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In memory of the deceased

Blood flowed and flowed all. Clutching his right hand and left quietly cursing, Harry pushed his shoulder door of his room. And then he heard the crunch of a crushed foot china: he came to the door was standing right in front of a cup of cold tea for a long time.

- What the ...

Harry looked around but landing at number 4 patison street was empty. I suppose a cup of tea in front of the door meets Dudley ideas about mine - trap. Harry grabbed his other hand and porcelain fragments are poured into them standing right outside the door, barely visible in the twilight trash. And then stomped into the bathroom to stick cut finger under the tap.

Silly, pointless, sad that another four days can not be cast ... However, it is unlikely he would have coped with a cut on its own. Heal the wounds he had not learned, and that - if you think about his future plans - a major gap in the received their magical education. By putting a check mark in the mind - it is necessary to find out Hermione's how it's done - Harry tore off a large lump of toilet paper, rubbed them the floor in the hallway, gathering as much spilled tea as I could soak up the paper, and then returned to the bedroom and slammed the door behind him.

Harry spent this morning, emptying his school bag - the first time since he got him six years ago. In the early years of the study Harry just reaches out and it about three quarters of the contents and replace it with new things and leaving the bottom of the sorts of junk: old crow's feathers, dried Beetle eyes that lost a pair of socks and have become too small. So, a few minutes ago, Harry put in all this murk right hand and suddenly felt a sharp pain in my finger, and stretching out his hand, saw of it is flowing and flowing strongly, blood.

Next Harry acted with greater caution. Kneeling down, he fumbled at the bottom of the suitcase, found an old icon, which tarnished the inscription: "Cedric will support - he is a true champion" - even at times gave way to another, just as tarnished, "Harry Potter, you Smerdyakov," worn and cracked vrednoskop and gold medallion with hidden in it a note from RAB, and finally found what he Seedlings finger. And immediately recognized him. It was a splinter - length of two inches - the enchanted mirror, which gave him the late godfather, Sirius. Harry put a splinter in the side, gently patted the suitcase, trying to find what else - some remnants of this gift, however, apart from the glass dust adhering to other litter and gleam, like the sand, he found nothing.

Harry crouched down, looked hurt his finger fragment, but, in the reflection of their own bright green eyes, nothing in it is not seen. Then he put a piece of lying on the bed on top of a morning room "Daily Prophet" and tried to shake off caused by the discovery of the broken mirror sad memories and sadness, taking up the remnants of debris that covered the bottom of the suitcase.

On examination it took another hour. Harry threw something from which no benefit is definitely not, putting in two piles of things that could still, at least theoretically, be useful. School uniforms, suits, in which he came out of the game of Quidditch, parchment, quills and most of the pile of books lay in a corner of the room where he and had to stay. I wonder what to do with them uncle and aunt? Probably to shake off - somewhere in the darkest hour of the night, though the evidence showing a certain villainous crime. His Muggle clothing, robes - Invisibility set for making potions, something - what books donated by Hagrid, photo album, a packet of letters and a magic wand Harry laid in an old backpack. In the outside pocket of his went to the Marauder's Map and the locket with a note from R.A.B.Eto place of honor medallion was not because of its value, which he, in fact, he did not possess, but because of the price that had to pay for it.

In the end, left to deal only with the bulky pile of newspapers lying on the table next to a white owl Harry Buckley. Newspapers were just so many days he spent this summer on Privet Drive.

Harry got up off the floor, stretched, walked over to the table. Hedwig did not move. He began to sort through papers, throwing each number on a pile of unnecessary waste. Owl asleep or pretending to be asleep - she was angry at Harry for being the last time he let her out of the cage only briefly.

When there are very few newspapers, Harry began to sort through them with a little more attention - he needed a room that came almost immediately after his arrival here, the one on the first page which briefly reported on the resignation who taught at Hogwarts maglovedenie Charity Burbidge. Finally, he found that number. Opening it to the tenth page, Harry sat down at the table to read the article, which was looking for.

