * Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)

C. Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea)

D. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

E. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

335. Datura stramonium and Hyoscyamus niger have dry fruits with many seeds. What types of fruit characteristics these plants?

A. * Capsule

B. Berry

C. Siliques

D. Drupe

E. Nutlets

336. During microscopic the studying of plant epidermis of Mint Family leaves it was found that both side of stomata the cells are located perpendicular to the slit. This stomata apparatus is...

A. * Diacytos

B. Paracytos

C. Anizocytos

D. Anomocytos

E. Tetracytos

337. Essential oils are dominating compound of aerial part of such medicinal plant...

A. Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)

B. Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)

C. Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea)

D. * Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

E. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)

338. Folk medicine uses the flower of white dead-nettle (Lamium album) as diuretic and other. This plant belongs to the Family...

A. * Mint (Lamiaceae)

B. Fig-wort (Scrophulariaceae)

C. Nightshade (Solanaceae)

D. Sunflower (Asteraceae)

E. Legume (Fabaceae)

339. Fruit "black berry" characteristics so medicinal plant from Solanaceae Family:

A. * Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna)

B. Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)

C. Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)

D. Indian Thorn-apple (Datura innoxia)

E. Potato (Solanum tuberosum)

340. Identify the medicinal plant according to description: "Perennial grassy plant with much branched stem. Stem is square, leaves are opposite, ovate. Flowers are pink, collected in corymb-like panicles. Corolla is 2-lipped. Fruits are nutlets. Herb contents essential oil and uses for treating, digestive problems and female sexual disorders":

A. * Wild Majoram

B. Greater Plantain

C. Common Centaury

D. Motherwort

E. Deadly Nightshade

341. Identify the perennial grassy plant to 40 cm tall with upright unbranched stem. Leaves are oval, with strong arc-shaped veins, collected in basal rosette. Flowers are little, yellow-green, collected in spike. Fruit is capsule. Uses: leaves – as expectorant, for treating coughs, bronchitis, and gastritis. This is...

A. Digitalis purpurea

B. Atropa belladonna

C. Hyoscyamus niger

D. Datura stramonium

E. * Plantago major

342. Identify the perennial grassy plant, growing to about 80 cm tall with violet-tinged stems and aromatic smell. Leaves are opposite, narrowly ovate, stalked, with toothed margin. Flowers are pinkish-violet, collected in whorls of 4–8, and arranged in terminal interrupted spikes. This plant growth in Ukraine only in culture. Uses: for treating nausea, stomach, intestinal and liver disorders. This is...

A. Common Lavander (Lavandula angustifolia)

B. Wild Majoram (Origanum vulgare)

C. * Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

D. Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

E. Yellow Foxglove (Digitalis grandiflora)

343. Identify the representative of the Figwort Family on the sample of herbarium:

A. Solanum tuberosum

B. * Digitalis purpurea

C. Salvia officinalis

D. Atropa belladonna

E. Coriandrum sativum

344. Identify the type of leaves that are formed in Lavandula angustifolia...

A. * Narrowly linear, entire

B. Lanceolate, wrinkled, entire

C. Ovate, with deeply toothed margin

D. Pinnate-dissected

E. Deeply 3-5-lobed

345. Investigate the perennial evergreen hemi-shrub growing to about 30 cm. Long vegetative stems rooting at nodes. Flowering stems are upright. Leaves are opposite, ovate. Flowers are actinomorphic, blue-violet, growing from leaf axils. Fruits - 2 follicles. It contents alkaloids and uses for treating circulatory disorders, as hypotension. This is...

A. Plantago major

B. Datura stramonium

C. Solanum tuberosum

D. * Vinca minor

E. Centaurium erythraea

346. Investigate the perennial grassy plant to 100 cm tall with ribbed branching stem, covered sticky hairs. Leaves are pinnate-dissected and alternate, to 20 cm long. Flowers are actinomorphic, white or violet, disposition in sympodial inflorescences. Corolla is wheel-shaped, with 5 lobes. Fruit is green berry. Uses: tubers – as source of starch. This plant is...

A. Plantago major

B. Datura stramonium

C. * Solanum tuberosum

D. Vinca minor

E. Hyoscyamus niger

347. Investigated perennial grassy plant grows to 150 cm in height. Roots are the source of a red dye known as rose madder. Leaves are to 10 cm long, arranged in whorls of 4-7 star-like around the stem. The flowers are small (to 5 mm across), with 5 pale yellow petals, collected in hemi-umbels. Fruit is a black berry. Uses: roots and rhizomes for treating kidney stones, as anti-spasmodic. This is...

A. Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor)

B. Strophanthus (Strophanthus hispidus)

C. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)

D. Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)

E. * Common Madder (Rubia tinctorum)

348. It was defined essential oils plant stem that is square in cross section, flowers with two-lipped corolla, fruit is nutlet. These signs are typical for the family:

A. * Lamiaceae

B. Papaveraceae

C. Polygonaceae

D. Solanaceae

E. Scrophulariaceae

349. It was described medical plant "Perennial herbaceous plant with ascending square stem and opposite located integral leaves. Flowers are zyhomorphic, bisexual. Corolla is generally 2-lipped: with 2-lobed upper lip and 3-lobed lower lip. The superior ovary develops into fruit 4-nutlet. This plant belongs to the family …

A. * Lamiaceae

B. Asteraceae

C. Poaceae

D. Brassicaceae

E. Rosaceae

350. It was determined that biennial herb to 150 cm tall has upright stem and lanceolate, wrinkled leaves. Lower leaves are stalked, forming a rosette, upper leaves unstalked. Flowers are zygomorphic, with 2-lobed margins, pink-purple, with dark spots inside, collected in raceme. Fruit is capsule. Active ingredients: cardiac glycosides.

A. * Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

B. Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna)

C. Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)

D. Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)

E. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)

351. It was examination the androecium of flower, which consists of two long and two short stamens. This androecium is:

A. * Two-strong

B. Four-strong

C. Two-brothers

D. Four-brothers

E. Mono-brothers

352. Leaves of this herbaceous medicinal plant containing tannins are uses as...

A. general tonic

B. anticoagulant, for treating varicose veins

C. * expectorant, for treating coughs, bronchitis, and gastritis

D. sedative, to treat insomnia

E. spasmolitic, for treating kidney and heart problems

353. Lower shoot’s leaves of Leonurus cardiaca indented to the middle of leaf plates in 3 - or 5 shares, meaning they are...

A. * ternate- or palmate-lobed

B. ternate- or palmate-dissected

C. ternate or palmate-compound

D. simple entire

E. pinnate-compound

354. Medicinal plant Thorn-apple has oval thorny fruits, splitting into 4 valves – so, this is...

A. Red drupe

B. Black berry

C. Siliques

D. * Capsule

E. Nutlets

355. Medicinal plants of the genus Digitalis contain cardiac glycosides and serve raw materials for the manufacture of drugs used as cardiotonic. They belong to the family:

A. * Scrophullariaceae

B. Lamiaceae

C. Apiaceae

D. Solanaceae

E. Polygonaceae

356. Name the annual hairless grassy plant, growing to 100 cm tall. Leaves are simple, deeply toothed and alternate, with long stalks. Flowers are actinomorphic, white, disposition solitary. Corolla is funnel-shaped, deeply 5-lobed. Fruit is oval thorny capsule. Active ingredients: alkaloids (deadly poisonous!). This is...

A. Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

B. Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna)

C. * Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)

D. Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor)

E. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)

357. Name the medicinal deciduous hemi-shrub with aromatic smell. Leaves are opposite, stalked, narrowly elliptic and wrinkled. Flowers are blue-violet, collected in whorls of 4-8 and arranged in spikes. Corolla is distinctly 2-lipped. Fruits are nutlets. Leaves content essential oil, tannins, bitters. This is...

A. Lemon Balm

B. Wild Thyme

C. * Sage

D. Lesser Periwinkle

E. Deadly Nightshade

358. Name the medicinal perennial grassy plant, growing to about 2 m tall. Leaves are opposite, hairy. Lower leaves are deeply 3-5-lobed, upper leaves smaller, lobed or entire. Flowers are pinkish-violet, collected in the whorls in leaf axils. Uses: herb – as regulator the heartbeat and blood pressure (as hypotension). This is...

A. * Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)

B. Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum)

C. Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

D. Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)

E. Potato (Solanum tuberosum)

359. Name the type of leaves that are formed in Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)...

A. Narrowly linear, entire

B. * Lanceolate, wrinkled, entire

C. Ovate, with deeply toothed margin

D. Pinnate-dissected

E. Deeply 3-5-lobed

360. On the sample of herbarium student have to choose the representative of the Gentian Family...

A. * Common Centaury

B. Greater Plantain

C. Deadly Nightshade

D. Java tea

E. Common Lavender

361. Perennial grassy plant Rubia tinctorum belongs to....

A. Mint Family

B. Figwort Family

C. Periwinkl Family

D. Plantain Family

E. * Madder Family

362. Recognize the medicinal plant according to description: "Perennial hemi-shrub growing to about 30 cm tall with aromatic smell. Leaves are opposite, to 1 cm long, olate and hairy. Flowers are pink, collected in head-like raceme. Fruits are nutlets. Herb uses as expectorant, for treating coughs and bronchitis ":

A. * Thymus vulgaris

B. Datura stramonium

C. Solanum tuberosum

D. Vinca minor

E. Leonurus cardiaca

363. Recognizes the type of leaves that are formed in Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)...

A. Narrowly linear, entire

B. Lanceolate, wrinkled, entire

C. Ovate, with deeply toothed margin

D. Pinnate-dissected

E. * Deeply 3-5-lobed

364. Select the biennial grassy plant with unpleasant smell. Leaves are ovate, and alternate, deeply toothed. Flowers are yellow-brown, with purple veins, disposition in sympodial inflorescences. Corolla is funnel-shaped, deeply lobed. Fruit is jug-shaped capsule with cover. Leaves use for treating asthma as anti-spasmodic:

A. Plantago major

B. Datura stramonium

C. Solanum tuberosum

D. Vinca minor

E. * Hyoscyamus niger

365. Select the perennial grassy plant, growing to 150 cm tall, with upright stem. Leaves are short-stalked, elliptic, entire, and alternate, to 15 cm long. Flowers are actinomorphic, brownish-violet, disposition solitary in leaf axils. Corolla is bell-shaped. Fruit is black berry. Active ingredients: alkaloids (deadly poisonous!).

A. Digitalis purpurea

B. * Atropa belladonna

C. Datura stramonium

D. Vinca minor

E. Plantago major

366. Select the plants whose flowering shoot apex use in medical practice as sedative…

A. * Leonurus cardiaca

B. Glycyrrhiza glabra

C. Digitalis purpurea

D. Ledum palustre

E. Fagopyrum sagittatum

367. Some herbs should be collected with great caution, since some of them are poisonous, such plants include representative of the Lamiidae subclass...

A. Common Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

B. Sage (Salvia officinalis)

C. * Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

D. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

E. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

368. Specify the medicinal plant – perennial grassy plant with aromatic lemon smell. Leaves are opposite, oval, stalked, with toothed margin. Flowers are yellowish-white, collected in whorls of 3-6, and arranged in interrupted spikes. Corolla is weakly 2-lipped. This is...

A. Wild Thyme

B. Greater Plantain

C. * Lemon Balm

D. Motherwort

E. Purple Foxglove

369. Specify the representative of the Madder Family...

A. Greater Plantain

B. Lemon Balm

C. Purple Foxglove

D. Thorn-apple

E. * Arabian coffee

370. Specify the type of leaves that are formed in Potato (Solanum tuberosum)...

A. Narrowly linear, entire

B. Lanceolate, wrinkled, entire

C. Ovate, with deeply toothed margin

D. * Pinnate-dissected

E. Deeply 3-5-lobed

371. Student has to choose the representative of the Nightshade Family on the sample of herbarium:

A. Lavandula angustifolia

B. Digitalis purpurea

C. Salvia officinalis

D. * Atropa belladonna

E. Coriandrum sativum

372. Such signs as angular stems that are square in cross section, opposite simple leaves, diacytos type of stomata and zygomorphic flowers are diagnostic for plants from ....

A. * Mint Family

B. Figwort Family

C. Periwinkl Family

D. Carrot Family

E. Madder Family

373. Such signs as anizocytos type of stomata, and flowers that have 5 fused petals, with the 5 stamen ?laments fused to the corolla so that they appear to be arising from it, and fruits a berry or a capsule are diagnostic for plants from...

A. Mint Family

B. Figwort Family

C. Periwinkl Family

D. Carrot Family

E. * Nightshade Family

374. Such signs as simple, entire leaves, zygomorphic flowers, collected in racemes or spikes and fruit a capsule or a berries are diagnostic for plants belonging to...

A. * Mint Family

B. Figwort Family

C. Periwinkl Family

D. Plantain Family

E. Madder Family

375. Such signs of plants as alternate simple leaves, anizocytos type of stomata in epidermis and large crystals of waste products of calcium oxalate – druses, 5 fused petals in flower, fruits a berry or a capsule permits to identify the Family...

