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Formal to Informal Greetings and Introductions

First meetings

  Formal Introducing yourself Introducing others Responding to an introduction On Leaving
  • How do you do? My name is Mrs Hand.
  • Mrs Hand, may I introduce my boss, Mr Smith.
  • Pleased to meet you Mrs Hand.
  • Goodbye. It's a pleasure to have met you.
  • Hello, Lynne Hand. I'm the owner of this web site.
  • Lynne, I'd like you to meet John Smith, our salesman. John, this is Lynne Hand.
  • Pleased to meet you Lynne.
  • Goodbye. Nice to have met you.
  • Lynne Hand.
  • Lynne, meet John, my husband. John, this is my teacher Lynne.
  • Hi, Lynne. How are you?
  • Bye. It was nice to meet you.

Formal to Informal Greetings and Introductions

Subsequent meetings

  Formal Possible Greetings Possible responses
  • Hello, Mrs Hand. It's nice to see you again.
  • What a pleasant surprise! How are you? It's been a while.
  • Good morning Mrs Hand. How are you today?
  • I'm very well thank you. And you?
  • Good afternoon, Mrs Hand. It's good to see you.
  • Thank you. It's nice to see you too. How are you?
  • Hello Lynne. How are you doing?
  • Fine thanks. What's new with you?
  • Hi, Lynne! How's it going?
  • Not too bad, busy as ever.
  • Hi, Lynne. How are things?
  • Oh fine. You know how it is.


A or one

130 a/ one hundred and thirty

1000000 a/ one million

- onemore formal and more precise and can be used for emphasis:

The total cost was one hundred and sixty three pounds exactly. It’s cost about a hundred and fifty quid.

- a can only be used at the beginning of a number:

1000 a/one thousand

2100 two thousand one hundred

Two thousand a hundred

- a is not usually used between 1100 and 1999:

1099 a/one thousand and ninety-nine;

1100 one thousand one hundred;

1340 one thousand three hundred and forty

a thousand three hundred and forty

Ordinal numbers

1st first 5th fifth

2nd second 9th ninth

3nd third 12th twelfth

4th fourth 21st twenty-first






The figure ‘ 0 ’

The figure 0 has several different names in English, although in American English zero is commonly used in all cases:


- Used in precise scientific, medical and economic contexts and to talk about temperature: It was ten degrees below zero last night.

Zero inflation/growth/profit.


- used in British English to talk about a number, age, etc.:

A million is written with six noughts.

The car goes from nought to sixty in ten seconds.

Clothes for children aged nought to six.

‘ o ’

- used when saying a bank account number, telephone number, etc.


- used to talk about the score in a team game, for example in football:

the final score was one nil. (1-0)

- used to mean ‘ nothing at all ’:

the doctors rated her chances as nil.

Telephone numbers

- all numbers are said separately. 0 is pronounced /ou/

(01865) 556767

o one eight six five, five five six seven six seven (or double five sex seven six seven)



« TIME »

English Usage Example
on Days of week On Monday
  in Months/seasons Time of day Year After a certain period of time in August / in winter in the morning in 2006 in an hour
at for night for weekend a certain point of time (when?) at night at the weekend at half past nine
since from a certain point of time (past till now) since 1980
for over a certain period of time (past till now) for 2 years
ago a certain time in the past 2 years ago
before earlier than a certain point of time before 2004
to telling the time ten to six (5:50)
past telling the time ten past six (6:10)
to / till / until marking the beginning and end of a period of time from Monday to/till Friday
till / until in the sense of how long something is going to last He is on holiday until Friday
by in the sense of at the latest up to a certain time   will be back by 6 o’clock. By 11 o'clock, I had read five pages.




English Usage Example
  on attached for a place with a river being on a surface for a certain side (left, right) for a floor in a house for public transport for television, radio the picture on the wall London lies on the Thames. on the table on the left on the first floor on the bus, on a plane on TV, on the radio
  in room, building, street, town, country book, paper etc. car, taxi picture, world in the kitchen, in London in the book in the car, in a taxi in the picture, in the world
at meaning next to, by an object for table for events place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work) at the door, at the station at the table at a concert, at the party at the cinema, at school, at work
by, next to, beside   left or right of somebody or something   Jane is standing by / next to / beside the car.
under on the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else the bag is under the table
below lower than something else but above ground the fish are below the surface
over covered by something else meaning more than getting to the other side (also across) overcoming an obstacle put a jacket over your shirt over 16 years of age walk over the bridge climb over the wall
above higher than something else, but not directly over it a path above the lake
across getting to the other side (also over) getting to the other side walk across the bridge swim across the lake
through something with limits on top, bottom and the sides drive through the tunnel
to movement to person or building movement to a place or country for bed go to the cinema go to London / Ireland go to bed
into enter a room / a building go into the kitchen / the house
towards movement in the direction of something (but not directly to it) go 5 steps towards the house
onto movement to the top of something jump onto the table
from in the sense of where from a flower from the garden