Elfias Doge

In memory of Albus Dumbledore

I met Albus in eleven years, the first day of our Hogwarts. Affection that arose between us, no doubt due to the fact that the school we both felt like outsiders. I am in front of the dragon's arrival there had been ill with smallpox, and, although he was no longer contagious, my pock-marked, greenish face popularity among the students I did not add. As for Albus, he appeared at Hogwarts burdened with unwanted fame. Almost a year before his father Albus Percival, was jailed for the brutal, described in detail in the press attack on three young Muggles.

Albus never attempted to deny that his father (who was to die in Azkaban) is guilty of this crime. On the contrary, when I got up my courage and asked him what had happened, he said that he believed his father to be guilty of the crime. But tell that - or this unfortunate incident Dumbledore refused, although many have tried to draw him into a conversation. Something - who was inclined to praise the act of his father, believing that Albus too hates Muggles. But they are very wrong. Anyone who knew Albus would confirm that he was not fed to the Maglev even the slightest animosity. In fact, of - for decisive action to protect the rights of Muggles Albus had made a lot of enemies in the future.

However, it took only a few months, and the fame acquired by Albus, eclipsed the fame of his father. By the end of the school year it is not called the son maglonenavistnika, but neither more nor less than the most brilliant student, what when - our school has ever seen. Those of us who had the honor to be his friends, bought a lot, just by watching him - not to mention the help and support which he never stinted. Much later he told me that even thought the work of teachers greatest joy in life.

Albus did not only get all the honorary awards, which were established school, he soon joined in active correspondence with the most famous magicians of the time, including the famous alchemist Nicolas Flamel, Bathilda Bagshot known historian and theorist of magic Adalbert Uofflinga. He wrote several articles were accepted for publication by academic journals such as the "Transfiguration Today", "Problems charovedeniya" and "Practice Potions." Everybody thought that Dumbledore had a brilliant and meteoric career, the only issue was a matter of controversy in when he would be the Minister of Magic. In the years that often there was talk that it's - that takes this position, but this kind of ambition Dumbledore never had.

Three years after our admission to the Hogwarts School appeared and brother Albus, Aberforth. Special affinity they were no different. Aberforth was not a great bookish and, unlike Albus, preferred to settle differences is not a reasonable conversation, and the duel. It would, however, it is wrong to assume, as many do, that the friendship between the two brothers did not exist. They get along with each other in the extent to which it is possible for such a disparate young men. Besides, if we talk with all sincerity, life in the shadows for Aberforth Albus was not the easiest test. The consistent superiority of Albus even to his friends, was judged a kind of injury, and only for my brother, it was all the more unpleasant.

Coming out of Hogwarts, Albus, we gathered together to go on a journey into the traditional white light - to visit foreign magicians, watch them work, and after that to start our own careers. However, we have prevented the tragedy. Before the start of our trip planned Albus's mother died, Kendra, leaving his head and the sole breadwinner of the family. I postponed my departure for a period sufficient to honor the memory of Kendra's presence at her funeral, and then went on a journey, now single. The fact that not much has inherited - some significant funds Albus, who remained in charge for the same younger brother and sister, who accompanied me, now is not out of the question.

At the time we spoke with him a little. I wrote to Albus, describing, and perhaps, thereby injuring him about the adventures that I happened to go through while traveling - from the miraculous rescue of the Greek Chimera and ending experiments Egyptian alchemists. His letter also told me a little about the daily life of Albus, the former, as I guessed, depressing - dull for such a brilliant wizard. Absorb new experiences, I am already at the end of his journey took a whole year was horrified to learn about the new Dumbledore had taken place in the family tragedy: the death of Ariana's sister Albus.

Ariana had long been distinguished by particularly health, but her death, which came after just a short time after her mother's death was a blow that left a deep impression in the hearts of her brothers. All the people closest to Albus - and I consider myself one of the lucky ones - agree that Ariana's death, in which Albus felt guilty myself (although, of course, no fault in it was not), has left his indelible personality typos.

After returning home, I met a young man who survived the suffering that rarely fall to the lot and the people of a more mature age. In addition to his other misfortunes, the death of Ariana does not pull together Albus and Aberforth even more, but, on the contrary, has led to their alienation. (Over time, it smoothed out in later years they were able to restore the relationship, if not the closest, then, at least, heart). However, since then Albus rarely talked about his parents, and about the Arians, and his friends realized that it is better for them not to mention.