A. The Mint Family (Lamiaceae)

B. The Figwort Family (Scrophulariaceae)

C. * The Nightshade Family (Solanaceae)

D. The Periwinkle Family (Apocynaceae)

E. The Plantain Family (Plantaginaceae)

376. The annual hairless grassy plant Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium) belong to....

A. Carrot Family

B. Figwort Family

C. Periwinkle Family

D. Plantain Family

E. * Nightshade Family

377. The flower's corolla of Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is zygomorfic, petals growed together, consists of tubes and two free parts - the upper lip formed two petals and the lower – three petals. This corolla is...

A. * Bilabiate

B. Ligulata

C. Tubular

D. Rosacous

E. Monolabiate

378. The leaves of Lamiaceae species are attached to two neighboring nodes and located opposite, so it is...

A. * opposite

B. alternate

C. whorled

D. rosette

E. twice alternate

379. The medicinal plant from Mint (Lamiaceae) family includes combination of external secretion (essential oils glands) round form, which have short legs and 8-12 radially arranged secretory cells. So, this is...

A. * Epidermal essential oil glands

B. Essential oil channels

C. Shizogenous cavities

D. Lizogenesis cavities

E. Nectaries

380. The medicinal plant has the square stem, opposite leaves and bilabiate corolla and a fruit cenobium (or a four-nutlet). That will allow to carry this plant to family...

A. * Lamiaceae

B. Rosaceae

C. Polygonaceae

D. Papaveraceae

E. Solànaceae

381. The perennial grassy plant Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) belongs to....

A. * Mint Family

B. Figwort Family

C. Periwinkle Family

D. Plantain Family

E. Nightshade Family

382. The perennial grassy plant Potato belongs to....

A. Mint Family

B. Figwort Family

C. Periwinkle Family

D. Plantain Family

E. * Nightshade Family

383. The perennial grassy plant Yellow Foxglove (Digitalis drandiflora) belongs to...

A. Mint Family

B. * Figwort Family

C. Periwinkle Family

D. Plantain Family

E. Nightshade Family

384. The roasted seeds of this woody medicinal plant uses as general tonic, stimulant. This is...

A. Potato (Solanum tuberosum)

B. Java devil pepper (Rauwolfia serpentina)

C. Stropha?nthus (Strophanthus hispidus)

D. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)

E. * Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)

385. The specific characters of Thymus serpyllum are: the presence of apical head-like inflorescences, dark gland-point on the lower side of the leaves and…

A. * creeping stem

B. stem with spines

C. shoots with thorns

D. twining shoots

E. mustache

386. This evergreen tree grows to 10 m tall, and have a branching stems; the leaves are opposite, elliptic-ovate, to 12 cm long, glossy dark green. The flowers are white, and grow in axillary clusters. Fruit is a drupe (commonly called a "berry"), to 1,5 cm in diameter, maturing bright red and typically contain two seeds. Uses: seeds as general tonic. This plant is...

A. Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor)

B. Strophanthus (Strophanthus hispidus)

C. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)

D. * Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)

E. Common Madder (Rubia tinctorum)

387. This medicinal plant has round fleshy fruit – berry. So, this is...

A. Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna)

B. Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)

C. * Potato (Solanum tuberosum)

D. Stropha?nthus (Strophanthus hispidus)

E. Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea)

388. This perennial evergreen hemi-shrub grows to about 60 cm tall and has aromatic smell. Leaves are opposite, narrowly linear, green-grey, covered hairs, with entire margin. Flowers are blue-violet, collected in whorls and arranged in terminal interrupted spikes. It uses flowers and herb for treating migraines and nervous disorders, as sedative. This plant is...

A. * Common Lavander (Lavandula angustifolia)

B. Wild Majoram (Origanum vulgare)

C. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

D. Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

E. Yellow Foxglove (Digitalis grandiflora)

389. This perennial grassy plant to 50 cm tall has upright unbranched stem. Leaves are narrowly-lanceolate, hairy, collected in basal rosette. Flowers are little, pinkish-yellow, collected in little heads. Fruit is 2-seeded capsule. Active ingredients: mucilage, tannins. Uses: leaves – as expectorant, for treating coughs, as mild laxative.

A. Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor)

B. Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea)

C. * Ribwort Plantain (Plantago psyllium)

D. Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)

E. Common Madder (Rubia tinctorum)

390. Type of fruit "green berry" is formed in such woody medicinal plant:

A. * Potato (Solanum tuberosum)

B. Java devil pepper (Rauwolfia serpentina)

C. Stropha?nthus (Strophanthus hispidus)

D. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)

E. Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)

391. Very poisonous for human body are active ingredients of this medicinal plant:

A. Leonurus cardiaca

B. Melissa officinalis

C. Salvia officinalis

D. Plantago major

E. * Hyoscyamus niger

392. Very poisonous for human body are active ingredients of this medicinal plant:

A. Mentha piperita

B. Centaurium erythraea

C. Salvia officinalis

D. * Datura stramonium

E. Plantago major

393. Very poisonous for human body are active ingredients of this medicinal plant...

A. Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)

B. * Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)

C. Yellow Gentian (Gentiana luea)

D. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

E. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

394. What type of fruit characteristics of the Common Lavender and Wild Majoram?

A. Capsule

B. Berry

C. Siliques

D. * Nutlets

E. Drupe

395. What type of fruits characteristics of the Sola?num tubero?sum and Atropa belladonna?

A. Capsule

B. * Berry

C. Siliques

D. Nutlets

E. Drupe

396. What types of leaves have Common Lavender and Wild Majoram?

A. Simple, alternate

B. Compound, alternate

C. Compound, whorled

D. * Simple, opposite

E. Compound, opposite

397. What types of leaves have Deadly Nightshade and Henbane?

A. Compound, opposite

B. Compound, alternate

C. Compound, whorled

D. Simple, opposite

E. * Simple, alternate

398. What types of leaves have Peppermint and Lemon Balm?

A. Compound, opposite

B. Compound, alternate

C. Compound, whorled

D. * Simple, opposite

E. Simple, alternate

399. The presence of ether-oil glands, fruit achene, inflorescence capitulum - is characteristic diagnostic features of the family:

A. * Asteraceae

B. Scrophylariaceae

C. Solanaceae

D. Lamiaceae

E. Rosaceae

400. In a medicinal plant of the Asteraceae in the baskets are only tubular flowers?

A. * Trifid Bur-marigold (Bidens tripartita)

B. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

C. Purple comeflowers (Echinacea purpurea)

D. Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)

E. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

401. In a family in one inflorescence flower can be placed with various forms of corolla: ray, disc …

A. * Asteraceae

B. Lamiaceae

C. Solanaceae

D. Fabaceae

E. Magnoliaceae

402. A basic spare carbohydrate which is put aside in the different organs of representatives of Sunflowers family is:

A. Krokhmal

B. * Inulin

C. Sakharoza

D. Fructose

E. Riboza

403. A herbaceous plant under examination has segmented lacticifers with anastomoses filled with white latex. This is typical for…

A. Chelidonium majus

B. * Taraxacum officinale

C. Anethum graveolens

D. Urtica dioica

E. Thymus serpillum

404. A herbaceous plant under examination has segmented lacticifers with anastomoses filled with white latex. This is typical for…

A. Chelidonium majus

B. * Taraxacum officinale

C. Anethum graveolens

D. Urtica dioica

E. Thymus serpillum

405. An annual plant of the Asteraceae family has tripartite leaves, apical anthodia with tubular flowers, flat achenocarps that are tenent due to 2-3 bristy serratues. This plant is…

A. Chamomilla recutita

B. Centaurea cyanus

C. Artemisia vulgaris

D. Echinacea perpurea

E. * Bidend tripartita

406. Asteraceae family is the most among all of a numerous family of Magnoliophyta. Certain types of this family, which are used as medicinal, listed in the "Red Book of Ukraine” and need protection. Specify this type of …

A. * Arnica montana

B. Centaurea cyanus

C. Taraxacum officinale

D. Helianthus annuus

E. Artemisia vulgaris

407. At microscopy of underground organ of a plant from the Asteraceae family are detected laticifers with white latex. So, investigated plant is ...

A. * Taraxacum officinale

B. Helianthus annuus

C. Artemisia absinthium

D. Bidens tripartità

E. Achillea millefolium

408. At the purveyance of medical digister of calendula (Calendula) and Wild Sunflower (Inula helenium) collect their inflorescence of such as:

A. * Capitulums

B. Spikes

C. Corymbs

D. Umbrellas

E. Spadix

409. Choose plant from Sunflower's family:

A. * Artemisia absinthium

B. Thermopsis lanceolata

C. Melilotus officinalis

D. Cassia angustifolia

E. Ononis arvensis

410. Choose plant from Sunflower's family:

A. Erysimum canescens

B. Sinapis alba

C. Fragaria of vesca

D. Hypericum perforatum

E. * Tussilago farfara

411. Essential oil glandules consisting of 8 secretory cells arranged in two rows and four tiers can be be found in most plants of the following family:

A. * Asteraceae

B. Lamiaceae

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 434

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