English Usage Example
on walking or riding on horseback entering a public transport vehicle on foot, on horseback get on the bus
in entering a car / Taxi get in the car
at for age she learned Russian at 45
from who gave it a present from Jane
of who/what does it belong to what does it show a page of the book the picture of a palace
by who made it a book by Mark Twain
off leaving a public transport vehicle get off the train
out of leaving a car / Taxi get out of the taxi
about for topics, meaning what about we were talking about you





a,an abandon abandoned

ability able about

about abroad absence

absent absolute absolutely

absorb abuse academic

accent accept acceptable

access accident accidental

accommodation accompany according

account accurate accurately

accuse achieve achievement

acid acknowledge acquire

across act action

active actively activity

actor ,actress actual actually

advertisement adapt add

addition additional address

adequate adequately adjust

admiration admire admit

adopt adult advance

advanced advantage adventure

advertise advice advise

affair affect affection

afford afraid after

afternoon afterwards again

against age aged

agency agent aggressive

ago agree agreement

ahead aid aim

air aircraft airport

alarm alarming alarmed

alcohol alcoholic alive

all allow all right

ally allied almost

alone along alongside

aloud alphabet alphabetical

alphabetically already also

alter alternative alternatively

although altogether always

amaze amazing amazed

ambition ambulance among

amount amuse amusing

amused analyse analysis

ancient and anger

angle angry angrily

animal ankle anniversary

announce annoy annoying

annoyed annual annually

another answer anti-

anticipate anxiety anxious

anxiously any anyone

anything anyway anywhere

apart apart from apartment

apologize apparent apparently

appeal appearance apple

application apply appoint

appointment appreciate approach

appropriate approval approve

approving approximate approximately

april area argue

argument arise arm

arms armed army

around arrange arrangement

arrest arrival arrive

arrow art article

artificial artificially artist

artistic as ashamed

aside aside from ask

asleep aspect assist

assistance assistant associate

association assume assure

at atmosphere atom

attach attached attack

attempt attempted attend

attention attitude attorney

attract attraction attractive

audience august aunt

author authority automatic

automatically autumn available

average avoid awake

award aware away

awful awfully awkward



baby back background

backwards backward bacteria

bad bad-tempered bag

baggage bake balance

ball ban band

bandage bank bar

bargain barrier base

basic basically basis

bath bathroom battery

battle bay be

beach beak bear

beard beat beautiful

beautifully beauty because

become bed bedroom

beef beer before

begin beginning behalf

behave behavior behind

belief believe bell

belong below belt

bend bent beneath

benefit beside bet

betting better between

beyond bicycle bid

big bill bin

biology bird birth

birthday biscuit bit

bite bitter bitterly

black blade blame

blank blankly blind

block blonde blond

blood blow blue

board boat body

boil bomb bone

book boot border

bore boring bored

born borrow boss

both bother bottle

bottom bound bowl

box boy boyfriend

brain branch brand

brave bread break

broken breakfast breast

breath breathe breathing

breed brick bridge

brief briefly bright

brightly brilliant bring

broad broadly broadcast

brother brown brush

bubble budget build

building bullet bunch

burn burnt burst

bury bus bush

business businessman businesswoman

busy but butter

button buy buyer

by bye



cabinet cable cake

calculate calculation call

calm calmly camera

camp camping campaign

can cannot could

cancel cancer candidate

candy cap capable

capacity capital captain

capture car card

cardboard care career

careful carefully careless

carelessly carpet carrot

carry case cash

cast castle cat

catch category cause

cd cease ceiling

celebrate celebration cell

cellphone cent centimeter

central centre century

ceremony certain certainly

certificate chain chair

chairman chairwoman challenge

chamber chance change

channel chapter character

characteristic charge charity

chart chase chat

cheap cheat check

cheek cheerful cheerfully

cheese chemical chemist

chemistry cheque chest

chew chicken chief

child chin chip

chocolate choice choose

chop church cigarette

cinema circle circumstance

citizen city civil

claim clap class

classic classroom clean

clear clearly clerk

clever click client

climate climb climbing

clock close cloth

clothes clothing clouds

club coach coal

coast coat code

coffee coin cold

coldly collapse colleague

collect collection college

colour column combination

combine come comedy

comfort comfortable command

comment commercial commission

commit commitment committee

common communicate communication

community company compare

comparison compete competition

competitive complain complaint

complete completely complex