There are many other feathers that describe his subsequent triumphs. Dumbledore's immeasurable contribution to the treasury of magical knowledge (mention here is pretty open about how to apply them to the twelve dragon's blood) will be using for their own benefit more generations and generations of sorcerers, like a wise decision, which he took as Acting Supreme Sorcerer Wizengamot. Many people still believe that the history has been dueling wizards, able to compare with the one that took place in 1945 between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Those who witnessed it, describe the horror and awe they felt watching the battle of the incomparable magic arts. Dumbledore's victory and its implications for the entire wizarding community is considered the turning point of the magical history, comparable only with the introduction of the International Statute of privacy or fall Togo - Who - I can not - Named.

Albus Dumbledore was never proud man or vain people, he was able to find something of value to any person, no matter how insignificant or that may seem pathetic, and I think that the loss he had experienced in his early years, endowed him with great humanity and capacity for compassion. I will not even try to describe, how I will miss his friendship, but my loss - nothing compared to the one that suffered the magic community. There is no doubt that Dumbledore was the brightest and most beloved of all the directors of Hogwarts. He died as he lived: by working for the common good, and to his last hour retained the ability to reach out to the boy, to the ones dragon's smallpox - an ability that was characteristic of him back in the day when I first met him.

Harry finished reading the obituary to the end, but he continued to stare at his accompanying portrait. Dumbledore smiled at him with a familiar kind smile, but his eyes gazing over the semicircles points seemed to show through Harry - even looking in the newspapers - through and through, and because sadness was connected to a young man with a sense of humility.

He thought if Dumbledore knows, but at first reading the obituary had to tell myself that I know almost nothing about him. Not a single time he tried to imagine what it was Dumbledore in childhood or adolescence. Dumbledore seemed to have been born the way Harry knew it - the venerable old man with a mane of silver hair. Imagine his teens - it seemed as strange as Hermione imagine a fool, and full of good humor soplohvosta.

Harry had never had never occurred to ask Dumbledore about his past. Of course, such inquiries submitted to him, the boy, strange and even cocky, but you still know about the legendary duel with Grindelwald Dumbledore, and yet Harry did not bother to ask the old man nor about what it was like no other on his illustrious achievements . No, they're always talking about Harry - Harry about the past, about the future of Harry, Harry's plans ... And now it seemed to him, in spite of the danger and uncertainty of his future, he missed the opportunity nevozratimuyu, never asking Dumbledore tell us more about yourself - even though only on a personal question, which he asked the old man, who is suspected Harry , gave the answer is far from sincere:

"What do you see when you look in the mirror?"

"I? I see myself holding in his hand a pair of thick woolen socks."

After a few minutes of thinking, Harry pulled out of "The Prophet" obituary, neatly folded it and put in the first volume of the "Practical Guide to the magical protection against the Dark Arts." Then he tossed the paper into a pile of garbage and turned around to take another look around the room. Now she looked a lot tidier. The only disorder was present in her room, "the Daily Prophet," lying together on a bed with shrapnel.

Harry crossed the room, pushed a piece of paper and unfolded it. Having received this morning from the post owls rolled in a tube number, it only looked at the first page of decorating the title and said to myself, what about Voldemort it does not say anything. Harry was sure - the Ministry is trying to prevent the spread of news about Voldemort and the "Prophet" help him in this. Only now he has found something that did not notice at first glance.

Across the bottom half of the page above the photo shot on the run Dumbledore was heading smaller:


Next week will be released in a shocking story about faulty genius, whom many consider the greatest wizard of his generation. Tearing all the usual imperturbable mask srebroborodogo sage, Rita Skeeter describes his difficult childhood, his dissolute youth, lifelong feud is far from a one-person and shameful secrets that Dumbledore carried to his grave. Why the man who offered the post of Minister of Magic, he preferred to remain a simple principal of the school? What was the real purpose of a secret organization known as the "Order of the Phoenix"? As a matter of - it actually met his end Dumbledore?