complicate computer concentrate

concentration concept concern

concerned concert conclude

conclusion concrete condition

conduct conference confident

confidently confine confined

confirm conflict confront

confuse confusion congratulations

congress connect connection

conscious unconscious consequence

conservative consider considerable

considerably consideration consist of

constant constantly construct

construction consult consumer

contact contain container

contemporary content contest

context continent continue

continuous continuously contract

contrast contrasting contribute

contribution control convenient

convention conventional conversational

convert convince cook

cooker cookie cool

cope copy core

corner correct correctly

cost cottage cotton

cough coughing could

council count counter

country countryside county

couple courage course

court cousin cover

cow crack cracked

craft crash crazy

cream create creature

credit credit card crime

criminal crisis crisp

criterion critical criticism

criticize crop cross

crowd crown crucial

cruel crush cry

cultural culture cup

cupboard curb cure

curious curiously curl

curly current currently

curtain curve curved

custom customer customs

cut cycle cycling


dad daily damage

damp dance dancing

dancer danger dangerous

dare dark data

date daughter day

dead deaf deal

dear death debate

debt decay decade

december decide decision

declare decline decorate

decoration decorative decrease

deep deeply defeat

defence defend define

definite definitely definition

degree delay deliberate

deliberately delicate delight

delighted deliver delivery

demand demonstrate dentist

deny department departure

depend deposit depress

depressing depressed depth

derive describe description

desert deserve design

desire desk desperate

desperately despite destroy

destruction detail determination

determine develop development

device devote devoted

diagram diamond diary

dictionary die dying

diet different difference

difficult difficultly difficulty

dig dinner direct

directly direction director

dirt dirty disabled

disadvantage disagree disagreement

disappoint disappointment disapproval

disapprove disaster disc

discipline discount discover

discovery discuss discussion

disease disgust dish

disk dislike dismiss

display dissolve distance

distinguish distribute distribution

district disturb disturbing

divide division divorce

do doctor document

dog dollar domestic

dominate door dot

double doubt down

downstairs downwards downward

dozen draft drag

drama dramatic dramatically

draw drawing drawer

dream dress dressed

drink drive driver

drop drug drugstore

drum drunk dry

due due to dull

dump dust duty



each each other ear

early earn earth

ease east eastern

easy easily eat

economic economy edge

edition editor educate

educated education effect

effective effectively efficient

efficiently effort egg

either elbow elderly

elect election electric

electrical electricity electronic

elegant element elevator

else elsewhere email

embarrass embarrassing embarrassed

embarrassment emerge emergency

emotion emotional emotionally

emphasis emphasize empire

employ employee employer

employment empty enable

encounter encourage encouragement

end ending enemy

energy engage engaged

engine engineer engineering

enjoy enjoyable enjoyment

enormous enough enquiry

ensure enter entertain

entertaining entertainer entertainment

enthusiasm enthusiastic entire

entirely entitle entrance

entry envelope environment

environmental equal equally

equipment equivalent error

escape especially essay

essential essentially establish

estate estimate etc

euro even evening

event eventually ever

every everyone everything

everywhere evidence evil

ex exact exactly

exaggerated exam examination

examine example excellent

except exception exchange

excite exciting excited

excitement exclude excluding

excuse executive exercise

exhibit exhibition exist

existence exit expand

expect expected expectation

expense expensive experience

experiment expert explain

explanation explode explore

explosion export expose

express expression extend

extension extensive extent

extra extraordinary extreme

extremely eye



face facility fact

factor factory fail

failure faint faintly

fair fairly faith

faithful faithfully fall

fall over false fame

familiar family famous

fan fancy far

further farm farming

farmer farther fashion

fashionable fast fasten

fat father faucet

fault favour favourite

fear feather feature

February federal fee

feed feel feeling

fellow female fence

festival fetch fever

few field fight

fighting figure file

fill film final

finally finance financial

find fine finely

finger finish finished

fire firm firmly

first fish fishing

fit fixed flag

flash flat flavor

flesh flight float

flood floor flour

flow flower flu

fly flying focus

fold folding follow

following food foot

football for force

forecast foreign forest

forever forget forgive

fork form formal

formally former formerly

formula fortune forward

found foundation frame

free freely freedom

freeze frozen frequent

frequently fresh freshly

Friday fridge friend

friend friendly friendship

frighten frightening frightened

from front frozen

fruit fry fuel

full fully fun

function fund fundamental

funeral funny fur

furniture further future



gain gallon gamble

gambling game gap

garage garbage garden

gas gasoline gate

gather gear general

generally generate generation

generous generously gentle

gently gentleman genuine

genuinely geography get

get on get off giant

gift girl girlfriend

give glad glass

glasses global glove

glue gm go

goal god gold

good goodbye goods

govern government governor

grab grade gradual

gradually grain gram

grammar grand grandchild

granddaughter grandfather grandmother

grandparent grandson grant

grass grateful grave

gray great greatly

green grey grocery

ground group grow

growth guarantee guard

guess guest guide

guilty gun guy



habit hair hairdresser

half hall hammer

hand handle hang

happen happiness happy

happily hard hardly

harm harmful harmless

hat hate hatred

have he head

headache heal health

healthy hear hearing

heart heat heating

heaven heavy heavily

heel height hell

hello help helpful

hence her hers

here hero herself

hesitate hi hide

high highly highlight

highway hill him

himself hip hire

his hit hobby

hold hole holiday

hollow holy home

homework honest honestly

honour hook hope

horizontal horn horror

horse hospital host

hot hotel hour

house housing household

how however huge

human humorous humour

hungry hunt hunting

hurry hurt husband



ice ice cream idea

ideal ideally identify

identity if ignore

ill illegal illegally

illness illustrate image

imaginary imagination imagine

immediate immediately immoral

impact impatient impatiently

implication imply import

importance important importantly

impose impossible impress

impressed impression impressive

improve improvement in

inability inch incident

include including income

increase increasingly indeed

independence independent independently

index indicate indication

indirect indirectly individual

indoors indoor industrial

industry inevitable inevitably

infect infected infection

infectious influence infrorm

informal information ingredient

initial initially initiative

injure injured injury

ink inner innocent

inquiry insect inside

insist install instance

instead institute institution

instruction instrument insult

insulting insurance intelligent

intelligence intend intended

intention interest interesting

interested interior internal

international interrupt interruption

interval interview into

introduce introduction invent

invention invest investigate

investigation investment invitation

invite involve involved

involvement iron irritate

irritating irritated island

issue it item




jacket jam January

jealous jeans jelly

jewellery job join

joint jointly joke

journalist journey joy

judge judgement juice

july jump june

junior just justice

justify justified



keen keen on keep

key keyboard kick

kid kill killing

kilogram kilometer kind

kindly kindness king

kiss kitchen knee

knife knit knitted

knitting knock knot

know knowledge



label laboratory labour

lack lacking lady

lake lamp land

landscape lane language

large largely last

late later latest

latter laugh launch

law layer lazy

lead leading leader

leaf league learn

least leather leave

leave out lecture left

leg legal legally

lemon lend length

less lesson let

letter level library

license licence lid

lie life lift

light lightly like

likely limit limited

line link lip

liquid list listen

literature litre little

live living lively

load loan local

locally locate located

location lock logic

logical lonely long

look look after look at

loose loosely lord

lorry lose loss

lost lot loud

loudly love lovely

lover low loyal

luck lucky luggage

lump lunch lung


machine machinery mad

magazine magic mail

main mainly maintain

major majority make

make-up male mall

man manage management

manager manner manufacture

manufacturing manufacturer many

map march mark

market marketing marriage

marry married mass

mass massive master

match matching mate

material mathematics matter

maximum may May

maybe mayor me

meal mean meaning

means meanwhile measure

measurement meat media

medical medicine medium

meet meeting melt

member membership memory

mental mentally mention

menu mere merely

mess message metal

method metre midday

middle midnight might

mild mile military

milk milligram mind

mine mineral minimum

minister ministry minor

minority minute

miss mistake mistaken

mix mixed mixture

model modern moment

money monitor month

mood moon moral

morally more moreover

morning most mostly

mother motion motor

motorcycle mount mountain

mouse mouth move

moving movement movie

much multiply mum

murder muscle museum

music musical musician

must my myself

mysterious mystery


nail naked name

narrow nation national

natural naturally nature

navy near nearby

nearly neat neatly

necessary necessarily unnecessary

neck need needle