Answers to these and many other questions are explored in a sensational new biography "The Life and deceptions of Albus Dumbledore," written by Rita Skeeter. Read on page 13 for an exclusive interview she gave Betty Braithwaite.

Harry yanked opened the paper and found the thirteenth page. Interview was splashed over another familiar face - a woman with elaborately curled blonde hair and a jeweled glasses bared her teeth in a supposedly charming smile and shook her finger in front of him. Harry, trying not to pay attention to this nauseating spectacle, began to read.

In the life of Rita Skeeter people much more soft and charming than they think those who are familiar with came out of the - her pen celebrated their sharpness portraits of famous people. I met her in the hallway of her cozy home and went straight to the kitchen, where Rita regaled me with tea, cake and, of course, the freshest rumors.

- Yes, of course, Dumbledore - is a biographer's dream - says Skeeter. - This long, eventful life. I'm sure my book will be only the first of very many.

Skeeter definitely not wasting any. The book is a volume of nine pages it was over after just four weeks after the mysterious death that befell Dumbledore in June. I asked how she managed to put on the record speed?

- Oh, when will spend in journalism as much time as I spent, work in a short time becomes your second nature. I knew that the magical world craves to get the full story of his life and just wanted to satisfy that thirst first.

I mention the recent well-publicized statements lifelong friend of Albus Dumbledore, the special adviser Wizengamot Elfiasa Doge, who said: "The book Skeeter facts less than chocolate frog cards."

Skeeter, his head thrown back, laughing:

- My dear Dozhinka! I remember a few years ago I took from him, bless his heaven, interviews about the water rights of the people. He had already fallen into a full childhood. It seems that he felt as if he and I are sitting at the bottom of the lake Tubal, - he asked me to watch out for trout.

Nevertheless, advanced Elfiasom Doge charges inaccuracies echoed in the magical community. Does Skeeter believe that four short weeks is enough to create a complete picture of a long and wonderful life Dumbledore?

- Oh, my dear, - smiles broadly Skeeter, affectionately patting my hand - we both know what a great amount of information can generate a bag of galleons, the unwillingness to hear the word "no" quick and a writing pen! Besides from wanting to tell the shameful truth of Dumbledore already lined up a whole line. Not everyone, you know, consider it very miracle he managed to step on the pet peeves variety of important people. As for the old Dozhinki Doge, he must stop in the clouds, because I had access to a source of information for most of the journalists who would render his magic wand - a man who had never spoken in public, but was close to Dumbledore in the most exuberant and tumultuous period of his youth.

From the pre-publicity written by Skeeter's biography it is safe to conclude that it will present a lot of shocking surprises to those who think that Dumbledore lived a perfect life.

- Which of these is the most stunning surprises? - I ask.

- Come on, Betty, I'm not going to retell the main points of my book before it will buy up! - Laughs Skeeter. - But I can promise that anyone who continues to believe that Dumbledore was clean and white as his beard, waiting sorrowful disillusion! Suffice it to say the following: no one who heard his furious tirade against You Know Who is not aware that in his youth he had dabbled in the Dark Arts! In his later years, he called all of us to be tolerant, but in his youth no breadth of views was no different! Yes, Albus Dumbledore had an extremely murky past, not to mention his dubious little family, the truth of which he so diligently hushed up.

I ask Skeeter, whether it is referring to Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, fifteen years ago Wizengamot convicted for unlawful use of magic, which led at the time to a little scandal.

- Oh, Aberforth - this is just the tip of the dunghill - laughs Skeeter. - No - no, I'm talking about things a lot worse than my friend, who liked to experience a spell on the box, even worse than maim muggle father. Dumbledore's tricks to hide their failed, as they were both convicted of the Wizengamot. No, I was most interested in his mother and sister, and here, it was necessary to dig a little bit, I found easy - simply sea abominations. However, wait for the heads of the ninth to twelfth, and you will learn all the details. Now I can say only one thing: there is nothing surprising in the fact that Dumbledore never told the circumstances under which he broke his nose.

However, aside from the skeletons lurking in the closets of family, whether Skeeter deny the brilliance of Dumbledore, who allowed him to do a lot of magical discoveries?