negative neighbor neither

nephew nervous nervously

nest net network

never nevertheless new

newly news newspaper

next next to nice

nicely niece night

no nobody noise

noisy noisily none

nonsense normal normally

north northern nose

not note nothing

notice noticeable novel

now nowhere nuclear

number nurse nut




obey object objective

observation observe obtain

obvious obviously occasion

occasionally occupy occupied

occur ocean October

odd oddly of

off offence offend

offensive offer office

officer official officially

often oh oil

ok old old-fashioned

on once one

onion only onto

open openly opening

operate operation opinion

opponent opportunity oppose

opposing opposed to opposite

opposition option or

orange order ordinary

organ organization organize

origin original originally

other otherwise ought to

our ours ourselves

out outdoors outdoor

outer outline output

outside outstanding oven

over overall overcome

owe own owner


pace pack package

packaging packet page

pain painful paint

painting painter pair

palace pale pan

panel pants paper

parallel parent park

parliament part particular

particularly partly partner

partnership party pass

passing passage passenger

passport past path

patience patient pattern

pause pay payment

peace peaceful peak

pen pence pencil

penny pension people

pepper per per cent

perfect perfectly perform

performance performer perhaps

period permanent permanently

permission permit person

personal personally personality

persuade pet petrol

phase philosophy phone

photocopy photograph photographer

photography phrase physical

physically physics piano

pick picture piece

pig pile pill

pilot pin pink

pint pipe pitch

pity place plain

plan planning plane

planet plant plastic

plate platform play

player pleasant pleasantly

please pleasure plenty

plot plug plus

pocket poem poetry

point pointed poison

poisonous pole police

policy polish polite

politely political politically

politician politics pollution

pool poor pop

popular population port

pose position positive

possess possession possibility

possible possibly post

post office pot potato

potential potentially pound

pour powder power

powerful practical practically

practice practise praise

prayer precise precisely

predict prefer preference

pregnant premises preparation

prepare prepared presence

present presentation preserve

president press pressure

presumably pretend pretty

prevent previous previously

price pride priest

primary primarily prince

princess principle print

printing printer prior

priority prison prisoner

private privately prize

probable probably problem

procedure proceed process

produce producer product

production profession professional

professor profit program

programme progress project

promise promote promotion

prompt promptly pronounce

pronunciation proof proper

properly property proportion

proposal propose prospect

protect protection protest

proud proudly prove

provide provided pub

public publicly publication

publicity publish publishing

pull punch punish

punishment pupil purchase

pure purely purple

purpose pursue push




qualification qualify qualified

quality quantity quarter

queen question quick

quickly quiet quietly

quit quite quote


race racing radio

rail railway rain

raise range rank

rapid rapidly rare

rarely rate rather

raw reach react

reaction read reading

reader ready real

really realistic reality

realize really rear

reason reasonable reasonably

recall receipt receive

recent recently reception

reckon recognition recognize

recommend record recording

recover red reduce

reduction refer reference

reflect reform refrigerator

refusal refuse regard

regarding region regional

register regret regular

regularly regulation reject

relate related relation

relationship relative relax

relaxed release relevant

relief religion religious

rely on remain remark

remember remind remote

removal remove rent

rented repair repeat

replace reply report

represent representative reproduce

reputation request require

requirement request rescue

research reservation reserve

resident resist resistance

resolve resort resource

respect respond response

responsibility responsible rest

restaurant restore restrict

restriction return reveal

reverse review revise

revision revolution reward

rhythm rice rich

ride riding rider

ridiculous right ring

rightly rise river

risk rival road

rob rock role

roll romatic roof

room root rope

rough round rounded

route routine row

royal rub rubber

rubbish rude rudely

ruin ruined rule

ruler rumour run

running runner rural



sack sad sadly

sadness safe safely

safety sail sailing

sailor salad salary

sale salt salty

same sample sand

satisfaction satisfy satisfied

Saturday sauce save

saving say scale

scare scared scene

schedule scheme school

science scientific scientist

scissors score scratch

scream screen screw

sea seal search

season seat second

secondary secret secretly

secretary section sector

secure security see

seed seek seem

select selection self

sell senate senator

send senior sense

sensible sensitive sentence

separate separated separation

series serious seriously

servant serve several

service session set

settle several severe

severely sew sewing

sex sewing sex

sexual sexually shade

shadow shake shall

shallow shame shape

share sharp sharply

shave she sheep

sheet shelf shell

shelter shift shine

shiny ship shirt

shock shocking shocked

shoe shoot shooting

shop shopping short

shortly shot should

shoulder shout show

shower shut shy

sick side sideways

sight sign signal

signature significant silence

silent silk silly

silver similar similarly

simple simply since

sincere sing singing

singer single sink

sir sister sit

site situation size

skill skin skirt

sky sleep sleeve

slice slide slight

slightly slip slope

slow slowly small

smart smash smell

smile smoke smoking

smooth smoothly snake

snow so soap

social socially society

sock soft softly

software soil soldier

solid solution solve

some somebody somehow

something sometimes somewhat

somewhere son song

soon sore sorry

sort soul sound

soup sour source

south southern space

spare speak spoken

speaker special specially

specialist specific specifically

speech speed spell

spelling spend spice

spicy spider spin

spirit spiritual spite

split spoil spoken

spoon sport spot

spray spread spring

square squeeze stable

staff stage stair

stamp stand standard

star stare start

state statement station

statue status stay

steady steal steam

steel steep steer

step stick still

sticky stir stock

stomach stone stop

store storm story

stove straight strain

strange stranger strategy

stream street strength

stress stressed stretch

strict strictly strike

string strip stripe

striped stroke strong

strongly structure struggle

stupid style substance

substantial substantially substitute

succeed success successful

such suck sudden

suddenly suffer suffering

sufficiently sugar suggest

suggestion suit suited

suitable suitcase sum

summary summer sun

superior supermarket supply

support supporter suppose

sure surface surname

surprise surprising surround

survey survive suspect

suspicion suspicious swallow

swear swearing sweat

sweater sweep swell

swelling swim switch

swollen symbol s ympathetic

sympathy system


table tablet tackle

tail take talk

tall tank tap

tape target task

taste tax taxi

tea teach teaching

teacher team tear

technical technique technology

telephone television tell

temperature temporary tend

tendency tension tent

term terrible terribly

test text than

thank that theatre

their them theme

themselves then theory

there therefore they

thief thin thing

think thinking thirsty

this thought thread

threat throat throw

thumb thus ticket

tidy tie tight

tightly till time

timetable tin tiny

tip title to

today toe together

toilet tomato tomorrow

ton tone tongue

tonight tonne too

tool tooth top

topic total totally

touch tough tour

tourist towards towel

tower town toy

trace track trade

trading tradition traditionally

traffic train training

transfer translate transparent

transport trap travel

traveller treat treatment

tree trend trial

triangle trick trip

tropical trouble trousers

truck true truly

trust truth try

tube Tuesday tune

tunnel turn twice

twin twist type

typical typically tyre



ugly ultimate ultimately

umbrella unable unacceptable

uncertain uncle uncomfortable

unconscious under underground

underneath understand understanding

underwater undo unexpected

unfair unfortunate unfriendly

unhappy uniform union

unique unit unite

united universe university

unkind unknown unless

unlike unlikely unload

unlucky unnecessary unpleasant

unreasonable unsteady unsuccessful

untidy until unusual

usual up upon

upper upset upside

upstairs upwards upward

urban urge urgent

us use used

useful useless user

usual usually unusually



vacation valid valley

valuable value van

variation variety various

vary varied vast

vegetable vehicle venture

version vertical very

via victim victory

video view village

violence violent violently

virtually virus visible

vision visit visitor

vital vocabulary voice

volume vot



wage waist wait

waiter wake walk

walking wall wallet

wander want war

warm warmth warn

warning wash washing

waste watch water

wave way we

weak weakness wealth

weapon wear weather

web Wednesday week

weekend weekly weigh

weight welcome well

west western wet

what whatever wheel

when whenever where

whereas wherever whether

which while whilst

whisper whistle white

who whoever whole

whom whose why

wide widely width

wife wild wildly

will willing willingly

willingness win winning

wind window wine

wing winner winter

wire wise wish

with withdraw within

without witness wonder

wonderful wood wooden

wool word work

working worker world

worry worse worship

worth would wound

wounded wrap wrapping

wrist write writing

written writer wrong




yard yawn yeah

year yellow yes

yesterday yet you

young your yours

youth yourself



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