- Yes, his head was cooking - agrees Skeeter - although now many are wondering whether the alleged achievements of Dumbledore be ascribed solely to its merits. In the sixteenth chapter I talk about the fact that, according to Ivor Dillonbi, he discovered eight uses of dragon's blood, but then came Dumbledore and "borrowed" his record.

Still, I hesitate to see the value of some of Dumbledore's achievements can not be denied. What can be said about Skeeter his famous victory over Grindelwald?

- Oh, well, that you mentioned Grindelwald - with a flirty smile responsible Skeeter. - I'm afraid of those who naively believe in a landslide victory Dumbledore expects the news, which I would compare with the explosion of dung bombs. That's really really dirty story, yet I can only say that the mere fact of this legendary duel in serious doubt. Those who have read my book may have come to the conclusion that Grindelwald's easy - simply pulled out of the tip of his wand white handkerchief and went peacefully!

Report that - or more on this intriguing topic Skeeter refuses, so we move on to a relationship that is sure to inspire readers of most interest.

- Oh, yes - he says nodding briskly, Skeeter - I have devoted an entire chapter to the relationship of Dumbledore and Potter. They were called unhealthy, even harmful. Of course, in order to find out the whole story, readers will have to buy my book, but there is no doubt that Dumbledore from the start had for Harry unhealthy interest. He went to the boy's favor? Well, wait and see. However, it is no secret that Potter's adolescent years were very difficult.

I ask whether the Skeeter on - still bond with Harry Potter, whom she has taken in the past year, the famous interview in their sensational interview Potter spoke exclusively about his confidence in the fact that you know who's back.

- Yes, of course, we became very close - meets Skeeter. - You poor thing Potter quite a few real friends, and we met with him in one of the most difficult moments of his life - during the Triwizard Tournament. Probably, but I'm one of the people who live now and I can say that I know the real Harry Potter.

This naturally leads us to the many rumors related to rumors related to the last hours of life Dumbledore. Does Skeeter believe in what Harry did was present at his death?

- Well, I do not want to say too much - it's all there in the book - but there is a witness who was at the time in the castle of Hogwarts and Harry Potter seen running away from the scene in a few seconds after Dumbledore had not fallen, not jumped, not that was thrown from the tower. Later, Harry Potter gave evidence against Severus Snape, a man to whom he, as everyone knows, harbored enmity. Are all is as it appears at first glance? This should solve the wizarding community - after they read my book.

On this intriguing note, I bid farewell to a writer. There is no doubt that the book is coming out of the - the pen Skeeter, instantly becomes a bestseller. In the meantime, many fans Dumbledore left in awe to expect that they will soon find out about your character.

Harry finished reading the rest of the article, but continued to stare blankly at a newspaper page. Disgust and anger rising in him, as if vomiting. Finally, he crumpled the paper into a ball, struggling threw him into the wall, and the ball, flying away, fell into the already crowded trash.

He began to pace the room blindly, opening empty drawers, taking what - that of the folded stacks of books, only to return it to the place, barely aware of what he does. And in my head spun disjointed phrases from Rita's interview: "... has devoted a whole chapter to the relationship of Dumbledore and Harry ... they were called unhealthy, even harmful ... a young man he dabbled in the Dark Arts ... I got access to the source, for which most journalists would render his magic wand. "

- A lie! - Suddenly roared Harry, and saw through the window, as a neighbor, who tried to restart the mower umolkshuyu nervously looked up.

Harry sat down on the bed - so sharply that piece of broken mirror jumped to the side. He took the splinter, turned it in his fingers, thinking, thinking of Dumbledore, the lies that dishonor Rita ...

Flash brightest blue. Harry froze, his cut finger again slipped on the uneven edge of the fragment. Seemed no different. He looked over his shoulder, but the wall glowed sickly peach color that chose Aunt Petunia. There was no blue stain that can be reflected in a mirror. He again looked into the mirror piece, but again saw in him a reflection of their own bright - green eyes.

Yes, of course, fancied other explanation can not be. Seemed, because he was thinking of his dead Master. If that - and then we can say for sure just what he would never see his bright piercing - blue eyes of Albus Dumbledore.

Chapter 3

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